My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 144 Unbearable

Chapter 144 Unbearable

"What's the matter with these bastards? On purpose? They don't even know how to move a stool out?"

Brother Jiu still couldn't bear it, and complained to Shu Shu in a low voice.

"Maybe I can't care..."

Shu Shu didn't care.

There are more than a dozen stoves, large and small, in the living room and dining room, and it is crowded with people.

Everyone was so busy, all minding their own errands, it was not a place to socialize.

In the queen mother's tent.

Concubine Yi is already here, talking about today's festival.

"Roast the whole lamb at night, when the time comes, the concubine will share the lamb chops..."

Yifei's laughter was crisp.

The queen mother nodded and said: "Here, I will also leave a portion for the fifth elder brother, he also likes this..."

After Shu Shu and Brother Nine came in, the Empress Dowager's eyes fell on the food box, with joy on her face: "Pies?"

A nanny put down the table, and Shu Shu approached the queen mother to set the table.

Today's pie is a lot smaller than yesterday, the size of a bowl.

It's also much thinner than yesterday's.

And the number is not many, only four.

The Empress Dowager looked at everyone and saw the sauerkraut noodles and four sets of bowls and chopsticks. She was puzzled, hesitated for a moment, and said to Shu Shu and Brother Jiu: "Why don't you try it..."

On weekdays, there are four dishes and four bowls, and one person can also set a table.

How many people prepared these things today, the old lady was also puzzled.

I don't know if it is for one person or for several people.

Shu Shu said with a smile: "I was about to ask Grandmother for pies. I came over after dinner last night. I saw Grandmother eating deliciously. I went back and thought about it for half a night..."

The Empress Dowager frowned, and said with a smile: "This is delicious, try it..." At this point, she looked at the nurse beside her and asked, "Did the two concubines send it to you?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I've given them away..."

Mammy said.

The queen mother turned her head and said to Shu Shu and Brother Jiu: "Sit down and have a taste..."

For four people, each sat on a corner, and each shared a piece of pie.

I don't know how the pies tasted yesterday, but today's pies are really good.

The pie crust is very soft, and the filling inside is also added a process for easy digestion, which is to fry it first.

The pie is thin and not big, Brother Jiu can eat it in just a few bites.

The Empress Dowager swallowed the last mouthful, with an unsatisfactory expression on her face.

There was a large bowl of sauerkraut noodles left, but there was more soup than noodles.

The four of them divided up, and even soup and water, there was only one bowl for each person.

The noodles inside are deep fried and soft after being boiled.

After soaking in the soup for a while, the noodles are full of the taste of the soup.

At first, the queen mother thought it was normal, but after taking a bite, she noticed the difference, looked down for a while, and asked Shu Shu, "Is this buckwheat fried noodles?"

As soon as the team came out, Shu Shu delivered food to Concubine Yi after being reminded by Wu Fujin.

In addition to road dishes, there are two boxes of noodles.

Among them was a box that Concubine Yi dedicated to present to the Empress Dowager.

Shu Shu nodded: "Mongolian buckwheat is fragrant, using this to make fried noodles is more delicious than ordinary white noodles..."

The queen mother said happily: "This tastes good, and it is not hard to eat. I will prepare more later. When they arrive in Horqin, let them follow suit..."

Shu Shu responded with a smile.

Perhaps there is also an advantage to using the Queen Mother's stove, that is, you can prepare some supplementary dishes.

Now I have been out for more than ten days, but the journey has not passed halfway.

According to Brother Nine, it is too early to return to Kyoto for the Golden Festival, and it may be later.

Because the route of this northern tour is different from the original one, this detour adds another ten days to the travel period.

After the Queen Mother finished her breakfast, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu came out from here.

Brother Nine whispered: "Do you want to accompany me every day?"

Not only is it hard work, but the queen mother's taste is different from that of young people.

Just like the noodles, Brother Jiu usually eats soft noodles because of his poor stomach, but they are not so soft.

After eating, the soaking is so bad that you can't hold it, so you have to use a spoon.

"Look at Fifth Wife..."

Shu Shu thought for a while and said, "If Fifth Sister-in-law recovers in the past two days, it would be better for Fifth Sister-in-law to accompany her..."

Shu Shu could see that the empress dowager's kindness was kindness, but she also maintained a sense of proportion with her grandchildren.

Except for fifth elder brother, she is not close to other princes.

In the past, Brother Nine would definitely have to nag again, dislike Shu Shu's stupidity or something, work hard on his own, and push the matter of showing his face to others.

I don't think so now.

"It's better for us to eat by ourselves, and prepare everything according to our own taste."

Brother Jiu came to a conclusion.

Shu Shu smiled and did not refute.

It was getting slightly brighter.

The two returned to the tent.

The meal here has been brought in, only for the husband and wife.

Shu Shu didn't know when the two would come back, so she left a message for Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen to use for themselves.

Brother Jiu's appetite is too much, a small pancake and a bowl of noodles are already full.

Shu Shu used it alone, and it happened that today there was a dish of braised pork with lotus leaf pancakes, so he ate most of the plate with this.

After the carriage was harnessed, the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs also began to collect the tents, and the sky was already dark.

Shu Shu took a look at her body, the ordinary flag outfit, the one-inch-high flag shoes, well-behaved, there was nothing to be picky about.

Walnut and Xiaoyu followed, each holding a package in their hands, one containing spare clothes, and the other containing small daily necessities.

Brother Nine is going to send it off.

