My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 102 Admitting Mistakes

Chapter 102 Acknowledging Mistakes

"My lord, in April and May, I borrowed money from Uncle Wu twice in a row, and the total amount was [-] taels..."

Shu Shu talked about Brother Nine's purchase of property before: "When I mentioned this during the break on the road at noon, my daughter-in-law was worried about these foreign debts. Daxing Zhuangzi paid it back to Uncle Wu... Our grandfather was afraid of being short of money a few days ago, so he didn't want to pay it back, insisting that he would keep it to add money, and then return it when he got the emperor's reward... The daughter-in-law was afraid Turning around, Uncle Wu didn't remember the debt, so he asked our master to let it go, and told his sister-in-law, our father knew that the foreign debt was in the open, so he couldn't be so cheeky as to let it go..."

Wu Fujin hurriedly said: "Uncle Jiu is right, Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Beijing is rare, and it is a coincidence to get it, and it will be beneficial to keep it... Fifth Lord is not short of money, and he has a noble salary. As an older brother, he should help his younger brother of……"

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing.

The daughters-in-law of other people's families are all drawn in, for fear that they will not take advantage of it.

This Wu Fujin is pulling out, not a gesture, but sincerely thinking so, this is the generosity of the elder sister-in-law.

Concubine Yi who was sitting on the Arhat's couch was in a good mood, but her face was full of resentment, she looked at Shu Shu and said, "I don't want to hide it for him, but put the foreign debt on his behalf, carefully turn around and complain..."

The eldest daughter-in-law has a generous temper, and the younger daughter-in-law is also upright and not greedy.

Otherwise, this big pre-marriage debt was taken over by her siblings, not someone else. Just pretend not to know, and no one will criticize her.

Mentioning this now is just to divert the conversation when Wu Fujin feels uneasy about getting the bracelet.

That is to say, Concubine Xian had disliked Wu Fujin before, thinking she was too rigid, and now she has disliked a lot.

With such a generous temperament, even if he was annoyed in his heart, he was just sulking himself, and didn't think about angering others.

Otherwise, with her status as the first Fujin, just like the Seventh Fujin, as long as the rules are established, a little princess can be tidied up.

Concubine Yi sighed softly, looked at Wu Fujin and said softly: "Lao Jiu is still a half-grown child. Seeing the weather, Er Niang was too lazy to worry about him, so she entrusted your younger siblings... The same is true with Lao Wu... "

Wu Fujin felt uneasy, and stood up: "Your Majesty..."

"In the future, you will be the ones who will live your whole life. The two or three years may not be short now, but it is nothing compared to a lifetime... Before in the palace, the empress dowager was watching me, no one dared Neglect you, but can you go out later? There will always be those villains who wish their masters would be at odds. If you want to live a cold and peaceful life and don't bother to worry about it, then my mother won't force you..."

Concubine Yi thought about it and said, she already had an idea, so she said this time, if Wu Fujin still let go like this, she would talk to the Queen Mother and arrange for a nanny to go over.

The fifth elder brother has a honest and honest temper, and at least respect will be given to his wife, but his temper is simple and simple, if he is fooled by the wind in his ears, he is not "doting on his concubine and destroying his wife", but also lustful and confused.

Wu Fujin's eyes were red, and he solemnly blessed: "Mother, my daughter-in-law is wrong... From now on, I will never be so ignorant again..."

Concubine Yi was surprised when she heard the voice, she hurriedly got up from the couch, and helped Wu Fujin up: "My good boy, don't be like this... I know, it's the fifth elder brother who is a bastard, and I wronged you..."

Wu Fujin hurriedly shook his head: "The fifth master treated his daughter-in-law well and respected him, it's because the daughter-in-law made a mistake..."

Fifth elder brother is not a fool, so he naturally knows the difference between wives and concubines.

Apart from erroneous circumstances, there are other things between the husband and wife that are unknown to outsiders.

Concubine Yi was only looking forward to her son, daughter-in-law and He Meimei, she didn't intend to intervene, she just comforted her softly: "Don't mention the past, the days to come will be long..."

Wu Fujin nodded, his face full of gratitude.

Shu Shu saw that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had finished their business, and the atmosphere was a little sad and dignified, so she took the initiative to mention the business: "Madam, my daughter-in-law has prepared a lot of dishes, besides ours, she also prepared Uncle Wu and Uncle Ten... However, my sister-in-law reminded my daughter-in-law that it’s not good to eat alone, so our grandfather will give some to other elder brothers later... There are other elders, and my sister-in-law also asks my daughter-in-law to bring some, and distribute it according to the mother..." Speaking of which, I brought a few Very shy: "Earlier, either I didn't think of honoring the empress and the queen mother, or I was worried that it would be vulgar, not as delicate as the imperial meal, and I didn't dare to show my ugliness..."

Concubine Yi smiled after hearing this: "Even if you don't bring food over, I will send someone to ask for it... just now, the emperor was in front of the empress dowager, and when I mentioned the lunch, I complained a lot and blamed you all." The young one is ignorant, knows how to deliver food to his brother, and doesn't think about the elders... I know you are a sensible child, you must be cautious, and you are in the way of the sister-in-law above, so you don't want to be in the limelight... Your sister-in-law is right , we still need to be more thoughtful, and we can't let people find fault..."

