Chapter 101 Dedication (Subscribe for the third watch)
Whether it is eggplant or pickled perilla leaves, the taste is very fragrant.

After being out of the altar and put on a plate, the fragrance is more obvious.

Qifujin swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "This is meat sauce?! Brother and sister prepared really well, the road is hot and stuffy, who is patient to eat vegetables, don't you just want to eat these heavy dishes?"

Wu Fujin frowned: "It's enough to fill out these two dishes, and you can take the rest back later... Uncle Jiu was ill a few days ago, it's time to eat properly, you should keep these things to eat..."

Shu Shu smiled: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I brought a dozen or twenty jars with such a big size, and there is no shortage of them. These are specially sent to the two sister-in-laws... besides this eggplant, these pickles are also Save trouble, whenever you run out of food, you can make it on the road...Sister-in-law, try it..."

Then Wu Fujin didn't speak, and seeing Qi Fujin waiting impatiently, he took a bite of eggplant, which tasted salty and very chewy, but it was a bit heavier when eaten dry.

At this moment, Qifujin followed suit, wrapped the eggplant in a milk roll, took a bite, and showed satisfaction on his face.

Su Ziye may be due to the presence of chili peppers, Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin put it down after taking a bite, and only concentrated on eating eggplants.

Eat without speaking, sleep without speaking.

After that, the three sisters-in-law didn't speak any more, they just ate quietly.

Shu Shu especially likes the soy leaf pastry, it goes well with pickled perilla leaves.

Seeing that Wufujin and Qifujin didn't move, she ate most of the plate.

The oil cake tastes good too, but it is fried and a bit greasy.

Seeing Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin put down their chopsticks, Shu Shu put down their chopsticks.

Qi Fujin rinsed his mouth, and suddenly realized: "My fifth sister-in-law and I were talking about why the emperor assigned the tenth and thirteenth sons to you, and thought it was Brother Nine who didn't sympathize with you and went to the central mill... Otherwise, even if my sister-in-law is taking care of the daily life, and the elder sister-in-law and third sister-in-law are away, it will be regarded as the fifth sister-in-law and my errands... Now it seems that the emperor knows that you are well-fed, so he assigned the two young ones to you..."

Before entering the prairie, they lived in the palace on the way every night, and it was impossible to arrange accommodation once a day.

Such a distribution today is a distribution on the road.

Shu Shu smiled lightly and said: "Our ninth master and tenth master are 'Meng Buli Jiao, Jiao Bu Li Meng', even if they are divided into two places, we will gather together... There is also thirteen elder brothers, who are different in age from the elder brother above. Much more, don't you just love to follow behind two younger brothers..."

"It's probably because of this! It's because of your hard work that Fifth Sister-in-law enjoys happiness with me..."

Seven Fujin nodded.

"You two sister-in-laws, don't try to hide away. The queen mother and the empress are still waiting for us to go and be filial..."

The two sister-in-laws are close people, and Shu Shu said "without shame" when talking carefully: "It is said that the Mongolian princes are rich, and the princess Fumeng is also rich. When the time comes, our sisters-in-law will stay by the queen mother's side, This filial piety and courtesy, what can be less..."

"Ha ha!"

Qi Fujin covered her mouth with a handkerchief and said happily: "That's the reason! From tomorrow onwards, we will all go to serve the Empress Dowager, and if we don't get kicked out, we will stay thick-skinned..."

Wu Fujin also smiled.

But when she saw the two jars next to her, she thought about it, and said to Shu Shu: "It's a family, it's not good to eat alone... from the two county kings, I asked Uncle Jiu to send a copy... The juniors are all eating , the elders should be filial if they like to eat or not..." Having said this, he paused: "It's just that besides the queen mother, the emperor, and our empress, there are other concubine mothers around. Sleek and sophisticated, or send some to the empress, and let the empress decide to distribute..."

Qi Fujin also said: "Sister-in-law Wu is right, it's the first time for us three sister-in-laws to follow me, I don't know what the rules are for the sister-in-law in front of me to come out, it's better to be cautious, there is no need to steal the limelight..."

Both of them are sincerely looking after Shu Shu, otherwise they wouldn't be able to say such things.

Shu Shu appreciated it, nodded and said: "It's my negligence... Please trouble Fifth Sister-in-law to accompany me to the empress's place for a while..."

Wufu Jin immediately responded.

Qifujin looked at the sky outside, the sun was setting, and it was almost the beginning of Xu, so he urged: "If you want to go, just show up, if it's later, you should hold the lamp..."

Both sister-in-law and sister-in-law are neatly dressed, so there is no need to change clothes.

Shu Shu told Xiaotang to go back to pick up things: "Bring a few more people, take two jars for each of these things, and pack a few bags of preserved pork and plums, plus two big boxes of Yi noodles..."

The so-called "Yi noodles" are actually deep-fried dragon beard dough.

Shu Shu still used the name of later generations to name it. Brother Jiu once asked why it was called this, and Shu Shu explained indiscriminately, saying it was the abbreviation of "a ball of noodles".

The Yi noodles are deep-fried and crispy, so they are all wrapped in oil paper and packed in hardwood boxes.

On Wufujin's side, he sent a nanny to go ahead and go to Concubine Yi to ask if it was convenient for her to go there.

If Kangxi was here, or Concubine Yi was with the Empress Dowager, it would be difficult for the two of them to get along.

After a while, the nanny came back and reported: "When the slave passed by, the empress had just returned from having a meal with the empress dowager, and now she is free..."

