My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 145 Sneak joy

Chapter 145 Secret Joy
Concubine Yi has an internal affairs officer under the name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Empress Dowager also has an internal affairs officer under the name of four internal authorities.

No one would give their masters a "power" for no reason.

Shu Shu didn't intend to persuade Brother Nine.

She was ordered to take care of the Empress Dowager's diet, and she didn't go out of her way to flatter her, so why did she still swallow her humiliation to the Empress Dowager's servants?
Who knows if this is a temptation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs' coating?
If the husband and wife are scruples about this and that, and put up with it this time, what about the next time?

Back to her carriage, Shu Shu felt that the air was fresh.

Concubine Yi is not an evil mother-in-law, but she is also a mother-in-law.

Brother Nine couldn't wait for a moment, got on his horse, and went to the place ahead...

While driving, Kangxi was talking to the Minister of Lifan Academy about the coming of Prince Aohan to the court.

The Aohan tribe is not powerful among the sixteen tribes of Monan Mongolia, and it is even relatively small.

One piece, one flag.

However, the Aohan tribe was the first Mongolian tribe to marry Manchuria, earlier than the Horqin tribe, and had conquered Manchuria with Emperor Taizu.

Taizu's third daughter, Princess Hada, remarried Aohanbu after her second marriage.

The princess has two daughters, the eldest daughter is Prince Xu Lilie and the eldest son Yue Tuo, and the second daughter is married to Emperor Taizong's eldest son Hauge.

Later, when Emperor Taizong ascended the throne, Princess Hada conspired to rebel and was executed, and her two daughters were also implicated and killed.

However, Emperor Taizong did not anger the Aohan tribe, and was invited by the Aohan tribe to marry his eldest daughter into the Aohan tribe. Therefore, the princess was called Princess Aohan.

Most of the current princes of the Aohan tribe are descendants of Princess Aohan, and the banner owner is the grandson of Princess Aohan, so he is Kangxi's cousin.

During the Shunzhi and Kangxi dynasties, the imperial court successively pointed out many clan daughters to marry into the Aohan tribe.

However, because the Aohan tribe is too small, with only one banner and [-] Dingkou, Kangxi has never visited the Aohan tribe during his northern tours in these years.

During this northern tour, Kangxi deliberately added the Aohan Department.

The highest title of the eldest daughter of the Aohan tribe is only the princess, and she can't stand shoulder to shoulder with the princess, and she doesn't need to give things.

"Arrange officials from the Ministry of Rituals to prepare sacrifices to the princess and the forehead..."

Kangxi ordered.

The Minister of Rites owed him a response.

Kangxi heard Liang Jiugong report outside the car: "Your Majesty, Master Jiu is here, please see the Emperor..."

Kangxi was surprised.

This son was like avoiding cats and mice, seeing him, this Khan Ama wanted to take a detour.

Look at that good-for-nothing look, as if someone cares about him.

When will it be better?

After the wedding?

Or after being sick?

Now the next time he came to the door twice, he became more courageous.

I was caught talking small things yesterday, and I also rambled on and off.

"Let him roll in!"

When Kangxi thought of yesterday, he felt that he still had something to do, and that was to scold brother Jiu severely.

Pro-Ama raised him for more than ten years in vain?
Is it good for the father-in-law to give two horses?Stronger than pro-Ama?

Unfilial son!
The Minister of Rites had already got up to leave, and Kangxi nodded.

When Minister of Rites got off the car, he confronted Brother Jiu and hurriedly bowed to pay his respects.

Brother Jiu had already gotten into the carriage, and said directly: "Ama Khan, you have to make the decision for the Dong E clan, there is no such thing as a bully..."

Kangxi swallowed the reprimand again, frowned and said, "What's going on?"

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and told what he saw and heard when he accompanied Shu Shu to the dining room this morning.

"For about half an hour, those servants let Dong E stand there... Dong E couldn't see anything, and his son couldn't see it? The people in the palace are all eyes, when have they been so blind... Son can't see anything." Fearing that they would be wronged, I asked the eunuch who was serving food at the empress's side, and he made it clear that there was a seat... The eunuchs next to the empress could all grab the seats, and the daughter-in-law Fujin was only worthy of standing? They followed Khan Ama's orders to prepare meals for the queen mother... What do they mean? I hate my son for uncovering the corruption in the palace before, and he didn't dare to take revenge on his son, so he bullied his son Fujin..."

The more Brother Nine talked, the angrier he became, and the circles of his eyes were red with anger.

He remembered Shu Shu's timidity before, and he swore that he would protect her and not let her be bullied, but he bullied her once without seeing her.

Kangxi's face was frosty, but he didn't just believe in Brother Jiu's words. He said to Liang Jiugong, "Go and ask the eunuch who provided the meals, whether there is any seat for the dinners yesterday and today's breakfast..."

Liang Jiugong bowed and went.

Brother Nine is still not angry: "Ama, what do they want to do? Is it because they are under the empress dowager's name that they are under the leadership of the internal management, so their waists are hard..."

Kangxi didn't answer, but only said: "How is Dong E's family?"

Brother Nine hesitated to speak, a little entangled.


Kangxi's eyes darkened, and he asked.

Brother Nine quickly shook his head: "No, it's not because she went to the was because the dining room was hot. She stood and waited, sweating a lot, and when she came out to see the wind, there were some signs of paralysis...My son was going to pass on the imperial physician last night. Don't let it go, let the girl press it this morning, it's all right... But my son thought, after a few days, I still have to ask the imperial doctor to take a look..."

Kangxi's expression softened slightly.

