My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 143 Paralysis

Chapter 143 Arthralgia

"That's not going, I didn't think of you when I had a meeting ceremony before, and I thought of you when I was working, how can there be such a..."

Brother Nine still insisted: "If we want to praise Fifth Sister-in-law, they will praise us. We will not be jealous. If we don't want to give rewards, we will let us do free work. If we don't..."

On the way, Shu Shu couldn't talk carefully, so she just reminded: "Come out in the future, Master remembers to have a piece of candy in his mouth..."

"What do you do with sugar? Do you think your father's words are not pleasant? Sweet mouth?"

Unconvinced, Brother Jiu said: "Master just likes to tell the truth...just treat you well, it's not better than coaxing you with nice words..."

Seeing that he was talking endlessly, Shu Shu took out a mint candy from her purse, opened the glutinous rice paper, and stuffed it directly into Brother Jiu's mouth.

"what is this?"

Brother Jiu sucked it with his mouth in his mouth: "It's mint flavored..."

It's mints.

Before Shu Shu left, she reminded someone to prepare mint ointment, and made two boxes.

Use it as chewing gum.

I haven’t taken it out before, but in the past few days when I entered the border of Mongolia, I always eat mutton or something, and my mouth is muddy, so I take it out for preparation.

"It smells weird, it's cool..."

Brother Jiu impatiently held it in his mouth, and directly chewed it into pieces. After realizing it later, he hummed softly to Shu Shu: "Okay, this is telling me to shut up..."

Shu Shu didn't speak.

Starting tomorrow, I will follow my mother-in-law...

How many daughter-in-laws in this world are willing to guard their mother-in-law!
I have to take care of a more noble mother-in-law.

Shu Shu felt tired just thinking about it.

Brother Jiu calmed down, looked at Shu Shu, and swallowed what he wanted to say.

At the door of their tent, the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother are still there.

When they saw Shu Shu coming back, they both showed concern.

Elder Brother Shi thought about it and asked: "Sister-in-law, Concubine Yi is suffering from motion sickness and is not feeling well? I want you to go over and think about something to eat?"

Just now, the walnuts brought back a few bowls of steamed sand fruits, which were very sour.

This is what Brother Ten thought of.

If so, there is nothing to worry about.

Shu Shu shook her head: "It's not the empress, it's the empress dowager's side. I guess it's because the road conditions are bad, it's a bit bumpy, and the dinner didn't move much, so the empress called me over..."

Even with brother Jiu beside him, he was relieved.

Shu Shu saw that the sky was getting darker and the tents were lighting up lights one after another, so he said to the tenth and thirteenth brothers: "Go back and have a rest, it's still early tomorrow, ask someone to close the tent doors, so as not to bring bugs in and out. go in..."

In fact, there is a large temperature difference between morning and evening on the grasslands, and it is already the season of yellow grass in autumn. Mosquitoes are rare, but moths are particularly abundant.

When I lived in the Princess Mansion before, I saw it once. After turning on the lights at night, there were moths bumping outside the windows. When I got up early, I could see moths of all sizes on the walls outside.

These moths tend to light and enter the tent, and it is uncomfortable to see.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother went separately.

Shu Shu looked at the backs of the two of them, very ironic.

There is an inexplicable kind of old mother's generosity.

They are all filial children.

Brother Jiu pushed Shu Shu into the tent: "Come in..."

Shu Shu entered.

Xiaoyu and Walnut hesitated whether to follow in and serve.

Seeing that hot water, clean clothes, and tea were all ready in the tent, Shu Shu raised her voice and said, "It's all right, you guys go back and rest too..."

Their tents are not far from here, in a few small tents at the back.

"Do you really want to go tomorrow?"

Brother Nine hesitated for a moment and asked.

Shu Shu sat down on the small stool and rubbed her neck: "The emperor ordered me to follow my empress tomorrow... The empress dowager is timid because she is close to her hometown, she is a bit depressed, she doesn't want to eat and drink, the emperor and empress are very worried..."

Seeing this, Brother Jiu stretched out his hand and rubbed the back of her neck: "Why, is it uncomfortable?"

Shu Shu nodded: "It's probably because the dining room was hot, she was sweating, and the wind came out..."

She suspected that her discomfort was caused by psychological factors.

I had cervical spondylosis in my previous life.

This life is naturally good.

Brother Jiu stood up and complained: "Who told you that you have no other entertainment all day long, except reading books, just practicing calligraphy... You don't have arthralgia, and there are signs, so ask the imperial doctor to come over and show you, and open two pictures Plasters and plasters..." As he said that, he was about to go out and give orders.

Shu Shu hastily held her back: "My lord, just rub it for me. The emperor just ordered the errands. It's not good to pass on the imperial doctor at this time..."

Brother Jiu let out a long breath, and stretched out his hand again.

Unusual quiet.

Shu Shu raised her head, saw him listless, and said, "Don't worry about me, just ask Xiao Song to massage more tomorrow, she knows acupuncture points..."

"Khan Ama really can't give me a knighthood sooner?"

Brother Nine looked at Shu Shu, he was depressed at first, but then he felt a little hopeful: "How about you help me think of a way..."

Once you are a knight, you won't be yelled at by the elders.

Shu Shu thought for a while and said: "I want the title, but I just want to move out early. I guess it will be around the middle of next year..."

Beijing is cold in winter, and major projects such as building houses will be suspended.

It will not start until after the beginning of spring next year.

Even if a ready-made house is given, it will take several months to repair it.

As for titles?

No show.

To divide the title, it is necessary to divide the leadership, and it is justifiable to snare forces.

Not to mention the scruples of the tenth elder brother, but only the fifth elder brother...

Kangxi would not give both brothers a chance to stand up.

