Chapter 141 Ailment

When eating on weekdays, the regular dishes are not moved much.

Tired from playing today, the ten and thirteen brothers ate up two meat dishes, the soy pork and a stewed chicken.

Of the two plates of small fish, only the fried one was eaten up.

The remaining grilled fish and fish soup are almost all left.

After everyone put down their chopsticks, Elder Brother Ten said, "Sister-in-law Nine, let's eat eggplant for breakfast tomorrow, as well as perilla leaves. I don't have a taste in my mouth recently, I want something heavy..."

Shu Shu nodded and wrote it down.

The thirteenth elder brother brought a pity: "It's just that there are no Yi noodles... If you want to eat again, you have to go back to Beijing..."

Shu Shu prepared quite a few dishes, but she couldn't hold back the crowd.

Not only their husband and wife and the two elder brothers, but also Wufujin and Qifujin.

Now, apart from snacks like jerky and dried plums, there are also heavy flavors such as eggplant, perilla leaves, and mushroom sauce, and I have eaten up everything else such as noodles and jujube.

Seeing Brother Thirteen's pitiful appearance, Shu Shu couldn't bear it, and said: "The noodles are gone, and there are still ingredients. The dining room always has dried noodles. If you want to eat, you can cook it..."

The thirteenth elder brother really came alive, nodded and said: "Well, when the time comes, add two poached eggs..."

Elder Brother Ten looked at Elder Thirteen contemptuously, but said nothing.

Xiaotang took the people away from the dining table and brought over rice tea.

Xianglan came with a little maid.

Shu Shu and the others got up.

"Fu Jin, master, please go over..."

Xianglan's expression was a little dignified.

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Brother Thirteen both showed concern.

The two didn't show it just now, but in fact their sleeping tents are right next to them. Just now when they went back to change their clothes and freshen up, some eunuchs had already privately reported the emperor's coming to train others.

The two of them didn't say anything, because they were afraid that elder brother Jiu would not come down to the stage.

Concubine Yi sent someone to come, and the two worried that Shu Shu would be implicated, so they were called to give a lecture.

Brother Nine obviously also thought of this, and said to Shu Shu: "Master, I'll go there too..."

Shu Shu hurriedly grabbed Brother Jiu's arm: "You can't tell me what your mother wants me to say privately, I have to make up my mind, and I don't need to rush at this time..."

Seeing her determined expression, Brother Jiu pursed his lips and nodded.

The sleeping tent of the imperial concubine is just to the north of the imperial tent.

It's not far from Shu Shu's tent.

Because Xianglan looked bad, Shu Shu didn't ask any questions, but she was still concerned.

Concubine Yi...

Shouldn't the daughter-in-law be angry because of today's incident?

In that case, it was inconsistent with her usual behavior.

After talking, the two arrived here.

Shu Shu took a general look, there were two slightly higher tents, two slightly lower tents, and several small tents.

Needless to say, the two big tents belonged to Concubine Yi and Concubine Zhang, and the two slightly inferior ones belonged to the nobles, and several small tents were agreed.

Three nobles, two sleeping tents?
Two people living in one tent?
Unlikely and inconvenient.

Besides, the promises are all sleeping alone, and there is no reason for noble people to live together.

Shu Shu thought of Guo Guiren.

It seems that these days, I have never seen this noble man.

After entering Yifei's sleeping tent, Yifei frowned and called Shu Shu to come closer.

To Shu Shu's surprise, she didn't ask Kangxi about reprimanding Brother Nine, but said: "Good boy, help Er Niang think of a way... The Empress Dowager is in poor health and doesn't want to eat, how can this be good... ..."

Concubine Yi couldn't hide her anxiety and worry on her face.

She is the highest rank among the imperial concubines, and she bears the responsibility of serving the queen mother and the two concubines in daily life.

The queen mother is not feeling well, of course it is her fault.

And the queen mother raised the fifth elder brother and gave the fifth elder brother the greatest protection.

Now the fifth elder brother has conferred the title of Dorobeile, but this is only the first conferment, and no one can say whether he will be promoted to the county king or the prince in the end.

