Chapter 105 Ask

Shu Shu's eyes were almost glistening, looking at Brother Jiu, he was speechless.

Does this count as the completion of the preliminary task! ?
Brother Jiu actually asked to alienate Ba Fujin!

Even if the eighth elder brother is not the one who is alienated, Shu Shu is also satisfied and has a sense of accomplishment.

This was something she had planned since she got married. She originally thought it would take three to five years for it to be subtle, but she didn't expect it to be effective in just over a month.

Brother Jiu took Shu Shu's hand and muttered: "I haven't wronged you yet, it's not the turn of others to wrong you..."

Shu Shu smiled.

This silly!
The heart is good, but the mouth is bad!
Really moved for no more than three minutes!

The breakfast was brought from the dining room of the palace, and at the begging of Elder Brother Shi, Shu Shu added a portion of boiled noodles with poached eggs to each of the two younger uncles.

Brother Jiu's appetite is so much, half a serving of noodles and an egg is enough.

Shu Shu ate half of the noodles.

She didn't eat too much, and she was in a car all day long, so she panicked after eating too much.

At the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers' place, a piece of noodle cake the size of a fist, half a bowl of noodles cooked, was considered a slippery seam.

Elder Brother Ten thought of the dried sesame seed cake with meat at noon yesterday, so he flattered him a bit, and said to Shu Shu, "Sister-in-law, what do you eat during the lunch break? When we come over to eat, can we continue eating noodles..." At this point , Thinking of the precious eggs, he added: "You don't need to put eggs, just eat eggplants..."

"Prepare a lot, as long as you don't dislike eating and getting bored, you can eat as much as you want, eggs are also rich..."

Shu Shu responded with a smile.

Elder brother Thirteen was beside him, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Sister-in-law Nine, it's fine for my brother to eat pepper, can I add pepper and perilla leaves at noon? It's delicious..."

Shu Shu nodded her head in agreement, and only asked one more question: "It's better to eat in moderation, it's too spicy, it will irritate the stomach, if you eat too much, you'll get diarrhea, and it's easy to get angry when it's hot... When the time comes, it will cause the elders to worry..."

Elder Brother Thirteen solemnly agreed, and said very seriously: "Yeah, don't eat too much, just eat four or five... um... six or seven slices are fine..."

Shu Shu also nodded seriously: "That's good. Uncle Thirteen is an adult, not a child. You must take care of yourself!"

She just said so on the surface, but in fact, what is an adult, she is only over eleven years old, a serious child, loves to follow behind the older child, and also likes others to treat him as an adult.

Brother Thirteen blushed from the praise, and became more serious.

Brother Jiu was watching and felt a toothache.

I haven't seen Lao Thirteen so stupid!
Shu Shu's way of fooling his brother-in-law is exactly the same as his way of fooling his brother-in-law.

But Little Six is ​​only seven years old, this one is already thirteen!

It is still the order of departure yesterday, that is, the departure is not as early as yesterday.

Almost at the beginning of Mao, the convoys left the palace one after another.

According to Kangxi's order yesterday, brother Jiu stayed in the carriage and did not ride a horse to accompany the royal carriage.

Xiaosong and the others all ran to the car behind, only He Yuzhu sat on the side of the car on the other side of the driver and followed the car, ready to obey the orders of the masters.

The carriage was swaying, and it was still hot when the sun came out. Brother Jiu shook his fan and felt distressed when he saw Shu Shu tilted: "I didn't think it before, but now I realize that riding a car is worse than riding a horse..."

Thick mattresses and pillows were placed on the carriages, and mats were placed on top of them.

However, the temperature is here, it is the time of the autumn tiger, and it is still very unbearable when it becomes sultry.

Shu Shu's head was sluggish, thinking about spending more than a month in the car, she felt sore all over her body, she thought about it and asked: "Master, how many days are left to leave the customs?"

"Three days, stay in Miyun County today, Yaoting tomorrow, Sanchakou the day after tomorrow, and exit from Gubeikou the day after tomorrow..."

Brother Jiu was thinking about the itinerary and talking.

Shu Shu's eyes were shining, she held Brother Jiu's hand without speaking, just looked at it softly.

The young couple has been in love for more than a month, and there is a tacit understanding.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows, with a bit of complacency: "Did you think of Grandpa at this time?"

