My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 154 Impermanence

Chapter 154 Impermanence
Lingbao is Jueluo's boudoir name.

Shu Shu was so embarrassed that she could only nod her head and act shy.

In fact, relatives can be involved among the Eight Banners, so apart from close relatives, Shu Shu rarely involves herself.

They all forgot that this eldest princess is Ernie's close cousin, her cousin, and Shu Shu's cousin!

magical relationship.

Shu Shu could feel the surprise of Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin.

The person is here, and Shu Shu's seniority is here again, so it's not easy to follow the nobleman, as if agreeing, and pretend not to see it.

But there are Wufujin and Qifujin ahead, and it's not her turn to greet first, so she can only bow her head and quail first.

The eldest princess' complexion also became ugly.

The atmosphere was a little stalemate.

Speaking of it, Shu Shu's sister-in-law and three sisters-in-law are all seeing the eldest princess for the first time.

However, it is not easy to confuse the three standing here.

The eldest princess's eyes fell on Wu Fujin, with contempt: "Sure enough, he is a small family, and he can't even salute when he meets the elder?"

Wu Fujin blushed, but obeyed the rules and knelt down and said, "My niece and daughter-in-law have met the eldest princess, Wanfu the eldest princess..."

Shu Shu and Qifu Jin also followed suit.

The eldest princess didn't mean to call out.

Except for Shu Shu who was standing still, Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin were on the verge of falling.

Especially Qi Fujin, wearing four and a half inch high flag shoes, her calves trembled, and sweat came out on her forehead.

Shu Shu was worried, watching from the sidelines, her spirit was tense, she was ready to give her a hand, and she couldn't let Qi Fujin fall into a squatting position under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Qi Fujin was holding a handkerchief in his hand, looking at it like that, he was about to raise his hand.

The queen mother was beside her, with an unhappy expression on her face, she pointed at the eldest princess and said, "What are you doing to embarrass the children? What are you dissatisfied with? Come here at me, an old lady..."

The eldest princess said sharply: "Tell you, what's the use?! Am I not the princess of the Qing Dynasty, the daughter of the emperor Shizu? What does the emperor mean? Everyone is matched with the princess Changshi and guards, the eldest princess Yes, there are also princesses of the younger generation, but I don’t have one, does this mean that I am not recognized as a princess of the Qing Dynasty?!”

The left-wing prince of Horqin, led by his son-in-law Darhan, had previously welcomed Kangxi to get off the car, and now he was walking slowly around Kangxi, followed by several princes, followed by his clan relatives and ministers of civil and military affairs.

Wuyang Wuyang's people all witnessed the scene where the eldest princess yelled at the queen mother.


Kangxi shouted angrily.

All the princes of Horqin knelt down.

The princes, clan relatives, civil and military ministers also knelt down.

On the side of the female relatives, except for the queen mother and the eldest princess who were still standing, the others also knelt down.

Shu Shu and the others were squatting uncomfortable, so they all followed the trend and knelt down.

"What? I was wronged, and I can't even ask a question? Is it presumptuous to ask?"

The eldest princess straightened her neck, her face could not hide her anger, and she stared at Kangxi directly and asked, "There is no place for reason in this world? Or can I just wait until I die, and go to complain to Emperor Shizu? Why?"

Kangxi had already walked in front of the eldest princess, with frost on his face and raging anger in his eyes: "I'm here, it's because I didn't point you to the princess's long history... why I didn't point out, others don't know, you can't figure it out yourself When you got married back then, there were ten dowry women in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ten households, and two people in the village... In these years, except for the dowry women who died or married, everyone else either gave away or found them instead of driving them away... How can I give you Send someone? If you want to deal with the slave, you can deal with it, and if you want to get rid of it, you can get rid of it, and the senior officials and guards are also waiting for you to get rid of it?"

The eldest princess was dumbfounded, and after a while, she snorted softly: "It all happened eight hundred years ago. The emperor is asking for trouble with me? At that time, I was young and hot-tempered, and the dowry nun was entrusted to me to control the head and the tail. Nagging on and on, if I'm not powerful, I can't be ruled by a few servants? The emperor is biased towards his daughter, and if he insists on deducting it for me, he will deduct it. Why do you want me to be convinced? ? You don't have to bully people like this!"

Speaking of this, she finally remembered the Queen Mother, and went to help the Queen Mother's arm: "Ene, do you think this is the truth?"

The empress dowager drooped her face, just acting ignorant.

What Kangxi scolded just now was in Manchu, and the eldest princess replied in Manchu.

The queen mother acted like she was confused, but no one said anything.

It's just that the eldest princess understands that the old lady is pretending to be confused.

She can understand this Manchu language when she wants to understand it, and she can't understand it when she doesn't want to understand it.

The eldest princess frowned, not allowing the queen mother to fool her, she insisted on being a judge, and said it again in Mongolian.

Unexpectedly, the queen mother nodded after hearing this: "The emperor is right, the emperor is right..."

The eldest princess said angrily: "You are the empress dowager and the aunt, why do you still have to look at his face?"

The Queen Mother answered the wrong question: "The emperor is filial, the emperor is benevolent, you have to be more obedient..."

The eldest princess turned pale with anger, raised her eyebrows and raised her eyes: "Who is the elder sister and who is the younger brother? Why do you want me to be obedient?!" After finishing speaking, she ignored everyone, turned around and strode away, entering the princess mansion.

Kangxi's face turned black.

There was tension on the back of the mother.

The emperor is no longer the emperor who needed Horqin's help when he was young, he is already a real emperor.

All the princes of Horqin were also frightened.

