Chapter 140 Bold

Shu Shu briefly typed the draft in her heart, and then said softly: "Things will be smooth when things are slow, and I don't have to rush... When I am familiar with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, collecting information will be smoother..."

Brother Nine said in a hoarse voice: "But I don't believe my size, I checked it last time, but found nothing... I don't believe it, this time Khan Ama moved, they can still hide it seamlessly..."

Shu Shu hugged Brother Nine and didn't speak any more.

Cutting off people's money is like killing their parents.

Then even the graves of the ancestors have been dug, so how hated is it?

Even if the husband and wife want to stay in the palace, Kangxi and Concubine Yi have to weigh it up.

The day of leaving the palace is not far away.

Shu Shu didn't feel too happy in her heart.

I would rather offend a gentleman than a villain.

To talk about the death of the eleventh elder brother, Suo Etu and the Hesheli family behind him are suspected, but what about the little elder brother who has no sequence teeth in front?
Among them, there is also the eldest son of the Empress Yuan...

The water is too deep...

Seeing that she hadn't moved, Brother Jiu raised his head, looked at Shu Shu's face, and asked cautiously, "Are you still angry?"

Shu Shu didn't want to repeat the old story, and reminded him every time not to make up his own mind, and to discuss things, but in the past half a month, he made two mistakes.

Besides, it's meaningless.

She turned sideways and spread herself into a cake.

Brother Nine said in a low voice, "Isn't this just a coincidence? I thought 'the opportunity must never be lost, and it will never come again', pushing Khan Ama ahead to check this, it's better than us checking it out without thinking..."

Shu Shu shook her head, and said honestly: "I'm not angry, just... just a little scared... Lord knows, I've always been timid..."

Brother Jiu held her hand, and said after a while: "Master should have thought more carefully..."

Shu Shu smiled lightly and nodded, without further preaching.

She could sense the sadness in him.

He is already very brave.

Shu Shu smiled softly.

Introspected for a while, maybe he was too mean to Brother Nine.

Don't do that in the future.

If it were the two of them just getting married, she wouldn't be like this, because she didn't dare.

Now that I am familiar with it, I know that I can handle this foolishness even when I lose my temper.

Resentment is born near, and respect is born far away.

This is how people are, the closer they are, the more likely they are to be mean. Isn't it another sense of "bullying the weak and fearing the strong"!
Brother Nine sensed the change in her, leaned forward, and repeatedly said: "When the master arrives at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he must be calm and honest... Besides, there is no evidence or certificate, maybe he just thinks too much... ..."

Shu Shu nodded: "Yeah, master thinks so right... If there is something private about it, it must be hidden deep, and the truth can only be found by digging through the cocoons. I can't wait..."

Husband and wife agree.

Only then did Brother Jiu let out a long breath, and turned around: "In front of Ama Khan, the master is also holding on, you touch your back, it's covered in cold sweat..."

Shu Shu got up quickly, reached out and poked in.

The back clothes are all wet.

Just now she put her arms around her waist, and there was a belt in between, but she didn't notice it.

There are two sets of clean clothes in the tent.

One set for tomorrow, and one set for replacement.

But it was sweat-stained and dirty.

Shu Shu walked to the door of the tent, Xiaoyu, Hetao, He Yuzhu, and Sun Jin were all there, holding their breath and concentrating, with anxiety on their faces.

They were not in front of them just now, and they don't know the details, they only know that the emperor and his elder brothers have been here.

After inquiring with the people nearby, I found out that the emperor seemed to have reprimanded his elder brother, and the fifth master knelt down to beg for mercy.

It is inevitable that people will panic.

Shu Shu saw it in his eyes and said: "It's okay, what should I do..." At this point, he told He Yuzhu and Sun Jin: "I want to change clothes, go wash and change a pot of hot water to scrub..."

The two immediately agreed, and trotted to the dining room to find hot water.

