Chapter 134 Parrot

Looking at the list, Shu Shu was speechless and said, "Is it going to make too much noise when I take this?"

These belts vary in requirements and are custom made.

Let Seven Fujin do the talking.

Ninth elder brother's golden belt restrained the prince of Karaqin.

They thought it was a new and fashionable style in Beijing, and because of their aesthetic point of view, they naturally wished everyone had one.

It's just that the one on Brother Nine was personally made by Prince Shu Shu, Fujin.

Most of the things on the list belong to the craftsmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Even if Brother Jiu is poor and crazy, he will not push Shu Shu out to earn this manual money.

When it comes to the manufacturing office, it can't be hidden from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, nor can it be hidden from the imperial court, so Shu Shu is worried about the big noise.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has offended the Ministry of Internal Affairs badly, Shu Shu doesn't want to leave hidden dangers, let them seize the opportunity, and use this to attack Brother Nine.

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly: "Where would Khan Ama care about these trivial matters..."

Shu Shu softly said: "After all, it's a feudal land, even if it's a trivial matter, it's not easy to be self-sufficient..."

Brother Jiu was a little uncertain: "Then...they have already agreed with the master, and they will send someone to send gold over tomorrow, a belt of one hundred taels of gold, let's talk about it if it is not, return it..."

"It's not easy to go back and forth... I was thinking, or else I should go to the emperor first, and ask the emperor to make an idea..."

Shu Shu's tone became more and more gentle.

Ninth elder brother was a little unhappy: "You are so old, and you still have to ask Khan Ama everything? What's the matter?"

"If it's in the capital, of course there's no need... It's still the same sentence, it's no small matter to get involved in the feudal clan..."

Shu Shu persuaded.

Although the Prince of Monan is an inner vassal, it is different from the vassal land of the previous dynasty.

Brother Jiu hesitated and lost his confidence: "Then, what if Khan Ama scolds the Lord?"

Shu Shu: "..."

Little boy, wasn't he very courageous before?

It turned out to be a stern person!
She was also thinking of some suitable excuses to get this matter back in front of Kangxi.

Then it turns out that, let's be honest, the risk is minimal.

No matter how many other arrangements are made, it seems to be clever.

The corner of Shu Shu's mouth twitched.

It seems that every time, she is here to teach the lesson!

Greed is really not born!
If you have nothing to ask for, you have to ask for more.

This degree is not easy to grasp, and anger and delusion will occur if you are not careful.

What if you do it all over again?
She looked at the large and small gold boxes next to her, and realized that she was still a layman.

Think about things more carefully next time.

Ninth elder brother became afraid, and he felt uneasy: "How about I go to find fifth master and ask fifth elder brother to accompany me? In this way, when Han Ama scolds people, fifth elder brother can still stop at the front..."

Shu Shu quickly shook her head: "It's just a trivial matter. I just mentioned it casually in the past... It's all open to the king. It's not easy for me to refuse, and it's not my fault... I went to report something because I was cautious. reason……"

So don't harm others, harm yourself, and harm your good brother.

After listening to it, Brother Nine calmed down a lot, nodded and said: "That's right, a circle of people are surrounding you, and I'm very rare for your belt. If it doesn't prevent you from being a prince, I would like to peel it off... I begged Master, what can master do? Speaking of which, most of them are forehead sons-in-law, and they are all elder relatives of master, what can master do?"

"That's the reason... I'm young and soft-faced, and there's nothing I can do about it..."

Shu Shu nodded in agreement.

Ninth elder brother calmed down: "Then I will go for a while..."

Before the words were finished, someone said at the door: "Ninth Brother, Ninth Sister-in-Law, Old Ten is here..."

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes, and complained to Shu Shu: "Who cares to listen to the voice of a male duck, it's still a heretic..."

Shu Shu got up, walked to the door with a smile and greeted: "Tenth brother, come in quickly..."

She knew in her heart that Elder Brother Ten was not an outsider, and she was afraid that it would be inconvenient for her to come in directly.

Brother Ten strode in, greeted Shu Shu, and then looked at Brother Nine: "Brother Nine, no matter how you respond to those people, you must first go to Ama Khan and say something... If Ama Khan agrees... I'll allow it, if not, forget it... I'm short of money, Brother Nine just asks, if it's ten thousand, my brother can still move it out..."

They were brothers next to each other, and they sat next to each other at the banquet, so they naturally saw the Mongolian prince circling around the ninth prince.

"This is outside the customs, and it involves feudal land, so be careful..."

Elder Brother Ten earnestly said.

Brother Nine looked at Brother Ten, then at Shu Shu; at Shu Shu, then at Brother Ten.

"Your uncle and sister-in-law want to go together..."

Brother Jiu felt a little sour.

This... is considered to be connected...

They are all smart people, they only show off their stupidity...

Elder Brother Ten pursed his lips and muttered, "Brother Ninth got caught in the eye of money and lost his usual caution..."

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu, but didn't speak.

Even if you want to coax people, it's not good to be in front of Elder Brother Ten.

Besides, it's not easy to be coaxed all day long.

If the mouth is thinned like that, it will only be considered long-winded.

Brother Nine stopped talking: "Don't worry, who is brother? I'm going to find Han Ama, why don't you go there with Master..."

Elder Brother Shi heard this, and immediately turned around: "Oh, I've been sitting here for a long time, and I'm covered in sweat, so I'll go back and rush..."

