Chapter 106

Brother Jiu showed complacency on his face: "She is just worrying about it, she is afraid that her son will not eat well on the way, so she will prepare it in advance... This noodle cake will be fine with this flavor..."

As for Shu Shu's original intention of making this soup, it is for a few girls, worrying that their big pot dishes will not taste good, so there is no need to mention it.

Who told Brother Jiu not to be happy when he found out, and under his strong request, the taste of this soup bag was finally prepared according to his preference.

As for the girls, they also shared two pots. It was thanks to Brother Nine that they allowed them to follow suit.

Kangxi snorted softly, seeing Brother Jiu getting more and more unpleasant.

Picky about what to wear and what to eat, too squeamish.

When I was young, I was clean and tidy, and I only thought it was cute when I was delicate, but now I feel a little disgusting.

Elder Brother Shi's eyes flickered slightly, and he said aside: "Sister-in-law Nine takes good care of others. Last night, she was worried that her sons would not be able to rest in a different place. One of them urged her to drink a bowl of hot milk... It really helped sleep. Sleep until five o'clock..."

"Yeah, yum, so did my son, he drank a big bowl!"

Elder Brother Thirteen boasted, "It's good to eat this morning. In addition to the food in the big dining room, sister-in-law Jiu also cooked noodles for us. There are poached eggs inside, which are still soft..."

Kangxi listened, remembering that the steward of the dining room mentioned this matter intentionally or unintentionally last night.

On the side of Brother Jiu and his wife, they not only ordered hot water from the dining room of the palace twice, but they also asked for hot water when it was dark.

It turned out to be for this reason.

It was really right to hand over the thirteenth elder brother to Dong E's care, Dong E's careful.

Thinking of the egg flakes in the bowl just now, and Brother Jiu's pride, Kangxi couldn't help laughing.

This Dong E family is really "the husband sings and the wife follows".

When Lao Jiu said a word, she followed suit and took care of the man's face.

No wonder the young couple are so affectionate with each other now, it makes people's eyes sour to watch.

But what happened to Brother Nine?

I usually see him as well-behaved, but now his eyes are rolling around, which seems to be a bit of a sly look.

Once or twice, he glanced at people, hesitant to speak.

"Raise your head? Sit up straight, how do you look at people? What are you staring at?"

Kangxi frowned and scolded softly.

"Yes, Khan Ama!"

Brother Nine straightened his body, with a serious face on his face: "It's not that my son wants to ask for an errand with Khan Ama when he grows up..."

Kangxi remembered his courteous appearance just now, and said angrily: "What's the matter?"

Ninth elder brother did not answer right away, but glanced at tenth elder brother and thirteenth elder brother.

The tenth elder brother looked up at the sky, and the thirteenth elder brother's eyes lit up with anticipation.

Brother Nine coughed lightly: "I think about it, brothers follow suit and have their own duties, we, the younger ones, don't want to be idle all the time... How about we, the younger ones, learn common affairs? What housework?" The errands of the mansion...the dining room or others, go one day in advance, check the palace in front, and meet the much you can do your best is also the filial piety of the sons..." Said, looking at Shi Shi again Elder Brother: "Is that so? Tenth Brother?" Look at Thirteenth Brother again: "Thirteenth Brother, you also want to be filial to Khan Ama?"

Elder Brother Ten looked confused, but he still responded out of habit.

Brother Thirteen nodded excitedly, and replied crisply: "Think!"

Kangxi glared at Brother Jiu, and directly revealed his small thoughts: "Is this because the carriage is tired? Is it impatient to ride?"

Brother Jiu was taken aback, not daring to talk about it, hesitated for a moment, and nodded obediently.

Kangxi looked up at the sky, hesitating.

These three are all young ones, the ninth elder brother is considered an older brother, but he is only a few months older than the tenth elder brother, and he is all a beauty lamp, which makes people worry.

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "Brother Khan, my son is taking Dong Eshi with me..."

Kangxi scolded with a smile: "Big summer, you are tossing yourself, and you still want to drag you Fujin?"