Concubine Yi thinks she is favored, but she is not sure that the emperor will favor the two princes from Yikun Palace just because she takes pity on her.

Who told the emperor that he is an orphan, he has suffered from the hardships of an orphan, and he loves the prince who lost his mother very much.

Concubines living like them seem to be holding back their sons.

Even so, no one thought of dying.

Shu Shu had a bad premonition: "What did the imperial doctor say? Is it because of bad road conditions, motion sickness?"

The empress dowager's carriage is different from that of the prince Fujin, it is a more spacious four-wheeled carriage.

If he really vomited all the way like Wu Fujin, the palace people around him would not dare to hide it.

Doing more is more wrong, doing less is less wrong, not doing well.

Shu Shu didn't want to join in.

She is grateful for the kindness of the Queen Mother, but she also has self-knowledge.

I know a little bit about self-cultivation, and it's nothing to use it on her and the ninth elder brother, and it won't be bad if I eat it.

But the empress dowager involved too much, and the imperial physician should still be responsible.

The queen mother is also a person of age.

Concubine Yi sighed: "It's not motion sickness... The imperial doctor said it was depression, stagnation of liver qi, stagnation of qi turning into fire, and swollen gums..."

"It's... close to home and timid? But isn't it hundreds of miles away from Horqin..."

Shu Shu listened, and also worried.

If it's just motion sickness, take a good rest, it's really not good, you'll have to change shoulders tomorrow or something.

But this heart disease still needs a doctor of heart medicine.

Concubine Yi said: "This road will not go fast, but people can't stop eating all the time... I thought, if it's really not possible, go over and see if you can help me think of a way..."

Shu Shu nodded in agreement.

Although I don't want to take matters into my own hands, my mother-in-law has already spoken, and it would be unfilial to push back.

Not to mention, there is a dutiful son standing behind the queen mother.

If Kangxi knew that she pushed this, would there be good fruit to eat?
Concubine Yi breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and said, "Then I'll take you there..."

Shu Shu paused, and said about Wu Fujin: "Sister-in-law Wu got motion sickness, she vomited a few times..."

As for worrying about Wu Fujin's pregnancy, he suppressed it.

Otherwise, it would be fine if she was really pregnant, but if she was not pregnant, she would talk too much, let Concubine Yi have hope and then be disappointed, it would be a scam.

They are all women, and Concubine Yi has given birth many times, so she is more familiar with the symptoms of morning sickness than herself.

Concubine Yi hurriedly asked: "How is it now?"

"Lying down..."

Shu Shu said: "I don't want to teach the imperial doctor, but I don't know what will happen tomorrow, if I continue to get motion sickness, it will be uncomfortable..."

Concubine Yi nodded: "I'll go and see her in a while, you young people don't know what to do, how can you do it if you don't teach imperial physicians..."

Shu Shu nodded obediently, and followed Concubine Yi one step, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law went to the Queen Mother's tent.

The empress dowager's sleeping tent is extremely tall, and it is located on the left hand side of Kangxi's imperial tent.

The tent and the imperial tent seem to be almost in a straight line, but the corners are slightly tilted to the north.

Kangxi is also there.

When the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law came in, Kangxi sat on the stool and talked to the queen mother.

The Empress Dowager sat cross-legged on the couch with two pillows beside her.

She had a smile on her face, not seeing the slightest haze. She greeted Concubine Yi and Shu Shu with a smile, and then said to Kangxi: "Go to the emperor, don't worry, I just ate two extra lamb chops two days ago. , a little angry, clean the intestines, it will be fine in two days..."

Kangxi got up, nodded to Concubine Yi, and then glanced at Shu Shu again.

Shu Shu lowered her head, she was very obedient and honest.

After Kangxi went out, Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief and raised her head.

The queen mother was still smiling, but her expression was a little dazed.

Concubine Yi sat down on the small stool in front of the couch, and said with a smile, "Niang Niang, I've come here to take advantage of you..."


The queen mother brought an accident: "I don't have the energy to play cards with you today, why don't you call those little concubines to play cards with you..."

