My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 151 Beauty 9

Chapter 151 Beauty Nine

This sturdy temperament seemed familiar.

Shu Shu thought of the eldest princess' biological mother, Prince Jian Fujin Borzigit, the sister of the Empress Dowager and Concubine Shu.

Since the eldest princess believes in the "God's Religion", there must always be a source.

Apart from her being a descendant, what else is there to rely on?
No matter how arrogant she is, she is also an adopted daughter.

Even if it is a prince from a concubine, he is still a prince.

Disrespectful to the emperor, despise the concubine prince, why?
On the patrilineal side, grandfather Jierharang and father Jidu are both descendants.

On the matrilineal side, the grandfather, Chuorjibeile, must be a direct descendant.

Because here in Mongolia, concubines are like slaves, and it is impossible for all daughters to marry so well.

Grandmother is the legitimate daughter of King Abate of Raoyu County.


Most of this one came from the princess.

Otherwise, even if you are proud and arrogant towards others, you shouldn't be so contemptuous towards the queen mother, the adoptive mother.

In this way, the eldest princess' temper has its source.

The women of the Abata family, King Raoyu, are notoriously tough.

Emperor Taizong personally admonished him for this matter.

Ten years later, Kangxi will also reprimand the Bafujin of this line.

It turned out that there was the eldest princess in the middle.

The mighty power of blood!

Otherwise, how could a little girl who entered the palace in a small hug and lived under the fence develop such a temperament?

Brother Jiu came back with a feeling of unhappiness, and complained with Shu Shu: "The eldest princess does not come out to greet her, and Khan Ama's face turned dark... The queen mother stood for a long time after getting out of the car, who would have thought that? It was like this You are a jerk! King Darhan and the others are trembling and respectful, even if you want to vent your anger, it's hard to vent your anger, it's depressing..."

Shu Shu asked curiously: "The emperor came to visit the north before, and the eldest princess is also like this?"

Brother Nine shook his head: "Khan Ama did not go so deep before on his northern tour. When Mongolian princes came to court, they often went to Mulan Paddock and Rehe Palace to meet... This time, I came to Horqin to understand the empress dowager's homesickness. ..."

Shu Shu listened and had her own perception.

It should be that the imperial court's control over Monan Mongolia was not as comprehensive and secure as it is now.

When the emperor went on tour, unless he led a large army, he had to guard against Mongolia.

At present, each banner has Li Fanyuan officials appointed by the imperial court.

Many descendants of the direct branches of various ministries are also officials in Beijing.

The entire Monan has been dismembered through various policies, and it is difficult to gather forces.

It can be regarded as the real inner vassal of the Qing Dynasty, so that Kangxi can come to inspect with peace of mind.

"What is the relationship between this eldest princess and Prince An's mansion? Speaking of which, she is still Prince Anhe's niece and granddaughter..."

Shu Shu asked.

Another miraculous seniority, this elder brother's aunt is actually the cousin of Ba Fujin.

Brother Nine shook his head: "I have never heard of any relationship between the two families, otherwise, the eldest princess would not have a gift list..." Mentioning this, he became more and more unhappy: "We didn't see her gift in our wedding, except Prince, no one can get into her eyes..."

But Shu Shu thought about Prince An's mansion: "Prince Anhe, is he a concubine?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "It's the son of the concubine. King Raoyu is notoriously afraid of his wife, and the five sons and seven daughters under his knees were all born in Fujin. It should be that Prince Anhe was too messy in the inner circle. The princess can't get used to it, so she doesn't have any contact..."

Shu Shu knew it well.

According to the rules of conduct of this eldest princess, the prince and younger brother born from the concubine are not looked down upon, and they don't care about dealing with the uncle and grandpa who messed up the concubine.

As for the eighth Fujin and the eighth elder brother, one's parents were sideways, and the other's biological mother was covered by Xin Zheku, so she couldn't get in her eyes.

"How will the emperor deal with the eldest princess?"

Shu Shu doesn't think Kangxi is a good-tempered person.

Maybe he was suppressed in the early years, but he has been in power for many years, and he still allows others to challenge his authority?

Brother Jiu curled his lips: "What can I do? Just make a note in my heart, even if it happens, it's not at this moment... That's not embarrassing the eldest princess, it's embarrassing the empress dowager..."

Behind the eldest princess, there is Horqin.

Shu Shu was really worried: "Tomorrow we will go to the residence of the Princess Mansion, what if the Eldest Princess makes things difficult for us?"

Brother Jiu said sullenly: "This time you are thinking too much, she doesn't even look down on the prince elder brother, let alone the prince Fujin, most likely she doesn't even bother to wink at you..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

Just ignore it, it's not too embarrassing to have Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin by their side.

It was as if the tip of a needle was pointing at Maimang, she was a junior, and she was even more angry when she answered her no.

The husband and wife were gossiping one after another, and the mother Bao who was next to the queen mother came, with an ugly face.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine hurriedly got up.

Mother Bao said: "Good Fujin, the Empress Dowager is not happy... The old slave thought, the beef jerky that Fujin ordered a few days ago, the spicy one, the Empress Dowager ate a few more mouthfuls, saying that she liked that taste... …It’s just that I ate a few more mouthfuls for a while, and passed it to the official cabinet several times, and the empress dowager didn’t mention eating this… You can help me think about it, the taste should be more harmonious. Empress, eat two more bites..."

Shu Shu couldn't help feeling uneasy: "So there's still this one, I don't even know..."

Sending beef jerky is filial piety, but this filial piety makes the Queen Mother suffer from diarrhea...

Too many mistakes...

