Chapter 137 Good Brother
At about the second quarter of Shenchu, the camp and royal tents were set up.

The elder brother and the third elder brother came to the carriage and respectfully asked to move.

In the carriage, besides Kangxi, there is also the Minister of the Ministry of Officials who is on duty today.

The two monarchs and ministers are discussing the scriptures of Li Huizu, Governor of Huguang.

The grain in Hunan is uneven, and there have been civil unrest in recent years.

In April, Kangxi ordered Li Huizu, governor of Huguang, to investigate the matter and make corrections to the average size of the land involved.

Today Li Huizu's booklet has arrived, and it is stated in the booklet that this booklet was made by Ren Nei Chengzhang, governor of Pianyuan Yang Fengqi. If you mix up the Si case, it will cause civil unrest, which is a case of dereliction of duty. Please dismiss Governor Yang Fengqi as usual.

Fansi, that is, the chief envoy.

Regardless of whether the charges are proven or not, discord between governors and governors is a taboo.

Two people should not be officials in the same place.

Both of them are Han Army Banners, Yang Fengqi is Han Army Zhenghong Banner, and Li Huizu is Han Army Zhenghuang Banner.

The former entered the official post with a supplementary pen, and the latter was a leader at the beginning and a doctor of the Ministry of War later.

They are all people-friendly officials, but the latter was promoted to be a Beijing official and become the Minister of Dali Temple.

In the thirty-fifth year of Kangxi's reign, Yu Jia personally conquered Zhungeer. Li Huizu served as the governor of Henan Province. He made great achievements in handling military supplies and was promoted to governor of Huguang.

Yang Fengqi, governor of Pianyuan, was promoted to governor by the chief envoy of the province.

Among the two, Kangxi trusted Li Huizu more.

That is to say, the paper was approved and he was allowed to be dismissed.

However, it also ordered the Inspectorate to send people to Beijing to verify the matter.

When Kangxi got off the carriage, he didn't go to the imperial tent immediately, but went to the back of the carriage.

This is the carriage of the Empress Dowager, Fifth Prince has already stood beside her.

Hearing that Kangxi was coming, the Empress Dowager hurriedly asked someone to open the curtain of the carriage, and was about to get out of the carriage.

Kangxi stepped forward and personally helped the queen mother get off the car.

A group of people surrounded the queen mother and entered the queen mother's tent, and Kangxi came out with a group of people to the imperial tent.

Seeing that there were only three elder brothers there, Kangxi couldn't help frowning: "Where are Lao Jiu and the others? Why don't you see them?"

The eldest elder brother and the third elder brother looked at each other in blank dismay, they were just staring at Yuzhang's side and didn't pay attention.

On the other hand, Fifth Brother, who was worried just now, had already searched around the back and pointed to the river in the distance: "It's not good for the old nine, take the two young ones to the river..."

Kangxi frowned when he heard this, and looked in the direction pointed by the fifth elder brother. He vaguely saw more than ten or twenty people, and many guards followed him, so he was relieved and said: "I don't do business all day, and I will take two The little ones are all broken..."

The fifth elder brother laughed, but the eldest elder brother remained silent.

The third elder brother nodded and agreed: "Yes, Lao Jiu should take good care of him, and he has reached the age of serving as an errand, seeing that the person who will be Ama..."

The eldest elder brother looked at the third elder brother curiously.

The fifth elder brother pursed his lips, his face was a little ugly.

Kangxi looked at the third elder brother, but did not speak.

The atmosphere suddenly quieted down.

The third elder brother noticed something was wrong, thought about what he said, but didn't find any gaffes.

Seeing that he was still ignorant, Kangxi nodded and said: "You are right, Lao Jiu should also be on duty, and I will send him to the Ministry of Internal Affairs later..."

The Fifth Elder Brother hurriedly said: "The House of Internal Affairs is good, learn the errands slowly, and don't be afraid of mistakes... There seems to be no errands in the second half of the year, just preparing for the eldest brother's wedding..."

He was very relieved.

I was afraid that my younger brother would be embarrassed by the elders outside if he took an errand from the sixth department.

The younger brother has an unruly personality, and he will be at a disadvantage when the time comes.

