Chapter 147 Guardian

Although the thirteenth elder brother is not the real youngest son, he may be taken by Kangxi on a tour. He has felt the enthusiasm of many Mongolian princes along the way, but today is the first time he has experienced such a battle.

"Hello little brother, he looks good, he looks like a little eagle in the sky, he looks extraordinary..."

The old man smelled of alcohol, his face was flushed, and his tongue was big: "We Aohan don't have such a good talent, we really can't bear to look away..."

Brother Thirteen was extremely embarrassed.

The elder brothers are still there, one by one has sealed the county king Baylor, what is so special about him as a little elder brother?
This exaggeration is too baseless.

Brother Nine is by the side, unable to see through.

He had little contact with Elder Brother Thirteen before, because of the age difference after all.

On this northern tour, he took the thirteenth elder brother to take care of him. He felt that this younger brother sometimes had no winks, but he was still obedient.

"Grandpa, are you drunk? If you miss your son, the Taijis are still sitting below..."

Nine Brothers directly retorted.

The old Duke looked at Brother Jiu with drunken eyes, and said: "I don't lack a son, but I lack a son-in-law..." As he spoke, he looked up at Kangxi, his voice choked with sobs: "Your Majesty, although Ao Han is young, he is right. The royal family is loyal, but since the death of their late mother, no princess has descended... Even the county king Fujin is only a county king, and the rest are mostly clan members... Now there are eight Zasaks in the Zhaowuda League, Ao The Han Dynasty was reduced to the last place...the royal princess Jingui, we dare not ask extravagantly, we only ask for a prince and son-in-law..."

Brother Thirteen was so startled that he almost jumped up.

He doesn't want Mongolian Fujin!
Eight Banners attaches great importance to in-laws, his mother's family is not obvious, and his wife's family is the best ally, relying on each other.

What help can a Mongolian princess, or a small Mongolian princess, help?
Marriage between Manchu and Mongolia is a national policy, but with the founding of the Qing Dynasty, marriage with Mongolia has become a history, and now it is only the patriarch's daughter Fumeng that has become a practice.

Elder Brother Shi pointed at Fujin Mongolia, how many people talked behind their backs.

No one is a fool, everyone understands the emperor's intentions.

But for the prince.

Brother Thirteen doesn't want to be a talking point in other people's mouths.

Kangxi sat high, watching the old man go crazy with wine, but smiled and said nothing.

Brother Nine frowned, and was about to get up when Brother Ten pushed him down.

The tenth elder brother looked at the thirteenth elder brother contemptuously, stood up, walked forward, pushed the thirteenth elder brother aside, took the old Duke's hand, and said directly in Mongolian: "Grandpa, look Look at me, my nephew is the son-in-law of Mongolia. It is enough to have one nephew... Not to mention Mobei Mongolia, but only Monnan Mongolia has sixteen divisions and forty-nine banners. Ama wants the prince to be her son-in-law, and that Khan Ama's son is not enough..."

Speaking of this, he looked serious: "There are so many tribes in Mongolia, the royal family only has a close relationship with Aohan. From the beginning of the Taizu Dynasty to the present, there have been a total of fourteen princesses Fumeng, two of whom descended from the Aohan tribe... Aohan Aunt Han's grandma gave birth to several uncles, two married Heshuo Gege... the county king and Taiji of this generation, and the daughters they married were not of high rank, but they were from the nearby clan, and they were the blood of Emperor Taizong ...Aside from the Horqin tribe, Aohan is the first Mongolian tribe to be treated like this...Why is this so? It's just that this branch is all descendants of aunts and grandparents, who are related to Aixinjueluo by blood..."

What he said not only made the old man speechless, but also made several princes and elder brothers look at ten elder brothers in surprise.

In fact, this younger brother has a reputation for being ignorant and incompetent.

You must know that it is Brother Nine, even if his civil and martial arts are not obvious, he still has partial talents, and he is good at foreign languages ​​and mathematics.

This ten elder brother has been in Shangshufang for ten years, but he has not shown any talent.

Unexpectedly, the Manchu-Mongolian marriage was well-spoken.

Brother Jiu was not surprised.

Ever since Concubine Abahai came to court a few years ago, it was rumored in the palace that Elder Brother Ten had married Mongolian Gege, and Elder Brother Ten had frequently checked the information on the Mongolian marriage.

King Zhamusu of Aohan County didn't dare to watch the show any more, let his uncle gossip, got up and knelt down and said, "Uncle is drunk, offended elder brother, talked nonsense and lost respect, please forgive me..."

Taiji, the Duke of the Aohan tribe who followed, also stood up and knelt down.

The whole hall was silent, and there was no longer the happy and peaceful atmosphere just now.

The atmosphere is dignified.

The old man blushed and knelt down tremblingly.

Only then did Kangxi raise his hand and said, "Let's get up! Elder Brother Shi is right, the Aohan tribe and the royal family are blood relatives... But with a few drunken words, I can't care about it? It's just that Elder Brother Shi is right, don't worry about it." There are so many tribes in Mongolia, all of whom are my subjects, I can't just favor the Aohan tribe..." As he spoke, he ordered several princes to help them.

When the princes of the counties were lifted up, Kangxi had already got up and said, "It will be long in the future. Since we have enough food and drink today, let's have another feast!" After that, he got up and left.

All the people knelt down in unison again and sent them off respectfully.

The princes followed and filed out.

The remaining princes of Aohan looked at each other with anxiety.

Outside the tent, the lights were brightly lit, as bright as day.

The emperor returned directly to the imperial tent with his guards and eunuchs.

The prince who came out was outside the tent, you look at me, I look at you.

Eldest Brother patted Elder Ten on the shoulder: "Old Ten is not bad, he knows how to protect his younger brother, he acts like an older brother..."

