Chapter 138 Honesty (first change, ask for a monthly pass)
Kangxi is here.

With his hands behind his back, his expression was unpredictable.

The eldest brother, the third elder brother, and the fifth elder brother followed behind, with different reactions.

The elder brother raised his chin, as if he was looking at the curtain in the distance.

The third elder brother had condemnation on his face, and he almost had "hate that iron cannot be made into steel" engraved on his face.

The fifth elder brother's face was a little pale, and the sweat was dripping from his forehead.

Shu Shu was beside her, her palms were sweaty, but her expression was calm, she just smiled and looked at Brother Jiu, her eyes full of trust.

She didn't dare to be nervous, she was worried that Brother Jiu would be even more nervous if she was nervous.

"Khan...Khan Ama..."

Brother Jiu was taken aback, his knees softened, and he almost knelt down. When he saw Shu Shu next to him, he stopped again: "You... are you walking?"


Kangxi's face was gloomy and he said: "If I hadn't heard it with my own ears, I wouldn't know that you have such a big opinion on me! You are stingy? You can only get in but not out? You are dead? Tell me, why are you stingy? What did you get in? What a loss what?"

Xu Shi gets along with his son more these days, Xu Shi Shu Shu is by his side, Brother Jiu feels that he can also be more courageous.

"Khan Ama..."

Ninth elder brother thought about the grievances of the past few years, and sighed: "My son is poor, and you know... Is fifty taels of silver a month too little? It's a lot, as Han Ama said, it's two The annual salary of the Eight Banners vest... Besides, we elder brothers are fortunate to be the sons of Khan Ama. The food and drink expenses are all provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the monthly salary is all pocket money. It is enough, but why are we so poor... Who does it depend on? ..." As he spoke, he secretly looked at Big Brother.

Khan Ama taught the little brother a lesson. The big brother was afraid of his embarrassment, so he was thinking of how to avoid it, but he didn't expect a pot to fall from the sky.

He looked at the sky, then pointed to himself, dumbfounded: "It's up to me?"

Big brother is confused.

But looking at Brother Jiu's upright and confident appearance, it doesn't seem like he's aiming for nothing.

His heart sank, and he couldn't help but worry: "Is... someone wronged the ninth brother?"

The elder brother has also heard about the case of the nanny in the second school.

Now he couldn't help worrying whether his mother-in-law would be involved.

After all, my mother-in-law is the head of the four concubines, and she is also inextricably linked with the House of Internal Affairs, so what if there is any omission?
The third elder brother was at the side, glanced at the eldest elder brother, seemed to understand, and hurriedly said: "Ninth brother, if you are wronged, just say, Khan Ama is here, he loves us the most, and will definitely make decisions for you... "

Kangxi was beside him, his eyes were dark.

If before, he was only angry at Brother Jiu for his unrestrained speech, and planned to teach him a lesson for a long time to remember, but now he brought up the previous matter and wanted to kick Brother Jiu twice.

On weekdays, I seem to be dissatisfied with this and that, but what is the result?

I dare not say it when I am hungry, and I dare not say it if I am suspected of being bullied!
Brother Jiu quickly shook his head: "No, no... my younger brother is the prince elder brother, apart from Khan Ama and other brothers, who can bully me? Who dares to bully me?"

The fifth elder brother couldn't help it anymore, stomped his feet and said, "Why are you still hiding it? Tell Khan Ama, let Khan Ama decide! Did you suffer from a 'fairy dance', or what? I lied to you for ten thousand in less than half a year. An extra two taels of silver... Do you want to collect money for that person again by messing around with errands this time, getting a gold belt or something?"

One stone can start a thousand waves!

Everyone looked at Brother Nine together.

Shu Shu endured it so that she didn't lose her composure.

Not being a thief is also a guilty conscience!


Accidentally met...

What happened to fifth brother? !
I don't know how to chat with Wu Fujin about household chores!

Although Shu Shu and Ninth Elder Brother didn't directly tell Fifth Elder Brother about buying land and property, Shu Shu had already mentioned this matter in front of Concubine Yi before.

Shu Shu noticed a gaze falling on her.

She dared not look up, but looked down at her boots.

One inch high wooden sole, black satin upper, embroidered with purple magnolia flowers.

It took her a while to look away.

Shu Shu followed suit.

It's not like thinking about life and death like when I first met, but I'm also afraid that it will involve myself.

Whoever's child hurts.

In the eyes of parents, I am afraid that the son is always good, and if there is anything wrong, it is also abducted by the daughter-in-law.

Shu Shu still remembers the look in Yifei's eyes before, but now this similar look appeared again.

Ninth elder brother has come to his senses, glaring at fifth elder brother, his face full of embarrassment: "fifth elder brother, what nonsense are you talking about? What 'immortal dance' and not 'immortal dance', didn't it just cost you two times of money? You didn't say no To return you, I have to go to Khan Ama to talk about it, and I will pay you back tomorrow!"

The fifth elder brother was also anxious: "Who wants you to pay back the money? There is no 'Immortal Dance', why are you short of money this time? Don't hide it anymore, let Han Ama decide!"

As he spoke, he took two steps and knelt down in front of Kangxi: "Ama Khan, you want to make the decision for Lao Jiu...someone blackmailed brother...five thousand taels of silver in April, and another five thousand taels in May Two...June and July didn't move, and August came again..."

Ninth elder brother was so angry that he was going to pull him up: "What's wrong with fifth brother? You don't know anything, shut up!"

The fifth elder brother didn't move, straightened his neck and said, "I don't know, then just tell me... If you don't tell me, where can I find out..."