On the side of the House of Internal Affairs, no matter whether it is the chief manager or a few ministers, they are all familiar with the prince, and they dare not rely on their elders to sell their elders.

The third elder brother hesitated: "Ama Khan, Lao Jiu's civil and military studies are ordinary, but he is a little too talented... I have been delayed in going to the House of Internal Affairs, will the Lifan Academy be better..."

Everyone looked at Third Elder Brother.

The third elder brother couldn't help it, looked down at himself, there was nothing wrong, he couldn't help asking curiously: "My son...did you say the wrong thing?"

He really planned for Brother Nine.

Now that the prince's elder brother has reached the seventeenth elder brother, don't talk about the younger ones, the younger ones are from the concubine, they haven't entered school yet, and they don't look good, just talk about the big ones.

The fourth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are brothers from the same mother.

The eighth elder brother, the ninth elder brother, and the tenth elder brother are next to each other in age, live next to each other, and have a strong relationship.

The fifth elder brother and the seventh elder brother are also in a similar situation.

The single prince elder brother, there are the first elder brother, the prince and him, and the twelve elder brothers.

The birth of this younger brother and concubine can also be ignored.

The rest are their three elder brothers.

Although Han Ama assigned him to the prince, the third elder brother also had a balance in his heart.

A prince is just a prince.

What if the prince is not the prince anymore?

The only ones left with a chance are him and the boss.

My mother's family is not obvious, but my wife's family is very capable.

Beat the boss by a chip.

There is an eighth elder brother on the boss's side, but there is no help on his side.

Khan Ama pointed out to Brother Jiu to marry Dong E, which was his opportunity, how could he miss it?
Kangxi just disliked Wanjiu elder brother for being unintelligent yesterday, and now he is resisted by his third son.

At first, I thought that he was not showing face to Lao Jiu, but he didn't show up when everyone comforted Lao Jiu a few days ago, so he was a little cold.

Now it seems that this is reading stupid.

Keep your ears shut!

I don't know about Brother Jiu's physical condition, and I don't know that Brother Jiu made a big fuss in Sanchakou a few days ago and was in charge.

He said to the third elder brother: "I didn't say anything wrong, it's good, I know how to think about my brother..."

The third elder brother held back a smile and said respectfully: "Whoever calls a son is an elder brother, it is right to take care of brothers. Our brothers are not as good as Khan Ama in both civil and military skills, but I would like to show my strengths and serve Khan Ama loyally. The old nine I was smart since I was a child, and I will definitely do well in my errands in the future..."

The eldest brother and the fifth elder brother looked at each other, feeling uncomfortable.

He spoke very warmly, like Brother Jiu's real brother.

It looks like a good intention, but it's stupid...

The riverside is not far from Daying.

Today is another blue sky.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother compared and used up more than half of a box of bait.

Ninth elder brother couldn't hold back, and snatched the fishing rod from thirteenth elder brother.

The thirteenth elder brother had enough fun, and the wooden barrel on his side had more fish in it than the one next door, so he gave up the fishing rod with a smile.

Seeing Shu Shu looking at the station, Brother Thirteen came over and asked, "What is sister-in-law looking at?"

"The imperial tent should be set up, the carriage is taken elsewhere..."

As Shu Shu said, she looked at Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu had just caught a fish, and he was also looking this way, shaking the little white strip in his hand, showing off proudly: "Look, I caught the fish myself, let's grill it tonight..."

Shu Shu nodded with a smile, walked over, and pointed to the direction of the camp: "The emperor seems to have moved..."

Brother Jiu looked intently, and sure enough, the tall imperial tent had been set up, and the guards around him had already stood still.

He took off the little white strip, and greeted Brother Ten with a bit of reluctance: "Old Ten, come back..."

The tenth elder brother was also reluctant, but when he saw the wooden barrel on the ground, he smiled and said: "Return! Present the fish to Han Ama, we caught it with our own hands, and the queen mother and concubine..."

Only then did Brother Jiu see Kangxi's stinginess, and he realized that showing filial piety is useless, there is no reward, and lack of interest, so he waved his hand: "You go with the old thirteen..."

Elder Brother Ten glanced at Elder Thirteen.