Elder Brother Shi snorted softly, "Who told Old Shisan to be so cowardly, let him drag him around, listen to him talk nonsense, and dare not even give a fart..."

Brother Thirteen blushed and was speechless.

Ninth elder brother is by the side, looking at tenth elder brother, then at thirteenth elder brother, thoughtfully.

The third elder brother looked at the tenth elder brother, and said tentatively: "The tenth brother is quite concerned about the affairs of Mongolia. Is this planning to go to Lifan Academy to learn errands?"

The tenth elder brother glanced at the third elder brother: "Where to go to learn errands, isn't Khan Ama the one who has the final say? Or the third elder brother can intercede for the younger brother, and he will follow the younger brother's mind..."

The third elder brother shook his head without hesitation: "No, no, Khan Ama has always been arbitrary, so where can I talk too much?"

Elder Brother Ten curled his lips: "It turns out that Third Brother still knows about this..."

The third elder brother was so choked that he couldn't speak.

The fifth elder brother looked at the thirteenth elder brother, saw that he was still in shock, and said, "Don't worry, Khan Ama won't allow it... Every time on the north tour, someone mentions this, and it's useless..."

Brother Thirteen breathed a sigh of relief.

He wasn't worried about Ao Hanbu.

After all, Khan Ama made it clear just now that he was unhappy, and Prince Aohan would not bring it up a second time.

He is worried about other tribes!

Especially... the Horqin Department...

Who is this prince who follows the retinue? He is the only one who has no engagement with him.

Khan Ama can ignore the Aohan tribe, can he reject the Horqin tribe?

There is the Queen Mother, and there are two princesses...

Elder Brother Thirteen felt relieved, and turned his back on being rude, walked up to Elder Ten, and said solemnly: "Thank you, Elder Brother Ten..."

Elder Brother Shi raised his chin: "Why are you thanking me with empty words and white teeth? Are you kidding me? Thank you very much. Tomorrow, you will bring that horsewhip with red coral tassels..."

The horsewhip was newly obtained by the thirteenth elder brother, and it was a gift from the king of Harqin County.

Elder Brother Thirteen couldn't put it down these two days, it's just because he likes it.

Elder Brother Shi picked up this request on purpose.

Brother Thirteen nodded immediately, and said generously, "I'll ask someone to wrap it up later and send it to Brother Ten..."

The tenth elder brother's eyes fell on the thirteenth elder brother's face, and seeing that he was not lying, but sincerely wanted to give it, he suddenly felt boring, and hummed softly: "Who cares about your horsewhip, don't! I also have a new whip... "

The elder brother and the third elder brother went to the Minister of the Interior to inquire about the march tomorrow.

The fifth elder brother went to Dingsheng, the empress dowager's tent.

The three younger brothers, Brother Nine, Brother Ten, and Brother Thirteen, had nothing else to do, so they returned to their tents.

Seeing that the lamps were already lit in his own tent, and Sun Jin came back with a few people carrying water, Brother Jiu walked a little faster.

He waved to Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen: "Go and rest, especially Thirteen, I drank several cups tonight..."

After all, he strode into the tent.

Shu Shu has changed her clothes and let down her hair.

Xiao Yu stood behind her, combing her hair with a comb.

People nowadays are used to combing their hair with a comb.

Shu Shu disliked the wide-toothed horn comb that made her scalp hurt.

Seeing Brother Jiu coming back, Shu Shu got up to greet him.

What worries her most about this kind of banquet is drinking.

Even if Brother Jiu doesn't drink it himself, it will be troublesome for the Mongolian prince to persuade him to drink.

Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief when he got close to Brother Nine and didn't smell the alcohol.

"The flagon at the banquet is full of water... Besides, there are Fifth Brother and Old Ten..."

Brother Jiu said.

During the banquet, it was not that there were no other Mongolian princes who came to toast the princes and elder brothers with jugs, but they were all intercepted by the fifth and tenth elder brothers who were sitting on the upper and lower heads of the ninth elder brother.

Shu Shu nodded, and told Xiaoyu: "Xiaotang has prepared fruit and honey water, brother ten and elder brother thirteen will send a bowl..."

This is for sobering up, and Shu Shu asked someone to prepare it before.

Xiaoyu went in response.

Brother Jiu recalled the situation at the banquet just now, and snorted coldly: "The little Aohan tribe, the territory is not big, and the mind is not small..."

Shu Shu looked over: "What kind of rude request is this?"

Monan Mongolia, nominally an inner vassal.

As soon as Prince Belle Taiji had to be canonized by the court, in case of natural disasters such as rain, snow, locusts and drought, he had to ask the court for relief.

After going back and forth, it became a routine to reach out after tasting the sweetness.

Today's Mongolian tribes are not as nomadic as they were in ancient times.

Since the Yuan Dynasty, many tribes have settled down.

Although most of the grassland tribes still mainly focus on animal husbandry, some tribes adjacent to the plains and waterways have also begun to have agriculture.

The Mongolian prince spoke to the court, and the most prayed for were seeds and farm tools.

The Aohan tribe is also a tribe that pays equal attention to farming, Shu Shu thought it was this.

Brother Nine frowned and said: "Get an old drunkard to come up, and he won't let Shisan go, he insists on being a son-in-law..."

Shu Shu smiled very unkindly: "The thirteenth brother is designated to be frightened..."

She knew that the thirteenth elder brother was a good match, so naturally she wouldn't worry that Kangxi would really have a brain twitch and give up another son to Mongolia as his son-in-law.

Brother Jiu also laughed: "I'm so cowardly, my face turned pale, it's the old ten who stepped forward and pushed that old guy back..."

(End of this chapter)

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