Chapter 135 Seed
Kangxi took the list and fell into deep thought.

After a while, he said, "How do you say it?"

"One hundred taels of gold for each family. If anyone wants to bring their own gemstones or add silver..."

Brother Nine replied.

Kangxi was silent.

The current gold and silver exchange is one tael of gold and ten taels of silver.

One hundred taels of gold is one thousand taels of silver!
Tomorrow is the banquet for the king of Karaqin County. After the banquet, Kangxi will give the princess and the forehead platinum satin.

Platinum, of course, is nice to talk about.

Give silver.

The princess and her husband each receive one thousand taels of silver.

It's just a belt of money!
Kangxi felt a little uncomfortable when he thought of what Brother Jiu had said.

It seems that compared with the Mongolian princes, the court is indeed not rich.

"After returning to Beijing, you will work as an errand in the construction office..."

Kangxi handed back the list and made a decision.

Brother Nine was happy at first, but then he became suspicious: "Ama, what do you mean by that? Then these jobs that are made inside are still my son's personal jobs..."

If that's the case, I haven't been busy in vain.

Kangxi glared at him: "What is the work of the manufacturing office? Does the Ministry of Internal Affairs still sell belts?"

Only then did Brother Jiu say happily: "That's good, Khan Ama doesn't know... My son is dead poor, and the dowry of Dong E's family is used for favors these days... My son can't wipe it off, she is a bad boy." I care about it, but if my father-in-law and mother-in-law find out, I'd be so embarrassed... My son usually can't straighten his back, otherwise it would be a hard meal..."

"Okay, don't cry about being poor! Keep nagging, and the money will be halved at the end of the year!"

Kangxi said mercilessly.

Brother Jiu closed his mouth and looked at Kangxi in surprise.

Didn't it say "a crying baby gets milk"?
My own Khan Ama is really hard-hearted.

Thicker skinned than myself!
Knowing that his son eats soft food, he even acquiesced!
When he returned to his own yard, Brother Jiu couldn't help whispering to Shu Shu in a low voice: "I found out that Han Ama is not only frugal, but also stingy... No wonder he cares about the third child, this third child not only followed Zhongcui Palace Niang Niang, I also followed Khan Ama, just with a generous mouth..."

There is no one else in the room, and it is just a small talk between husband and wife under the quilt.

Shu Shu didn't spoil the lecture, instead she was a bit interested: "Why do you say that?"

"My son is so poor, so he shouldn't have heard of it... If it were someone else's family, whose father-in-law would have the nerve to let his son spend his daughter-in-law's dowry?"

Brother Jiu pouted.

Shu Shu pulled his finger, touching the thin callus in his palm.

Ever since he knew he was going to come out as a follower, he practiced bow and arrow every day at elder brother's place.

I don't want to show timidity outside, and I don't want to disappoint Kangxi.

This is also a very strange and common phenomenon.

Children who are less valued by their parents are more filial and hope to be recognized by their parents.

It feels like a flattering personality with a limited audience.

"Isn't that my elder brother? I guess it's not easy for the emperor to set a precedent..."

Shu Shu is not good at adding fuel to the flames, so she can only persuade her like this.

Brother Nine muffled: "It's his own son, and he didn't pick it up. What's wrong with opening it once? It's not like he hasn't opened it before...

The eldest son is the eldest son. I heard that Khan Ama taught him how to draw the bow and shoot arrows. Because of this, the eldest son still practices desperately?He is also embarrassed that he is not stronger than his brothers...

There is also the third child, who spoke late and stuttered when he was a child, Khan Ama took him to read, over and over again, to get over his problem...

Where is the fourth child, needless to say, where is the popularity of child brides in the Eight Banners?Not to mention breaking the precedent, the empress of the Yonghe Palace stood there properly, but Khan Ama regarded the fourth child as a motherless child, as if she was afraid of being wronged. One year Khan Ama went on a tour to the north, and they all went to Miyun. After receiving the report from the palace, it was said that the fourth son had a fever, so he hurried back to the palace overnight... After confirming that his fourth son was fine, he came out again...

The crown prince is a top-notch person, who cares about every detail in daily life..."

Speaking of this, he turned over and hugged Shu Shu in his arms, and his voice became lower and lower: "Master, it's really weird... If the mistress pays attention to the concubines, it's true, there is a difference between closeness and estrangement. The ones coming out of other people's stomachs are of course different... If you are an Ama, and you don't conceive and have children yourself, no matter how you treat your flesh and blood, you will be divided into concubines..."

This idea is bad!
Although in Shu Shu's eyes, it doesn't mean to divide people into three, six, or nine classes.

But I can't stand the idea of ​​Brother Nine's equalization.

This...will harm her interests!
Shu Shu thought about it carefully, and said: "Marriage is not a matter between two people, but a matter between two families... The woman bought a dowry and married off the girl who had been raised for more than ten years. There is no difference between wives and concubines, what is the reason? The difference between concubine and concubine seems unfair, but it is also another kind of fairness..."

Brother Nine still disapproved on his face: "Of course I know that marriage is a matter between two families, and I also know that husband and wife are rivals. Khan Ama is the emperor, that's different..."

"But the emperor also needs help sometimes..."

Shu Shu sorted out the events of Kangxi's early years: "At that time, the emperor Shizu and the emperor's father and son two generations of young masters came to the court... The clan and princes were powerful, the ministers were domineering, the place was turbulent, and there were worries about the country...In the end, the emperor was able to govern smoothly, and there was also Hesheli. Because of the dedication of the two clans of Niu and Gulu..."