He originally thought that this unfilial son wanted to make use of the problem and drag Dong Eshi to avoid the errand.

As a son, as a grandson, if he doesn't even care about filial piety, then this son is useless.

But Dong E's side...

"The Tai Hospital has a prescription for paralysis. Later, you send someone to get some plasters..."

Kangxi thought for a while, and said: "Let you Fujin persist for a few more days, after Horqin, you will be fine..."

Brother Jiu nodded, but thinking about Shu Shu's hard work today, he still couldn't help but said: "Ama Khan, the Queen Mother, I'm afraid I want Fifth Sister-in-law to be with me... and Fifth Brother, my son Fujin is here to accompany you." Empress Dowager, it's not easy for him to move forward. Pushing his son Fujin ahead, will it embarrass the fifth elder brother and fifth sister-in-law..."

Kangxi didn't think of this before, but after listening to Brother Jiu, it seemed to make sense.

All the way before, it was the fifth elder brother who took care of the Queen Mother driving.

It is inconvenient for the elder brother and younger sister-in-law who are about the same age to see each other without looking up.

At this moment, Liang Jiugong came back, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, it was Chen Zhong who went to pick up the meal this morning, and when we got there, the steward of the dining room personally moved the stool last night..."

Brother Jiu exploded immediately: "Okay, you are really a good slave, watching people order dishes! The second-class eunuch of Qianqing Palace is more decent than Prince Fujin, what is the reason for this?! I will go and ask, who is it?" Instigated, who is the master behind it, so that they don't even pay attention to the prince Fujin..."

With a dark face, Kangxi scolded: "Okay! You are frizzy! The servant has made a mistake, and he will be punished himself, and you, the master, should break it?"

Brother Jiu pouted, still showing anger.

Kangxi waved his hand and said: "Go on, Dong E's place, you don't need to go to the dining room to watch in person... just spend some time thinking about Xinqiao food, let the queen mother eat a few more bites is filial piety..."

Brother Nine nodded and quietly got out of the carriage.

Kangxi looked at Liang Jiugong and said, "Did I treat these servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs too kindly?"

Liang Jiugong didn't answer right away, but looked at the door of the carriage, then lowered his voice and said, "The emperor treated them leniently in the early years, but there was nothing he could do... How many people are needed inside and outside the palace, using a coat of slaves is always more at ease than others ...But when they have power, perhaps they become bolder and forget that the Forbidden City is the Emperor's Forbidden City, not the Forbidden City that is coated..."

Seeing his careful look, Kangxi turned cold and glared at him: "Okay, is there no end to the once or twice?"

Liang Jiugong immediately knelt down and begged for mercy: "Your Majesty, forgive me. It's my slave's fault. I've committed narrow-mindedness... When I was a young eunuch, I was often made things difficult by these enveloping stewards. Half of the monthly payment was also deducted. Once I refused to accept it. He uttered a few words, and was kicked twice..."

Kangxi looked at him and said lightly: "Get up, there will be no next time..."

Shu Shu returned to her carriage and lay down.

I got up early this morning and didn't rest all morning, and now my head is heavy.

Seeing this, Xiaosong hurriedly followed the car: "Fu Jin, my servant will give you a massage..."


Shu Shu responded: "Don't press the neck, press the waist this time..."

The carriage is moving very slowly today.

I heard that besides Wu Fujin, there are other family members who suffer from motion sickness.

But sitting in front of my mother-in-law for several hours is also tiring.

Xiao Song hesitated, and didn't make a move for a while.

Shu Shu turned her head and looked at her: "Why don't you do anything?"

"Fu Jin, what the nanny told me before she came out, don't press Fujin's waist..."

Xiao Song said earnestly: "Mammy said, we must guard against the little elder brother's upper body..."

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing: "Mama is really worried, there is no such thing as a little brother...Forget it, just press the shoulder..."

Only then did Xiao Song cheerfully agree, and pressed his hand.

Shu Shu lay on her stomach with her eyes closed, thinking of the words "little elder brother", she felt quite strange.

Newlyweds, London is a must.

Along the way, get closer when it is convenient.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is mixed with honey.

There is no birth control.

No signs of pregnancy either.

This feeling of not being controlled and resigned to fate is not good.

She doesn't want any surprises, she has a big belly at a young age.

For others, it is a wish.

For Shu Shu, it is impossible to avoid it.

How can we train Brother Jiu to only cover the quilt and chat without moving his hands?

It seems quite embarrassing.

Shu Shu was thinking wildly.

Brother Nine came back, looking very angry.

After being reprimanded several times, Xiao Song became more and more timid, and hurriedly avoided it.

Brother Jiu waved her off and then hugged Shu Shu.

Shu Shu turned her head and saw that he was covering his mouth and giggling, obviously not wanting to be known.

"What's the matter, grandpa is so happy?"

Seeing this, Shu Shu also lowered her volume.

Didn't you file a complaint?
It's done, with remarkable results?

Brother Jiu pursed his lips, raised his eyebrows, and his face was full of complacency: "Ama Khan said, just go to Horqin, and just prepare the menu in the dining room. You don't have to go...the queen mother doesn't need to be with you, let the fifth sister-in-law go……"

Shu Shu hugged Brother Nine and praised sincerely: "Master is really capable, thank you..."

There are only about ten days left before Horqin.

It's much better than taking care of there comfortably all the way.

So happy for this?

Brother Nine had already rested his chin on Shu Shu's shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Master, I found that Khan Ama is not that scary... If there is something really wrong, it shouldn't be difficult to lie and fool me..."

(End of this chapter)

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