Concubine Yi misunderstood, thinking that Shu Shu was thinking of Wufujin and Qifujin, so she didn't want to show off in front of her elders.

Otherwise, by comparison, it would appear that Wufujin and Qifujin are not complete.

Shu Shu stood up and listened, but no one else was around, so she asked doubts in her heart: "Your Majesty... Didn't you say that it is taboo in the palace to send food?"

"Who said that?"

Concubine Yi was puzzled.

Even Wu Fujin showed curiosity on his face.

Shu Shu knew that her established cognition did not match the truth again.

Shu Shu showed embarrassment, and whispered: "In the script..."

It can't be said that it is the established impression left by Gongdouju. The road to upgrade the harem in the Forbidden City is written as a bloody storm. One will die today and another will die tomorrow. Only the victor can live to the end.

It wasn't until Shu Shu married into the palace that she knew about the dead, which should be an exaggeration.

Because the dead are taboo in the palace, I think it will break Feng Shui.

Not to mention the maids and eunuchs, even the concubines were seriously ill and had no cure, they had to be moved out of the Forbidden City and sent to Ji'an Palace or other places in the imperial city to wait for their death.

Except for the queen mother, emperor, and empress.

Before Shu Shu got angry, the mother on the stove said that she was beaten to death, but she was just talking.

Not to mention the prince Fujin, even the lord of the first palace like Concubine Yi is not qualified to order anyone to be killed.


Concubine Yi couldn't help laughing heartily, tears came out of her eyes: "You child, you've been fooling around in your studies, and the storybook was made up by idlers in the market, how can you take it seriously?"

It was hard for Wu Fujin to follow suit, but the corners of his mouth were also crooked.

Shu Shu's cheeks were hot, and she couldn't stand still.

Concubine Yi saw it, she smiled, waved her hand and said: "Don't stand still, sit down... I was wondering why the old Xiaojing came here to eat the recipes, not to mention the ready-made ones, and it's not because of the cold winter months The food is cold, so this is the reason..."

After all, she was still a child, Yifei's gaze became softer.

She has seen the eldest daughter-in-law's stubbornness before.

In just half a month, there has been such a change. This is because someone has persuaded him well.

Apart from Shu Shu, a well-informed and reasonable little sister-in-law, where else is there?
Because of Brother Nine's health, she liked Shu Shu, the little daughter-in-law, much more, and now she wished she could be treated as her own daughter-in-law.

She used to think that the youngest daughter-in-law, Linglong, came up with so many new ways to eat, because the sister-in-laws did not have this precedent, so they never delivered food, so as not to be more eye-catching than the sister-in-laws, even the fifth elder brother was treated the same.

It turned out that it was because of this rumor.

"This palace is not a dragon's pond or a tiger's lair, why should we be so worried?"

Concubine Yi said in a gentle tone: "It's just that the yard is bigger, and we're still a family. It's not as wicked as what's written in the script, so don't be so careful..."

Shu Shu nodded obediently: "Yeah, my daughter-in-law won't misunderstand in the future, she will understand more!"

Concubine Yi nodded, and then looked at Wu Fujin: "You are a sister-in-law, and you are two years older than her, you should give her more did a good job today, you should be rewarded..."

Wu Fujin hurriedly got up: "Your Majesty, no need, my daughter-in-law has already taken advantage of my younger siblings today, I don't have the face to accept my Majesty's reward..."

"Reward you and her, reward your sister-in-law for being a good one, and reward her for preparing food carefully, and even prepare the brother's food if you are generous..."

As Yifei said, she motioned for Xianglan to fetch something.

Xianglan brought out several brocade boxes, one foot square, and handed one to Wu Fujin and one to Shu Shu, and there was one left in her hand.

"Open it and have a look, do you like it?"

Concubine Yi gave instructions with a smile on her face.

Shu Shu only felt that her hands were heavy. This jewelry box was made of high-quality golden nanmu, which made her hands so heavy, and there were magnolia flowers engraved on the surface.

The box is so delicate, what's inside?

Shu Shu carefully opened the box, her eyes widened.

It turned out that not only the box was heavy, but also the jewelry inside.

They are all filigree inlaid pink tourmaline gold jewelry, a complete set, a pair of half-inch wide necklaces, a pair of seven or eight-inch wide bracelets, a pair of magnolia tourmaline flower hairpins the size of a child's palm, and three pairs of gold tourmaline hairpins of the same color as the hairpins. earring.

Gold is a good thing, and the tourmaline is also crystal clear, but it is too big.

Or maybe it just looks big?
Shu Shu picked up a gold bracelet, and his hand sank immediately, not to mention half a catty, there must be three or four taels.

Shu Shu saw that the box in Xianglan's hand was the same size as the one in his own hand, except that the color of the box was slightly different, with carved pomegranate patterns.

If the guess is correct, it should be prepared for Qi Fujin.

Wu Fujin was already stunned, looking at the box of jewelry in his hand, he was rarely at a loss.

It was also the first time I saw such a big gold jewelry.

Her set is filigree inlaid pearl jewelry, lotus pattern.

In fact, the gold is good, the inside is solid, and the outside is made of filigree, which is not bulky. Although the inlaid pearls are not east pearls, they are also south pearls the size of a little finger.

The mother-in-law gave it to her, so she should wear it all the time, but this pair of hair is gorgeous and huge, obviously not something that can be worn on a daily basis.

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(End of this chapter)

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