Shu Shu smiled and said: "The emperor is sympathetic to me for the first time when I go out, and asked the master to come back to accompany me, so the master is willing to accompany me in the car all the time?"

Ninth elder brother was full of confusion: "The road from Gubeikou to Boluohetun is not bad. After passing Boluohetun, the road conditions are normal. If you spend an extra hour every day, you can only travel [-] miles at most..."

Shu Shu wanted to follow the rules and stay in the convoy to be an unremarkable Prince Fujin, but it was too uncomfortable to sit in the car for more than a month.

She thought about it for a while, then settled for the next best thing: "If it really doesn't work, I'll just change my clothes and sit on the side of the car?"

Although there is no shelter, it is a bit dirty from eating dust, but when the holy car goes on a tour, the front is also sprinkled with sand and water, and the dust can be suppressed.

Just looking at He Yuzhu's happy and honest appearance outside, he knows that it is more comfortable than sitting in the car.

Brother Jiu glanced at her, with disapproval all over his face: "What kind of bad idea? It's so dusty, it will become a mud monkey in half a day, and the sun is still shining... Don't worry, there are still two or three days of work, Lord will help you Think about it..."

Shu Shu nodded meekly, with a hint of gratitude on her face.

Ninth elder brother felt confident, and thought of his father-in-law Qi Xi for some reason.

Qi Xi has followed many times, and he has traveled far, so he knows the hardships on the road.

He brought Shu Shu's horse here, did he think of this?
Brother Jiu was a little unhappy, as if he was thinking about it again.

With hope in my heart, time will go much faster.

After a while, we arrived at the noon rest place.

He Yuzhu and Sun Jin took the two young eunuchs to work, setting up a charcoal stove to heat hot water.

There is also a simple folding table next to it, and a few small horses.

Xiaotang and Xiaosong have already prepared all the ingredients.

Fried noodles, dry seaweed ingredients, eggs, and four side dishes to eat with the noodles, eggplant fish, pickled perilla leaves, pickled small dried fish, and meat dates, are also placed on a five-inch plate.

Seeing that the water was about to boil away, and the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers hadn't returned yet, the ninth elder brother was a little unhappy, and told He Yuzhu: "Go over and urge, why are you dawdling?"

Getting up early every day, and struggling last night... He still expected to catch up on sleep with Shu Shu after dinner...

He Yuzhu complied, and just as he was about to go over to urge people, he saw the crowd kneeling down not far away. After seeing the situation clearly, he retreated to one side and knelt down.

Kangxi brought the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother over.

Ninth elder brother rushed forward to greet him and beat him: "Khan Ama..."

Shu Shu followed behind and performed a squatting salute.

Kangxi glanced over Shu Shu, and then fell on the pile of palace flowers beside her bun, feeling quite satisfied.

He doesn't like extravagance, but he only asks for himself, he doesn't treat the concubine harshly, he has many rewards.

Every year, a lot of new jewelry is put into the palace's internal manufacturing office to reward the concubines.

They are all beauties like flowers and jade, and they are more pleasing to the eye when they are dressed up, why not do it?
But for his daughters-in-law, he has higher requirements in his heart, hoping that they will be more pure in character, so as not to abduct the prince and elder brother for money.

Dong E's dowry is generous, and it is rare that her temper is not extravagant. She is a qualified royal daughter-in-law.

Looking at brother Jiu again, there is a large string hanging around his waist, Kangxi is very displeasing to the eye.

He stretched out his hand and shouted, his eyes fell on the small table next to him: "I heard that you have delicious food here, I will also come over to have a taste..."

Brother Nine looked at Brother Ten behind Kangxi, what are you talking about?
If you eat something delicious, you have to be filial to the food; if you eat something bad, you have to worry about being blamed.

Elder Brother Ten shook his head hastily.

The ninth elder brother looked at the thirteenth elder brother again, and the thirteenth elder brother also waved his hand.

Kangxi looked at the small movements of the brothers, then at the four small dishes on the table, and hummed softly.

Concubine Yi will serve her food this morning, and he still treats this unfilial son as sensible and filial, it seems that the quality of this filial piety is limited.

What was sent was not complete.

Whether to eat or not, for elders like them, filial piety depends on this bastard.

Shu Shu is by the side, it's really hard to die.

Logically speaking, the father-in-law came and opened his mouth to eat again, so he should be invited to sit down.

Which of these four small horses is the seat?

