My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 133 White Lotus

Chapter 133 White Lotus

Seeing that elder brother Jiu was about to make up a "mother-in-law and daughter-in-law drama", Shu Shu wiped her tears: "It's not because of this, but because I feel sorry for uncle and aunt..."

She pointed to the purse and told about the old princess.

Brother Jiu frowned: "It's just a guilty conscience, how can there be so much karma..."

As he said that, he pointed to his belt: "If there is cause and effect in this world, there will be no old sayings like 'golden belts for murder and fire, repairing bridges and repairing roads without corpses'..."

Shu Shu looked at him and saw that he really had no fear.

Inexplicably think of "skinny horse"...

The current Brother Nine thinks that is wrong, and despises people who buy and sell "skinny horses".

But people's ideas will change.

Buying and selling women, contacting the powerful...

Not only is it bad, but the means are also low.

"Some things, there is no way to prove that there is, and there is no way to prove that there is no..."

Shu Shu organized the language: "If the heart is upright, the body will be upright, and if the body is upright, the actions will be upright..."

Seeing her serious look, Brother Jiu showed disapproval: "Okay, what are you thinking about? Don't tell me, tomorrow I plan to study some books on self-cultivation... I think too much. When there are hundreds of people, There are so many strange things... How can each be a saint! If nothing else, just say that the princess, a teenage girl, was beaten and had no father. Without discipline, she was about to marry Fumeng far away. It’s not unusual to be crooked... Maybe I’ve been afraid and regretted it for a long time, so everything is related to karma..."

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine and pleaded: "Anyway, I'm timid. Even if I didn't believe this earlier, I'm scared now... I don't want to be like her in the future, feeling guilty and restless, thinking about it all day long. I suffered karma..."

Brother Jiu showed helplessness on his face, and patted behind Shu Shu: "Okay, okay, don't be's really useless, bluffing on weekdays, afraid of everything..."

"Anyway, my lord promised me that if I accidentally make a mistake in the future and owe others, don't hide it from me... I'll find a way, whether it's eating vegetarian food and reciting Buddha's name, giving porridge and giving medicine, doing more good deeds..."

Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu and said with tears in her eyes.

Brother Nine couldn't laugh or cry: "You are not born bad, so you won't do anything immoral!"

Shu Shu's expression became more serious: "Master's heart is good, maybe something happened by mistake..."

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, and gave an example: "It's like my grandfather fell in love with Shopkeeper Qian in Sanyue, and wanted to ask for his help... In the eyes of my grandfather, this is just a matter of one sentence. Fortunately, I asked Dong E's family to ask for someone's hand, but I didn't treat Dong E's family as an outsider, and gave Dong E's face... But I changed my position. The lawsuit, whether you are wronged or not..."

Brother Jiu looked uncomfortable: "Isn't that bastard Gui Dan making his own decisions? In the end you didn't suffer any losses, and you got compensation from the shop..."

"What if I'm just from an ordinary background, and I can't bring out a man with a surname like Fu Song? What if the Yinlou is unprepared and the account books are not complete? I have thought about the outcome of this lawsuit? It will be 'conclusive', lose the lawsuit, and go bad The reputation of the store..."

Shu Shu felt a little heavy.

The current law can only restrain and balance among people of equal status.

The status is very different, and the law is empty talk.

Nine Elder Brothers recalled that Gui Dan used his banner to buy land at a lower price, gritted his teeth and said, "I haven't had the time to deal with him before, look at his behavior, it didn't develop in a day or two, Guo Luoluo's family I don't know how to be rampant in Shengjing... When the time comes, it will be the empress's reputation..."

"It's just a 'fox pretending to be a tiger'... But if you really do something bad, no one will blame the fox, they will only hate the tiger who backs the fox even more... I am the prince and elder brother, and I will be ennobled and opened a mansion in the future, and there will be more people around me." There are too many 'Guidan', I don't know how many debts will be made to accuse my grandfather..."

As Shu Shu said, she felt helpless.

Power is like a knife, if you don't grasp it well, you will hurt others and yourself.

Brother Jiu didn't take it seriously at first, but then he said solemnly: "Don't worry, can you always suffer? There will be Guidan once, and Qianjinfang once. In the future, the employer will keep an eye on it, and won't ask people to fool around. go..."

Shu Shu knew that blindly preaching would only upset people, so she immediately said trustingly: "I believe in you, you are the smartest... I was deceived for a while before, and because I valued family affection too much, I believed in the wrong person... "

Brother Nine nodded his head as a matter of course: "Of can't always fall into a pit, then you have become a fool..."

Shu Shu sighed.

Knock on the side drum, you can't beat it all at once.

By precept and example, take your time.

Brother Jiu saw that she was still depressed, thinking that he was still annoyed by the old princess's affairs, and said: "If you are really upset, let's find a way to make things difficult for her? Her line of males is extinct, and the title will be inherited by her husband's nephew. ...That Mrs. Baylor is also a patriarchal daughter, and she brought the princess with her, and she is not from the family of Prince Lilie..."

Shu Shu understood what he meant.

Both are princesses, with equal titles, so there are fewer scruples.

