Chapter 155 Again (seeking a monthly ticket)
It is estimated that Shen Zheng has arrived, but there is no news of dinner.

Seven Fujin's face showed disappointment.

It seems that the dinner at night cannot be saved, otherwise the dinner should be delivered now.

Qi Fujin looked down at himself: "I've been in the car all day, and I've got creases, and I still wear this at night..."

Shu Shu shook her head: "I don't know, I guess the empress will send someone over..."

After a short while, Xianglan really brought a palace maid to pass the message: "In the evening, the eldest princess and her concubine will have a banquet, and the empress said that she can dress up more freely..."

Shu Shu and Qi Fujin looked at each other, and they understood that they could change out of their auspicious clothes and put on high-quality clothes and jewelry.

When women get together, they must first compare clothing and jewelry.

The second is to compare with her mother's family, her in-law's family and so on.

Even if everyone is not familiar with them, it is impossible to say this about comparing natal family and in-law's family.

The most important thing that everyone pays attention to is their own dressing.

Xianglan didn't stop, and went back to report after delivering the message.

Shu Shu also got up to say goodbye.

Originally Qifu Jin invited Shu Shu to live in the main house together.

After all, there are three main rooms, and the east and west rooms can accommodate people.

But Shu Shu still chose the East Wing Room.

There is also Brother Nine.

It's not a big deal for the sister-in-law and brother-in-law to share the same yard, and they feel uncomfortable with each other under the same roof.

Even if it's just for one day.

In the East Wing, Brother Nine had already returned, Heng Dao immediately sat down, his face was full of anger, he didn't intend to get up and change clothes.

Seeing Shu Shu coming back, Brother Jiu glanced at her lap and asked with concern: "Are you all right?"


Shu Shu didn't add fuel to the fire.

It's a squatting salute instead of kneeling, even if they are not allowed to stand up, it will not hurt anything for two or three minutes, it is more a matter of face.

But today the empress dowager, emperor, and concubine Yi are all humiliated, who cares about the three little Fujins?

"What? It's the first time I know that Khan Ama has such a good temper like being so domineering and disrespectful. It's over if you apologize so lightly?! Treat the queen mother disrespectfully, you and I don't say anything, but you growl loudly ? Treating the empress is even more disrespectful, and the lord of the first palace is not in her eyes? Such a rebellion, and there is not even the slightest punishment!"

Brother Nine exclaimed angrily.

Shu Shula got up and changed his clothes: "What are you fussing about with a fool? Are you foolish too?"

"Then endure it like this?"

Brother Nine is still struggling.

"This is Horqin, an old relative of several lifetimes, who borrowed his strength back then, and even the emperor couldn't say anything... and the queen mother is here..."

Shu Shu persuaded softly: "What kind of cause is planted, what kind of fruit will be reaped... The eldest princess kicked out the dowry population assigned by the Ministry of Internal Affairs back then, and now she has to accept the emperor's arrangement that the princess is not worthy of a long history... Yesterday and today's rudeness In the past, in the next twenty years, the children and grandchildren of this branch may not be honorable in front of the imperial court..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and muttered: "She probably is used to being arrogant, but she is not stupid... Every time she returns to Beijing, she will give the prince a great gift... This is because she knows that Khan Ama doesn't want to see him, and doesn't expect him to Khan Ama?!"

Shu Shu didn't answer, and remembered a legend of unofficial history.

That is to say, the eldest princess is a staunch "anti-baye party".

It's not because she supports the righteous prince or anything else, but because she hates the younger brother, even her nephew.

Her nephew is the "Baye Party", and the eldest princess is the "Anti-Baye Party". After the abolition of the prince, she chose to invest in the fourth elder brother who was opposed to the "Baye Party". Yourong.

Shu Shu felt that with the IQ and arrogance of the eldest princess, she should not and would not be able to make such precise investments.