Shu Shu looked at the direction of the princess mansion from the corner of her eye, and really felt that the eldest princess's demeanor looked familiar.

There are similarities with the eight blessings.

Self-respecting and dignified, defiant, unreasonable, and unrefined.

How courageous!

Shu Shu looked down on her behavior, but she was also inexplicably envious.

King Darhan, the son-in-law, brought several sons born in the palace, all of whom fell to the ground, respectfully asked the holy driver to move to the palace.

Kangxi didn't move immediately, and waited until the shoulder chariot arrived before helping the Empress Dowager onto the shoulder chariot.He walked by himself and entered the Darhan Palace with the Queen Mother.

Shu Shu and the others naturally followed suit.

Only then did the princes, princes and women who had followed behind the princess dare to come up to her.

All the daughters-in-law.

Headed by an old county lord and an old county lord, they are all in their sixtieth year, so the seniority of the clan and husband's family is not low in terms of seniority.

Among them, the princess is the daughter of Prince Jingjin Nikan, the concubine sister of Kangxi, and the aunt of the Empress Dowager.

The county head is the daughter of Prince Yu Duoduo, the concubine aunt of Kangxi, and the concubine sister-in-law of the Empress Dowager.

Strange seniority, mess.

The two, one on the left and the other on the right, supported the Queen Mother.

The queen mother looked to the left, then to the right, and sighed: "We are all old... how are you doing..."

The princess was tearful, choked up and said: "Okay, okay, the house is full of children and grandchildren, filial and sensible, all thanks to the empress dowager's kindness..."

The county owner also wept silently, nodding repeatedly.

On the Mongolian side, the customs are similar to those of Manchuria.

All respect the elderly.

And it's still a woman.

The grandmother in the family is the most revered.

The age of the county master and the county master is already the generation of the old grandmother.

"Don't cry, don't cry, just live a good life..."

The queen mother's eyes were red, and she comforted awkwardly.

Shu Shu followed behind, also Qi Qiran.

Both Prince Jingjin and Prince Yu were founding kings.

The former is the son of Guanglue Belle Chuying, the eldest son of Taizu, and the real descendant of Aixinjueluo's family.

It's a pity that both Prince Jingjin and the eldest son died in their prime of life, and the title was passed down several times in the children's generation. In the middle, there was a party affiliated with Oboi who cut down the nobility, which made this clan a downtrodden clan. The duke position is a small lord with a red flag.

Prince Yu's branch lost power in the Shunzhi Dynasty and became the small banner owner of the Zhenglan Banner.

It is a national policy for the clan's daughter to caress Mongolia, but the relationship between the various Mongolian ministries and the imperial court is different.

It was indeed a kindness for the Empress Dowager to marry these lost relatives into the Horqin tribe, which has the closest relationship with the royal family.

Because as early as Taizong's time, it became a custom for the Horqin tribe and the royal family to marry each other.

In the past, the daughters-in-law used to face their husband's mother-in-law and sister-in-law. They were all relatives and cousins, and they would not be bullied.

After the guest room was assigned, Shu Shu and Qi Fujin sat down and looked at each other.

Because it is the palace of the king, there is limited space to pick up the driver, and the living space is not as spacious as before, so the elder brothers only allocated two courtyards.

Big elder brother, third elder brother, and fifth elder brother.

The rest of the elder brothers are together.

Qifujin sighed and said: "They are all clan daughters, with different titles, the situation is so different..."

The eldest princess is domineering, and dares to show her temper in front of so many people.

The old county master and the old county master are still elders, so they dare not trust them, they are respectful.

The remaining clan daughters only kowtow in front of the Empress Dowager, and they are not even qualified to greet each other.

Qi Fujin lowered her head: "Before I was looking forward to conceiving early, thinking that both men and women are good, and I am not in a hurry to give birth to Gege, I will be pregnant again, I don't want Gege now..."

Shu Shu nodded: "Yeah, it's not easy to be a daughter of the clan... unless she is an only daughter, or if Ama has face, she may be able to stay in Beijing if she asks for grace, or else she will be caressing..."

In this era, the eldest daughter who stayed in the capital had the highest happiness index.

With a royal blood on her body, her husband's family dare not take it lightly.

After marrying far away, it's not good...

According to the statistics of later generations, the average life expectancy of Fumeng clan daughters is not high, and not many children are left behind.

Princes and Taijis like the Horqin tribe are basically descendants of princesses and clan daughters, and this is the only family.

Most of the other Mongolian tribes were wary of Fumeng princesses and clan daughters.

Those who left a blood line like Princess Aohan are already a model among Princess Fumeng.

Qi Fujin looked at the four-and-a-half-inch-high flag shoes under his feet, feeling uneasy, and muttered in a low voice: "What kind of eyes does the eldest princess have? Dislike me for being short? Like her, like a doorpost, it looks good gone?"

Shu Shu sighed: "In front of so many people, what can I say if you call me by my nickname directly?"

Fortunately, I only asked this question, and I didn't favor it any more, or I would have put Shu Shu on the fire.

Seven Fujin showed some anticipation: "So the dinner at night will be saved?"

Shu Shu shook her head: "There is no game, I still have to enter!"

No matter how domineering the eldest princess is, there will still be King Darhan, the princes, and grandchildren.

She can ignore the emperor and do whatever she wants.

Her husband, children and grandchildren dare not do this.

There is only one result, that is, the eldest princess came to make amends, and then the banquet continued as usual.

There is always a cutscene.

The left-wing princes of the Horqin clan are not the only ones belonging to King Darhan. The emperor is here to show favor, not to seek revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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