Brother Nine took two quick steps, and grabbed Brother Ten by the shoulder: "Isn't that loyal enough? No, let's go together!"

"Good Ninth Brother, you don't need to talk about loyalty with your younger brother at this time..."

The two brothers went out of the house fighting and noisy.

Walnut and Xiaoyu had been waiting outside, and immediately came in, one with a washbasin and the other with clothes, shoes and socks.

After Shushu finished washing and changing her clothes and shoes, Xiaosong brought the footbath again.

Seeing that the soles of Shu Shu's feet were turning red, Xiaosong felt distressed: "Fu Jin has a good time making bubbles... Let's wear flat flag shoes tomorrow..."

In the foot-washing water, there are still cinnamon sticks, silver flowers and vinegar.

These are all moisturizing.

The water temperature is suitable.

Shu Shu put her feet in and closed her eyes comfortably.

Middle Princess Mansion Road.

Shengjia is stationed in the front yard.

After Kangxi finished washing and washing, he was wearing a middle coat, with his hair loose, and sat cross-legged on the kang to read the excerpts.

Even though he brought a harem concubine with him, he was not in the mood to turn his cards around because of the hassle of running around on the road.

Hearing that elder brother Jiu asked to see him, Kangxi glanced at the small standing clock on the table.

It's been a moment.

this late?

Is it physical discomfort, or something else?
Kangxi put down the booklet and signaled to summon him.

When Brother Nine came in, Kangxi first carefully looked at his face, there was no expression of pain and unbearable, and he was a little relieved, then he saw the shining golden belt, frowned, and scolded: "Every day, pay attention to Eat and drink, and don't do serious learning, can you make more money?"

Kangxi was not pleasing to the eye when he saw this during the banquet.

It's just that there are so many people, it's not easy to teach my son face to face, and I can't help it now, and I don't have to bear it.

After giving birth to these sons, this is the first one who is so unintelligent!
I don't like extravagance, and follow the example of others. The other sons are also simple in front of me, only this one is showing off.

Before doing it, when Khan Ama scolded him, brother Jiu had to bow down and listen to the training.

Now, he is bolder and unconvinced: "Ama Khan, people rely on clothes and horses and saddles, but Xingmeng princes wear gold and silver one by one, let's just keep it plain... Isn't that being compared, why? Show the dignity of the court!"

Kangxi snorted coldly: "You bastard! A set of clothes, a belt, is the court bearing?"

"The imperial court looks rich, isn't it more emboldened? When the grassland has a white hair wind or something, Khan Ama can also give money and things to show the kindness of the imperial court... If the cowardice is missed, who knows what they will mutter behind their backs ..."

Brother Jiu was talking with a small mouth, but in his heart he was thinking of Shu Shu's "it's always reasonable".

Does this count as "seeing the good and thinking like the same"?
To be able to reason in front of Khan Ama!
Kangxi shook his head: "It's all fallacies!"

Brother Nine stretched out his hand and handed over the list: "This, I have to ask Khan Ama to decide..."

"What should I call the shots?"

Kangxi smelled it, took the list, and was still a little puzzled at first, but when he saw Brother Jiu's belt and understood it, his face was sullen: "Nonsense! Is this medicine not bitter? It's only been a few days, and you are tossing about these things again." I won't allow it!"

Brother Jiu came with disappointment on his face, but he still explained the cause and effect wittily: "It wasn't my son who made a fuss about it, but everyone looked at his belt during the meal, and begged for help to order one one by one... My son is young and soft-faced, most of these They are still relatives and elders, who just gave a meeting gift, so I have no embarrassment to refuse... But these people are princes and princes of the domain, and there is no trivial matter involved in the domain, how dare the son make up his own mind, he must ask Khan Ama to be the master..."

Kangxi's expression slowed down a bit: "Finally, I'm not confused, and I know how to be cautious..."

As he said, he pointed to the belt: "Okay, what are you wearing this for? It's causing trouble, and I can't stand up..."

On the way here, brother Jiu had already thought up his excuses, so he said: "It's not that the mother has prepared new jewelry for Mrs. Dong E and the two sister-in-laws... My son just thought, if the female relatives are better than this, then our brothers will also It’s not easy to be compared, so I urged Dong E’s to hurry up and make this...” Speaking of this, I was a little proud: “Dong E’s is quite careful, and it’s also good for the old ten and the old thirteen. Prepared a new purse..."

Kangxi was not picky about this daughter-in-law.

Half a month after he came out, he passed Wufujin and Qifujin, and handed over the two little elder brothers to Jiufujin to take care of them.

The results are in everyone's eyes.

The two elder brothers were well taken care of, looked good, and were not acclimatized.

The two brothers were a little unfamiliar at first, but now they seem to be getting a lot closer.

"She didn't persuade you?"

Kangxi was a little puzzled.

Seeing that she is a polite girl, why doesn't she know how to persuade her husband more?

Brother Jiu said arrogantly: "My son is in charge, so how can it be her turn to talk? A woman's family has long hair and short knowledge, so my son won't listen to her rambling..."

Kangxi didn't know what to say.

Brother Jiu's words are not wrong, but it's just a pity for Dong E's family.

He saw that this idiot son was getting more and more disliked, and said with a straight face: "Turn around and repeat what you just said in front of your mother..."

Brother Jiu immediately shut up.

(End of this chapter)

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