The biggest reason for her good death should be that she lived an old age, and she was the only eldest princess left in the Yongzheng Dynasty.

Only relying on this seniority and age, the royal family bestowed grace, showing the emperor's kindness.

Especially after Yongzheng ascended the throne, he was harsh on his brothers and sensitive to the relationship with the clan, so he should be more willing to grant grace to the princesses outside.

Brother Jiu only regarded Shu Shu as the default, and said in a low voice: "What if the crown prince really supports her? Doesn't she look down on others even more?"

Shu Shu pinched him: "Tomorrow, I should make some bitter melon balls for my grandfather, so I can't hold back my words..."

Brother Jiu was just rushing to talk. Seeing Shu Shu like this, he remembered the inappropriateness of this sentence. This "time" is definitely not a good time, so he immediately said "Bah bah" twice: "You are just farting!"

He can look forward to Khan Ama's long life!
Being the emperor's brother is not the same as being the emperor's son!
Just look at the silence of Bo Wang and Uncle Wang these years.

Honor and pet are all in one thought.

It's getting late.

Shu Shu helped Brother Jiu to change his clothes, and watched him go to the opposite room to find Brother Ten, so she called Xiao Yu in to comb her hair.

She chose the jewelry that the Empress Dowager had previously awarded, a delicate gold filigree enamel pearl necklace.

Wearing this collar, the head is not full of gold hairpins, but two clusters of filigree pearl stamens.

Along with this ring, there is also a pair of gold inlaid agate bracelets...

Shu Shu tried it on, the bracelet looked good, but this damn obsessive-compulsive disorder couldn't bear it.

She put down the bracelet, changed to a pearl bracelet and wrapped it around her wrist a few times to wear it.

The beads are round, they were bought by Mrs. Uncle in her early years and given to Shu Shu as a dowry.

Shu Shu thought of the old princess and the old county master, they both lived to the age of the old grandmother.

If Ah Mou hadn't stayed in Beijing in his early years, but had caressed Meng like other clan daughters, would there have been a good result, full of children and grandchildren?

However, it is also possible to become depressed and become ill, to wither outside the Great Wall, and to be buried in a foreign land.

Shu Shu sighed and stopped thinking about it.

Just as she was about to get up to meet Qi Fujin, Brother Jiu came back from the outside with a smirk on his face: "Where's your golden belt? Find it out quickly!"

Shu Shu was surprised and said, "Didn' lord say you only wear it once before? The eldest princess is defiant, and the prince of Horqin is still respectful..."

"I don't care..."

Brother Nine raised his chin: "Is their knees more expensive than anyone else? It's the eldest princess's current appearance, which doesn't make any sense. It's their fault that they don't know how to persuade them as sons-in-law!"

Shu Shu smiled and turned over the belt, with joy on her face, and put it on Brother Jiu carefully: "It is said that Horqin is the richest, and it can't be said that he has gained more than Harqin..."

The princes of the Harqin tribe ordered more than a dozen gold belts.

The number of princes in Horqin is more, even if the left wing only has half, the number of princes is more than twice that of Harqin.

Brother Jiu also thought of this, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Anyway, tonight, I will be targeting the eldest princess's sons. If you like it or not, you have to order one for me! I don't believe it, they can be like the eldest princess. Arrogant and rude, don't put the prince elder brother in your eyes!"

Perhaps it was Shu Shu who kept his ears to the ground all day long. He was more scruples in his actions. After he was proud of himself, he hesitated again and asked, "Why don't you go to Khan Ama's place first before the banquet, and have a look at Khan Ama's place?" What's the reaction?"

Shu Shu thought about it carefully, and said: "It's better to forget it...Go out directly, even if there is something inappropriate, the emperor will be more tolerant if the eldest princess is rude... The benefits will definitely be taken... Even if someone thinks that you are wrong, if you go to the emperor's side and say this or that, the emperor will protect you... I will go there specially, if the emperor says something is wrong, I will replace it, it is not a loss..."