Can I sit?
Brother Jiu didn't think too much, but rolled his eyes, thinking about agreeing to Shu Shu, he immediately lost his displeasure, and showed a bit of hospitality to others: "Sit down, this Yimian is familiar Yes, it's so easy to cook, it doesn't take half a cup of tea..."

Kangxi glanced at Maza, but he didn't feel disgusted, and sat down directly, looking at the charcoal stove next to him.

On the stove, the hot water in the pot has boiled.

Xiaotang's hands and feet were stiff.

Kangxi had an outbreak at the beginning of last month, and the second prince's dining room was up and down. The majesty of the holy driver scared her.

Seeing this, Shu Shu walked over and signaled Xiaotang to back off.

Xiao Yu was careful and immediately sent a wet towel.

Shu Shu wiped her hands and cooked the noodles herself, feeling embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, the original version of instant noodles has become a rarity, not only the prince's elder brother likes it, but it will be offered to Kangxi soon.

Because Brother Jiu just boasted that it would take less than half a cup of tea. In order to save time, she did not order poached eggs, but seaweed soup dumplings, flour cakes, and egg liquid in this order.

Kangxi took out his pocket watch and looked at the time quite seriously.

The "cup of tea" at this time is the unit of time, the time for a cup of tea to cool down.

In fact, this winter and summer are definitely different.

It is a quarter of an hour in summer and two-thirds of an hour in winter.

However, because I am used to using this to refer to time, it defaults to a quarter of an hour.

Half a cup of tea is like seven minutes and thirty seconds.

According to Shu Shu's cooking order, it will be cooked soon.

The soup pot didn't slip, it wasn't too big or too small, just boiled four pieces of noodle cakes, and then four bowls of noodles came out.

Shu Shu cushioned it with a clean towel, personally presented a bowl to Kangxi, and put it on the folding table.

There were three bowls left, Elder Ten didn't need anyone to ask, so he came over to help, he put a bowl on Kangxi's left hand side, took a bowl to Kangxi's right hand side, and signaled Elder Thirteen to take it by himself, seeing that he didn't move Then he frowned and put the last bowl in front of him.

Kangxi looked at the pocket watch, a little surprised.

Brother Jiu really didn't boast about Haikou. It really didn't take half a cup of tea, about three or four minutes.

Brother Jiu saw that there were only four bowls of noodles, he hesitated, walked up to Shu Shu and whispered, "I just prepared these? Then what do you eat? I can't eat much, let's eat together..."

"It's hot, I didn't want to eat this at first... I'm going to talk to Mrs. Seven..."

Shu Shu said, and then went to Kangxi to ask for instructions: "Sit down slowly, my daughter-in-law goes down first..."

Kangxi nodded, and Shu Shu retreated.

The ninth elder brother just sat on the left side of Kangxi. Seeing that the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother were still standing, he asked curiously: "Sit down, why are you still standing? My face is lumpy after a while..."

The tenth elder brother had already waited impatiently, seeing that Kangxi had no intention of objecting, he called the thirteenth elder brother to sit down.

Kangxi looked at it, raised his eyebrows, and didn't stop him.

Elder Brother Ten couldn't wait a long time ago, he just felt the fragrance was tangy, so he squinted his eyes and sniffed vigorously.

Brother Thirteen's eyes were glued to his face, and he also swallowed.

But because Kangxi hadn't lifted the chopsticks yet, the two young ones obediently did not move.

"One by one, that's all it takes!"

Kangxi snorted before picking up the chopsticks. After taking a bite of the noodles, he couldn't help being amazed, and taking a sip of the soup was even more surprising.

He remembered clearly that Jiufujin only put two spoonfuls of the contents of the small pot into the boiling water, but now he saw that there were seaweed, dried shrimps, chopped green onion, shredded ginger, pepper and salt in it.

After finishing a bowl of noodles, Kangxi signaled Liang Jiugong to bring over the palm-sized seasoning jar.

Take a closer look at the contents, not only the seaweed and shrimp skins are dry, but also the chopped green onion and shredded ginger are also dry, and some are slightly larger than the chopped green onion, like dried lettuce leaves.

He thought about it, and looked at Brother Jiu: "Is this also Dong E's figured out?"

 The second update is around two o'clock, and the third update is around eight o'clock in the afternoon. I wish everyone a happy Father's Day.

(End of this chapter)

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