My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 150 Annoyed

Chapter 150 Annoyed

Royal account.

Kangxi was talking to the Minister of the Ministry of Households on duty about tax exemptions in several disaster-stricken counties in the south of the Yangtze River.

"It's fine if you're all free, it's still a matter of discretion..."

Kangxi ordered: "Order people to check the disaster situation, and whether the money and food allocated before have been given to the local area..."

The imperial court is not rich, and the place where the favor is given must also be given to the people in need.

Those who falsely received money and food in the name of floods, or who received money and food but did not give relief to the localities, have to deal with a batch, so that they know that the law of the country is ruthless.

The Minister of the Household Department agreed and withdrew.

Liang Jiugong came in with a strange expression, carrying a food box.

Kangxi glanced at him, and his eyes fell on the food box: "Concubine Yi'respect dishes'?"

These days, Concubine Yi sometimes "respects dishes".

She often goes to the Queen Mother's place these days and eats with her.

It's just that the old man will feel uncomfortable, fool himself, and eat improperly.

When encountering Shu Shu's "additional dishes", she found some delicious, so she ordered the dining room to prepare another one the next day and send it to the imperial court.

There is one almost every day.

But today's "respect dish" has already been respected.

This is not a breakfast meal, nor is it a "respect dish" for dinner...

"If you go back to the emperor, it was not sent by the empress, but by Master Jiu and Jiu Fujin, and by that kid He Yuzhu..."

Kangxi's expression became more interesting, and he motioned for Liang Jiugong to bring it up.

Liang Jiugong opened the food box and took out a plate.

It's a four-compartment cross plate, no more than seven or eight inches in size, containing four servings of beef jerky.

The quantity of each serving is limited, estimated to be half the size of an adult's fist.

Because some of the second-processed beef jerky is still hot, several kinds of aromas are mixed together, the overbearing spicy aroma, the attractive cumin aroma, and the unique spiced aroma.

In the food box, there is also a small box of toothpicks.

Kangxi took a toothpick and inserted a piece of spicy beef jerky.

There are not many spicy meals in the palace, and pepper is not a common ingredient.

In order to reconcile the spiciness that ordinary people can't accept, more pepper is added.

When Kangxi ate it, he felt that it was numb and spicy, and then he found that this blended delicious novelty was good, so he ate three pieces in a row.

After he drank two sips of warm tea, he picked out a piece of each of the other two and thought it was still spicy and delicious.

It's just that dinner has already been eaten, so he restrained his eating habits, so he ordered: "Put it away, and serve it with porridge tomorrow morning..."

As for the original beef jerky, no other processing was done, and it was only cut into sections with scissors. He was very grateful for his insensitivity.

When I was a child, I had this beef jerky in my mouth. I couldn't help but took a bite, and when I changed my teeth, a tooth collapsed.

Ever since then, when he saw this kind of dry beef jerky, he would feel his gums sore.

Naturally, Kangxi knew that most of these meals were prepared by Shu Shu, so he didn't want to praise his daughter-in-law, so he just said: "Brother Jiu is sensible..." Having said that, he squinted his eyes: "How many meals did Brother Jiu prepare? Did Qi Xi deliver it?"

When did this kid have such filial piety?
Don't you just take it by the way? !
Liang Jiugong bowed and said: "I haven't heard of this slave, but just now I asked He Yuzhu a few more questions outside... It turns out that the queen mother knew that Jiufu Jin likes to eat beef jerky, and it happened that Prince Darhan came in, so he rewarded Jiu Fujin a lot ... After discussing with Master Jiu, Jiu Fujin ordered it to be done and asked people to send it around..."

"All around..."

Kangxi thought about the way the young couple behaved, the old nine always avoided things, and Dong E was not arrogant and arrogant: "Send it everywhere?"

"It's all ready. The concubine's place, the concubine's place, and the elder brother's and third elder brother's place are all in place..."

As Liang Jiugong said, he couldn't help but praise: "Master Jiu and Jiufu Jin have always been kind to others... don't talk about being polite when you meet old slaves, even when you are treating a little eunuch or a little palace maid, you don't have the time to make a bad face. ..."

Satisfied, Kangxi glanced at Liang Jiugong and snorted softly, "I haven't reached the age of deafness and vision, and I won't be deceived and deceived by others. You hugged 'injustice' earlier..."

Liang Jiugong slapped his mouth lightly: "It's the slaves who talk fast and are bald again, but I can't hear those slaves muttering about Jiuye, Jiufujin...the good golden boy and jade girl are all called 'living kings'... "

Kangxi frowned, and then stretched out: "It seems that Brother Jiu will go back to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition to the Internal Affairs Office, the Department of Punishment and Punishment can also take care of it..."

At the queen mother's place, the two concubines are also there, and the saving box is delivered here.

Concubine Duan Shun fell in love with the five-spice after tasting it: "This is good, the more you chew, the more delicious it becomes..."

Concubine Shuhui likes cumin: "I love this, it's like barbecue..."

The Empress Dowager took a few glances at Concubine Shuhui's face, she was still pale, and couldn't help worrying: "Is it better?"

Concubine Shuhui felt uncomfortable: "It's okay... It will be easy in the future, or I will be punished in a month..."

Today's remote sacrifice, Concubine Shuhui did not show up because of her "illness".

The Empress Dowager's face showed remorse: "I should have begged my aunt to send you back to Horqin..."

When Emperor Shizu died, the Empress Dowager was twenty-one years old, and Concubine Shuhui was twenty.

The queen mother was the successor at that time and could not leave the court.

