My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 104 Enlightenment

Chapter 104 Enlightenment (Third Watch Subscription)
The next day, the fifth watch drum sounded, and there was movement in the yard.

Shushu got up, didn't want to lift his arms, and let Brother Jiu help him get dressed.

Brother Jiu also found it interesting, and waited on Shu Shu to dress neatly, and finally tied a sachet around her waist, and looked at her twice: "If you don't wear it, just hang it like this? Isn't it too plain?"

It was Brother Jiu himself, and there were still a bunch of strings hanging on his belt, including the sapphire flat peach placard from Shu Shu, the oval pouch with a vase embroidered with gold thread on a black background, a red satin watch cover, a red satin finger ring, a red satin fan cover.

"That's enough, mainly to repel mosquitoes..."

Shu Shu lazily replied.

I'm on the road all day, and I don't see any customers, so I can just dress up normally.

In early autumn, when the weather turns cold, many mosquitoes like to get into the car, and they can't catch them clean.

I didn't pay attention at the beginning yesterday, and was bitten several times.

This sachet is not made of gold and silver, but an ordinary bright red gauze, and inside is the mosquito repellent fragrance from the imperial hospital.

She is also wearing a simple cheongsam of rouge-colored woven silk, the traditional loose one, without embroidery, the buttons are not gemstones, but red glass, and only red magnolia flowers are embroidered on the neckline, so it looks not so plain and simple. Pretty, in flats.

Seeing the maids coming in, Brother Jiu confessed to Shu Shu: "Master, go and see Lao Shi and Thirteen, so as not to delay them both..."

Shu Shu glanced at him and nodded.

Brother Jiu picked up the curtain and went in.

Xiao Song set up the washbasin, Walnut stepped forward to roll up Shu Shu's sleeves, and Xiao Yu handed soap to him.

Yes, you read that right, soap.

It is said to be soap, but it is actually more like an improved version of bath beans, the size of a hawthorn ball.

Inside are all kinds of whitening and flavoring traditional Chinese medicines that are ground into fine powder, and then mixed with saponins, lard, and egg whites to form balls.

Shu Shu has been using it since she was a child, the reason why her skin is white may really have the effect of this soap.

After Shu Shu finished washing her face and brushing her teeth, she sat in front of the dressing table, and saw her eyes turning blue in the glass mirror.

"Hasn't Fujin rested after choosing the seat?"

While combing her hair, Xiao Yu said with a bit of distress: "Yesterday I caught the stinky elder sister for a long time, even if I throw them all out, this room still smells like that."

Shu Shu moved her nose, it was indeed a faint smell of bedbugs.

I was distracted last night and didn't pay attention to this.

"The climate in the suburbs is really lower than that in the city. I remember that in the city, Miss Smelly only went into the house after the Mid-Autumn Festival..."

As Shu Shu was talking, she remembered that brother Jiu said last night that Xia was thin.

Tonight is stationed in Miyun, that is the serious mountain, it might be cooler.

"Go to the place in the afternoon, find out the spring and autumn quilt, and use that when it's cold... You guys should also be careful, pay attention to adding and removing clothes, sooner or later it will be cold, don't catch a cold..."

Shu Shu exhorted.

Sheng Jia went on tour, and the large team was non-stop. Not to mention the maids and daughters of the family were sick, even the princes like Brother Jiu and Shu Shu and Prince Fujin were sick, and they had to stay in the place to recuperate.

Several girls agreed.

After Xiao Yu combed her hair, she pressed powder under Shu Shu's eyes to cover up the dark spots under her eyes.

Xiao Song was by the side, unable to get his hands together, looked at the door, but he couldn't see brother Jiu, and then said in a low voice: "Fu Jin, if elder brother doesn't take the car, the maidservant will press the car for you, take a good rest..."

He didn't sleep well for two nights, and he was exhausted, so he nodded.

Xiao Song brought joy: "Then I'll turn over a thick mattress, so as not to be thrown up, and then you can lie down properly..."

Brother Jiu came in, heard this sentence, frowned, and glanced at Xiaosong, disgusted.

Xiaosong immediately fell silent, wishing he could tiptoe up and tiptoe out.

Shu Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said to Brother Jiu, "Okay, what are you scaring her for?"

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said: "I have stayed in the palace for more than a month, and I will pay you back... I will bring it out later, it would be embarrassing to you..."

Shu Shu smiled and nodded: "Well, I understand, I will restrain her well later..."

Brother Jiu sat down opposite her, and said: "A retinue is different from being in the palace. The palace is in the second house, and it's our own territory. If we don't come out, we can do whatever we want... Outside, you princes Fujin, Fortunately, on the way, when the Mongolian princes and guilds meet, they will definitely be by the side of the queen mother or empress, and then they will lose the rules and ask people to talk..."

Shu Shu knew what was good and bad, and sighed in her heart.

In fact, Xiao Song has always been well-behaved, and it was unintentional to bring out a sentence.

If Kaifu goes out, these minor problems are naturally not serious, but it is better to correct them now.

Earlier, before Shu Shu awakened her memory, she treated a few girls as playmates.

After awakening the memory, it has the meaning of being a loli, and has never been harsh.

Others are fine, there are no female elders in Xiaosong's family, and his father and brother are both warriors, so his temperament is a bit casual.

It's not a good thing for this girl.

But I couldn't bear to ask Shu Shu to teach her.

Brother Jiu seemed to have thought of this too, and waved Xiao Yu and Walnut out, then lowered his voice and said, "You can just say something, don't be harsh... Later, the empress has mentioned the candidate for a nanny, and then let her learn the rules carefully." ..."