The thirteenth elder brother heard the two elder brothers talking, but he didn't interrupt, but there was expectation on his face.

Elder Brother Ten nodded: "Okay, I'll take Old Thirteen to offer fish..."

A group of people return.

The princes have their own accounts, which are on the west side of the imperial account.

When everyone came back, they divided into two groups. The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother went directly to Yuqian with a fish bucket, and did not forget to leave a bucket of fish.

"Sister-in-law, I want to drink fish soup tonight... After eating mutton for a few days, I got angry..."

Elder Brother Ten ordered without hesitation.

Shu Shu wrote it down, and said: "The river fish will inevitably have a fishy smell. When the time comes, put more ginger and pepper, and sweat..."

There is a big temperature difference on the grassland, and everyone has changed their jackets.

Elder Thirteen also followed suit: "Sister-in-law, Shisan eats roasted food, and I saw Xiaosong taking a seasoning packet..."

Shu Shu also agreed.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother went to the imperial tent side by side.

Shu Shu looked at the backs of the two, and was very relieved, and whispered to Brother Jiu: "Brother Ten is a sensible person..."

People are far and near.

In Ninth Brother's heart, Tenth Brother is naturally closer.

He felt sulking: "If the imperial concubine is still here, why should I worry about this? If you don't wait to see it, then you won't wait to see it..."

Shu Shu thinks Elder Brother Ten is in a good situation.

Not only the tenth prince, but also the crown prince at the front and the thirteenth prince at the back, these three princes had a smooth life after losing their mother.

It is said that "if there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather". There is no master in the harem, no stepmother, only a bunch of little mothers.

Xiaoniang couldn't get her hands in the discipline of her own son, let alone the other princes.

Like Kangxi, he is obviously a father, but he also worries about being a mother. I am afraid that he is the only one.

Xiaotang held the fish bucket and asked how to eat it.

Shu Shu thought for a while and said, "In addition to fish soup and grilled fish, some fried fish..."

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother sent the fish to the imperial court, where are the queen mother and concubine Yi?
Shu Shu couldn't make up her mind, so she directly asked Brother Jiu: "Do you want to 'give food' to the queen mother and empress?"

The prince's tents are all in this area, and it's not good to eat alone. The eldest elder brother, the third elder brother, the fifth elder brother and his wife, and the seventh Fujin, need to keep four portions.

Brother Jiu looked at the fish bucket on the ground. It was about a foot high, and there were thirty or forty fish in it.

How many plates is this enough?

To whom and not to whom?
If there is a queen mother, there are two concubines.

The empress gave it away, where can the concubine Zhang be left?

Concubine Zhang gave it away, how many nobles are there?

Everyone gave it away, and the rest promised to be with Big Brother and Third Brother's Gege?

Being praised twice by Shu Shu for being considerate, brother Jiu also thinks more about things, and can't make up his mind for a while.

The tenth and thirteenth elder brothers have come back with a "da da da".

The tenth elder brother has become much weaker, and the thirteenth elder brother's eyes are shining: "Ninth brother, sister-in-law, Khan Ama sent an errand for the two of us, and asked us to take people to catch fish, and add food to the dining room tonight..."

Brother Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, and urged repeatedly: "Go quickly, don't delay dinner..."

Shu Shu also said: "Then go, just be careful, don't go into deep water..."

Ninth elder brother looked over, looked at Shu Shu, thought of counting people in his heart, and actually pulled his father-in-law down, and immediately told tenth elder brother: "Remember to save a bucket, and I will send it to Zhenghongqi barracks later..."

Only then did Brother Ten lift his spirits, nodded and said, "Well, then I'll go with Brother Nine..."

The two elder brothers took people there.

Shu Shu asked curiously, "Is there something you want to do with Ama?"

Brother Jiu shook his head: "I just want to be filial to my father-in-law..."

After all, he was not used to soft words, so he added: "Didn't you find out that my father-in-law is generous and not stingy? We don't suffer from reciprocity... Unlike Khan Ama, who can only get in and out, we are at a loss... "

Shu Shu's expression became stiff, and she looked behind Brother Jiu.

The scene quieted down.

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(End of this chapter)

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