My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 132 Cause and Effect

Chapter 132 Karma

Sitting next to the princess, sat an old lady who had received a few blessings from Fujin. She was the princess who had fondled Meng in her early years, the granddaughter of Prince Lilie, and the daughter of Prince Lilie's third son, Prince Yingyi.

She is of high seniority, on the same level as the Empress Dowager, she is a few of Fujin's aunts and grandmothers, and she still has the title of Heshuo Gege, so she can naturally sit and receive the ceremony.

In terms of Shu Shu, there are several relationships.

It was her cousin and grandmother.

She is also Mrs. Uncle's real aunt.

The princess is in her sixties, a little thin, with obvious lines of Sichuan characters between her eyebrows, she looks like an unkind old lady.

She was wearing a flag dress, which was different from the current style of flag dress. It was a kind of loose gown, not much different from Mongolian clothes.

It was a popular style in the early years.

Her head was not full of gold and jade like the others, but she was wearing a black bun, and a string of bodhi beads was wrapped around her wrist.

This kind of dress is similar to that of the Empress Dowager, showing her status as a widow.

But considering her age, it's nothing.

The princess waved to Shu Shu.

Shu Shu honestly stepped forward.

The princess groped for Shu Shu's hand, carefully sizing up her appearance.

Shu Shuxiao's mother, her eyebrows and eyes followed Jue Luo's.

The princess was faintly disappointed, but when she saw Shu Shu's ears, her eyes settled and she smiled: "What a pair of 'Fushou ears', just like your grandmother..."

Shu Shu shyly listened.

What "Fu Shou Er"?
This is nice to say.

In fact, it is "close to the brain and ears", that is, since she is thinner now, it is still slightly exposed.

When I was fat when I was a child, my small face was round, and I couldn't see my ears at all from the front, which looked weird.

Shu Shu couldn't help but look at the princess, and her eyes fell on the princess' ear.

The princess' ears...

It is the "golden ear" on the hexagram.

The upper end of the ear is higher than the brow bone, and there are bead-like earlobes below, and the color is as white as silver, indicating wealth and honor.

But the color of the ears is too white, even whiter than the face. This is the loss of a child in old age and no one to rely on...

Shu Shu's heart trembled.

Although she had just told Brother Jiu before, she was not a believer in the two religions.

But some knowledge, science can not explain.

"Shuncheng Palace, how are you doing now..."

asked the old princess.

Since she comes from this branch, it is her natal family.

Shu Shu pondered, not knowing what to say.

The direct descendants of this clan are not going well.

The old princess's Ama was originally the heir chosen by Prince Li Lie, but he died before Prince Li Lie, and this branch became a side branch.

The brother of the old princess, who was the first generation of Shuncheng County King, also passed away in his prime.

The nephew of the old princess is still alive. He became a noble at the age of two, which means he was dismissed early, and then the title was passed on to his sons.

The third son attacked the noble at the age of four, and died at the age of five.

Then the four sons became nobles at the age of one, and died at the age of six.

Then the seventh son took the throne at the age of three, and is now fourteen years old and on the throne.

You must know that the power of the princes of the Eight Banners is not static.

For two consecutive generations, the people of Shuncheng County Prince's Mansion were all baby princes, and without military merits, they all depended on their laurels.

Prince Kang's Mansion and Prince Ping's Mansion are each other's arms, so they are not bullied.

The Karaqin tribe is close to the capital, and the emperor often came here on his northern tours.

The old princess is not completely ignorant of news about the capital.

Seeing that Shu Shu didn't speak for a long time, she frowned and said, "But what's wrong with the county king?"

Shu Shu nodded: "I heard that the prince has a gas disease, and he has been recuperating for the past two years..."

The old princess smiled wryly: "It's all fate..."

Shu Shu didn't know how to solve it.

To be honest, few of the founding kings died.

Not one or two of the descendants of Prince Li Lie's family died short-lived.

Especially direct lineage.

The hats of the three princes, and a dozen or so princes of Bei Le Bei Zi, seem to have infinite scenery, but they are all made by generations of people with military exploits.

People nowadays are superstitious, thinking that the ancestors killed too much, and it will be detrimental to the offspring.

The old princess probably thought so too.

As Shu Shu thought about it, he heard the old princess whisper: "The emperor has been on the throne for nearly forty years, and it is time to change another person..."

Shu Shu sat respectfully on the small stool, her expression unchanged, she just pretended not to understand.

But her heart was shaken.

No wonder people say they grow old!
Think about every turmoil and purge of the clan, in the final analysis, it is all because of the replacement of the throne and the redistribution of rights.

Emperor Taizu died at the age of sixty-eight, barely considered a long life.

Emperor Taizong died at the age of fifty-two, and his life was mediocre.

Emperor Shizu died at the age of twenty-four, an untimely death.

The nobles of the Eight Banners and the princes of the clan have already begun to wait and see the elder brothers of the princes.

This generation of princes has grown up one after another, how tempting is the "achievement of support" in front of you?
The look of the old princess was very calm, turning the bodhi bead in his hand, he said softly: "Just look at the court affairs of Taizu..."

Shu Shu blinked her eyes.

What is Taizu court affairs?
Taizu successively abolished the inheritance rights of two legitimate sons! ?
The reason for abolishing the storage seems plausible, but in the final analysis, it is "the father is strong".

A royal princess who has been in love with her for decades can think of this. What about those old oily people in the court?

When the elders presented gifts to the three Fujins, the old Princess made no secret of her preference for Shu Shu, a distant relative.

One handle is inlaid with seven treasures of gold.

This is on the bright side. In fact, when avoiding people, there is still a purse.

Lightweight purse.

There were only a few withered and yellow deed papers inside.

