Chapter 142 Tears
Otherwise, once or twice, there will be bad habits.

As for Kangxi, the two concubines, and the concubine Zhang...

Shu Shu hesitated for a moment, it's not good to be a favor at this time.

The Empress Dowager is not feeling well, Kangxi and Concubine Yi are both nervous, and she seems to care, what impression would that be?
Zhou Quan is not Zhou Quan at this time.

Except for pies, the other two foods are quick to cook.

It took about three quarters of an hour to get it all done.

Shu Shu dispatched walnuts to send back five bowls of steamed fruit, and packed the rest into two food boxes. She and the mother each carried one, and returned to the Queen Mother.

"The young couple will be fine... If everything goes well, the empress will be able to embrace her great-grandson by this time next year..."

In the queen mother's tent, Concubine Yi was talking happily.

She knew that the empress dowager cared most about the fifth elder brother, so she had to use the fifth elder brother and his wife as an excuse to attract the empress dowager to talk.

The Empress Dowager also looked expectant: "That's good, Changshengtian will bless them... If you conceive in the grassland, I will give the little elder brother a nickname on the grassland..."

"I listen to you..."

Concubine Yi agrees.

Seeing that Shu Shu came back with the food box, the Queen Mother nodded and said: "It will be done so soon, such a capable child, go and bring them back quickly..."

Shu Shu smiled and stepped forward: "I have already sent the girl back, this is for the emperor's grandmother and Er Niang..."

Just as the Empress Dowager was about to wave her hand, Concubine Yi was already in high spirits, she stood up and said, "Let me see, what exactly is it?"

A nanny had already brought a small table and put it on the couch.

After opening the food box and seeing the inside, Concubine Yi was stunned.

This is cake?
This color? !
Concubine Yi looked at Shu Shu, knowing that she was a reliable child, and said: "What is this? New food?"

The queen mother was curious, so she stretched out her head and looked over, but was also stunned.

Shu Shu was a bit shy, and said: "It's not something my daughter-in-law figured out, it's a kind of pie I've seen in books before, it's said to be made in the Yuan Dynasty, it's been hundreds of years... the name is also straightforward, it's called 'Mongolian pie', this is not on the grassland, so my daughter-in-law asked someone to try it, and asked a few elder brothers to try it..."

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "What nonsense, there are Mongolian pies in the palace, that's not the way..."

The Queen Mother reached out to take out the plate, stared at it blankly, and tears rolled down her face.

"My lady..."

Yi Fei was startled.

"What happened to Huang Ernie?"

When Kangxi came, he just walked to the door, and when he heard Yifei's voice, he came in without hesitation.

The Queen Mother couldn't stop crying, she directly reached out to take a piece of pie, took a bite, and the tears became more violent.

Kangxi and Concubine Yi looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

The imperial doctor said that the empress dowager's depression is not afraid of sorrow and joy, and it is a good thing to have an outbreak.

"That's the taste, this is the Mongolian pie..."

The Empress Dowager smiled and said to Kangxi and Concubine Yi with tears in her eyes: "Try it too, you two. This is my favorite food when I was young. The pies I baked are the best. This is the taste..."

Concubine Yi took the handkerchief and sat next to the Empress Dowager. While wiping her tears, she said: "Tsk tsk, my lady has to give my concubine a big red envelope, or my concubine has to tell others about it. After eating, I was so hungry that I cried..."

The Queen Mother laughed "haha" and said, "Just talk about it, there is no red envelope, just let them make jokes..."

Kangxi had already sat down on the other side of the small table, looking at the buckwheat pies on the plate.

Without the eunuch by my side, Mammy is not as clever.

Shu Shu had no choice but to bite the bullet and go forward to arrange the dishes.

Fortunately, thinking that Concubine Yi might ask me to eat with her, she prepared three sets of bowls and chopsticks.

A plate of Mongolian pies, the size of a palm.

A large bowl of pickled vegetable soup, a small bowl of steamed fruit per person.

Very simple.

The Empress Dowager was very interested, and each of them took a piece of pie, and greeted Kangxi and Concubine Yi: "Try it quickly, if it tastes good..."

Looking at her appearance, she is very happy to share the delicacies of her hometown with others.

Kangxi said: "The emperor also eats..."

After the Empress Dowager moved the chopsticks, Kangxi and Concubine Yi moved the chopsticks one by one.

The buckwheat flour without white flour has a slightly rough taste and less chewy texture, but the wheat fragrance is also very strong.

There is no extra oil in the stuffing, and the optional mutton stuffing is three fat and seven thin, and it brings oily juice.

Blended with pickles, even though it is a meatloaf, the taste is not greasy at all, but a little refreshing.

Concubine Yi was still a bit reluctant, although she didn't use much for dinner, she had already eaten, and she was afraid that she would be too tired to eat.

Eating happily now.

Kangxi looked at the soup, which was not much better than clear soup with little water, filled a bowl himself, and handed it to the Empress Dowager with both hands: "Try this soup again and see how it goes?"

The queen mother took it and looked at it curiously.

Both Kangxi and Concubine Yi looked at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu's face flushed slightly, a little embarrassed.

Is this too innovative? !

The queen mother took a few sips, with aftertaste on her face, she nodded in satisfaction, looked at Shu Shu and said, "Good boy? This is also from the book? What kind of book is it that I remember so well..."

With Kangxi around and so many books in the palace, how could Shu Shu dare to lie.

