Chapter 139 Say Quickly
For two people who are married, it is really unheard of for the fiancé to add makeup to the fiancée.

Big Brother and Shu Shu have met several times, so he shouldn't even have an impression of his appearance.

It is the habit that big brother has developed for more than ten years.

Who told him to be the eldest son of the emperor, there was the example of Prince Li Lie when he was young, under the ear of Concubine Hui, he knew how to avoid suspicion against the harem concubine when he was ten years old.

When the younger brothers and daughters-in-law entered the palace one after another, he had already gotten used to it.

Don't look, don't talk, try to avoid dealing with each other.

After seeing Shu Shu's facial features clearly, the elder brother returned to normal.

It is also more understanding that Brother Jiu cherishes pleasing his wife so much.

Teenage heart.


The third elder brother was by the side, instead of looking at Shu Shu, he looked at the ninth elder brother.

Did this kid do it on purpose?

Is this something else?
Dong E's family is there.

The descendants of the king are not just talking about it.

Coupled with several generations of conquests and meritorious service, and marrying princesses and princesses, how rich is the family background preserved by this lineage?
Not to mention marrying one daughter, even ten can afford to marry.

It's Ninth Brother's turn to worry about whether the dowry is thin or not!
This is deliberately looking for an excuse to sell it to Dong E's family!

Not even saying hello, isn't it following the precedent of myself, the son-in-law of Dong E's family?

Being so unkind, does it look like he's stingy?
Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu begging, so he naturally knew what he was worried about.Please don't reveal what happened in March and April. There are disgusting rumors involved in it, and it will be embarrassing for the brothers to meet again after telling it.

He looked at Brother Nine and said: "I gave you money, but you said I was stingy; the boss can't get along with you, and you have to rely on him if you are poor! I want to hear, what kind of nonsense is this!"

Brother Jiu was guilty at first, but he immediately gained confidence when he heard this: "Ten years ago, my son was six years old and entered the Shang's study, and the monthly fee increased from twenty taels of silver to fifty taels of silver. It's still fifty taels of silver... Can this six-year-old elder brother spend the same amount as an adult elder brother?"

"But you also said that the food and drink expenses are all provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there are other expenses, fifty taels of silver are not enough..."

Kangxi snorted coldly: "You'd better tell me a valid reason. If you want to shirk responsibility because of your reckless spending, I will teach you what it means to take responsibility!"

"Brother set a bad precedent..."

Brother Nine plausibly said: "Accordingly, the eunuchs and maids in the palace who are on duty in the palace all have monthly bills and receive money and grain. Son... three or four rewards a year have become routine, as if the master owed them..."

Brother Jiu was used to such rules, and never thought about it.

It's just that in the past two months, I have heard Shu Shu talking a lot, and I feel that this rule is not good.

He doesn't have any money himself, so why are he used to these people?
If anyone works extra hard and is loyal to the master, the reward will be rewarded, and they are all errands received by themselves, so why do they need double pay?

He wouldn't change the rules in his own way, but when he got the chance, he also wanted to talk about it.

"Not to mention other places, it is the second place of my son. Dong E's family came in and rewarded the servants. According to the instructions of the fifth sister-in-law, the annual reward was doubled, and four hundred taels of silver was rewarded... The new master only recognizes someone once, but the Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival, elder brother Fujin’s birthday, and more... four or five times a year, it has become a rule... Even if you count less, it will cost five or six hundred taels The silver... the son's six hundred taels of silver fell into their pockets..."

Speaking of this, he looked at the elder brother: "The eldest brother in the palace is the first to move to the palace to live by himself, and the first to get married, and the older brothers follow the example of the elder brother. Who is the elder brother to blame?"

Not having anything to do with his mother-in-law, the elder brother was very relieved.

Looking at Brother Jiu also brought a strange feeling

Is this really born to Empress Yikun Palace? !

Wouldn't it be the one favored by Khan Amane and fostered under the name of the Empress of Yanxi Palace?
What are you doing breaking this?
To overthrow the Ministry of Internal Affairs!

This is because he was afraid that he had offended him not hard enough before, so he would stab him twice more!

The reward rules in the palace are not limited to elder brother.

East and west six palaces, which palace is not like this?
Kangxi's face was very ugly.

You must know that last month, he had someone conduct a thorough investigation of Brother's office in private.

The news that came up was scattered, some useful and some useless, but none of them mentioned the reward that elder brother gave.

In the eyes of eunuchs and court ladies, these rewards are all deserved.

Kangxi looked at Eldest Brother: "Boss, what's going on?"

The elder brother said awkwardly: "Ama Khan, my son followed the example of Uncle Wang and Uncle Wang..."

Naturally, this example was not counted from his big marriage, but from the time when he lived alone after returning from the palace.

Kangxi frowned, apparently also understood this.

Brothers precedent when they were kids...

What was the scene?
The country was established at the beginning of the dynasty, the place was turbulent, the clan and princes were powerful, and the imperial power was unstable.

He himself is the baby emperor, and several brothers are also children.

Manpower in the Forbidden City is complicated.

The eunuch who remained in the previous dynasty.

A palace lady selected by the Eight Banners.

Really be careful, even the slaves dare not offend.

Rewarding silver coaxed and caged is the norm.

Even here in Qianqing Palace, he also gave away handfuls of money back then.

But what is the comparison between now and then? !

Kangxi couldn't help being dissatisfied with the elder brother: "I don't know how to adapt! I don't understand the truth of this moment and that moment?!"

Eldest brother honestly admitted his mistake: "It was my son who was careless and forgot about this... and brought the younger brothers along to embarrass him..."