Therefore, the selection of the Hesheli family in the Yuan Dynasty was because the Empress Dowager was balancing the power of the four major ministers and aggravating the power of the Hesheli family who were civil servants.

Empress Xiaozhao is here also for the sake of balance.

Balance the weight between old and new forces.

When it comes to Queen Tong...

The purpose of turning the descendant family of the Tong family into a descendant family again is to contain the emerging descendant family of Hesheli...

Kangxi is a master of Duan Shui!
Shu Shu slandered.

After listening to Shu Shu's words, Brother Jiu thought about it for a while, and he felt a lot more relieved: "You are right, Khan Ama is not someone who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges. He used someone else and married someone else's daughter. It makes sense that the grandson of this family pays more attention to it... Hey, I didn't think about this before, but after thinking about it, Khan Ama is also a bitter child..."

He had this idea before, and today he listened to Shu Shu talk about cause and effect for a long time, and felt that this is also a kind of cause and effect.

Shu Shu didn't want to talk about this topic again.

It's a good idea to save money.

Otherwise, it will be exposed in front of Kangxi another day, I dare not think about it.

"Go to the construction office, and think about something else..."

Shu Shu suggested.

"What are you thinking about?"

Brother Nine was curious: "Are you still thinking about the mirror?"

Shu Shu shook her head: "There is no difference between a mirror and a belt... I thought I was on an errand once, so I couldn't just stare at these, so what kind of good things can I say about my grandfather? There are some fine things that can't be made outside, so I made them , have made meritorious service to the country?"

"You're right. You can't be underestimated, but the equipment used by the court and the Ministry of Industry... are mostly made there..."

Brother Nine got up and sat cross-legged: "Help me think about it carefully, which direction should I push hard..."

Shu Shu also sat up, thought for a while and said, "The glass workshop can't make pure transparent glass, where did the glass on the clocks made in the workshop come from..."

"Store in the treasury of the Ministry of Internal Affairs... some donated by foreigners in the early years, and some donated by Guangzhou..."

As Brother Jiu said, he came to some understanding: "Are you telling me to force yourself on the glass? Glass..."

He murmured, and then became excited: "Master, I know what to do! Clairvoyance! Now the only clairvoyance in the palace is the Qianqing Palace, and it was produced in England... Thirty-five years ago, the boss used it to show off..."

Shu Shu smiled and nodded: "Is clairvoyance? This is good... If you really want to research it, it must be a great achievement..."

Brother Nine was not confident on the contrary, he lowered his head and thought for a while and said, "There are other learnings in this, it is not as simple as grinding glass, or Khan Ama would have already dismantled it and learned how to make it... It can't be said that the construction office I have studied it in the early years, but I have not made it..."

Shu Shu encouraged: "This kind of thing that benefits the country and the people, even if it takes three to five years, is worth it..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "Then let's think about it quietly first, don't make a big fuss, or if we can't get it out, it will make people laugh..."

"Grandfather is very thoughtful..."

Shu Shu continued to praise the party: "This is more appropriate..."

The two lay down again, brother Jiu was a little excited, and was already talking about finding those books after returning to the palace.

With a smile on the corner of Shu Shu's mouth, he was thinking about those twelve golden belts.

Even if there is only [-]% profit in the middle, that is three hundred and sixty taels of gold.

In addition to the gifts received by Brother Nine before, it adds up to five or six hundred taels of gold.

The fifth elder brother's hole can be repaid in half.

That's the way, it can only be used this time.

Brother Nine dressed up like this today, and it can still be said that he has a youthful heart. If every banquet is like this, then the ambition will not be able to hide...

The next day, the King of Karaqin had a banquet, and the scale was even more grand.

The palace of the king of Harqin County is opposite to the princess mansion, which occupies twice the area of ​​the princess mansion.

Yesterday, Princess Duanjing and her son-in-law had a banquet, which was regarded as a family banquet, and Shu Shu and the others wore ordinary clothes.

For today's banquet, Shu Shu and his sister-in-law need to wear the royal prince's auspicious clothes.

"Fortunately, you have to wear a hat, and today you don't have the jewelry you wore like yesterday..."

Qi Fujin was still wearing the four and a half inch flag shoes, holding the hand of the court lady, walking slowly, expressing her gratitude.

When they go out, they naturally also carry jewelry boxes, but they are all exquisite and small.

Except for yesterday's hooded mask, the rest that can look rich and powerful are yesterday's meeting gifts, so it's not easy to wear them out.

Shu Shu put on two-inch ship-bottom flag shoes, and she walked much more comfortably without being rude.

When we arrived at the Queen Mother's residence, there was a chariot waiting for me.

A group of people went to the county palace.

Same as yesterday's banquet, the people present are similar, except that there is no separation of men and women.

They are all in the main hall of the palace.

During the period, there were officials from the Ministry of Etiquette, and there were regulations every time he got up and took a seat.

The noodles are authentic Mongolian meal. The mutton has been cut into mahjong pieces, a few fried fruits, and the rest are fresh fruits, dried fruits, and candied fruit.

Shu Shu ate with relish.

After two days of eating, I still think the mutton here is delicious.

Wait until halfway through the banquet.

The princess and the forehead entered the milk wine.

Kangxi bestowed platinum satin.

The banquet is over.

Tomorrow, Shengjia will set off to continue his northern tour.

The reunion of flesh and blood is only for three days.

(End of this chapter)

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