Thinking of "righteousness and integrity", Shu Shu found that Kangxi had a problem, that is, he was extremely stingy with the official canonization.

Or neglect.

Just like Zhang Concubine, who has been enshrined as a concubine for more than ten years, there is no official canonization or title.

The same is true of Concubine Wei.

In the younger generation, from the eldest elder brother to the eighth elder brother, they have been ennobled as King Doro and Dorobele for half a year, but no one mentions their Fujin's concubine and concubine's documents at all.

Fortunately, everyone is collectively referred to as Fujin, and there is no precedent for the royal family to be demoted to the side, otherwise it is really worrying.

Silent all night.

As soon as Shu Shu opened his eyes, he saw Xiao Song waiting beside him.

It turned out that elder brother Jiu woke up early, did not disturb Shu Shu, and asked someone to pass Xiaosong over.

"Press first, then get up..."

Brother Jiu said to Shushu, and then told Xiaosong: "Slow down, master will watch from the side..."

Shu Shu turned over and lay down on her stomach, and said to Xiaosong: "The main thing is to rub your neck, it's been windy..."

Xiaosong responded with a sound and stepped forward, but didn't start his hands immediately, but rubbed the palms of his hands together until it became hot, and then he flattened the back of Shu Shu's neck.

Then start from Fengchi point, then press Jianjing point, Tianzong point, Quchi point all the way down, and finally she took Shu Shu's hand and kneaded Hegu point.

When Xiaosong let go of Shu Shu's hand, Brother Jiu pulled it up, and looked at Xiaosong critically: "Don't be so stupid, your hands are all red..."

Shu Shu's skin was fair and tender, and the acupuncture points on her hands were slightly bruised.

Xiao Song had always been afraid of Brother Nine, and was too frightened to speak.

Shu Shu gave a pinch, and told Xiaosong: "You and Walnut go to the mother's side, and say that I will go there after washing up..."

Komatsu responded and went down.

Xiaoyu and He Yuzhu came in with hot water basins, and they washed up.

"What's the rush? Just go there before departure..."

Seeing that she was in a hurry, brother Jiu couldn't help persuading her.

"Your Majesty is definitely worried about the breakfast at the Queen Mother's side..."

Shu Shu spit out the mouthwash, put down the toothbrush, and said.

Since I have accepted the task, I should be more conscious.

Nowadays, passive sabotage is not as simple as deducting wages and bonuses.

Brother Jiu frowned: "Then I'll take you there..."

Shu Shu glanced at the door of the tent.

It's almost Yinzheng now, but it's still dark outside.

"No need to send, just a few steps..."

Shu Shu still finds it troublesome.

Brother Nine insisted, saying: "Stupid again, the master values ​​you, and the empress will be more polite to you..."

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine, not knowing how he came to the conclusion.

Brother Jiu didn't mean to explain, and took the lantern from He Yuzhu.

Shu Shu didn't leave right away, she asked Xiao Tang to bring two jars of food, namely eggplant and Su Ziye, and the group went to Yifei's tent.

Concubine Yi has already got up and is combing her hair. Seeing the young couple coming together, she was not surprised, she just said to Shu Shu: "I was just about to send someone to invite you over. How can the Queen Mother use the breakfast? I can't really tell the old man to eat leftovers." pie……"

Shu Shu said: "Then the daughter-in-law will go to the dining room to have a look..."

Concubine Yi nodded, her eyes fell on Brother Jiu: "It's rare to be diligent, so let's send your wife there..."

Brother Jiu hesitated for a moment and said: "Emiang, let's talk about it first... Khan Ama and you will order Dong E's family, whoever calls her a junior, don't force her to reward you or not, and don't allow others to be troubled Still picking on faults..."

Concubine Yi rolled her eyes, and waved her hands impatiently: "Let's go, treat me as a fool like you..."

Shu Shu was by the side, very speechless.

Fortunately, Concubine Yi understands people and knows that brother Jiu said these words not to favor his daughter-in-law in front of her mother-in-law, but because she was afraid of taking responsibility for taking care of the queen mother, so she said it first.

Otherwise, a good relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can make him turn against each other.

It seems that I have to find a way to let Brother Jiu learn the art of language.

Otherwise, if you let it go, it will be too annoying to look back.

The two turned to the dining room again.

The nanny next to the queen mother is here.

Seeing Shu Shu, the nanny rushed up to greet her: "Fu Jin, my mother wants to eat pie... But this buckwheat noodles are not easy to digest, and I was rubbing my stomach in the middle of the night and said it was uncomfortable..."

The Empress Dowager wanted to eat pies, so naturally the dining room didn't really plan to prepare the leftovers, they had to prepare the ingredients and prepare to make new ones.

Shu Shu thought for a while, then told Master Baian: "Knead the noodles again, use hot noodles, nine parts of white noodles mixed with one part of buckwheat noodles..."

Not only buckwheat noodles are not easy to digest, but so is mutton.

This pie is best left out.

Shu Shu also ordered another person to knead the noodles, the ratio of nine parts of white noodles to one part of buckwheat noodles, the dough is moderately soft and hard.

This can make a bowl of sauerkraut noodles.

The noodles were cooked, and the meatloaf was baked on a plate.

Shu Shu asked someone to put eggplant and persimmon leaves on a plate, and then ordered someone to make a simple sweet and sour cabbage heart, radish skin with sesame sauce, and made four side dishes.

Brother Nine was beside him, his face was a little ugly.

He understood why Shu Shu's neck was uncomfortable.

There were no stools in the dining room.

Maybe there is, because no one thought of sending it to Shu Shu because of the grease.

Keep standing.

It wasn't until he was about to reach the queen mother's tent that Shu Shu sensed something was wrong and pinched Brother Jiu twice, his face looked better.

(End of this chapter)

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