There are two Zhuangzi in Gyeonggi and four shops in the outer city.

Ruyi can accept it, but these few deeds are not easy to accept.

No merit and no reward.

Shu Shu couldn't believe that she could be so loved by this cousin and grandmother just by meeting once.

Even if there is a blood relationship between the two, it is still far away.

It was suddenly good and unsettling.

"If my aunt has an order, please be blunt... If my granddaughter can agree, I will agree, but if I can't do it, I can only complain to you..."

Shu Shu didn't go around the bush and said directly.

The old princess stopped turning the beads, her face darkened, and said for a while: "My child, do you believe that there is really retribution in this world?"

Shu Shu thought about it carefully, and nodded: "There should be. Good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that the time has not come for not repaying, or else there will be too many grievances in this world..."

The old princess' face was pale, and she seemed to be crying: "Yes, no matter when, retribution will always come..."

Shu Shu was a little afraid to answer.

When people in the world encounter birth, old age, sickness and death, and irreversible human resources, they always pin their hopes and gods.

After not being blessed by the gods, he will give himself a reasonable explanation.

Karma comes from this.

The old princess is a man with a story.

"My days are numbered..."

The old princess grabbed Shu Shu's wrist, her palm was cold and damp.

Shu Shu was startled, and hurriedly looked at the expression on the old princess's face.

It doesn't look like a flashback!

"If you're not feeling well, you'd better ask for Ping An's pulse early, don't shy away from medical treatment..."

Shu Shu can only be so comforted.

"It's all retribution!"

The old Princess shook her head: "I was a widow at twenty-three, lost my son at thirty-three, lost my grandson at forty-three, and lost my great-grandson at fifty-three... This year, I am sixty-three..."

When Shu Shu listened, her neck felt hairy.

This fate is too bad!

And such a well-proportioned interval is really annoying.

The old princess said, she was very calm: "People can't do bad things, God knows, the earth knows ghosts and gods..."

Shu Shu still stretched out her hand, with a purse in her hand, she didn't intend to accept it.

What does the cause and effect of the old lady have to do with me?

I want to entrust myself with karma, and I am too lazy to take on this trouble.

The two met for the first time and were complete strangers.

The old princess looked at Shu Shu, and her eyes fell on her ears: "That year, when I was thirteen... I got Fumeng's will... my cousin was afraid that I would be timid and careless, so she picked me up, and she was very excited. Stomach relieved me... Seeing her husband and wife are loving, life goes smoothly, and Lin'er is about to be born... I am crazy... Why should she marry her cousin and stay in Beijing to enjoy the wealth, but I want to caress her? "

Her tone was calm, as if she was telling someone else's story.

Shu Shu's eyes widened, and she looked at the old princess, unable to hide her surprise.

"I spilled pomade...watched her slip..."

After the old princess finished speaking, he let out a long breath.

Shu Shu was about to explode with anger, suppressing her anger and said: "Karma retribution, you really are not happy at all!"

She took the purse directly, turned around and left.

This is not someone else's story!
When her grandmother gave birth for the first time that year, she gave birth to a sickly eldest son prematurely.

People in the Eight Banners talk about concubine and concubine, but they don't talk about elder and younger.

The inheritance of titles is not dominated by the eldest son, but there are also many young sons.

After all, it is normal for the elder son to be separated early for military meritorious service and to earn meritorious service under the support and protection of the family.

A son like Uncle, who was born prematurely, sick and weak, and couldn't even get on the military register, would generally not become an heir, but would become a side branch, attached to his brother.

Dong E's family is completely different because of Shu Shu's grandmother's insistence.

In addition, Qi Xi and the uncle are siblings, they have a good relationship and have no intention of seizing the title, so the title of the uncle falls on Chang Fang smoothly.

It turns out that Uncle's body is not the evil result of inbreeding, but a man-made disaster!

Originated from the jealousy of a thirteen-year-old girl!

Shu Shu was so angry that she could not let herself lose her composure.

Although the previous Mongolian Fujin, because of the queen mother, looked at the stars of Wufujin like the moon, in fact, when it came time to give gifts to the princes Fujin, they did not dare to belittle Shu Shu and Qifujin.

At most, besides the presents that the three sisters-in-law have, one or two more gifts from the Five Fortunes will be given.

The Qifu Jin is full of joy.

The two maids couldn't hold these gifts.

It was Concubine Yi who was careful and arranged for a few eunuchs to follow her before bringing the gift box back to them.

When Shu Shu returned to her room, she sat on the edge of the kang, her little face fell down, and she felt very depressed.

She looked at the purse and took it very calmly.

If you do something bad, you should compensate the victim.

Otherwise, if you say that you have received retribution, and if you say that you regret it, then forget it?
Not to mention other times, even in the past ten years since Shu Shu can remember, Uncle has struggled to get by.

I was tortured by sickness and weakness all year round, and it would have disappeared if I changed others.

Uncle is resolute, so he persisted for these years.

And Amu...

If the uncle was in good health, the two of them would have been full of children and grandchildren long ago...

Shu Shu's tears came out.

Brother Jiu had harvested a dozen gift boxes, big and small, and was about to show off to Shu Shu when he saw her crying.

"What's going on here?"

Brother Nine was startled, hurried forward, leaned over and said, "Have you been bullied?"

Shu Shu couldn't bear it anymore. Seeing Brother Jiu, her heart became more and more sour. Instead of getting up, she hugged Brother Jiu's waist directly, and her tears became more and more violent.

Ninth elder brother was flustered: "What's the matter? You have been wronged like this? It's... There was something wrong when I met the guests. The emperor's grandmother said it, or the empress..."

 The second and third updates are in the afternoon, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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