Brother Nine showed his complacency: "Otherwise, she wouldn't feel at ease if Dong E was left here... She is thinking about her son's daily life..."

Kangxi was too lazy to listen to him show off the love between husband and wife, so he glanced at the thirteenth elder brother who was still looking at him eagerly, and the tenth elder brother who was already a young man, and finally nodded: "Then try...just do what you can , don't be reckless and brave..."

"Well, well, with Dong E's watching, I won't make my son be brave!"

Brother Jiu's voice was full of lightness.

Kangxi was speechless.

He was talking about supervising the errands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and checking the palace, not about rushing...why did it involve Dong E's watching...

In Seven Fujin's carriage.

Shu Shu leaned on the pillow and held a piece of dried plum in her mouth.

She didn't come empty-handed, she brought a box of snacks, and now she is using dried plums to suppress the suffocation in her chest.

Qi Fujin ate dried meat, eating it very delicately, and he couldn't see it missing for a long time, wishing he could eat a shredded pork for a long time.

Seeing Shu Shu, he remembered Qi Fujin's meal last night, which was a milk roll the size of a child's fist, and the meal was very small.

If she had no appetite, her eyes were glued to the snack box, and the word "want to eat" was almost written on her face.

"Sister-in-law Seven... is she on a diet?"

Shu Shu sat up, looked at Qi Fujin a few times: "It's good, I'm not fat, what food do I eat?"

Qi Fujin took a look at Shu Shu and stretched out his arms: "What look? Take a good look..."

The round wrists, the white and tender backs of the hands, all have small pits on them.

Qifu Jin has a small skeleton, which is not visible in clothes, and this exposed flesh is indeed a bit plump.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and persuaded: "Even if you want to lose weight, it's not at this time. I'm going out, I'm tired on the road, and I can't eat well, don't get sick..."

Qi Fujin nodded, sighed, and looked at Shu Shu enviously: "Didn't I get provoked by my sister-in-law yesterday? Our three sisters-in-law are sitting together, and I am a lot fatter than you... But I'm still short by a fist... I'm wearing a flag outfit with high-soled flag shoes patched up, it looks about the same, but when I change into a riding outfit, I'm just short and fat..."

Shu Shu glanced at the sugar water next to her, and said, "If Seventh Sister-in-Law listens to me, she will give up the sugar water first...I'll ask someone to bring over some barley tea, which Seventh Sister-in-law drinks every day..."

Qifujin was fond of sweets, so he was reluctant to give up, but he still nodded his head when he looked at his strong and fat arms.

She was a little curious, and asked in a low voice: "Yesterday I didn't have the nerve to ask sister-in-law Wu directly, didn't concubine Yi give us a set of jewelry for each of us? Mine is made of pomegranate flowers, filigree inlaid with rubies, five What do sister-in-law and you look like?"

Shu Shu knew her well, and knew that she didn't mean to compare the value of jewelry, but she was simply curious.

In the words of later generations, Seven Fujin is a jewelry lover.

Among the princes of Fujin, except for the eighth Fujin, she wears the most jewelry on a daily basis, and she pays the most attention to these.

"Fifth sister-in-law's is the color of lotus flower, inlaid with pearls; mine is the color of magnolia flower, inlaid with pink tourmaline..."

Shu Shu said.

Qifujin satisfied her curiosity, immediately threw it away, pulled Shushu and started chatting about Mongolian-style jewelry.

Last time, she saw that the Duobao and Tianyu necklace worn by Shu Shu looked good, and she was thinking about making it according to the shape.

The younger sisters-in-law were talking gossip one after another.

It was estimated that two or three quarters of an hour later, He Yuzhu came: "Fu Jin, my master sent a servant to invite Fujin back..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu said goodbye to Qi Fujin and got off the carriage.

Brother Nine was standing not far away, holding a food box in his hand.

Seeing Shu Shu approaching, Brother Jiu lifted the food box: "Guess what it is?"

Shu Shu saw that the food box looked familiar, it was almost the same as the one sent by Elder Brother Shi at noon yesterday, and said with a smile: "What food?"

