Chapter 146 Drunk
Shu Shu thinks Brother Jiu's brain circuit is amazing.

It seems to have become smarter, but in fact it is still stupid.

The cognition of his parents is not objective.

With the lessons learned from the previous outspokenness, Shu Shu dared not indulge Brother Jiu again.

I used to think that it would be fine for the two of them to talk in private, but they would be bald outside after getting used to it.

The current thinking is also the same, Brother Jiu also knows that this idea is bold, so he just secretly shared it with her in a low voice.

But those who come and go will inevitably show their whereabouts outside.

Now fathers are kind and sons are filial. Even if Kangxi sees through his son's tricks, he won't care too much about it. But one day the relationship between father and son will not be good?
This old man was sincere when he was a loving father, and he was merciless when he was a tiger dad.

Guessing that the imperial family of the Qing Dynasty has always been kind to the prince elder brother, the ninth elder brother has no sense of crisis.

But at one time and another, Emperor Taizu wanted to promote his son and curb the power of his brothers and nephews.

Emperor Taizong had few heirs, and there was only one adult prince during his lifetime, so he was naturally a father and son soldier in battle.

When it came to Emperor Shizu, he died before he could show bias towards his son.

Shu Shu wanted to give Brother Jiu an example, but she didn't know how to do it.

The struggle between Emperor Taizu and Guanglue Baylor is between the emperor and the prince, and it is not the same as the struggle between the emperor's father and the prince.

She thought about it for a while, and started with a bit of seriousness, starting from herself: "The old master said that I am smart, and that my tenth younger brother is smart. In fact, every time I see you, I am trembling, and I don't dare to have any petty tricks or thoughts. I just think that the emperor His eyes are as bright as torches, as if he can see through people's hearts... or in the eyes of the master, is the emperor not smart?"

Brother Nine frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Ama Khan is smart, otherwise he wouldn't have become the real leader of the Eight Banners... The 'Conference of Kings and Ministers' established by Taizu is now useless..."

Speaking of this, Shu Shu also felt amazing.

In his later years, Emperor Taizu established the "Wang and Minister Conference", and the Eighth National Congress and Shuobeile jointly managed the state affairs.

It is also stipulated that Khan should "not accept remonstrance, disrespect the Tao, but choose a virtuous person to establish him."

It is a small-scale clan republic system.

Then this "meeting of kings and ministers" became popular in the two dynasties.

It was not until the death of Shunzhi that the four ministers were left behind, and the "meeting of ministers of the king" was stopped.

In the [-]th year of Kangxi, the "South Study Room" was established, and the rights of the "Wang Minister Conference" were even less.

Until this time, the emperor truly became the co-lord of the Eight Banners, not the previous master of the two banners or the master of the three banners.

"It's also the young master's accession to the throne. The days of Emperor Shizu were not as smooth as Khan Ama..."

Brother Nine whispered: "I don't need to talk about the 'capture of Oboi' back then, just talk about the clan's clan, and found some excuses to seal a few of them..."

Although the clan is transferred, the title and population are still transferred among its branches.

But in this way, it's no wonder which one can still work together.

Shu Shu listened with a light smile, and couldn't help but slander in her heart.

This is not the first initiative of Kangxi, it started from the Nurhachi period.

Every time a title is seized and transferred, even if it is changed from father to brother or brother to brother, it is actually a weakening of power.

From generation to generation, within each clan, there is a mess of lawsuits.

It has the same effect as the "tweet order".

"Then I think, if you have any small thoughts, tricks, or lies, can you hide it from the emperor?"

Shu Shu asked.

Ninth elder brother shook his head, and lost the joyful look he had just now: "It should be impossible to hide it, it depends on whether Ama Han is willing to care about it... Hey, isn't the master taking the initiative to find trouble? Forget it, we should be more honest in the future, so as to save money He made a note of it at the time..." At this point, he came closer: "Khan Ama looked at her son getting close, but when she was cruel, she was really cruel... Lao Qi had a problem with his feet back then, as if someone said 'Unlucky', 'bad omen', Khan Ama has been not allowed to write his name, he is not allowed to participate in the sacrifice, and the rewards due to the prince after his birth are also exempted..."

Shu Shu's mind was spinning fast.

The seventh elder brother is three years older than the ninth elder brother, and was born in the nineteenth year of Kangxi.

Birthday is July twenty-fifth.

It is true that some places are afraid of being born in May and July, calling them "evil months" and "ghost months", thinking that children born in these two months will overcome their parents, but there is obviously no such tradition in the palace.

Because Kangxi's most precious prince was born in May.

In the nineteenth year of Kangxi...

Just in the twelfth lunar month of the previous year, the Hall of Supreme Harmony was struck by lightning and burned down...

At the critical moment of the San Francisco Rebellion...