Shu Shu looked at the tent next to her, and told Walnut: "Go to Qifujin and pass a message, just tell me what I said, if there is any running errands or passing a message, let her just open her mouth, you are welcome... Luggage, what is missing? Talk about nothing..."

Coming out of the residence of the Harqin Palace, Seventh Prince separated from the main force.

I don't know if it is heading towards Shengjing, or it is still in the palace on the other road between Charehe and the capital.

In the absence of the rightful lord, Qifujin's pregnancy preparation plan fell through.

The distance between the two tents is very close, only four or five feet away.

Just as Shu Shu finished giving orders, Qi Fujin had already come out of the tent.

Seeing Shu Shu standing at the door, she hurried over and took her hand.

"What's the matter?"

Qi Fujin asked in a low voice: "I was tired before, and just when I fell down, I heard the girl say that the emperor was training Jiu Ye outside... What's wrong with Lao Jiu? Didn't it implicate you?"

Shu Shu smiled and shook her head: "I just muttered about the emperor's coming, and I was overheard...he deserves to be reprimanded, let's see if he dares to speak freely in the future..."

Qifujin breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt a little embarrassed: "I was supposed to come out, but I was afraid of the majesty of the emperor, so I didn't dare, I didn't even dare to peek at the tent..."

Of course Shu Shu can understand.

The father-in-law taught the younger uncle a lesson, so there is no reason for the sister-in-law to come out to complain.

Not to mention, there are several other elder brothers around, all of whom are Qi Fujin's elder brothers, rushing forward with straight eyebrows, that's not loyalty, that's foolishness.

On the other hand, Wu Fujin...

Shu Shu looked over, feeling worried.

With Wu Fujin's temperament, even if it was difficult for Kangxi and other elder brothers to come out before, he should come to inquire now.

"Sister-in-law Seven just saw sister-in-law five? Are sister-in-law fifth uncomfortable?"

Shu Shu asked.

Qi Fujin shook his head: "Today, I'm tired...the tent is set up, so I went in and lay down..."

The sister-in-law and sister-in-law looked at each other, but they both realized something was wrong.

The two went to Wu Fujin's tent.

Wufujin's nanny just pushed the tent door out, saw Shu Shuru as a savior, hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Jiufujin, what do you still have plums for?"

Qifujin's eyes widened, and she was surprised: "Sister-in-law Wu has it?"

Grandma looked embarrassed.

Shu Shu thought of another possibility: "Sister-in-law Wu is motion sick?"

Today is not an official road... the road conditions are touching... the speed of travel is not too slow...

The nanny nodded with distressed face: "I vomited all the way, and I didn't dare to eat during the first lunch break. I just put two mouthfuls of fruit and vomited again..."

Shu Shu turned around and told Walnut: "Go to your sister Xiaotang and ask for a jar of dried plums, and then ask your sister Xiaoyu for a box of mint ointment..."

Walnut responded.

Shu Shu and Qi Fujin entered the tent.

There was a faint sour smell in the house.

Wu Fujin was sitting on the couch, probably struggling to get up when he heard movement outside.

Qi Fujin hurriedly walked two steps and pressed down: "It's not someone else, let's just sit down..."

After not seeing him for a long time, Wu Fujin looked like a dehydrated cabbage, his face turned pale, and he couldn't even open his eyes.

"You can't do it like this, let's pass it on to an imperial physician..."

Seven Fujin was very worried.

Wu Fujin quickly shook his head: "No need, I'm just not used to it for a while... Plus I ate a few cold bites for breakfast, and my stomach was churning..."

"What about tomorrow? What if you still vomit?"

Qifujin felt that this was not something that could be tolerated.

Wu Fujin is a person with ideas, and insists on not being moved.

Qi Fujin was terrified of vomiting, and looked at Shu Shu: "Sister Jiu, tell me, is this something you can bear? I know Fifth Sister-in-Law doesn't like to trouble others, but it's not a matter of trouble...your body is important, It will be better if you take some medicine..."

Shu Shu calculated in her mind when Wu Fujin reconciled with Fifth Elder Brother, it was almost half a month ago.

