Chapter 152 Transcendence (third update, ask for a monthly pass)

Shu Shu's eyes were hot, and she fell on Brother Jiu.

Still in the form of a teenager.

After taking the medicine for regulating the spleen and stomach, take a good supplement. There is no beef, but there are high proteins such as chicken and eggs.

Also, this guy is a bit lazy and doesn't like sports very much.

This will not work.

It's better to exercise.

The portraits of Prince Kangxi handed down from later generations, because many of them were lost overseas and returned in the early years, without relevant written explanations, many of them are not worthy of the person.

Except for a few elderly portraits that can be used to deduce the identity, the middle-aged ones are all guesswork.

By default, the big fat man on one of the portraits is Brother Nine!


Being stared at, brother Jiu felt his face was hot, his mouth was dry, and he blamed: "Where are you going to look, be more polite..." Speaking of this, he said awkwardly: "It's still early before dark... "

Shu Shu raised her eyebrows with a smile, and moved her gaze downwards: "Then wait a little longer, if you can bear it, I can bear it, don't worry..."

Brother Jiu couldn't stand the provocation, he stepped forward, arrogantly, and hummed softly: "If you have the guts, see if you can bear it?"

Shu Shupazi covered his mouth and pushed him: "Be serious..."

"I don't know who will be the first..."

Brother Nine muttered, and when he realized it, his eyes were burning brightly: "Are you persuaded by the master? You also think this is feasible!"

Shu Shu nodded without hesitation.

Of course it works!
This wealthy Mongolian prince is a crop of good leeks.

With a pack of gold leaf, the hawthorn pills will grow taller.

Other meatballs can also follow suit.

For example, black sesame balls.

There is nothing wrong with staring at three places to make money in this world.

The mouth of a child.

woman's face.

man's kidney.

Shu Shu thanked classmate Zhang in her heart for letting her know "Liuwei Dihuang Wan".

This is an ancient recipe!

She has read medical books all her life, so she pays special attention to it.

The "Cuishi Bawei Pills" collected by the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing originally consisted of eight kinds of medicinal materials, with aconite and cinnamon sticks as the main medicines, and rehmannia glutinosa, yam, cornus officinalis, Alisma, Moutan cortex, and Poria cocos as supplements.

Qian Yi, a doctor in the Song Dynasty, removed the highly medicinal aconite and cinnamon twigs and turned it into a six-flavor medicinal material, named "Dihuang Wan", which mainly treats children with kidney yin deficiency.

Shu Shu thought about it, and said "Black Sesame Pills" and "Liuwei Dihuang Pills".

Brother Jiu was thinking while listening, and pondered: "The black sesame pills can be studied together with the hawthorn pills to see what to add to them. Anyway, most of them are edible, so it doesn't matter how you sell them at that time... Dihuang pills are medicines. , we still need to find a proper imperial doctor to watch over, we can’t eat people, we can’t eat dead people, we don’t make that black-hearted money... and this name, we also think about it, we can’t be so straightforward, it doesn’t look precious, and it’s easy to be misunderstood. Cracking... The name has to sound powerful, expensive and rare, and it can't be too elegant, they can't understand it, it's better to be cloudy and foggy, and it can explain the effect... The price can't be cheap , if it’s cheap, it doesn’t look expensive, not to mention one tael of gold per pill, one tael of silver per pill is the base price! This kidney nourishing pill can be doubled again..."

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine with admiration in his eyes.

This is already a bit of a god of wealth.

Self-taught, mastered the key to future generations of commodity marketing.

Seeing Shu Shu's expression, Brother Nine couldn't help being flustered, and said without shame: "Don't keep thinking about raising pigs and sheep, it sounds shabby, and you're scrounging, what's the use of earning those small money? Waiting for the Lord to earn it for you." big money..."

With a smile on her face, Shu Shu nodded and said, "Master is really amazing, then I'll just wait..."

Concentrate on economics and don't touch politics.

Changing the road may be a smooth road.

"Fujin, Seventh Fujin is here..."

Walnut raised his voice at the door.