Brother Nine had no choice but to tell the truth: "Aren't I just thinking about paying back Fifth Brother's money? I just wanted to ask Han Ama for an errand for some rewards..."

The fifth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother with a confused face: "Who wants you to pay back the money? Isn't that the pocket money I gave you?"

The ninth elder brother still went to help him, and the fifth elder brother also realized that there seemed to be a misunderstanding. He blushed and stood up, looking at his younger brother with a flattering smile.

Brother Nine glared at him, leaned over and patted the dust on his front.

The third elder brother was beside him, and asked eagerly: "What about the 'Xianren Dance' before? Where did the ten thousand taels of silver go? April and May?"

This is not a small amount, but ten thousand taels!

Duke Doro's two-year salary!

Listening to Lao Jiu's previous voice, it seems that he still has something to do with Big Brother!

Brother Jiu glanced at Kangxi.

Previously, rumors and rumors were caused because of the property purchase in March and April.

Before the imperial court, he had already confessed the inside story.

Khan Ama knew about this.

Speaking of before, brother Jiu was very frank about his "loyalty".

I feel that even in front of other brothers, I can show my closeness without guilt.

It's not someone else's turn to be picky.

However, in front of Fifth Brother...

Brother Jiu couldn't tell.

Relying on Fifth Brother's subsidy, to subsidize Starling...

kind of fucked up...

Seeing that the fifth elder brother still looked worried, the third elder brother kept asking questions, and the ninth elder brother was upset.

The money in April, because of property purchase, it is inconvenient to say.

The money in May was posted to Shu Shu because he was worried about the embarrassment of Dong E's family, so it's hard to tell.

Otherwise, what if Khan Ama misunderstood that Shu Shu was greedy for money?
Brother Jiu thought of this, covered Shu Shu behind him, and looked at Kangxi pleadingly: ""Anyway, it's not some kind of 'immortal dance', it's a serious matter... If you don't believe me, ask Khan Ama, Khan Ama knows this Something..." The last sentence was addressed to the third elder brother and the fifth elder brother.

Knowing son Moruo father.

Kangxi knew about the property purchase, but he was also curious about the May money.

I didn't expect Shu Shu to be involved.

He glanced at Shu Shu just now, but it was because Yi Fei mentioned "debt" and "debt".

It seems to praise the youngest daughter-in-law, but in fact it is to make up for Brother Jiu's work at Sanchakou.

The young couple is in debt...

There is also something about Dong E's?

Besides urging her husband to remember to pay off the debt, what else did she do? Why is Lao Jiu so nervous and guilty?Do not call yourself!

Shu Shu noticed it naturally.

She held her breath, blushed, and then came out from behind Brother Jiu, and said shyly, "Ama, don't blame Master's my daughter-in-law's fault...the five thousand taels of silver in May... The Zhuang ticket is collected by the daughter-in-law..."

Not to mention the elder brothers, even Kangxi was surprised.

Is it really related to Dong E's?


Aren't the two married yet?
Shu Shu softly glanced at Elder Brother Jiu, with no concealment of gratitude on his face: "Eighth Master is getting married. Seeing that Eighth Sister-in-law has a generous dowry, Jiu Ye is afraid that his daughter-in-law will marry in front and back. The thin dowry will make people laugh, so he gives it to his daughter-in-law. Add makeup..."

Brother Jiu was afraid that everyone would misunderstand that Shu Shu was greedy for money, so he quickly said with disdain: "What is given to you is for you, but you know where the master took the silver from Fifth Brother, so you also remember the previous five thousand taels owed. , I have been talking about paying back the five thousand taels of banknotes all the time, and I still want to use the money in the box... I can still let you use the dowry money, so what is it?"

Young couple, you look at me, I look at you.

It's all eyebrow and eye lawsuits.

Shu Shu is very satisfied with Brother Jiu's performance, but she is also annoyed by his short mouth.

I didn't want to preach too much before, and Shu Shu didn't talk about things that were not in principle.

As a result, the couple gossips a lot, so they get used to it.

But there are some things, gossip on the bedside is nothing, but they are said in broad daylight, and the righteous master has met...

Brother Jiu stared at Shu Shu.

Even though he is timid, he still dares to rush ahead!

If you are misunderstood by Khan Ama and get a bad impression, there will be no good fruit to eat in the future!

The fifth elder brother was beside him, so he couldn't help worrying.

I'm afraid that the couple really quarreled over money, and felt guilty for involving Shu Shu.

He said to Shu Shu: "Sisters and sisters, you can take what Lao Jiu gave you, and listen to Lao Jiu... don't pay it back, don't pay it back..."

Kangxi frowned, looked at Brother Jiu, then at Shu Shu.

Didn't Dong E's look very clever before?

Is this being fooled by Lao Jiu? !

After receiving [-] taels of silver from Brother Nine for "adding make-up", he took on the debt of [-] taels of silver. Isn't that too sincere...

However, this behavior is not greedy for money, and is kind, which makes it difficult for people to find fault with anything.

Kangxi looked at Brother Nine, and saw that Dong E's nose was not his nose, and his face was not his face, and he was a little displeased.

This kid, fools are blessed with fools!
There is a simple elder brother like Lao Wu who supplements him, and a younger brother who protects him like Lao Ten, and now he has such a sincere wife.

The eldest brother and the third elder brother never expected that things would go like this!
The elder brother restrained himself and didn't stare at Shu Shu's face, but he still couldn't help but take a look.

What kind of fairy character made Lao Jiu so obsessed?

(End of this chapter)

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