Even if there is a difference in seniority, there will always be rifts between a new headed wife and an old headed wife.

If you want to piss people off, you have your own way.

Shu Shu shook her head: "No need... Her blood is severed, and it would be cheaper for her to die early... Let her believe in cause and effect, and regret it forever..."

Brother Nine looked at her, and hated iron and steel, and said: "You are just stubborn, and in the final analysis, you still don't want to take revenge..."

Shu Shu hugged Brother Jiu tightly, and said in a muffled voice: "I don't want to get my hands dirty because of her, and bear the karma... If it's because we are inappropriate to be Ama and Ernie, what should we do with little brother and little Gege?" ? Just thinking about it makes me unbearable..."

Since she wants to influence and guide Brother Nine to be kind, Shushu thinks that she can learn from Bai Lianhua.

There is no difficulty.

Who can't be a little fairy? !

"I really can't do anything about you..."

Brother Jiu was also helpless, and his voice was much gentler: "No, master is smart, and you are smart too. We live a good life, even if there is something jealous of others, just think about it in your heart, no Harming others and yourself, there will be no cause and effect..."

Shu Shu's mood immediately relaxed.

Today is another beautiful day.

She stood up, said with a smile on her face, "Let's take a look at the harvest of the master first... This golden belt can't be worn for nothing..."

Brother Jiu glared at her first, and then he couldn't help laughing, and immediately called out to someone: "He Yuzhu, quickly move the gift box in, I'm just dawdling, I can't get the gold from my lord..."

He Yuzhu came in with two young eunuchs, and the arms of the three of them were full of brocade boxes, large and small.

"Master, the slave has been wronged..."

He Yuzhu put down his things, bowed his face bitterly, and shouted for grievances: "Isn't this heavy? The servant is walking slowly..."

That is to say

He was following Brother Nine and they all walked to the door.

Because the voice was wrong, he didn't follow in.

Brother Jiu waved his hands with disgust on his face: "I can't do anything well, learn from a few girls, go down..."

He Yuzhu took the two young eunuchs down knowingly.

Shu Shu's face was already full of light, and she walked around the gift box: "Master, are these all gold?"

There are more than a dozen boxes, large and small.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "You still need to ask the master, if you open it, you will know..."

Shu Shu opened the small brocade box on the top.

Gold wrench.

Shu Shu picked it up, pressed his hand, solid.

There is a catty of gold.

Open it again, a pair of gold wristbands.

Open it again, a golden fire scythe set.

Open it again, a gold bag.

Open it again, a golden dagger.

Just like opening a blind box, as long as you open it, you will be greeted with golden light.

Gold bowls and chopsticks, golden horsewhip handles, and golden quiver.

The heaviest thing was a golden bow with a bag of golden arrowheads, which together weighed about ten catties.

In fact, most of these gold products have lost their practicality, and more of them appeared as ornaments for Mongolian princes.

Rao Shushu had thought carefully before, but she didn't expect such a good effect.

These golds add up to two or three hundred taels.

"How many gold mines are there in Mongolia?"

Shu Shu was very curious.

Of the sixteen tribes in Monan Mongolia, only one of them participated in the banquet today, all of them are so extravagant.

Brother Nine was also very touched and said: "Anyway, it's not bad money... Gifts to other elder brothers, even if they are not gold, are still good things... Thirteen, there are people who gave double..."

Because of the rule of "the youngest son guards the stove", the Mongols naturally paid more attention to seeing Kangxi and his youngest son patrolling the grassland for the first time.

It's not that he will shake the throne, but that even if the youngest son is not the heir, he will get more people, and he will be the real prince in the future.

Ninth elder brother himself has gained a lot, so he won't be jealous of thirteenth elder brother, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "The boss has learned a lot, and the third brother can hardly hold back... It's so ridiculous... It's funny today too. , Those princes mostly circle around the fifth brother, some are acquainted with the boss, some are related to the Aba Hai tribe, talk to the tenth, and some go to coax the thirteenth, few people talk to the third, the third His face turned green..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu laughed, but couldn't help feeling distressed.

Those princes circled around the fifth elder brother, because he was raised by the queen mother, and his meaning to Mongolia was different from other princes.

The reason for getting acquainted with eldest brother is because eldest brother has entered the court long ago, followed him many times, and added the weight of the eldest son of the emperor, which cannot be ignored.

Talk to Old Ten because he will be the son-in-law of the Mongols.

Where is the old thirteen, it is to bet in advance.

Except for the third elder brother who was neglected...

And Brother Nine and Brother Seven...

Ninth elder brother took pride, and took out two pieces of paper from his arms: "Look, what are these?"

Shu Shu leaned over, curious: "What? There are other gifts?"

She made it a gift list.

Brother Jiu unfolded the paper and handed it to her: "It's not a gift, but it's all gold that can be seen..."

Shu Shu watched, very speechless.

What is written above is very simple.

A gold belt with a lapis lazuli pattern leading the way.

A golden belt, palm-sized beeswax leading the way...

A golden belt, a cat's eye tiger head...


Shu Shu silently counted, there are twelve golden belts...

 Chapter 3 hasn’t come out yet, it’s going to be evening, everyone can watch it together tomorrow, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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