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin got up, the nanny led the way, Xiaotang took a few eunuchs with them, and went to Empress Yifei with large and small bags.

Although this building is named "Xinggong", it is actually a group of several courtyards connected together.

The middle road is repaired in a more magnificent style, which is where the holy driver lies.

The left road is the side where the prince and his family members are placed, and there are also a few clan princes who are accompanying them.

The right side is also a small courtyard, next to the small courtyard, there are high-level civil and military ministers with their retinues.

The civil and military officials further down directly followed Hu's Eight Banners soldiers and stayed in the camps of each banner.

Concubine Yi lives in a secondary yard behind the middle road.

Apart from Concubine Yi, the other concubines are also in this courtyard.

Xiang Lan had been waiting in the back, and welcomed the two of them in: "Your Majesty has been waiting..."

The yard on this side is much larger than the one on the left.

It has five rooms in the main room and three rooms in the left and right rooms, and there is an inverted room in the south.

Besides Concubine Yi, Brother Thirteen's biological mother, Zhang Bin, was also there.

She has been favored for more than ten years, and Zhang Concubine's appearance is also at the top among concubines.

Shu Shu made a comparison in his mind, and felt that he should be ranked third, second only to Concubine Wei and Concubine Yi.

However, Brother Jiu said that Concubine Yi loves beauties should be true, because Concubine Yi treats Concubine Zhang very naturally and intimately, and looks more comfortable than being with nobleman Guo.

Shu Shu hurriedly followed Wu Fujin to salute one by one, and Concubine Zhang smiled and nodded in return.

Concubine Yi raised her head and called out, ordering someone to move the flower stool.

After the two sisters-in-law sat down, she smiled and said to Shu Shu: "I heard that the emperor sent you the old Shisan to take care of the daily life. Your concubine Zhang came here specially to thank you for this..."

Zhang Pin stood up with a smile, and stepped forward to hold Shu Shu's hand: "The thirteenth elder brother came out with a retinue for the first time, and he has a temper like a monkey who can't calm down. Fujin Quan is a younger brother, just control him a lot. If you dare If there is something naughty, just say what I said, and just ask Brother Jiu to beat him..."

Shu Shu had already got up, it was difficult to accept such words, and she said politely: "Your Majesty, don't worry, Uncle Thirteen is sensible and courteous, and he has an agreement with his two elder brothers, and he is serving the imperial court, so there will be no mistakes..."

Zhang Pin patted Shu Shu's hand, then looked at Wu Fujin: "Anyway, I'm going back to be lazy, so I'll leave Brother Thirteen to you sister-in-laws to take care of..."

Wu Fujin also got up, solemnly nodded and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, we were supposed to do it..."

Although the thirteenth elder brother lives with Shu Shu and his wife, Wu Fujin is the longest among the three princes, and he also has a responsibility in his heart.

Zhang Pin took off a pair of bracelets from her wrist and was about to put them on for Shu Shu and Wu Fujin herself.

It is a pair of tortoiseshell emerald bracelets inlaid with gold, inlaid with jewels and inlaid with gemstones. They look extremely delicate and gorgeous, and they are very valuable.

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin couldn't take it lightly, they all looked at Concubine Yi, saw her mother-in-law nodding, so they didn't avoid it, and let Concubine Zhang move.

Concubine Zhang put them on for the two of them one by one, and said softly: "It's nothing, the color is lively and pretty, it's suitable for you young people, let's wear it one by one for fun...Watching your little sisters-in-law go on a blind date, put them on." The same is also like sisters..." As he spoke, he blessed Concubine Yi: "After talking so much, I won't bother the empress anymore, the empress is really blessed to have such two daughters-in-law..."

Concubine Yi smiled and waved her hands: "Go, go, don't give me ecstasy soup, you have thirteenth elder brother, and you will come here within two years... Don't forget the errand assigned to you, the queen mother is serving me , the entourage of the palace, you should keep an eye on it, don't tell the subordinates to be naughty, and throw embarrassment outside..."

Among the accompanying concubines, the two have the highest status, and the other nobles are of low rank and are not easy to manage. Concubine Yi has to take care of the living of the Empress Dowager and the two concubines, so she handed over the management of the accompanying concubines to Zhang Concubine .

Zhang Bin responded positively, then nodded to Shu Shu and Wu Fujin, and went out.

Wu Fujin glanced at Shu Shu, with shyness and uneasiness on his face.

How could she not see that Zhang Pin's pair of bracelets were originally prepared for Shu Shu, but she was rewarded separately because she saw that she was there and it was not easy to let her down.

After all, it was rewarded by the elders, and she couldn't give it to Shu Shu again, but she was too embarrassed to take advantage of it for nothing, so she couldn't help but look at her wrist, in a dilemma.

Shu Shu saw what she was thinking, turned to her side and whispered, "Tell sister-in-law a little secret..."

After hearing this, Wu Fujin quickly signaled Shu Shu with his eyes that this is not the place to talk, then he came to his senses and quickly looked at Concubine Yi.

Concubine Yi looked at the two sisters-in-law with a smile, and asked Shu Shu with a little curiosity: "What's the secret? Your sister-in-law can listen, can my mother-in-law listen?"

Shu Shu showed a bit of embarrassment: "Of course I can listen, but I just turn around and stand in front of Master Jiu, so please don't miss out..."

Concubine Yi became even more interested: "Oh? What did that bastard do again? Is there a joke?"

Wu Fujin felt uneasy, wondering if he should continue to listen to his uncle's embarrassing things.

 Be nervous, the rest is up to everyone. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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