Shu Shu somewhat understood the reason why Kangxi was afraid of the "bad omen".

Afraid that one trillion will come true.

At that time, it was really a worry for the country to perish.

Brother Nine sighed, "At first I didn't think much of it, I just thought that Ama Khan was majestic and intimidating, but now that I've grown up, I feel that Ama Khan is actually quite pitiful..."

Shu Shu didn't speak, just looked at Brother Jiu.

The aging emperor lost his authority little by little.

Brother Nine has a loose temper and no ambitions. He found that the emperor's fragility is just a lack of awe, and he has no idea of ​​​​replacing it.

But what about the other princes?
The princes have lost their absolute awe of the emperor's father, how can they respect the prince who has no real power?

The reason why there will be a situation of "Kowloon seizing the heir" in the end should also be due to this reason.

The ambitions of the princes are expanding day by day.

Regardless of the future situation, Shu Shu is temporarily satisfied with the weird idea of ​​breaking Zheng Jiu's elder brother to seek death.

In the afternoon, the ninth elder brother, the tenth elder brother, and the thirteenth elder brother accompanied the imperial court on horseback.

Apart from the three younger ones, the big elder brother, the third elder brother, and the fifth elder brother are also like this.

The place where it is stationed today is called Luohan Bila, and it is still camped along the old Hamulun River.

Today Zhamusu, king of the Aohan tribe, has led the princes of the Aohan Banner to the court.

When the convoy arrived at Luohan Bila, Prince Aohan had already arrived.

It is still three hundred miles away.

Mongolian princes are all canonized by the imperial court, and the imperial court pays their salaries.

The titles are divided into seven ranks, Prince, County King, Baylor, Beizi, Zhen Guogong, Fu Guogong, and the seventh rank is Zasak Taiji and Tabu Nang.

This is true for both Monan Mongolia and Mobei Mongolia.

Only the Mobei Mongolian Khan, Fenglu is more than the prince.

Most of the people under their names are also compiled as Zuoling.

The prince who occupies the most leaders in each banner is the banner leader.

In the same area, several adjacent tribes meet regularly, and set up a leader and a deputy leader, who are elected at the time of the alliance.

This is the Mongolian flag system.

The entire Aohan tribe, princes and princes above Taiji have arrived.

He brought five hundred cavalry attendants.

You princes, just before the imperial court, followed the emperor to summon the Mongolian prince.

On the other hand, female followers like Shu Shu and the others are much more relaxed because there is no Mongolian Fujin to entertain.

In addition, today is a holiday, so everyone gathered in the queen mother's tent and talked about the dinner.

Wu Fujin came over to thank him: "Yesterday's steamed fruit was good, and dried plums are also very useful..."

Shu Shu didn't speak, but looked at Wu Fujin.

Wu Fujin was wearing a riding outfit, which was red, a style that combined Mongolian and flag outfits, and it was exactly the one that Shu Shu had given her before.

"Sister-in-law Fifth, did you ride a horse today?"

Shu Shu was very surprised.

After all, Wu Fujin usually looks very quiet and elegant.

Wu Fujin's face turned red: "I didn't take a car in the afternoon, our master insisted on letting me ride a horse, and said that I will take a car after a few days when the road conditions improve..."

Shu Shu rejoiced in his heart.

You can follow the crowd!
Although it is uncomfortable to ride a horse, it should be good if you change it with a wheel.

With Wu Fujin in front, riding a horse by himself is not too conspicuous.

Whether you want to ride or not is one thing, but whether you want to ride or not is another.

The Empress Dowager was also looking at this side, saw Wu Fujin's makeup, called her over, groped her for a while, and nodded with a smile: "This dress is beautiful, the color is good, and it makes people look energetic...You children Everyone, you should dress up..."

Wu Fujin took a look at Shu Shu, smiled softly and said, "It was given to my granddaughter-in-law by the nine younger brothers and sisters... Our master agreed after meeting..."

The queen mother smiled and said: "I heard from the fifth son at noon that you have been riding a horse for the first time? It's good. It's a lukewarm time. Riding a horse is better than taking a car. It's not so tiring..."

After hearing this, Wu Fujin said earnestly: "How about, the emperor's grandmother will ride with us tomorrow..."

The Queen Mother quickly shook her head: "Forget about my old bones. When Horqin is free, I will take you to ride horses... There is a Haizi over there, and there are a few wild fruit trees next to it. They are smaller than Shaguo and bigger than Begonia. Eat them." Sour..."

The Empress Dowager called Shu Shu and Qi Fujin to come forward again, but she spoke in a somewhat stumbling Manchu language: "You little sisters-in-law, don't stay in the car all day, if you have brothers following you, just ride a horse. If others are nagging, Just tell me..."

Qifujin smiled, not talking well.

