Chapter 103 Spicy (Second update for subscription)
Concubine Yi smiled and said: "The Mongolian princes are rich and rich, and the women's family members are covered with gold and jade. They can't wait to hang all their wealth on their bodies. When the time comes, we will meet guests in front of the Queen Mother, representing the dignity and majesty of the Qing court. We must not show cowardice." ...They look at jewelry and don't pay attention to whether it is exquisite or not, they only care about whether the gold material is enough or not, and whether the gems and pearls inlaid are big or not..."

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin looked at each other, and they both heaved a sigh of relief.

In this case, you don’t need to wear it every day, you only need to wear it when the Mongolian princes go on pilgrimage.

It was getting late, and the room was already a bit dark, Concubine Yi picked up the teacup.

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin got up to say goodbye, Concubine Yi didn't keep anyone, looked at Xianglan, and ordered: "You go back with Wu Fujin, and send this to Qi Fujin, just say what I said, everyone has it, it doesn't count What, there is no need to come here specifically to thank you..."

Panlan bowed her knees and complied.

A group of people came out from here and saw a person standing at the door.

It's Brother Nine.

He first called "Sister-in-law Wu", and then complained to Shu Shu: "Why have you been here for so long? Your Majesty is here to eat with the Queen Mother and Han Ama from the imperial kitchen, and you can still eat short? Where is it rare to eat these? Time is just a reward for others, you worked so hard to prepare, and no one remembers our goodness! You are so useless! After taking so many jars out, the old ten is so distressed..."

Shu Shu wanted to gag him.

Wu Fujin was beside her, her cheeks were hot.

Maybe her proposal was wrong...

Forget that these things are carefully prepared by younger siblings, so naturally they should be taken care of first, and those who are not thoughtful may not need to think so much.

My own suggestion is more like superfluous.

"Don't blame younger siblings, I suggested it... I'm too busy..."

Wu Fujin quickly opened his mouth to explain.

Only then did Brother Jiu shut up and coughed twice: "Sister-in-law is very thoughtful..."

It's not easy for Shu Shu to say anything outside, so she just said: "Why did you come here?"

"It happened that I ate a lot, and I was a little panicked. I went out to eat and went to find my father-in-law, but my father-in-law was not there, so I stopped by to meet you..."

Brother Jiu touched his lower abdomen and said.

Shu Shu's eyebrows twitched involuntarily, and she looked at Brother Jiu questioningly.

Brother Jiu pursed his lips, not daring to look directly into Shu Shu's eyes.

Shu Shu took a step forward, getting closer to Brother Jiu, and smelled a faint spicy smell.

This guy is disobedient and eats too much pickled perilla leaves!

His intestines and stomach have not been raised well, and he can't eat spicy food.

I ate it once before, and felt uncomfortable for a long time, and I vomited it out. I drank milk again to feel comfortable. I really don’t have a long memory.

Shu Shu glared at him, Brother Nine showed a bit of flattery on his face, and whispered: "I just ate two more chopsticks... It's hot, I really don't have an appetite... Don't worry, I ate it with flower rolls, didn't I Empty mouth, nothing..."

Originally, it was difficult for Shu Shu to speak directly to him in front of people, but when she saw that he was acting well, she also relaxed her eyebrows and her expression improved.

Brother Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately looked at his wife with a smile on his face.

Wu Fujin was by the side, watching the interaction between these two people, he was very surprised.


Be a younger brother? !

Before Shu Shu persuaded her in the fourth place, she was still a little confused, and felt that this example was not appropriate.

A younger brother is a younger brother, and a husband is a husband.

If the younger brother can discipline him well, can the husband still be able to discipline him?

Right now, I understand something...

Think about what the empress said just now, is it this kind of entrustment?

Wu Fujin seems to have realized something.

Shu Shu was worried, and when he arrived in the small courtyard, he told Sun Jin to go to the big dining room to ask for milk: "If there is hot one, just ask for it..." As he spoke, he thought of the thirteenth elder brother in the west wing: "Ask for more, Three or four bowls..."

Nowadays, chili is not a regular seasoning, Shu Shu is afraid that Brother Thirteen has never eaten it before, and it will not be comfortable to eat it.

As for Elder Brother Ten, don’t worry, he’s eaten it before, he looks like he has a steel stomach, and he keeps complaining that it’s not spicy enough.

Sun Jin went in response.

Brother Jiu stretched out his hand to call back, but put it down honestly, and complained: "It's all because of old ten, I didn't eat it at first, but seeing him pushing Thirteen to eat, I couldn't help but pick up my chopsticks... Then, I couldn't stop eating. live……"

Shu Shu stroked his forehead, feeling very helpless: "What is Uncle Ten playing tricks on Elder Brother Thirteen? Did these two quarrel during the day?"

For those who have never eaten chili, chili is not to say that it is poison, but it is almost the same.

If the symptoms are milder, the mouth and tongue are hot and red and swollen, and if it is serious, it will stimulate the stomach and intestines, and you will have diarrhea.

After a lot of tossing, the news spread to the imperial court, even if Shu Shu was ready to eat, he couldn't fall behind.

"No, no, it's just that the old ten eats well and give it to the little brother. How can he sincerely tease him?"

Ninth elder brother said disapprovingly: "Don't worry too much, I'm really worried, I'll ask Shisan to give me more milk later..."

Brother Jiu thinks so, but Shu Shu understands that it's not that simple.

Because Brother Nine felt sick to his stomach after eating chili last time, Shu Shu even mentioned to Brother Ten, talking about the dominance of this "pepper pepper", people who have never eaten it may not be used to it.

