Chapter 149 Contribution
Seven Fujin here also received four sets of similar jewelry.

She has always loved Huafuxi jewelry, but this time she couldn't be happy. She came over and murmured to Shu Shu: "I haven't given this Baotou yet. I feel guilty for accepting this reward... Fifth sister-in-law is busy these days, and you don't Idle, you all have merit, what did I do..."

Shu Shu smiled and listened to the muttering, thinking more in her heart.

The Queen Mother is straight.

She wants to dress up a few princes Fujin, that's literally.

She said that they should not be underestimated when they dress up, and that's really worrying about it.

It's different from Concubine Yi who prepared jewelry for them before.

The Empress Dowager gifted them a common style in the capital, which seemed exquisite and luxurious, not the kind of large pieces of gold jewelry and inlaid large pieces of precious stones that the Mongolian Fujin admired.

These jewelry are not intended to frighten Mongol Fujin and compete with them for wealth.

But Prince Fujin, who dares to underestimate him?
Princess Heshuo Duanmin...

This one is well-known as the "God of Concubine Concubine".

Not only does he ignore the concubine brother who inherited the title of Prince Heshuo, but he is also critical and disrespectful to Emperor Kangxi, the younger brother.

According to the princess's theory, among the people in the royal family, except for the prince, no one can catch her eyes.

After all, the rest of the nest are all concubines.

Although the queen mother is both a biological aunt and adoptive mother, she should also know about the princess' problems and plan ahead.

Shu Shu is embarrassing.

Seeing that she was silent, Qifujin asked curiously, "What are you thinking about?"

Shu Shu considered it for a while and said, "The eldest princess is quite famous in Beijing. I heard that she treats her concubine Prince Jian as a servant..."

Princess Kangxi caressed Meng for nine years. She was married for nearly thirty years and returned to the province several times.

There are many legends left in the capital.

It was originally a long time ago, and Shu Shu's generation should have never heard of it, but it was pointed out that Mrs. Uncle popularized royal relations for her after she got married, so she had to talk about the eldest princess.

Under the name of Shizu, four princesses who lived to adulthood, a concubine emperor's daughter, and three adopted daughters, three of them have passed away, and only Princess Duanmin, who is the third, is still alive.

And this one, one year older than Kangxi, is the emperor's sister.

Born in the Prince's Mansion, her adoptive mother is the Empress Dowager, who married into the Horqin Prince's Mansion.

In the absence of a queen, the eldest princess can be said to be the second most noble woman in the Qing Dynasty, second only to the empress dowager, so she naturally attracts attention.

Qi Fujin also felt sorry for Qi Ran: "This eldest princess is indeed very famous. I heard that she talked about her daughters and concubines... I have a family aunt who is Prince Xianjian Fujin. When the eldest princess returned to Beijing, In front of the clan daughters and family members, give my clan aunt a good lead... At that time, my clan aunt was still a new daughter-in-law, just like us now, so embarrassing that I can't wait to go back and wipe my neck..."

This is another constant kinship relationship.

The first Prince Jian mentioned by Qi Fujin is the brother of the current Prince Jian.

He was the concubine's brother of the princess, who inherited his father's title in his early years, and later died of illness.

There was something wrong when he was impeached three times after his death. Not only did he not have a posthumous title, but even the prince who was alive was also dismissed.

Fujin didn't keep it either, but returned to the clan and remarried.

"The two sons of the prince successively, the biological mother is not allowed to chase after him, and it is also the first one..."

Shu Shu said.

This is about the birth mother of Prince Jane, who has been dead for many years, and was a concubine of Jin Dynasty before her death.

According to the rules of the clan, if the princes, county kings, etc. who inherited the title were concubines, they would usually go to the Zhezi to ask for the title or posthumous title for the biological mother.

Only Prince Jane is an exception.

But with Kangxi's temper, he wouldn't give this Princess Heshuo Duanmin such a big face, mostly because of the Empress Dowager.

Qi Fujin looked down at himself, then raised his head to look at Shu Shu: "We are all concubine daughters-in-law, so we won't be really picked on, right?"

Shu Shu said: "The queen mother is worried, so it can be seen that she is not generally domineering and picky..."

Qifujin said in a low voice: "I don't know what to be proud of? I keep talking about concubines, so the emperor is still a concubine... In thirty-one years, the emperor gave the princesses of Fumeng according to the rank of Baylor. Everyone has a share. This one is left alone... My clan aunt has remarried for many years, and she is still happy when she mentions this matter, saying that retribution has arrived..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "This is the consequence of not practicing eloquence... Anyway, we abide by the rules..."

Qifujin sighed: "Forget it, who told us to be young and hinder the Queen Mother..."

The next day after Prince Darhan came to visit, he arrived at the place of Jurhadai Uda.

The residence of the prince of Aohan County.

Because Aohan County King had already had a banquet, on this day Princess Aohan's second son, Heshuo's son-in-law Zilunbatur and his wife Heshuogege had a banquet.

This one is Kangxi's cousin, and He Shuogege is Kangxi's cousin.

It can be described as a family banquet.

However, with the previous embarrassment, the banquet was still a little deserted.

If there is a cause, there must be an effect.

Who is the prince of Aohan's temptation first.

Obviously, within ten or eight years, Prince Aohan will be silent, and he dare not find his presence anymore.

The next day, I arrived at Jiamen Susaibao at the junction of the Aohan tribe and the Horqin tribe.

One day in advance, Shu Shu got the order from Madam Bao beside the Queen Mother, that the Queen Mother should be a vegetarian on this day.