Brother Nine was by the side, but he was embarrassed.

He was able to blatantly put the blame on the elder brother before because he knew that this was an "old practice in the palace" and the elder brother was not the one who started it.

Now that big brother is really complaining, he can't bear to watch.

If he just received one thousand taels of silver from his elder brother at the beginning of the month, even if he doesn't look at the other side, he can't really cheat the elder brother just by looking at this.

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "Ama, if that's the case, it's not bad for big brother... How old was big brother when he came back from the palace... Anyway, it was the two years since the 'San Francisco Rebellion' started, I want to know, The palace was also in chaos, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to see my brother die... Afterwards, the palace became peaceful, and the brothers in the back all followed this example, it’s not easy for the elder brother to change..."

Shu Shu was by the side, only feeling a headache.

If she could choose, she would like to sew brother Jiu's mouth shut.

But it can't really be a blessing in disguise.

Big brother couldn't help looking up at the sky.

Although it has been maintained, I don't want to appreciate it.

Maybe he will be dragged down by this kid, and hated by those villains in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Fortunately, his county palace has almost been built, and he can request an order to move after the new year.

The third elder brother took a step back.

Forget about this brother...

Open mouth.

Don't lead yourself into the pit.

So many young elder brothers died in the early years, and the eldest son of the Empress Yuan, why no one mentioned it?
Because that was the time when the imperial power was weak and Khan Ama was aggrieved...

The fifth elder brother thought about what his younger brother said, counted carefully with his fingers, and then nodded earnestly: "Ama Khan, Lao Jiu is right... In front of my son, there are twelve little elder brothers, and only four of them stand upright... ...After the son passed away, most of them stood still, and the slaves in this palace must not be offended..."

The fifth elder brother's preface is the fifth in the row, but he is actually the thirteenth son of the emperor.

Eight princes died in the early stage, including the firstborn son of Empress Hesheli of the Yuan Dynasty, the firstborn son of the eldest elder brother's birth mother Concubine Hui, the four sons of the third elder brother's birth mother Rongfei, and the sons of two nobles.

Kangxi looked unpredictable.

The sons who died one after another back then...

Why didn't he check this pro-Ama? !
Sending the eldest brother and the third elder brother out of the palace successively, and then sending the crown prince to Zhongcui Palace, where the fourth elder brother is also staring at the cousin...

They all stopped.

It proves the strangeness of the former prince, elder brother Shang.

Too many suspects...

Harem concubines...

Former forces...

Clan Prince...

And... the Mongols who want to have another queen...

It's just that he was still young and his power was constrained, so it was difficult to investigate thoroughly.

After the imperial power was stabilized, the traces were almost wiped out, and they could not be found out.

He never put these people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in his eyes, nor did he suspect them.

This is really "dark under the lights"!
No matter who is behind the murder of the prince, it must be people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
Brother Jiu was plotted against before, so he could see their madness.

Kangxi's face was ashen, he had no interest in training his son, so he glanced at Brother Jiu with disgust, turned and left.

The third elder brother was so obedient, and immediately followed carefully.

The eldest brother suffered an unreasonable disaster, patted the ninth elder brother on the shoulder, and said with a sneer: "Okay, old nine, I don't usually think about the eldest brother, and if something happens, drag the eldest brother into the water, it's not proper..."

Sure enough, my younger brothers are all debt collectors, and there is no good thing!

Even good intentions can't be sent out!

If he hadn't given brother Jiu a face before, this bastard would have the guts to drag someone into the water? !
The eldest elder brother noticed that the ninth elder brother was close to and protected him, and he was very respectful and insensitive.

Once again, no matter how good-tempered I am, I can't help but beat someone up.

Brother Jiu knew that he was in the wrong, so he didn't avoid it. After receiving these two slaps, his shoulders were burning.

He took it seriously and said: "Brother, isn't this a rare opportunity? Brothers will move out of the palace later, and the number of serving staff will have to be multiplied several times. If this rule is not changed, then it will be difficult..."

The elder brother laughed angrily: "According to what you say, I still have to owe you a favor?"

"It's all by the way, no need to pay back..."

Brother Jiu quickly waved his hand.

Although he thought the eldest brother was not bad, he was more in awe of the elder brother.

Raise the shadows high, as if it were only yesterday.

This guy's attack is not light or heavy.

The elder brother sneered, let go of his hand, turned around and chased after Sheng Jia.

No matter how much you care about it, you will be stupid.

The fifth elder brother only asked: "Okay, don't quarrel with younger siblings..."

Afterwards, he also followed the elder brother.

The husband and wife are left.

Brother Jiu's legs were weak, and he couldn't stand up.

Shu Shu hurriedly stepped forward to help her, without stopping, she directly helped her into the next tent.

This is their sleeping tent.

She had a lot of words before, and wanted to persuade Brother Jiu.

Now, she honestly shut up.

Brother Jiu hugged Shu Shu tightly, and the two fell on the couch.

This kid is really scared this time!
Shu Shu hugged him gently, listening to his rapid breathing and heartbeat.

After a cup of tea, Brother Jiu's breathing stabilized.

Shu Shu persuaded softly: "It's okay, my master didn't have any bad intentions, just a few words... The emperor loves his son the most, and doesn't care about these small things..."

Brother Jiu didn't speak, but leaned close to Shu Shu's ear and whispered, "Master, why don't you accompany me? It's an agreement. This time, Master made his own decision again..."

Shu Shu hugged her back, her mind cleared up.

Before, she thought that Brother Nine's nonsense was to protect her.

Change the topic so that everyone will not have a bad impression of her because of the money.

It's self-indulgent.

(End of this chapter)

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