Elder Brother Shi is not in his seventies and eighties, so after a few days of hard work, can he forget the reminder? !
The dining room is not far from here, and after a while, Sun Jin came back, carrying a food box, which contained a small bucket of warmed milk, probably four or five bowls, and several bowls and spoons.

Shu Shu took out a bowl, watched Brother Jiu drink it, then took out another bowl, and told Sun Jin: "Take this bowl to Lord Shi, it's for sleep aid, so you don't have to change places to rest..." Pointing to the rest, he gave Brother Nine a push: "Brother Thirteen, I went over there personally and watched him drink it. If it's really because of eating, it's my fault..."

Only then did Brother Nine realize that his wife was still taking care of her, and complained in a low voice, "Aren't there still five and seven sister-in-laws up there? Why did Thirteen get stuck in our place?"

Why is it that the good thing of ennobling belongs to them, but the job of taking care of the little brother doesn't belong to them?

Shu Shu hurriedly advised in a low voice: "My lord, don't say such things again. The tenth uncle is a younger brother, but the thirteenth elder brother is not a younger brother? In the eyes of the emperor, the palms of the hands and the back of the hands are all flesh... This is far and close, and you can tell it in your heart. It's not easy to show it on the face." Come..." The last sentence was whispered into Brother Jiu's ear.

Things have come to this point, all the hard work has been done, and it will be thankless if you show your unwillingness to let others see it.

Ninth elder brother understood what Shu Shu meant, and he didn't look at Thirteenth elder brother himself, but Khan Ama above him.

Since the fifth elder brother and the seventh elder brother were skipped and the thirteenth elder brother was handed over to their brother and sister-in-law to take care of them, it was natural that they should be taken care of comprehensively.

He frowned, reluctantly took the food box out, and went to the west chamber.

In the east wing.

After listening to Sun Jin's words, Elder Brother Shi didn't hesitate, took the milk bowl and drank it, regretting it already.

I let out my anger for a while, but I didn't care much.

When Sun Jin went out, he rinsed his mouth with clear water, hesitated for a while, walked out, looked towards the west chamber, and wondered if he should go and have a look.

Brother Nine came out of the West Wing and saw Brother Ten walking around the door of the East Wing. He asked curiously, "Why don't you wash up and rest? Are you hungry again?"

"It's only been a while since I finished eating, my brother is not an idiot!"

Elder Brother Ten felt a little helpless: "Didn't my younger brother remember that Brother Ninth felt uncomfortable eating peppers for the first time, and worry about Old Thirteen..."

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows: "With your sister-in-law here, it's not your turn to worry about this... Wash up and go to bed early, and you have to get up early tomorrow..."

Elder Brother Shi nodded, went back to the room, and sat for a while before going to wash up.

In the West Wing.

Elder Brother Thirteen also washed up and took a rest. It was only when he drank two bowls of hot milk just now that his stomach was swollen, so he got up and relieved his hands to feel more comfortable.

The nurse on duty at night whispered: "Old man, why don't you eat the regular dishes brought back from the dining room tomorrow? It's easy to get uncomfortable when you're away from home. If you eat your stomach, it's not a joke. "

The thirteenth elder brother glanced at the nanny: "Sister, don't talk about this again... Ninth brother and tenth brother can eat, but the master can't eat it? The food prepared by the ninth sister-in-law is much better than the dining room. like……"

The nanny respectfully responded, not daring to talk anymore.

As for people, sometimes they have a guilty conscience even if they don’t become thieves.

The name of Jiufu Jin was outside, first he expelled the nanny from the stove in the prince's dining room, and then the prince's wet nurse broke out.

If it's just an ordinary job loss, it's not so scary.

"There are three fires for a new official to take office", there are those slaves who are not open-eyed, and they will leave when they are dismissed.

But the nanny on the stove suffered dozens of boards, and her natal family and her husband's family lost their errands in the palace;

Xin Zheku's crime status is that he has to work as a lowly laborer, and there is no room for turning over easily.

All the wrapped women from the House of Internal Affairs, no matter if they were nuns or court ladies, were afraid of Jiufu Jin, for fear of following in the footsteps of the previous two nuns.

Who knows if the fire will spread from Ersuo to other places.

Seeing that the emperor and concubine Yi were rewarded and rewarded again and again, the only punishment was "grounding", but they were released in less than ten days.

Even Concubine Yi, the concubine's mother-in-law, is polite to the daughter-in-law of this noble girl, how dare they brag when they are slaves?
I don't know if it's because of the lunch break, or something else.

The young couple could not sleep with their eyes open.

Shu Shu secretly panicked, fearing that she would also become the pusher of history.

The more she struggled, the faster she accelerated, she couldn't accept it.

Brother Jiu groped for Shu Shu's arm, it was cold, and he was a little worried: "Is the summer quilt thin?"

Shu Shu shrank into Brother Nine's arms, touched his stomach with his hand: "It's not thin, I'll change it in two days..."

Finally, he managed to live up to his expectations, Brother Jiu's stomach didn't make any trouble anymore.

Today is July [-]th, and the day after tomorrow will enter the eighth month of the lunar calendar.

If it is converted to the Gregorian calendar, it is almost the period from the beginning of September to the middle of September.

It is really necessary to change the spring and autumn quilt.

On the twenty-seventh day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, Brother Nine's birthday.

Shu Shu was still on the road at that time, so Shu Shu had a headache, what were she preparing for?

This guy is a challenger, and he can't do it without preparation.

Where did Brother Jiu think that Shu Shu was thinking about these things, so he became dishonest: "If you don't change the quilt, then I will keep you warm..."

Shu Shu thumped lightly, and her arm was held down.

This quilt is not too thick...

(End of this chapter)

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