Mother Bao hurriedly said: "It's nothing, I just went to the official room twice more, and I didn't even hear from the imperial doctor... After drinking millet porridge for a long time, it will be fine... Your mother will not tell anyone, just because she is afraid that Fujin will think too much..."

"In the end it's because of our juniors' incompetence... Pepper is a foreign ingredient, and it's not used in the palace dishes..."

As Shu Shu said, he hesitated: "It's happened this time... If the Queen Mother has stomach problems..."

Nanny Bao said: "So I'm thinking about it, I'd better ask Fujin to think of a way to see if I can adjust the taste and let the empress satisfy her craving..."

In Shu Shu's mind, he remembered the "Maoliuji" that he clocked in in his previous life. The signature Maoxuewang has two flavors, one is traditional, and the other is slightly numb and slightly spicy.

The slightly spicy and improved version of Maoxuewang is for people who don’t like spicy food very much.

Red peppers are rare, and they are supplied locally, let alone green peppers.

However, you can refer to Qingyi Maoxuewang to think about a new dish that is slightly numb and slightly spicy.

Forget about Maoxuewang, a few ingredients are not always available in the dining room.

You can make boiled pork slices.

As for the Empress Dowager's body, Shu Shu didn't dare to make an order out loud, so she had to instruct Xiaotang carefully: "You can do it yourself, you can have more pepper, just a little pepper, not more than half a spoon... first Try it again, the soup has a spicy taste, and the vegetables inside are slightly spicy...the meat slices should be thinly sliced, and the vegetables underneath, fungus, magnolia slices, kelp, quail eggs, etc...."

This spoon is a spoon.

Xiaotang memorized everything carefully.

Bao Momo heard the whole thing from the side, and then asked: "Your Majesty likes to eat bean curd sticks, can that be used as a side dish..."

Shu Shu nodded: "It's okay, but the bean curd stick is more spicy, and the mother wants to watch the Queen Mother eat less..."

Nanny Bao hurriedly said: "Then forget it..."

Shu Shu thought for a while and said, "You can put two pieces of tofu, fry it with oil first and then put it..."

Xiaotang wrote it down.

Shu Shu took another small box and handed it to Madam Bao: "This is a hawthorn pill, which helps digestion. If your mother eats too much, it will be better if you take a pill."

Nanny Bao took it with both hands, and left with Xiaotang.

Brother Nine was beside him, swallowing his saliva: "This sounds delicious, it's like a pot..."

Shu Shu glanced at him, and then his eyes fell on his stomach: "Don't even think about it, the queen mother can't stand the stomach after eating peppers, so the master can stand it?"

Brother Nine felt annoyed: "How long will I have to drink this medicinal soup..."

He has already started to use the prescription from Tai Hospital, three meals a day of decoction.

Shu Shu held his hand and encouraged him: "Didn't you say to take it for a month first? Maybe you can stop it next month... Even if you don't stop, you can change the prescription..."

Speaking of this, Shu Shu thought of Tongrentang's proprietary medicine again.

Tongrentang has a history of hundreds of years?

"Angong Niuhuang Pills" are always kept in the families of later generations, and she also has a little understanding of the history of Tongrentang.

It seems that it was available in the early years of Kangxi, and later the patented medicine was supplied to the court and became an imperial medicine before it became famous all over the world.

Now, silent and nameless?

Otherwise, Shu Shu has lived for more than ten years, and she has never heard of it.

It seems that after returning to Beijing, I can send people to the outer city to look for it, to see how many kinds of patent medicines there are, and if I can prepare some daily.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu: "If you count on them, I might as well count on you... You've been thinking about the Queen Mother recently, and you haven't even thought about you..."

Shu Shu immediately complained: "Why didn't you think about Grandpa? If you didn't think about Grandpa, you can ask someone to make special hawthorn pills for Grandpa..."

These days, the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother are there, and the nine elder brothers who have struggled to eat are also grabbing food.

It's just that he can't digest it, and his stomach will be bulging after eating a few more mouthfuls at night.

Shu Shu asked someone to make hawthorn pills for preparation. If she ate too much, she would take a pill to help digestion.

Brother Nine stood up, went to Shu Shu's dressing table, and opened a box.

This is for hawthorn balls, and the balls inside are wrapped in gold foil from the pharmacy, and they are golden.

"Why didn't I think of it, this thing is so good..."

Brother Jiu's face was full of excitement, he walked up and down on the ground, and stood in front of Shu Shu again: "How many prescriptions like this can you come up with?"

Shu Shu understood what he meant, and quickly shook her head: "Master, this is not medicine..."

Brother Nine showed his disapproval: "Why can't it be counted? Didn't you ask the imperial physician before? The imperial physician said that it is symptomatic, and there is no place to restrain it... The prepared meatballs have also been seen by the imperial physician..."

Shu Shu still hesitated: "But it's too simple, and it's easy to guess the compatibility. It shouldn't last long to sell this as medicine..."

"Then put a few more... picky ones with weak medicinal properties, such as beans, wheat bran, etc... are all ingredients, and it's okay to eat..."

Brother Nine was beaming with joy, holding a big golden ball and said excitedly: "This looks good, it is suitable for selling to Mongolia... In recent years, people from the Lifan Academy have come down to the flag, and many businessmen have left the customs ...When the time comes, send people to watch, it will be a ready-made way of making money..."

Shu Shu looked at the Ninth Brother like this, and thought of his various nicknames in later generations.

"God of Wealth Nine", this should not be aimless.

His money-making skills are not relying on power, but are indeed economically strong.

Otherwise, you can make money just by relying on power, and princes and nobles have long been vying to follow suit.

"Beauty Nine"...

This also makes a bit of sense...

It is said that a confident woman is the most beautiful, and this confident man is not bad either...

(End of this chapter)

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