Shu Shu looked down at the pocket watch, it was already Shen Zheng, hurriedly urged Brother Jiu: "It's almost time to pick up the meal, master, let's go, lest sister-in-law Qi be embarrassed to come in..."

Ever since the table was divided, Brother Ninth and the others had their dining table placed in Brother Ten's tent.

On Shu Shu's side, there are her and Qi Fujin.

Brother Jiu straightened his sleeves, turned his eyes half a circle around Shu Shu, and proudly said: "Master, wait tonight and see who is in a hurry..." After finishing speaking, he turned and went out.

The corner of Shu Shu's mouth curled up, and he sent it out.

Then I heard Brother Nine's voice at the door of the tent: "Fifth Sister-in-law, Seventh Sister-in-law..."

Seven Fujins and Five Fujins come hand in hand.

Brother Nine said hello and went to Brother Ten's tent next to him.

Shu Shu took two quick steps, got out of the tent, glanced at Wu Fujin, and was surprised: "Isn't sister-in-law at the Queen Mother's side?"

Wu Fujin shook his head: "The emperor and the empress have passed by, and the emperor's grandmother told me to come back first..." Speaking of this, he smiled: "I am an unexpected guest, so I have to wait for a meal..."

Qi Fujin said from the side: "I happened to see Fifth Sister-in-law coming back from the other end, so I pulled her by force..."

The three sisters-in-law talked and laughed, and entered the tent.

Princess Duanmin is an elder, and there is no reason for their juniors to comment.

However, several people are still in fear.

Qi Fujin patted her chest and said: "You don't even care about the face of the emperor and the queen mother, let alone us, I'm really worried..." At this point, she whispered: "I've made up my mind, our master is not around, if this The eldest princess really pissed me off, so I cried, anyway, I am a junior... I can't be scolded in vain, and when the time comes, I will embarrass her with her..."

Both Shu Shu and Wu Fujin looked at Qi Fujin.

Think about it carefully, this is indeed a good idea.

It's wrong to talk back, if you don't talk back, you will be bored, and the rest will be crying.

"You don't have to be a bird of fright. Our master said that he is so arrogant that he doesn't even pay attention to the prince. He might not be bothered to talk to us at all..."

Shu Shu comforted her.

Qifujin let out a long breath: "Anyway, if you hurt me face to face, or talk about our master, I can't do anything else, but I can cry... At that time, put ginger on the veil and prepare it..."

Seeing her like this, Wu Fujin also became nervous: "Then what about dressing tomorrow? Are you really going to dress up in advance according to the Queen Mother's order? Isn't it necessary to put on in the morning?"

Shu Shu shook her head: "You don't need to be so solemn, it's better to be casual... What the queen mother said, it should be when the banquet recognizes relatives..."

Among the few pieces of jewelry given by the Queen Mother, there are only two strings of court beads.

Forget about the banquet, they have to wear Prince Fujin's auspicious clothes.

After a while, Sun Jin came back with someone to carry food.

In addition to the regular dishes of the three princes Fujin, there are three new dishes.

One is the customized version of boiled pork slices, and two are the orders delivered yesterday, shredded yam and Kung Pao chicken.

They are all rulers, full of them.

Shu Shu was surprised: "There is no division with the master?"

For the meal box before, Shu Shu asked Sun Jin to give Ten Brothers a tent first.

Give them more than half of the added vegetables, and bring the rest.

Sun Jindao: "The steward over there in the kitchen heard that Fujin and Ye would share a table, so he prepared two..." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and showed a purse: "I even apologized to the servant, saying that I didn't know at the beginning, otherwise I should have entered two Come here with some food..."

Shu Shu nodded: "Take it, why didn't Xiaotang come back..."

Sun Jindao: "Sister Xiaotang came with the slave, when she came back, she met Madam Bao, she seemed to ask something, and brought her to the Queen Mother..."

Shu Shu pursed her lips, not hiding her displeasure.

Today, Mother Bao came to ask for a new menu, so she went a little too far.

But because the situation is different today, she is loyal, Shu Shu didn't care about it.

But it doesn't mean that she can make progress again and again.

Xiaotang is not only Shu Shu's maid, but also her dowry, what do you want to do by intercepting her without saying hello?
Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin looked at each other, both worried.