"Ha ha……"

Concubine Yi covered her mouth and smiled: "The concubine doesn't want to spread the money...Follow them to play cards. If you win, you can't bear it. If you lose, you feel distressed. Let's forget it...It's this child who was ordered by the emperor to take care of Shi A Elder Brother and Brother Thirteen, the two little ones... before I was worried, I had already prepared snacks, but now I guess it's nothing, it's not that I'm worried..."

"Oh, make it when you run out of food. Children have to be coaxed with snacks to be obedient. If the little boy becomes naughty, don't you hear..."

The empress dowager was soft-hearted, thinking of Shu Shu's difficulties, she called her to her, "Good boy, don't make things difficult, grandma has a lot of food here, you can go and see what's useful, then use it..."

Although there was only one large dining room when the palace was in residence, in fact, both Kangxi and the Empress Dowager had dedicated stove masters and special food warehouses.

Shu Shu's face showed gratitude: "Fortunately, the emperor's grandmother is here. Just now, the two elder brothers were still facing the dining table without moving their chopsticks. The granddaughter-in-law is so worried..."

The queen mother showed concern: "It's time to grow your body, so what if you don't eat well?"

Although she doesn't hide her partiality for fifth elder brother, she also loves other grandchildren.

"Go quickly, give them something to eat..."

The queen mother was already urging, and told a nanny next to her: "Take Jiu Fujin, and look at Fujin, stay away from the pot..."

Shu Shu followed Mammy out.

The old mother only had worries on her face, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty ate two pieces of pasta in the morning, and one piece of pastry at noon... When the meal was served in the evening, I only ate two chopsticks..."

In Shu Shu's heart, there was also some uncertainty.

If it's just the loss of appetite caused by motion sickness, then it's better to deal with it.

Get some sour food to stimulate your appetite.

But this is heart disease...

Heart disease needs heart medicine.

What about hometown food?
What are the traditional foods of Horqin?
Buckwheat noodles?

Fried rice?

But that tradition is what modern people say.

The Horqin of later generations has been reclaiming wasteland for many years, and pays equal attention to agriculture and animal husbandry.

The current Horqin should still be a pure pastoral area.

Yogurt, beef jerky?

The queen mother already has it here.

Thinking about it, Shu Shu followed Mammy to bring the tent that was some distance away from the queen mother's sleeping tent.

There are four stoves inside, and there are two master chefs and two stove nuns, as well as a few young eunuchs who light the fire.

Seeing the nobleman coming, everyone stood up to meet him.

The safest one is "Mongolian Pie", which is a grassland food that has existed for a long time.

Now the common eating method in Beijing has been improved. The skin of buckwheat noodles has been replaced with white noodles, and the dry boiled water cooking has also been changed to frying in soybean oil or butter.

The improved pie is fragrant and crispy, but it is not suitable for the current queen mother.

The ingredients are all ready-made, such as buckwheat noodles for pie crust and mutton for fillings. The vegetables in them are not fresh cabbage and celery, but pickled pickles, blanched to remove the salt, and then minced to adjust the fillings. , except for onion and ginger, no other seasonings are put.

The production method is also the most primitive dry boiling water.

In addition to the pie, it is a pickle soup, except for the salted celery powder, plus ground beef jerky.

There is also a steamed fruit, the ingredients used are the sand fruits brought from Harqin yesterday.

Just add water and steam for two quarters of an hour.

The skin and seeds of the fruit were not removed.

Because there are several baskets of fruits in the dining room here, and Yi Fei just said that again, Shu Shu unceremoniously requisitioned a basket of fruits.

Then steamed eight bowls.

Empress Dowager, Ninth Prince, Tenth Prince, Thirteenth Prince, Fifth and Seventh Princes, Concubine Yi, Shu Shu.

This is Shu Shu's habit, and she will always have her share.

Mothers who eat fish heads may not necessarily raise filial children.

Most of the time, I only touched myself.

 Zhiniao Village's "National Forensic Medicine" is on the shelves, the technology is streamlined, and I follow the book every day. It is already fat, and everyone can start reading it, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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