At this time, it is not advisable to take medicine.

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

She comforted Qi Fujin and said: "Tomorrow I won't be rushing so fast, I should slow down...there are queen mothers and concubines..."

The royal family members are used to enjoying the honor.

Even if he didn't get motion sickness like Wu Fujin, he might have to lie down for a while after being bumped like this today.

When the news reached the imperial court, Kangxi would naturally ask people to adjust their speed.

Shu Shu was worried about Elder Brother Nine, seeing that Wu Fujin was only suffering from motion sickness, she said, "Our master is also feeling a little uncomfortable, I'll go back and watch..."

Wu Fujin listlessly said: "Go, I'll just take a rest..."

Qi Fujin also got up: "Then I'll go back too, and I'll send someone to bring Sha Guo over later... I got it at the Princess Mansion yesterday, and I brought it with me before I finished eating..."

This fruit is sour, and it is easy to clumsy teeth after eating, but it can also suppress nausea.

Wu Fujin nodded his thanks.

Shu Shu and Qi Fujin came out and went back to their tents.

He Yuzhu and Sun Jin have come back with hot water and are helping Brother Nine to scrub.

Ninth elder brother should have heard someone say it, and asked directly: "Fifth sister-in-law is not feeling well? You and Seventh sister-in-law went to visit..."

"Motion sickness... threw up all the way..."

Shu Shu thought about Wu Fujin's appearance, and felt lingering fear in her heart.

She was still worried that she would get motion sickness, and all kinds of anti-motion sickness things were prepared.

Dried plums and mint paste are for preventing this.

As a result, she was upset and physically fine.

Ninth elder brother remembered the various words and actions of fifth elder brother just now, and then worried: "I just realized that fifth elder brother is a bit simple..."

Shu Shu laughed: "My lord also said, I'm not afraid of being blocked again?!"

Ninth Brother immediately shut his mouth and made a perfect fit.

The hot water was rich, so Shu Shu waved He Yuzhu and Sun Jin away, and she simply wiped it and changed into clean clothes.

After an estimated two quarters of an hour, the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers who took people to fish by the river came back.

The two little brothers got half of their bodies wet, and they also had a fishy smell on their bodies.

This is having fun and getting into the water.

At this moment, the kung fu has passed Shen Zheng, and the sun is not so bright.

The sky was still blue.

The wind blowing on the grassland brought a cool feeling.

How could Shu Shu dare to be so laissez-faire, she hurriedly greeted the eunuchs beside the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers, and ordered: "Hurry up to bring hot water, and serve the elder brother to change the wet clothes..."

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother also knew what was good and bad, and let the eunuchs surround them and go back to their respective tents to freshen and change clothes.

The tents of the two are next to those of Shu Shu and his wife, on the right, and on the left are the tents of Seven Fujin and Fifth Brother.

When the two came back again, it was time to eat.

The small folding table was used this time, and there were several plates of small fish on it.

Baked, fried, and dashi.

There are also four typical dishes, pork elbow in sauce, stewed chicken with mushrooms, sweet and sour cabbage, dried shrimp and spinach.

Shu Shu directly sandwiched the fried fish, the skin was crispy, and the small thorns inside were also dried up. It was delicious to eat.

Brother Thirteen originally ate a roasted one, but was startled by the dense thorns inside, so he changed to a fried one.

Elder Brother Shi drank the fish soup that he never forgot, but he was not as happy as before. Instead, he looked down at the fish soup for a while, and then left it beside him.

Seeing Elder Brother Ten's expression, Shu Shu couldn't stop laughing.

If you go further north, you will reach Hulunbuir, where the altitude is high and the temperature is low. The cold-water fish in the river are tender and juicy, small and thornless, which looks like whitebait in Taihu Lake.

Now the altitude is not high, and it is an ordinary river fish, which has a strong earthy smell and many small thorns.

A lot of ginger and pepper are added to the fish soup to suppress the smell of fish, which naturally loses its deliciousness...

(End of this chapter)

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