Concubine Shuhui is only a concubine of Fu Jin, and she had the opportunity to leave the court.

It was at that time that the young master came to the court, and the court was in turmoil...

Whether it is the Eight Banners or the royal family, they all need a strong fan like Horqin as foreign aid.

Concubine Shuhui smiled and said: "Send me back, and I won't go back... Life in the palace is so worry-free... How can there be a person who takes all the benefits in this world? How many sisters who are married and have children?" I went to see Changshengtian earlier, my sister and I are very lucky, at least we can live another twenty or thirty years..."

The Empress Dowager is not of a compassionate nature. Hearing what my sister said, she actually felt that it was quite reasonable, with a brisk look on her face: "Yes, no one can take advantage of all the good things... Our sisters are very lucky..."

Concubine Duan Shun did not interfere with what the two sisters said, but instead looked at the tent.

Outside is the boundless grassland.

This is Horqin, the natal family of the Empress Dowager and Toffee.

How is Abahai's grassland?
Kangxi, Empress Dowager, Concubine Tai, and Concubine Yi all received the filial piety from Brother Nine and Shu Shu.

Others are not good at big lala, each has his own gift in return.

But on the way, it's hard to prepare such a moderate gift in return, and most of them are snacks such as nut preserves.

Shu Shu asks people to politely accept it.

Only Concubine Zhang spends money here, which are two pieces of high-quality satin.

One with a red pomegranate pattern, and one with a royal blue auspicious longevity pattern.

It is a return gift chosen carefully, not a casual perfunctory.

Shu Shu was very helpless.

She doesn't like to take advantage of others, such a back and forth...

Somewhat disturbed.

She is not a hard-hearted person.

Zhang Pin is generous and gentle, and Elder Brother Thirteen is lively and cute. Everyone gets along together, and there is some affection.

How can I remind Zhang Bin?

Recently, there are many banquets, and there are also many time to meet each other.

Zhang Bin looked at the powdered noodles with spring.

I heard that she is often sent to the imperial tent to accompany her...

Going forward with straight eyebrows and staring eyes, saying that you are going to die, carefully check your body for signs of illness...

That means the person is seriously ill.

If I don't remind you, I will feel uneasy...

She is not good at discussing these things with others, only in the middle of the night when there is no one else, she tentatively asks Brother Nine: "Master, if you know that a person has signs of illness and lives soon, do you want to remind her to take care of her health..."

Brother Jiu sat up immediately, with concern on his face: "Is it the Queen Mother? What did you see?"

It's no wonder that he suspects it's the queen mother, because Shu Shu is in charge of the food for the queen mother, and the one who has the most daily contact with her recently is also the mother around the queen mother.

Shu Shu quickly shook his head, and pulled him to lie down again: "It's not the queen mother, don't worry, sir, it's either someone from the palace, or someone outside... who has nothing to do with it. I heard that Concubine Shuhui is ill today, so I think of this Come……"

Shu Shu was afraid to be too detailed, so Brother Jiu thought of Zhang Concubine and modified his mouth.

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said, "She doesn't know about the signs of illness? If the doctor doesn't remind you, it's your turn to remind me? Maybe it's because people know it well, so they don't want outsiders to know..."

Shu Shu was stunned.

She underestimated the doctor again.

The imperial doctor can find out that Brother Jiu is suffering from an old disease by taking the pulse, and can also find out that the Queen Mother is suffering from "depression". Concubine Zhang asks for a pulse every ten days, is there any sign of illness that cannot be detected?

If even the imperial physician can't find out, there is only an emergency, and the medicine stone will not work.

Or emergency, or Zhang concubine hiding...

No matter which one, if Shu Shu gets involved, it won't help.

She heaved a long sigh.

I feel so hypocritical.

In the final analysis, she still pays more attention to her personal safety.

Where is a good stick? !
The unknown makes people fear and dread.

The crow's mouth is also taboo!

As long as a fur leaks out, I don't know how many hidden dangers there will be in the future.

There is no absolute secret in this world, as long as it is done, there will be traces.

Brother Jiu turned over, looked into her eyes, and said with dissatisfaction: "Don't think about those irrelevant people, think about Grandpa, and only think about Grandpa..."

Wait until Shengjia starts again.

With Horqin's left-wing prince leading the way, the surrounding grasslands also changed their scenery.

From alpine grassland to sandy grassland and wetland grassland.

In late August, the autumn grass on the grassland is yellow, and the Sarilang flowers are still in full bloom.

The men in the whole team have changed their hats, and the female family members have also put away all kinds of jade ornaments.

Xiao Yu has already packed the carry-on luggage with walnuts.

The slightly thinner materials are put away.

Find all kinds of waistcoats and vests.

In February and August, dress indiscriminately.

Now that the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, more clothes need to be added at any time, and vests are also convenient to wear.

The team left the station of the Aohan tribe, walked for four days, and arrived at Zhunbasuhai.

Here, it is only one day away from the residence of Prince Darhan.

Princess Heshuo Duanmin did not come out to greet her.

The atmosphere of the whole team became weird.

Shu Shu was in admiration to death.

You have to know that even if the eldest princess cares about her and claims to be the emperor's elder sister, she doesn't have to come out to welcome the emperor, but there are still queen mothers and concubines.

The queen mother is her aunt and adoptive mother, and the concubine is her aunt.

According to seniority and affection, everyone should welcome them.

according to status...

No matter how honorable she is as the eldest princess, how can she be more honorable than the emperor and empress dowager?
(End of this chapter)

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