My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 153 Filial piety and pride

Chapter 153 Filial piety and pride

After a while, Pandan came.

"Your Majesty said, Fujin will let go of the matter in the dining room..."

Xianglan came over to pass on Yifei's words: "In the end, it's because those in charge of the dining room are lazy, so they don't change the menu... Your Majesty just asked them to go over and give a lecture, and from now on, they are not allowed to repeat the monthly menu, the dishes are not enough Make your own way..."

Shu Shu hesitated and said: "The Queen Mother..."

It has been paid before.

Hard work and hard work.

She doesn't want to be left behind after being busy.

Xiang Lan said: "Don't worry, the empress and the queen mother said it first..."

Shu Shu then nodded and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is sympathetic, then I will listen to your Majesty..."

As she said that, she also went to get a box of hawthorn pills: "With the company of Master Shi and Master Thirteen, our master eats a lot these days... I was afraid that he would not be able to overcome it, so I discussed with the imperial physician and made this. For digestion... I eat a lot of meat these days, if I accumulate food, it will be more comfortable to take a pill..."

Xianglan took it with both hands, and said with a smile: "The ones here in Fujin are designated as good ones. It just so happens that the lady has eaten too much mutton these days, and she is a little angry..."

Shu Shu politely sent him away.

Xiaotang was a little uneasy: "Fu Jin, will your mother be angry..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "Don't worry, go down and rest..."

Xiaotang went down.

Shu Shu no longer thought about the Queen Mother's affairs.

No one can count on anyone, the love of the elders is uncontrollable, and you still have to rely on yourself to live.

Shu Shu took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and made a simple plan for her and Brother Jiu's "Meatball Project".

In addition to Hawthorn Pills, Black Sesame Pills, and Liuwei Dihuang Pills, maybe you can also add a medicine to relieve or treat constipation...

Constipation is a "disease of the rich" nowadays, and it is mainly a problem of diet structure.

Rich people mainly eat meat dishes.

The Mongolian traditional eating habit of only red food and white food, and vitamin intake depends entirely on tea, is more prone to this "rich man's disease".

It is the most common "senna leaf" in later generations. It should not be introduced now. It was introduced as a western medicine in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China.

The traditional Chinese medicine with obvious beneficial effect is "rhubarb", which is slightly toxic and should not be taken for a long time.

It seems that the imperial physician is still inseparable...

Shu Shu thought of Tongrentang again.

I don't know if it is the first generation or the second generation head. It would be great if there are a few more recipes.

Medicines can be ordered directly from his home.

When Brother Jiu came in, he saw Shu Shuan sitting quietly and writing.

He came over and lowered his head to look: "What are you writing? The medicine... works... Mongolia... Ancient... test..., what is it all about, selection of types, promotion of patented medicines, reporting to the imperial court, cooperation with the Lifan Academy, The Ministry of Internal Affairs is at the distribution center, Fumeng Princess and princess gift money..."

Brother Nine was reading, picked up Shu Shu's little book, became serious, and his voice went out.

"My Lord remembers what you reminded, there is no trivial matter involved in the feudal clan, but I only want to report this matter to Khan Ama...I didn't expect to have to prepare so much..."

Speaking of this, he felt worried: "Isn't this a private drug sold as an official drug? What if Han Ama directly handed over the matter to the Lifan Academy?"

Shu Shu thought for a while and said: "No, the imperial court is the imperial court. It deals with people's livelihood and government affairs, maintains laws and regulations, and does not directly deal with business affairs... Beware of picking peaches by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The emperor rewards Mongolian princes with platinum brocades every year. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has been brought together, and it will become an imperial medicine in the future, and it will be added to the external rewards, which can be regarded as high-quality and cheap..."

Brother Nine is gearing up: "Master, I want to see who dares to grab food from Master's bowl..."

Shu Shu was silent, pointing her finger up.

Brother Nine: "..."

He couldn't sit still, and there was more anxiety visible on his body: "Then what should we do? If we really take it away, we won't share much money if we earn money. The big head will definitely share with his precious second son..."

Shu Shu pulled Brother Jiu to sit down, with seriousness on his face: "Have you ever thought about the profit?"

Brother Jiu calculated in his mind: "There are forty-nine banners in Monan Mongolia, and there are more than ten or twenty households in each banner... Even if half of the households are sold, the forty-nine banners are about [-]. can buy the three items mentioned earlier, one box for each item, a box of hawthorn pills and black sesame pills for ten taels of silver, and a box of Liuwei Dihuang pills for twenty taels of silver. two……"

Brother Jiu calculated: "Continuing later, the money will continue to flow... Even if they buy it once a month, more than [-] taels of silver a year is still a drop in the bucket for them, but for us, it is ten thousand taels." Ninety-two thousand taels of silver..."

As for the cost, materials, manpower and material resources are calculated at [-]%.

The net profit is also [-] taels of silver.

Brother Jiu became short of breath, and followed Shu Shu to say the number.

"This is just Monan Mongolia, without counting Mobei...the flag of Mobei is no less than that of Monan..."

Brother Jiu grinned, and couldn't help but add.

One must know that the settlement fee for the prince to open the mansion is only two hundred and thirty thousand taels.

This sum of money, called the settlement fee, is actually the separation fee of the royal family.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs terminated the supply, and the food and clothing expenses in the future will be based on their own salary.

"You think you can eat this alone food?"

Shu Shu continued to ask.