Shu Shu resolutely rejected it: "Master, take the time to visit Brother Wu and ask Sister-in-law how the situation is... If Sister-in-law is ready to replace me, it will be fine..." The last sentence lowered the volume.

Brother Jiu didn't force it.

When Shu Shu and his party arrived in front of Yifei's carriage, Xiang Lan was outside the carriage, and came up to greet her.

Concubine Yi heard the movement in the carriage, picked up the curtain, and when she saw Shu Shu, she showed joy: "Lao Jiu let you come here..."

Shu Shu stepped forward and said with a smile: "Master Jiu urged my daughter-in-law to come here, and I just wanted to send my daughter-in-law here... My daughter-in-law thinks that the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers over there are young, and there must be someone watching over there, so I will take care of you." I didn't let Master Jiu send it..."

Concubine Yi complained while beckoning her to get in the car: "It's a good thing I didn't come, it's just a matter of seeing each other every now and then, every day I see him, I'll be pissed off by him..."

Shu Shu smiled, but it was hard to talk.

At this time, following the mother-in-law's words and picking on her husband together, that is a fool.

But brother Jiu's performance in the past few days is really bad, and it would be a bit false if he insisted on exaggerating.

Concubine Yi didn't mean to embarrass her, she just said: "Quickly help Er Niang think about it, what are we going to have at the dinner party? It's fine if we are the only ones, but today the prince of Aohan Banner is coming to court, when the time comes, the banquet must be respectable, plus It's a big festival, we all have to have a good meal..."

If a banquet is given in the capital, all kinds of exquisite tableware can blind the eyes of Mongolian princes.

When you are away from home, there are plenty of ingredients in the dining room, but this temporary stove is not as good as in the palace.

The ingredients are too cumbersome and inconvenient to prepare.

Shu Shu thinks of the "clip", the filling in the middle is replaced by mutton sauce, which is suitable for the taste of Mongolians.

Meat, mainly cattle and sheep.

Since it is the Mid-Autumn Festival, moon cakes are indispensable.

When we arrive at the grassland, how can we have less milky mooncakes?Milk dregs mooncake?

There is also the mooncake with pulp that is popular in the capital, maybe you can take the opportunity to prepare more, and eat the rest on the way, and also have an extra snack.

Su's mooncakes that have not been spread to the capital can be prepared.

As for the saying that Mongolians don't eat mooncakes...

It's just a later statement.

The Mongolians also celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, but before they were nomadic, their diet was relatively monotonous, and the making of moon cakes was somewhat complicated, so they did not become popular in Mongolia.

But when the Mongolians became rich, many people built cities and settled down, and their diet became richer, so Mongolian mooncakes appeared.

One is mooncakes made of various dairy products, and the other is steamed mooncakes made of buckwheat noodles with brown sugar and nuts.

Whenever Shu Shu thinks of something, she talks to Concubine Yi.

In a morning's work, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have almost drawn up the menu.

Four dim sum dishes, four big dishes, four bowl dishes, four dish dishes, and four side dishes.

As soon as the carriage stopped here, Elder Brother Jiu had already reined in and came over: "Emiang, are you done with the discussion? The old ten wants to find something to eat, and the girls let him go..."

Shu Shu has calmed down.

Such an excuse for not being distracted, might as well just say it to pick someone up.

Concubine Yi glanced lightly at Brother Jiu, and said to Shu Shu: "Go back and have a good rest, I'm tired these two days... You don't have to get up so early tomorrow, so I'll draw up the breakfast list in advance and send it to the boarding office." The room is fine... I will tell Nanny Bao, if there is anything about food at the Empress Dowager's side, I will go and ask you..."

Nanny Bao, who Shu Shu has dealt with these two days, is the nanny in charge of the queen mother.

Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief, and obediently agreed.

Does this mean you don't have to work?

Brother Nine was beside him, and when he heard He's two orders, he also grinned: "Er Niang is wise, she doesn't go to the stove, she just moves her mouth when she goes..." Speaking of this, thinking of the neglect of the servants in the kitchen, he hummed softly. He said: "It's those slaves who don't even move a stool, what does it mean to let Mrs. Dong E stand and wait? I don't believe it. Those masters don't have a seat when they are not cooking, and they stand for a day..."

Concubine Yi became impatient: "I've been talking nonsense all day, it's almost gone..."

Brother Nine snorted softly, got upset, got off the horse, and wanted to hug Shushu onto the horse.

But in this convoy, how many pairs of eyes are watching?

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Sitting for a whole morning, my legs are straight, I'd better stroll back..."

Brother Nine had no objection, he led the horse and Shu Shu away.

Seeing the backs of her son and daughter-in-law drifting away, Concubine Yi's face drooped suddenly, and she ordered Xiang Lan: "Go and find out, which bastard is not open-eyed and dares to bully the master..."

The good prince Fujin, the queen mother and her are coaxing, and it is the turn of others to make faces.

Xiang Lan's face was also ugly: "Your servant, go now..."

Shu Shu realized later, and realized that she was targeted in the past two days.

She was very puzzled: "What's the point of such an innocuous little action?"

Brother Jiu snorted coldly and said: "I guess it's because you are young and soft, and the empress dowager orders people over there, who just treat you slowly. If you say that you only care about the empress dowager's master's diet, and don't care about other things, then wipe it away... It's a good idea." , I’ll go find Han Ama to make the decision! These bastards, who are corrupt by themselves, are not allowed to be investigated by others? If you want revenge, I’ll wait for you, bullying you is nothing..."

(End of this chapter)

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