Chapter 136 Little Fish
The Harqin Department is at the junction of mountains and grasslands.

After leaving the Harqin Department, the team marched to the hinterland of the grassland.

The scenery also becomes monotonous.

There is no royal way, no palace, no walking, only the boundless wilderness.

Start living in tents tonight!

Shu Shu sat on the carriage, looking forward to it.

Who doesn't have a camping dream? !
Tents, campfires, starlight.

And BBQ...

Shu Shu couldn't wait any longer.

The mutton here is delicious. It is very tender and juicy even when it is boiled. It is definitely better when it is grilled with cumin powder.

Brother Nine rode on horseback and accompanied the imperial guards around.

Xiaosong and Walnut accompany Shu Shu.

Xiao Song was full of urgency: "Fu Jin, if we go camping tonight, will we be able to hunt rabbits?"

Shu Shu knew that she was overwhelmed.

They kept talking about this before they left Beijing, but after half a month, most of them followed Yujia, and their movements and movements were well-regulated.

Finally, everyone left the royal driving team for a few days, and they got up early and stayed late, busy with the errands of Brother Nine, and had no time to do anything else.

"When the time comes, let's walk around..."

Shu Shu herself is wearing riding clothes now, nodding her head with a smile, and looking at Walnut again: "How is your horse riding?"

Walnut felt embarrassed: "I can walk a few steps while riding, but I dare not shout... The horse is scared when it runs away, and the rein is tightened. If it weren't for sister Xiaosong watching, I almost fell before..."

With seriousness on her face, Shu Shu warned, "Everything needs to be safe... It's okay if you don't know how to ride a horse, let alone in Beijing, even if we come out, there are not many opportunities to ride a horse... It's a good thing to be self-motivated, but you have to Weighing the pros and cons, you don’t need to force yourself... The serious Eight Banners are wearing armor, riding a horse is like eating, and not one or two people fall off their horses and become disabled every year... It’s hard to say..."

Walnut listened respectfully, nodded and said: "I have made a note of this, I won't try to be brave..."

In the final analysis, it is the damn desire to win.

Shu Shu herself is very strong, and she can understand Walnut's thoughts.

However, Shu Shu still persuaded: "Everyone has something they are good at, and there are also things they are not good at. If you want to be a leader, you don't have enough energy... Just like Xiao Song and the others, they just take care of each other, so be yourself If you are good at or like something, you will get twice the result with half the effort... Otherwise, you will get twice the result with half the effort, wasting effort..."

Being strong is a good thing, but the body is also important.

In the past half a month, the others have not changed much. The walnut has lost a lot of weight, and if it continues to boil, it will become a shriveled walnut.

Walnut became more and more respectful: "The slave knows..."

Shu Shu didn't say anything more.

For the girls around her, she didn't spend much time preaching.

Occasionally there is something, but also to mention a word.

Walnut obviously knew this too, and when she saw her say it twice, she became a little nervous.

Shu Shu turned the conversation away and asked Xiao Song: "Did you take out the fishing net yesterday?"

"Take it out, and take out the two fishing rods..."

Xiao Song took a cautious look at Shu Shu: "I just beg Fujin not to drag the slave to fish, the slave can't sit still..."

Shu Shu glanced at her: "Then let your sister Xiaoyu dig earthworms, or ask your sister Xiaotang to dig earthworms?"

It's not necessarily for live bait, it's just to grind this girl's escapism.

Xiaosong's eyes aimed at Walnut.

Walnut hurriedly begged for mercy: "My good sister, please forgive me... I don't dare to touch that... Sister Smelly still dares to grab it, it's so soft, it's scary to look at..."

Xiao Song sighed: "Really, what is there to be afraid of?"

The grasslands are densely covered with rivers.

There are tens of thousands of people in this line, and they will only be stationed near the river.

Mongolians don't eat fish, they think fish is the soul of horses.

However, they are gentle in nature, more rules and restrictions are required for themselves, and they do not interfere with others.

So I don't object to others fishing and eating fish.

Shu Shu had previously regarded this retinue as a long-distance trip, and naturally prepared a lot of suitable pastimes.

These fishing nets and fishing rods are prepared for the rivers on the grassland.

Today's resident is called "Bierqier".

Next to it is a river called "Old Hamulun River".

The team began to set up camp.

This is knowledge that Shu Shu has never been exposed to, so she followed Brother Jiu with a little curiosity, watching the servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs set up a tent.

"My lord, what does 'Bai Erqier' mean?"

Shu Shu regards Brother Jiu as Du Niang.

Brother Nine got stuck this time.

Shu Shu was surprised: "Didn't Master come here before..."

Brother Nine shook his head: "I've never been here...the road is different...ahead is the Aohan tribe. Khan Ama has made so many tours to the north, but he always took another road, and he hasn't walked this one yet..."

The time to be stationed today is early, and it is only Shenchu ​​now.

The camp is in a mess here, and it will probably take a while to calm down.

Shu Shu said, "Master, let's go for a walk by the river..."

The station is about two or three miles away from the river bank.

Brother Nine just saw Xiaosong get off the car with the fishing rod and net, and said, "Call tenth and thirteenth..."

Shu Shu had no objection, so He Yuzhu trotted to call for someone.

When the two came over, everyone got on the horse.

In addition to the four of them, Xiaosong, Xiaoyu, He Yuzhu, and Sun Jin who can ride horses followed.

Behind the crowd, there are those guards.

Although Brother Nine's errand was handed over, Kangxi still didn't transfer the guards back, and still stayed with them.