Qi Fujin spoke quickly: "Could it be that she fell in love with that girl Xiaotang? What should I do if I really want to rob someone? Should I give it or not?"

Wu Fujin frowned and said, "Why don't I ask Lord Wu to tell the Queen Mother..."

Shu Shu shook her head, her face turned better: "It's okay, the Queen Mother doesn't want people... I'm just annoyed, this Nanny Bao is a little too big..."

The Empress Dowager, who looked silent before, was not comfortable these days, but she showed her.

The dining table has been set, and a few people wash their hands and eat.

For the four typical dishes, everyone didn't move their chopsticks much.

Both Wufujin and Qifujin like the two sweet dishes.

For the boiled pork slices, Qi Fujin only sandwiched two unappetizing quail eggs, while Wu Fujin ate a few extra bites of magnolia slices.

Shu Shu ate most of the remaining boiled pork slices.

Although it is only slightly numb and slightly spicy, it is still quite enjoyable to eat.

Seeing is the autumnal equinox, the weather is getting colder.

After a while, the spicy hot pot will come again.

The two Fujins had eaten with Shu Shu, and they knew her appetite, but they were still a little scared today.

"Three bowls, still eat?"

Qifujin looked at his own bowl, ignoring the rule of "you don't talk when you eat", and said, "Huh? This rice seems to be very delicious today..."

Wu Fujin persuaded: "It's better to eat less, so as not to lose weight and feel uncomfortable at night..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "It's okay, I'll go eat later... Today, the chicken and sliced ​​meat are all for dinner, so I only ate two more bites..."

Only when you are full can you have strength.

Always let people know that counterattack is not so easy.

Seeing her like this, the two stopped persuading her.

It was only after everyone put down their chopsticks that Qi Fujin felt annoyed: "No wonder I ate a full bowl of rice, and it was only half full..." As she said that, she lowered her head and grabbed a handful from her waist: " Oh my god, this belt can't be tied... How much fat have I gained?"

Wu Fujin looked at Qi Fujin's face and figure, hesitantly said: "Really fat? I can't see anything..."

Shu Shu said helplessly: "It's full, and the stomach is full...Even if you eat too much to gain weight, you still have to work hard for the flesh. You can't gain weight in a few days. How can it be so fast?"

Only then did Seven Fujin feel at ease.

The two didn't sit for long, and left after talking a few words after eating.

At this moment, when Xiaotang came back, his expression was not good.

Seeing Shu Shu, her heart sank.

Although she said she was not worried about Xiaotang in front of the two Fujins, she was actually uneasy.

Is this the empress dowager who wants to keep someone?
Or does Kangxi have any orders?
Shu Shu was annoyed, forgot that Kangxi was still with the Queen Mother.

You must know that one is a filial son.

Asking his daughter-in-law for a dowry girl for his aunt's sake is nothing in his eyes, maybe it's for Shu Shu's face.

Xiaotang said angrily: "Fu Jin, you don't need to show good looks to that Nanny Bao tomorrow... It's just inexplicable... Stop the servant from speaking, and use the Queen Mother as a cover to take the servant to the Queen Mother's tent... There are others, The servant had no choice but to go with her... In the end, when she came to the Queen Mother, she told the Queen Mother that there was a shortage of people in the dining room of Ningshou Palace, and that the servant had a good cooking stove and was loyal and sensible... Bah! Loyal and sensible is also a compliment to Fujin , I don’t care about climbing high branches! If I really want to run after her, what has become of that servant..."

As she said that, she took out two purses from her sleeve pockets, and her complexion became better: "Fortunately, the Empress Dowager is a sensible person, she reprimanded her for being foolish, and even rewarded the slaves with purses...the empress also rewarded a share..."

 Chapter 150 has a bug. Yue Le is not a bastard son, but a legitimate son, which has been revised.The reason why the eldest princess does not interact with Prince An's Mansion has also been changed to dislike the civil strife in the Palace. ^_^, thanks to the book friend "_The Rabbit Who Loves Tigers_" for correcting me.

(End of this chapter)

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