Because this day is the life sacrifice of the empress dowager's late father, the place where the empress dowager's parents are buried is two hundred miles away, and the Ministry of Rites has sent people to worship.

For the empress dowager, it is necessary to choose a clean place near the road, set up an altar for sacrifice, and the fifth elder brother and his wife will accompany the sacrifice.

Shu Shu figured out two vegetarian dishes, Kung Pao Tofu Box and Glutinous Osmanthus Lotus Root.

The two breakfast dishes are red dates sandwiched with rice cakes, and there is also a dish of ginger and milk.

Eating sweets will make you feel better.

It's hard for Shu Shu to say how the queen mother is eating.

The seven Fujins, the tenth elder brother, and the thirteenth elder brother ate deliciously.

Yes, there is a menu here. In addition to sending one to the Empress Dowager in the dining room, one is also sent to Shu Shu, which is called "Please Fujin to try the dishes".

These few extra dishes every day are eaten without any leftovers.

Shu Shu felt that it wasn't necessarily how delicious it was, but more because everyone rushed to eat it.

Seventh Fujin had the cheek to come over, and it was not good to have a mixed seat, mainly because Seventh Fujin and Nine Brothers needed to avoid taboos.

They are about the same age, and they are all married uncles and sisters-in-law.

Shu Shu also began to divide the seats again.

The sisters-in-law are seated together, and the ninth elder brother is accompanied by the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother.

This extra dish is not good, and Da Lala asked for another one, so it was divided into two plates.

There are fewer things, and someone snatches them while eating, and the taste will be three points more delicious.

In the evening, Nanny Bao came over, followed by the little eunuch, carrying a box.

Shu Shu was stunned.

Really a mouthful of boxes.

The kind of wooden box used to store clothes on weekdays is about one and a half feet wide, about three feet long, and about two feet high.

"Your Majesty ate well today, and I asked for an extra bowl of stewed milk... I also like red dates and rice cakes, and I specially asked people to add them to the offerings, saying that our old prince also loved sticky food back then... Eat the tofu box in the afternoon I took half of the plate and said it tastes good, and reminded people to try it with meat stuffing tomorrow..."

Nanny Bao talked about the queen mother's reaction, her voice choked with sobs: "I was worried that the empress would not move her chopsticks today...Fu Jin is paying attention... I heard Wu Fujin say that Fujin likes to eat beef jerky. Set aside half to send to Fujin, Fujin don't want to talk heresy..."

Shu Shu didn't say goodbye like she received jewelry, but she showed joy on her face: "That's great... I just want to eat this... Before I left Beijing, I went shopping around in Beijing and made a few catties for me. I've already eaten it up...such a reward, let alone once, even if it comes three or five times, I will have the cheek to accept it..."

Seeing that she was really happy, Mammy Bao smiled, and led the eunuch to answer the question.

Xiaoyu and Walnut opened the box, and saw bundles of beef jerky wrapped in yellow paper.

They are all the kind of ultra-dry beef jerky with the length of an arm and the thickness of two chopsticks.

The smell of beef is also tangy.

Xiaoyu usually plays with cosmetics, her nose is the sharpest, and she smells the most intensely. She can't wait to hide in the mouth of the tent: "This smell is too strong..."

Walnut was also troubled: "Fu Jin, should I eat this directly?"

But Shu Shu seemed to see a baby, and said with a smile: "There are other ways to eat..."

Being respectful in the dining room, Shu Shu looked at the beef jerky and decided to give it a big hand.

These days, she took advantage of the dining room and ate well, but she couldn't share the profits with others.

It is the same with Wu Fujin and his wife.

It just so happened that the beef jerky arrived today, so Shu Shu wanted to be a favor.

Shu Shu called Xiaotang and ordered: "Take a few bundles to the dining room, and make a few flavors... spiced, spicy, cumin, no need to process too complicated, just soak in hot water first, cut into pieces Thumbnail-sized diced seeds, oiled first, and then fried... When it's done, put it in a food box, with unprocessed ones, and make four pieces... Send it everywhere... Big brother, The third elder brother, the fifth elder brother..." At this point, he thought for a while and said: "Forget it, let's not send it away...I will discuss with the master how to send it..."

Brother Jiu turned around and heard this sentence: "What are you giving?"

Shu Shu pointed to the box on the ground, and talked about giving gifts everywhere.

Among other things, the elder brother and the fifth elder brother should send it off.

If these two are sent off, the third brother will not be left behind.

There is also Zhangbi, who received something before and always wanted to return a gift, and also wanted to give a copy.

The queen mother has been paying attention to new food recently, and the queen mother has to give a copy, and at the same time, the two concubines cannot be left behind.

Then the emperor and Concubine Yi...

The reason why Shu Shu hesitated was because of the two nobles, the promises, and the Ge Ge.

Brother Nine thought for a while and said: "Give them all away... Khan Ama agreed here, even if there is no rank, it is not easy to take it lightly... Khan Ama once reprimanded the court lady under the prince's name because the minister did not salute The inner minister...meaning that even the concubine who is not a rank concubine next to the prince is still the master...the same is true for the prince's backyard, but it must be the same for the harem..."

Shu Shu understood.

The Empress Dowager can ignore concubines who have no rank because of her noble status. If everyone gets close to her, no one will be able to recognize her.

But in front of the prince elder brother of the younger generation, the concubine is the concubine, and even the lowest promise must be respectful.

So to my father.

The same is true for brothers.

It's not for a few princesses, it's for the elder brother and the third elder brother.

Before sunset on this day, each tent received a gift from the Jiu Age couple, a box of four flavors of beef jerky...

(End of this chapter)

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