It's because Seventh Brother's sense of presence is too weak, and the Queen Mother hasn't noticed that he is no longer in the team.

Shu Shu said from the side: "With the support of the imperial grandmother, the granddaughter-in-law and the seventh sister-in-law are going to have fun. Tomorrow, I will let the thirteenth elder brother accompany us. Maybe we can run around chasing rabbits and give the imperial grandmother extra meals..."

"Rabbits are fat now..."

The queen mother smiled and nodded: "But you also look at elder brother, don't let him run too fast..."

Shu Shu responded with a smile.

Coming out from the Queen Mother, only Shu Shu and Qi Fujin walked together, and Wu Fujin was left behind.

Qifujin said in a low voice: "I followed all the way, it's so boring, luckily you are here..."

Shu Shu also knew that it was inconvenient for her to be alone, and said: "Anyway, Seventh Sister-in-Law is welcome, if you have any orders, just give me a direct order. Our Ninth Master and Old Ten are all idle..."

As she spoke, she glanced at Qifujin's stomach, and whispered, "Can Mrs. Qi ride a horse? If she's inconvenient, forget it..."

Qifujin laughed and said, "Why can't I ride, I'm so suffocated..."

Most of the girls from the military commander's family follow and ride horses, and Qifujin is no exception.

She understood Shu Shu's scruples, and said in a low voice: "I just left on a small day, little elder brother is out of play this time..."

Shu Shu could only comfort her: "I heard that we will be stationed in Shengjing for ten and a half months. At that time, Seventh Sister-in-law and Qiye will also gather..."

Qi Fujin covered her mouth with a handkerchief and smiled: "Well, without him these days, it's all about recharging your energy..."

Shu Shu sneered, it was difficult to say anything.

Do not drive!
In the evening, it is the Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet.

Because it was outside, two large tents were set up.

One is next to the imperial tent. Kangxi took the prince, clan, ministers of civil and military affairs, and the commanders of the Eight Banners to give a banquet to the princes and princes of the Aohan tribe.

The accompanying female relatives had a banquet in the tent next to the queen mother's tent.

There are no outsiders, just a dozen female relatives who follow, and everyone is much more at ease.

Because it is the menu planned by Shu Shu, most of the dishes are new tonight, and everyone has been running around for half a month, eating to their heart's content.

On the left hand side of the Queen Mother are two concubines, and on the right hand side are Concubine Yi and Concubine Zhang.

The other two nobles are the concubine, and the concubine Zhang is the three princes Fujin.

As for the few who promised to be with the elder brother and the third elder brother, they are not qualified to show up.

No matter whether it is a promise or a princess, they are all polite addresses.

In fact, they are all "women of the palace" in the palace book.

It's only a little bit better than walnuts and the others.

The two concubines ate Mongolian pies this morning, and now they saw milk skin mooncakes on the table, so they greeted Shu Shu and praised them.

Not only is he dexterous in eating, but mainly because of his thoughtfulness, which is very good and filial.

Only then did Wufujin and Qifujin know what happened to the Queen Mother.

Both of them had anxiety on their faces.

Seeing this, Shu Shu said to Wu Fujin: "Sister-in-law Wu is no longer motion sick. From now on, the Empress Dowager will need you to come over and accompany me more..."

Wu Fujin nodded hurriedly: "That's what it should be, I was negligent earlier."

Qifujin muttered in a low voice: "Then I'll just watch..."

Shu Shu said: "Seventh Sister-in-Law is just with me, thinking about what to eat every day, it is filial piety to coax the Empress Dowager to eat more..."

Qi Fujin shook his head: "Forget it, what else can I think about? It's obviously your hard work alone, so what should I do with it? I'm not good at anything else, so I can do a little sewing. I'll think about it and make it for the Queen Mother Two Baotou, seeing that the weather is getting cold..."

"Sister Seven is a good idea..."

Shu Shu nodded in praise: "I have a lot of luggage with me, and all the sewing materials are complete, and there are a lot of matching beads. Seventh sister-in-law will send someone to pick up whatever is missing..."

Qi Fujin smiled and said: "Then I won't be polite to you, I know you are a rich man..."

The women's relatives are happy and happy here, but the atmosphere in the big tent is not so good.

The king of Aohan County who came to court is Kangxi's younger nephew, and he spoke respectfully.

But an old Duke who accompanied him was the uncle of the county king and the youngest son of Princess Aohan, who was older than the emperor, so he was the emperor's cousin.

The old man is a bit of a pedophile.

After drinking for three rounds, the princes came to toast.

The old Duke asked about the marriage, and the princes and elder brothers naturally told the truth.

Immediately, the old man held Brother Thirteen's hand and did not let go...

 It's [-] words in the third, and I'm tired.Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a recommendation ticket, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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