The banks are gentle.

The river is crystal clear.

The water on the bank was no more than a foot or two deep.

Shu Shu looked at it and breathed a sigh of relief.

It's safer that way.

These guards...

It's not that Shu Shu underestimated them...

But swimming is not a common skill for northerners.

"So many fish..."

Elder Brother Ten was squatting by the river, looking at the silver light here, he was in disbelief: "It's too dense..."

The fish in the river are not big, the longest one is no more than the length of a palm, and the slender strips are as thick as a finger, but the number is considerable.

Xiao Song, who knew him well, took the fishing net and handed it over: "Master Shi uses this to catch..."

The fishing net they prepare is not the kind of throwing net, but an enlarged version of a colander.

Elder Brother Ten caught it immediately, aimed at the place where the fish were most densely packed, and caught five or six fish.

"Hahaha! Grandpa caught it!"

Elder Brother Ten laughed loudly, not hiding the joy of harvesting.

Elder Brother Thirteen looked at Shu Shu and prayed: "Sister-in-law Nine..."

The crisp boyish voice that hasn't changed yet, plus it's several degrees sweeter than usual.

Shu Shu was very helpful, just when he was about to speak, Brother Jiu stopped him, frowned and scolded: "Speak well, you are so lazy, little girl?"

Brother Thirteen blushed, his cheeks puffed up.

Elder Brother Shi sneered and said, "Isn't this the little elder brother? He was flattered by the Mongolian prince and couldn't find his way for two days... How old do you really think he is? The real Khan Ama's youngest son is still breastfeeding in Yikun Palace... ..."

The thirteenth elder brother was hurt by the two elder brothers, his eyes were red.

Shu Shu glared at Brother Shisan: "Don't bully Shisan, do you look like an older brother?"

As she said that, she took two steps forward and held Brother Thirteen's hand: "Go fishing with my sister-in-law, let's ignore them...don't learn from them in the future, if you don't practice eloquence, you will owe a beating, no speak politely……"

The uncle and sister-in-law went to the other side of the open space.

Xiaoyu followed with two fishing rods in his arms, and Xiaosong followed behind with two ponytails in one hand and two stacked kegs in the other.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother were left looking at each other.

Brother Nine looked at Brother Ten, lowered his volume, and condemned: "You too, I'm old and thirteen, it really made me cry when I turned around, you can coax yourself..."

Elder Brother Shi shuddered: "I can't, how old are you, still crying? Shameless?"

Ninth elder brother originally didn't want thirteenth elder brother to get close to Shu Shu, but now he doesn't stop him.

He saw that Shu Shu was cleaning up the mess for the old ten.

What I said just now is not out of line, even if it is passed on to the emperor, it is the elder brother who disciplines the younger brother, and no one else can find fault.

Those few words from Old Ten...

a bit mean...

It is also easy to be misunderstood as jealousy...

If it is really going to be passed on to the imperial court, who knows what Khan Ama thinks? !

Elder Brother Shi also realized that he had made a slip of the tongue and patted his mouth.

On Shu Shu's side, Elder Brother Thirteen has already diverted his attention.

There are two uncles and sisters, each with a fishing rod.

What is used is not live bait, but the dough that was blended after the peach cake was crushed before.

With the fragrance of dim sum.

Where did the little fish in the river see this?
As soon as the rod was thrown, a small fish took the bait.

In just a few words, the uncle and sister-in-law each caught two or three fish.

If it weren't for the fact that both of them were novices, and they were slow to lift the pole, they would have missed one out of three shots and captured more.

The two of them didn't have to sit and wait at all.

Xiaoyu and Xiaosong were beside them, waiting for them to set the bait and pick the fishing rods, they were very busy.

"Haha, fishing is so fun..."

The thirteenth elder brother's volume was much higher than usual, and he looked proudly at the tenth elder brother and the others.

It was so lively that the guards also gathered around to watch the excitement.

The small fish still took the bait one by one.

The empty barrel next to it is already half full.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother couldn't bear the temptation, so they came here.

Shu Shu had already caught seven or eight fishing rods, and when she was satisfied, she handed the fishing rods to Elder Brother Shi when she saw the two people coming.

Elder Brother Ten took the fishing rod with a wide smile and started fishing.

"Haha, I caught a big one, seven or eight inches..."

When Shu Shu and Ninth Brother left the crowd, Tenth Brother had already caught fish and started to show off.

Shu Shu let out a long breath, and pulled Brother Jiu to stand in front of a bush of Sarilang flowers.

"Master, no matter what the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother have, it's better to keep it in your heart... The emperor attaches great importance to siblings, he will not like a younger brother who disrespects his elder brother, but he will not be happy to see his elder brother being mean to his younger brother... Once Twice can still be said to be an unintentional act, but in the long run, a mistake is a mistake..."

Shu Shu said seriously.

She specifically mentioned this, not because she knew that Elder Brother Thirteen would be Prime Minister Wang in the future, and she deliberately wanted to please her, but because she knew that Mrs. Zhang's life was not long.

Now the tenth elder brother has lost his mother, Kangxi has a lot of love for this son and will be tolerant.

What about when Brother Thirteen loses his mother?
Whether it is the crown prince or the tenth elder brother, the status is here, and the family is also helping.

Brother Thirteen is different.

There is a natal family, but it's just an ordinary dressing, and it can't be the prince's help.

No need to think about it, Kangxi will only have more sympathy and love for this son...

(End of this chapter)

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