Brother Nine is full of magic: "Nonsense, the food box is naturally filled with food, and you haven't guessed what it is?"

While talking, the two returned to their carriage.

Kangxi has already left with the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers.

The small folding table on the ground was still there, and all the dishes on it were collected, leaving a pair of clean dishes.

Shu Shu really couldn't guess it for a while, after all, there are many types of ingredients supplied by the royal meal, unlike their princes who supply a fixed proportion, the arrangement and combination can be guessed.

Brother Jiu opened the food box, and inside was a plate of sesame seed cakes with meat.

Didn't you eat this at noon yesterday?

Why is it so strange?

Shu Shu was puzzled.

"Don't you love beef? Eat it quickly! There is sauced beef in the dining room today... This is a fire with beef sandwiched in it, and it is reserved for us by the Queen Mother and Khan Ama, Fifth Brother..."

Brother Jiu brought it out in person and put it in front of Shu Shu: "It will be fine when we arrive in Mongolia. Then we will say hello to Sister Sanhuang, have a good meal of fresh beef, and then buy some beef jerky and put it away... ..."

Walnut handed over a wet towel, Shu Shu wiped her hands, and said with a smile: "I'll see when the time comes, there's no need to make a big fuss, or I'll make people laugh at the name of gluttony..."

Brother Nine smiled and said: "It's okay, when the time comes, under the banner of Fifth Brother..."

Shu Shu glanced at him with disapproval: "Master..."

Brother Nine immediately changed his words: "Then use the name of the old thirteen, he is still a child, and it is normal to be greedy..."

Shu Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly waved her hands: "It's not that I'm a thief, I still have to find someone to take the blame..." Saying that, she sat down.

Ninth Brother also sat opposite her: "Who is it for? Are you afraid that it will involve you? Fifth Brother and Old Thirteen are greedy, and others dare not say anything. When it comes to you, who knows that the guy from the House of Internal Affairs will arrange it?" What's so ugly..."

Hearing Brother Jiu's vigilance against the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, the previous incidents were all inextricably linked with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which made her suspect that Suo'etu had a connection with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It would be great if Brother Nine could be on guard.

When she is in a good mood, her appetite will improve. Besides, her favorite beef, the biscuits are just a thin layer of puff pastry, which doesn't take up much space. Shu Shu ate a plate of biscuits with meat.

Brother Nine was afraid that she would feel uncomfortable in the car in the afternoon, so he was in no hurry to take a lunch break, and dragged her around for a quarter of an hour before he felt relieved.

Shu Shu couldn't stop laughing, but she also received his thoughtfulness.

For a half-grown boy like Brother Jiu, getting used to taking care of others is also to cultivate a sense of responsibility and responsibility.

Brother Jiu saw that she was obedient, and he really had a sense of achievement. He originally wanted to wait until the evening to show his credit, but he couldn't hold it back now. He said that he would be able to go to the palace to check the welcome from tomorrow.

Shu Shu couldn't hide her surprise: "I can come together too? Has the emperor allowed it?"

"My lord has spoken, and Ama Khan will agree!"

Brother Jiu said triumphantly.

Seeing that Shu Shu still had an unbelievable expression on his face, Brother Jiu snorted softly and said, "You are really, you are not smart when you should be smart, do you still understand? Master wants to learn errands, and he has two younger brothers with him, sweat Since Ama agreed, she wouldn't send her older brothers to follow... Otherwise, if someone is watching from above, what else would they learn? But the Lord is not in the process of recuperating, so he just let him out, and Ama Khan is not at ease, with you following him It's fine to serve the daily life... If it wasn't for taking you away from the Holy Driver team, why would you say that because you have nothing to do?"

Leaving the Holy Driver team, Brother Nine is in charge.

At that time, whether the young couple rides a car or rides a horse, who can control it?

Even if someone passed it to the imperial court, and Brother Nine held the front, no one would doubt Shu Shu's own ideas.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine, very relieved.

This is grown up!
When you're smart, it's really eye-catching!

(End of this chapter)

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