Brother Jiu nodded in agreement: "You're right, it's exactly the truth! Khan Ama must also be holding back his anger, but he can only pretend to be magnanimous..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Shu Shu and asked curiously, "Are you also holding back something bad in your heart?"

Shu Shu snorted softly and said, "I really want to, but with my identity here, I can't do things as comfortably as my master..."

The son is out of line, and the father will at most be taught a lesson.

The daughter-in-law is out of line, Shu Shu dare not think about the consequences.

Wu Fujin helped the maid over and joined the two sisters-in-law.

They are juniors, so it's not good to be late.

Shu Shu heard movement in the yard and greeted her out.

Wufu Jin was usually plain and elegant, but now he was wearing a full embroidered gown, wearing embroidered glory, a ruby ​​corolla on his head, and two gold and precious stones in his hand.

Her eyes fell on Shu Shu, looked at her, and hesitated: "Is it too plain, do you want to add two kinds of jewelry?"

Shu Shu stretched out her arms, revealing the string of beads.

Wu Fujin nodded: "This bead looks good..."

Ordinary people have such large beads, or earrings, or inlaid jewelry, such bead strings are rare.

Qi Fujin helped the girl to come out of the house, and it landed on Shu Shu's wrist, unable to take his eyes off: "I didn't expect this plain string to go with anything, it's pretty good... When I get back to Beijing, I'll make a string of agates." Wear it next year..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "If you can get good agarwood beads, you can wear them on strings..."

The looming fragrance, even the sachet does not need to be worn.

Qi Fujin shook his head and said, "I'm rare with bright colors..."

The three sisters-in-law, talking and laughing in low voices, followed the lead of the little eunuch to the Empress Dowager.

The queen mother called them one by one to look in front of her eyes, even Shu Shu's bracelets, before she nodded: "Okay, okay, your sister-in-law status is here, so you should dress up like this, to reflect your status..."

As she said that, she looked at Wu Fujin again, very satisfied: "It's just that I should wear such bright clothes, and it looks festive..."

Wu Fujin was wearing a rose-red embroidered flag dress, which was not to be tacky by others, but she had an elegant temperament and fair skin, which made her look like a person in a painting.

This kind of big red and big green is the aesthetics of the queen mother, and it is also the aesthetics of the fifth elder brother.

It is inconsistent with Wufu Jin's usual style.

The most difficult thing for people is to change themselves.

It was really not easy for Wu Fujin to take this step.

After a short time, the imperial concubine also arrived.

The place where the female relatives held the banquet was in the front hall where the Empress Dowager stayed.

The empress dowager sat on the high seat alone, while concubine Yi, concubine Zhang, two noblemen, and three princes Fujin sat in order on the left of the empress dowager.

On the right hand of the queen mother are the eldest princess, the old princess, the old county master, and other clan daughters.

Different from the auspicious clothes in the daytime, everyone changed into gorgeous clothes.

The older generation who have been in touch for a long time, the clothes style is mainly the early robes and gowns, and the jewelry also incorporates popular gold ornaments, coral, and beeswax in Mongolia.

It's nothing to look at alone, but compared with the delicately dressed concubines and several young Fujin, it looks like a village.

Others are okay, but they are just lamenting that the popular clothes in Beijing are changing with each passing day.

The eldest princess looked sour, she turned her head and followed the standing nurse to give some instructions in a low voice.

The imperial concubine on the opposite side would not take the initiative to talk to her, and the clan daughters at the bottom did not dare to provoke her.

When the queen mother saw her, she just pretended not to see her, and followed the old princess and the old county master with a smile, as if she couldn't see the black face of the eldest princess.

The eldest princess straightened her back, touched the nail cover on her hand, and said to the queen mother: "Ene, these nephews and daughters-in-law are considered new relatives, shouldn't we give a meeting gift?"

 The second is before 3 pm.

(End of this chapter)

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