Brother Jiu sat opposite Shu Shu again, and pointed up with his finger: "If the profit of more than [-] taels of silver comes down a year, he won't bother; if it's ten times, he won't agree. I can't find a reason to get stuck..."

Shu Shu suggested: "Then be a filial son, filial grandson... Take [-]% of the profits, give [-]% to the emperor, [-]% to the empress dowager, [-]% to the empress, keep the remaining [-]% for yourself, so it won't be conspicuous... "

Brother Nine pondered: "The Empress Dowager is not short of money, even if she takes it, she will leave it to the fifth brother, but because I am filial, the most may be shared equally with the fifth brother... The empress is the same here..."

Added up, his harvest is [-]% of the turnover, which is also considered to be the bulk of the profit.

Brother Jiu nodded and reluctantly agreed.

It will be winter when they return to Beijing, and this plan will be implemented after the spring of next year, so there is no rush.

Brothers, settle accounts.

This night, the husband and wife had a slight dispute over next year's start-up money and equity distribution.

Ninth elder brother didn't want to touch Shu Shu's silver box, but still wanted to exchange it from tenth elder brother and fifth elder brother.

In this way, if there is a risk, you don't have to take it yourself...

Shu Shu doesn't want to owe any more debts, especially favor debts, and insists on sole proprietorship.

Unable to argue, and finally speak with strength.

After a few rounds between you and me, Brother Nine finally agreed to accept Shu Shu's capital injection, and "five to five" with Shu Shu.

Shu Shu lay softly on the couch, feeling that this life is sometimes quite tiring.

The next day, the team was ready to set off again.

The prince's elder brother's team is not yet obvious.

On the side of Sheng Jia and the Queen Mother, a full set of guards of honor have been put up.

Shu Shu and Qi Fujin were having breakfast, and Wu Fujin came over to send a message: "I just came down from the Empress Dowager, and the Empress Dowager is wearing auspicious clothes, let's change accordingly..."

It was late, and she left after speaking.

Shu Shu and Qifu Jin also hurriedly used up and changed their clothes.

She had just finished dressing when Brother Nine came in with a frown and complained: "The boss just sent someone over and told us to change into Jifu clothes... As for what? Did you give her too much face?"

Shu Shu had asked someone to find out Brother Nine's auspicious clothes just now, and helped him put them on, saying: "Who said that courtesy is flattery? It's also alienation. First, in Harqin, the queen mother and the emperor met the princess, and they are flesh and blood." In the case of a reunion, who treats each other with such a big gift?"

Brother Jiu was still unhappy: "With that person's temperament, I can't say that she deserves the respect... It's like acting in a big show, and you have to be accompanied by a bunch of people..."

The team set off in this weird atmosphere.


Sitting in the carriage, Shu Shu also felt tired.

Usually, you can lie down, lean on the side of the car, or ride a horse while the sun is still out.

Right now, I can only sit quietly.

It was Walnut, paying attention to Shushu's feet, and said: "Previously Fujin wore this auspicious suit with two-inch flag shoes, otherwise it would press the top of the foot, and now one inch will do..."

Shu Shu smiled and nodded, that inch was not for nothing.

Although Shu Shu has no intention of growing taller in the future, Shu Shu is already satisfied.

She glanced at the box next to her, which contained three and a half inches high flag shoes embroidered and inlaid with beads.

This is to be worn before arriving at the princess mansion.

There was still an hour of rest in the middle of the team.

When it was almost the beginning of the Shen Dynasty, the residence of Prince Darhan arrived.

The carriage stopped, Shu Shu had already changed into her flag shoes, and got out of the carriage with walnuts on her hands.

She looked ahead, and the two mansions were built facing each other.

In front of one of the mansions, there was a dark man standing.

The first person is wearing autumn-colored robes and gowns.

No need to ask, this is the Princess Heshuo Duanmin.

Without the joy of family reunion, the whole team is rigid.

Shu Shu gathered with Wufujin and Qifujin, and followed the Queen Mother, Concubine Yi, Concubine Zhang and others, watching a silent show.

Princess Duanmin walked in front of her and bowed: "I have seen Huang Ernie, and Huang Ernier will be blessed forever..."

The queen mother didn't go to help, but told the nurse beside her: "Help the princess up..."

The nanny who followed the queen mother had changed, not Nanny Bao, but Nanny Bai whom Shu Shu had met in Ningshou Palace earlier.

Nanny Bai was ordered to help someone.

Princess Duanmin frowned and avoided it, and got up by herself.

Because the princess and Concubine Yi are of the same generation, and their identities are equal, it should be Princess Duanmin who took the initiative to nod to Concubine Yi, and then Concubine Yi also nodded back.

Princess Duanmin didn't even wink at Concubine Yi.

Concubine Yi looked as usual, but the atmosphere of the whole scene froze.

There is no courtesy between Zhang Concubine and Princess Duanmin, but it can still stand.

According to the rules, the two nobles and promises should take the initiative to salute like Princess Duanmin.

Among them, those who promised should also perform the great ceremony of the monarch and his ministers.

Now the two nobles exchanged glances, but neither of them moved.

The promisers also lowered their heads, treating themselves as pillars.

Princess Duanmin only glanced contemptuously at the nobles, and then looked at the three Fujins on the other side of the queen mother.

Her gaze slid over Wu Fujin, so light and inconspicuous; she landed on Qi Fujin with disgust on her face; finally she landed on Shu Shu, and after careful scrutiny, she said with some satisfaction: "You are Ling Bao's girl...does have some of her character..."

(End of this chapter)

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