Shu Shu was very surprised.

The dignified prince, elder brother, still cares about how to train a maid?
According to Brother Jiu's usual arrogance, don't you just use it when you need it, and replace it when you don't need it?

Brother Jiu showed regret on his face: "It's different after all to play with the little ones. The love is there, and it's easy to use... But Fan Ye didn't dislike this one, and was picky about that one. He trained one or two Haha beads, There won't be any useless..."

As for Brother Jiu's haha ​​beads, the young couple also mentioned it once before.

In fact, Brother Nine had no choice.

The eight haha ​​beads were all pointed by Kangxi himself.

The sons of the two officials were the fathers and grandfathers who fell from power, and their nationality was lost. From the sons of officials, they became the sons of banner slaves, and the whole family returned to the lord as slaves.

"Sent as a slave" is more serious than questioning and beheading for the officials and people of the Eight Banners.

Decapitation only involves one's own body, while "sending to be a slave" means losing the official household registration of the Eight Banners, and the whole family becomes household servants.

The big and small lords of the Lower Five Banners are all clans, and the clans all live in the capital.

Therefore, the families of those two people were considered lucky among misfortunes, and they never left Beijing.

Because there is another kind of "sending slaves", called "sending Ningguta and armored men as slaves".

Ninggu Pagoda is more than three thousand miles away from the capital, and the prisoners had to be dispatched on foot, half of them died on the road.

If you are lucky enough to survive to Ninggu Pagoda, it is a freezing cold climate, tigers and wolves in a wild environment, if there is a war, you will be sent to the vanguard battalion as cannon fodder.

As for the companions of the two clans, this year they made up for the gaps in the clan. They just serve as errands for the imperial court and cannot be the personal subordinates of Brother Nine.

Two honorable children, born too high, the offshoot of the Hesheli family, the eldest grandson of the direct branch of the Tong family.

Otherwise, when Brother Nine is ennobled and entrusted with the population, it will be the best help to directly distribute the whole family as the king's genus.

With eight companions, only the two cousins ​​who were born in Baoyi remained.

It happened that these two people carried their family into Manchuria with the Yellow Banner, which was the upper three banners personally led by the emperor, and it was impossible to follow the nine princes and then transfer to the lower five banners. Among them, Gui Dan had already filled up the guards, and the other one followed the three officials to protect him. In Shengjing, I heard that there are assistant leaders in the world.

Not one is available anymore!

How much sincerity does Kangxi have for Concubine Yi, who is Ama?
This was a bit too much for the two princes from Yikun Palace, and they didn't give their sons the slightest chance to stand up.

In the Qing Dynasty, where "children are more precious than mothers" was the most important place, it is not normal for the sons of the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother to attach themselves to the eighth elder brother who is similar in age and has the lowest background.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine, but Brother Nine didn't even realize it, he only thought that he had a bad temper, so he didn't win over his former companions.

Nine Brothers muttered in a low voice, still introspecting: "I found out that sometimes you have to find someone to cooperate with, one singing bad faces and the other singing red faces... In this way, even if you complain later, you will still be the one who sings bad faces..."

Shu Shu was very surprised: "My lord is so emotional, what is the reason for this?" Speaking of this, he guessed: "Is it the king of Chengjun who sang the red face?"

"Don't do the third thing..."

Brother Nine shook his head: "I just saw Fifth Brother and Seventh Brother being accompanied by Haha bead guards, and I remembered that earlier...Earlier, Master had a bad temper and scolded Shun Anyan twice, and asked Myna to catch up. Comforting with kind words... and the eunuchs next to me, who used to scold me whenever I said anything, and kick me if I said anything, they are also starlings who appease people, rewarding them as they please..."

Shu Shu's expression remained unchanged, but her heart was already churning.

This fool has awakened? !
Didn't Shun Anyan become the backbone of the "Baye Party" because he first supported the elder brother, and then followed the elder brother to the eighth elder brother after his downfall?But it has a long history?

And Yao Zixiao's obedience to the eighth elder brother...

Ninth brother, is this, planning to go far away from eighth brother?
"I just think that you and my starling are smart people, and I have to learn from you in the future... Only treating people with kindness is very good... Your status is here, prince elder brother, you have a noble status , even if you speak well, who would dare to smack your face? You will only think that Ye Lixian is a corporal, warm and amiable, and there is an extra benefit out of thin air..."

Speaking of this, he took a look at Shu Shu: "It's fine to sing the red face to my grandfather. As for the black face, let others sing... Just like the old mother who went out by your side, and the housekeeper... Ba Fujin next to myna is also black-faced..."

Growth is a step-by-step process.

Ninth elder brother has already realized something, but because of his temper, he didn't pick and doubt the eighth elder brother's city government. He only thought that this was his strength and he should learn from it.

Shu Shu didn't point it out either, but nodded with a smile and said, "My lord is so smart, to see this? I, Ernie, taught me since I was a child that my identity is here, so don't easily quarrel with everyone. No matter whether you win or lose, you will always win." It's a joke..."

In the end, she didn't do it, and she quarreled with Ba Fujin several times. It was because she was utilitarian that she didn't handle it thoroughly.

Brother Nine looked troubled, and looked at Shu Shu who disapproved: "Mother-in-law is a good teacher, but it's also good for things and people. Some people understand the truth, and some don't...Anyway, I don't care about other people. Let's hide away later, I don't want to have a dispute in the future, we have to bow our heads first..."

(End of this chapter)

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