She said truthfully: "This soup was figured out by my daughter-in-law herself... My daughter-in-law thinks that if the pastoral area doesn't cultivate land, she shouldn't grow vegetables much... Even if you go to the market to buy vegetables, you should try to preserve them for a long time... Stir-fried pickles or Cook the soup without even salt... It's just that the pickled vegetable soup will not taste good without oil and water, but this beef jerky will taste like beef..."

The queen mother smiled, and tears came out again: "I was picky back then, and I also disliked the taste of pickled vegetable soup, so I put beef jerky in it..."

The queen mother drank up a bowl of soup.

I ate two palm-sized pies.

When she went to pick it up again, Concubine Yi moved the plate first: "Your Majesty, it's getting dark outside, you'll be overwhelmed if you eat too much..."

The queen mother put down her chopsticks reluctantly, and said: "Keep it, and eat it tomorrow morning..." When she said this, she said "Oops", and said: "I forgot about the two of them, they also like to eat this pie... "

Concubine Yi looked at Shu Shu.

Shu Shudao: "The pie is made by the master of the dining room, and the soup is made by the master of the red case... Sun's daughter-in-law is a 'paper talk', so she moved her mouth..."

Yi Fei nodded, and saw the Sha Guo in the small bowl next to her.

"This is Tangshui Shaguo? It's good to use this to digest..."

As Concubine Yi said, she offered a bowl to the Queen Mother.

The queen mother took it, drank half a mouthful of fruit water with a spoon, and immediately frowned sourly.

Concubine Yi was at the side and asked: "This is because there is less sugar, do you want to add some..."

The Empress Dowager frowned: "No, no, this is just right..."

Shaguo is not big, a circle bigger than crabapple fruit.

There are only four sago in a bowl.

It touches more fruit water.

The Queen Mother ate it bit by bit.

Kangxi and Yifei also picked up their own bowls.

Shu Shu stood beside her, thinking about the sourness of the fruit water, her mouth was full of saliva.

But today she also learned a lot.

This kind of in-laws and grand-in-law eat and stand by themselves...

Fortunately, just this once.

The queen mother cried a lot, and she was full again, so she was a little bit listless.

Kangxi and Concubine Yi got up to leave.

The Empress Dowager looked at Shu Shu who was behind Concubine Yi, and called her to come forward: "Good boy, grandma has made you tired... When you arrive in Horqin, grandma will take you to pick flowers..."

Shu Shu is very obedient: "Daughter-in-law didn't do anything...then wait for the emperor's grandmother to take us to play..."

Shu Shu was not surprised that there was no reward.

She is not a cook, if a dish is well eaten, she will be rewarded immediately.

When he got out of the queen mother's tent and walked about a few feet away, Kangxi stopped, turned to look at Shu Shu and said, "You've done a good job, you've put your heart and soul into filial piety... From tomorrow on, I'll be with Niang Niang and spend more time with you." Accompany the Queen Mother..."

This is the oral order.

Shu Shu also showed seriousness and bowed her knees in response.

Kangxi said to Concubine Yi: "You should also rest early, you have been busy for a long time today..."

"Well! Then the emperor, you go first, and the concubine will return!"

Concubine Yi responded and watched Kangxi go away, then took Shu Shu's hand and walked towards her bed tent.

"Tomorrow's Mid-Autumn Festival, after all, is a big festival. Even if we are on the way, we have to have a banquet. We should have ordered the menu today, but we can't make it for a while...Come here tomorrow morning, and accompany my mother in the car..."

Yifei said.

She has already said a lot of words of praise.

I didn't boast now, but the satisfaction in my heart added another ten points.

Today's meal looks simple, but it's not something Linglong can cook.

Only by comparing your heart to your heart can you be considerate.

It's no wonder that the young couple get along better. With such a wife, no matter who she is with, her life can't be wrong.

Brother Jiu, you are lucky.

"Okay, what kind of car do you want to accompany my mother?"

Brother Jiu was waiting outside Yifei's bed tent, when he heard the movement, he came out to welcome her, just in time to hear Yifei talking, and couldn't help but interject.

Concubine Yi glanced at him angrily: "Why, it's your daughter-in-law, so she's not my daughter-in-law? You can't even ride with me in the car?"

Brother Nine was unhappy: "There is still a big mess with my son, I can't do without people, and there are two younger ones to watch... If Er Niang wants to order people around, she will go to Fifth Sister-in-law..."

"What's the business? Is it business to catch fish today, or to catch rabbits tomorrow?"

Concubine Yi glared at him: "How old I am, I don't know what to do, I still think of myself as a little elder brother, and I know how to be stubborn all day long..."

She was well-informed, so she naturally knew that Kangxi had gone to train the ninth elder brother, and also knew that the fifth elder brother knelt down after being tired.

It's just that she can't say this directly, otherwise it seems that she is dissatisfied with the emperor's discipline of her son.

As for Fifth Elder Brother, no matter whether he was troubled by his younger brother or took the initiative to protect him, Concubine Yi never intervened.

They are brothers, let their brothers figure it out.

She gets mixed up in it, and it should not be taken lightly or seriously, but it will easily affect the brotherhood.

Brother Nine was very firm, pulled Shu Shu and ran away: "Anyway, my son is tight with people..."

Concubine Yi couldn't laugh or cry, but she was not annoyed, she shook her head and went back to her tent.

Shu Shu knew that Elder Brother Jiu was worried that Concubine Yi would reprimand her for setting the rules, so she explained in a low voice: "It's a serious matter. Tomorrow's Mid-Autumn Festival, the menu hasn't been drawn up yet, so the empress wants to ask me to come over tomorrow to help..."

(End of this chapter)

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