Chapter 156 Virtue

The queen mother nodded with a smile, and said: "I know you are a famous rich man, I won't accept you if you are missing..."

The eldest princess giggled and said, "Don't worry Ernie, I've always been generous..."

The mother-in-law behind the Eldest Princess retreated after listening to a few orders before, but now she came back with two mother-in-law behind her, each of them holding a brocade box.

The Empress Dowager smiled and said to the younger sisters-in-law: "Come out and meet your relatives, and see what your aunt has prepared for you..."

The three sisters-in-law got up from their seats and went to greet the elder princess again.

However, everyone has seen the domineering and arrogant princess, so they are all cautious, and they are visibly serious.

Wu Fujin is much more serious.

Qifujin also clenched the handkerchief tightly.

Shu Shu looked cute, but she began to secretly pay attention to the women holding brocade boxes.

It's just a one-foot-square brocade box, why do you have to hold one by yourself?
At that time, when Concubine Yi was giving face to their sisters-in-law, she also made a face for each of them. It was strange, it was not like this.

The eldest princess looked at Wu Fujin, fixed her eyes on the gem corolla on her head, pulled the corners of her mouth, and complained to the queen mother: "Ernie is biased, good things are only for granddaughter-in-law, not for daughter..."

The queen mother shook her head, disapproving of the eldest princess's words: "Didn't you prepare several sets of heads for you back then? The ones inlaid with gems, you think the stones are small and look stingy; the ones with pearls, you are picky about Dongzhu; the ones with Hetian jade, you don't like them I think it's plain... Anyway, you're not short of money now, so if you don't want to buy it yourself, I won't bother you..."

The two are named adoptive mother and daughter, but they are actually only twelve years apart.

The eldest princess has given birth many times, plus she has a bad temper, worries a lot, and is thinner, making her look older than her actual age.

On the contrary, the Empress Dowager is fat and generous, with kind eyebrows and good intentions, without any creases on her face, and she is younger than her peers.

Comparing the two, they look like sisters.

The eldest princess was blocked uncomfortably: "It's still Ernie, why do you care about this? I was young back then, and I wasn't the one who would flatter and flatter me. How could I be considerate in everything?"

The Empress Dowager didn't say anything else, just nodded and said: "Yeah, I was young back then, but now I'm older, I need to be more sensible and considerate..."

Princess: "..."

She restrained her impatience, raised her eyebrows and looked at Wu Fujin and said, "These days, you are the one who serves the queen mother? You are really a thoughtful child who can please the queen mother... I heard that you, Ama, are a pen post style, and you are also a barbarian I have read a lot of books, and my mind is clever..."

Wu Fujin raised his head, looked into the eyes of the eldest princess, and said seriously: "I dare not be the eldest princess, it's just that the emperor's grandmother is kind and doesn't like to care about the younger generation..."

Speaking of this, she lowered her eyes: "Even if you are illiterate, you should understand that filial piety to elders is the fundamental principle of being a person..."

The eldest princess's face fell down with a "chirp": "Not only is the mind clever, but also the tongue is sharp. This is to explain the truth to me? Who are you, who is me? It's your turn to play with your tongue in front of me!"

Wu Fujin endured his shame and anger, neither humble nor overbearing, with a respectful expression, but he didn't intend to continue the conversation.

The eldest princess had a dark face, her disgust was hard to hide, and she looked at the nurse next to her.

The nanny stepped forward and hugged the brocade box with both hands: "Wu Fu Jin, this is the reward from the eldest princess, follow it quickly..."

Wu Fujin glanced at the queen mother.

The Queen Mother's smile was a little forced, but she nodded.

Only then did Wu Fujin lean slightly, and went to pick it up with both hands.

Shu Shu sensed something was wrong, and had already moved to Wu Fujin's side.

When Wu Fujin received the brocade box, something happened.

The brocade box fell out of Wu Fujin's hand and fell down.

Shu Shu had already stepped forward and took the box first, so as not to let the box fall.


The box doesn't look big, it's one foot square and two or three inches high, which is the size of a common jewelry box.

It's just that if you don't have three or forty catties, you won't be so burdened.

No wonder a woman can only hold one box.

Nothing but gold!
Three or forty catties is five or six hundred taels!

The eldest princess looked at Shu Shu with displeasure, and still challenged Wu Fujin: "After all, he came from a small family, and he is light, so he can't bear heavy etiquette! If you dislike him, then it's considered..."

Before she could finish speaking, there was a "bang", and the brocade box in Shu Shu's hand had already fallen.

The golden pancakes, which were the size of a palm, spread out in all directions, turning golden all over the place.

The queen mother has always been good-tempered, but now she is sullen and unhappy.

It's not a reward for a servant, what's the point of giving gold directly?
Don't talk about the status of the prince Fujin, just talk about relatives, who is also a niece and daughter-in-law. Isn't she worthy of preparing a decent meeting gift for her aunt? !

The atmosphere immediately became awkward.

Wu Fujin also blushed, a little dazed.

Shu Shu lowered his head, picked up two gold pancakes, walked to the Empress Dowager, excitedly said: "Grandmother, this is gold, a gift prepared by the Eldest Princess... Didn't you just talk about the beautiful scenery of the grassland?" , but every time the herdsmen are sad during the disaster, the imperial grandmother will reward the flags with these golds for winter relief, okay? Let the grassland people enjoy the kindness of the imperial grandmother, and let us granddaughters-in-law borrow the light and accumulate virtue ..."

The Empress Dowager smiled, and her eyes were full of love: "Okay, okay...he is a kind-hearted child, then the emperor's grandmother will listen to you..."

The eldest princess frowned, wanting to speak.

Qi Fujin's eyes were dripping, he had already nudged Wu Fujin, and said briskly: "Sister-in-law Wu, it's time for us to thank you..."

Wu Fujin also reacted, bent his knees and said, "Thank you, Princess Zhang, for the reward!"

Seven Fujin followed closely.

The eldest princess's face was as cold as frost, and her face was full of sarcasm: "I let the chief see it, and now the prince Fujin has this character?!"

Shu Shu could see clearly that this eldest princess was not a generous person at all, the cutting of flesh was just talking and insulting others.

In the current situation, the eldest princess is still not happy, and wants to repeat the same trick, instead of asking Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin to get up.

Shu Shu walked over with guilt, and said to Wu Fujin: "Sister-in-law, hurry up and pick up the gold! It's all my fault, it's my fault, I didn't catch it for a while..."

As she spoke, she lowered her head to pick up the empty brocade box again, and stuffed it into Qi Fujin's arms: "Sister-in-law Qi took this..."

Qifujin responded with a cry, and got up with the momentum.

Her flag shoes are too high, and it's inconvenient to squat down for blessing or to pick up things.

Shu Shu looked at the other two women who were holding the brocade box, smiled and said: "Trouble you two mothers, don't hold it anymore, blame the old man, just put it on the Empress Dowager's case..."

Both women went to see the face of the eldest princess.

The queen mother waved to the two women: "Bring it here, take it here, I want to count how many there are..."

The two women had no choice but to dawdle forward.

After opening the two brocade boxes and revealing the gold inside, the Queen Mother nodded with satisfaction.

At this moment, Shu Shu and Wu Fujin also picked up more than a dozen gold pancakes on the ground.

Seeing that Qifujin struggled holding the brocade box as the gold was put in, Shu Shu took it, put all the golden pancakes in his hand, and sent them to the Empress Dowager: "Look, grandma, three servings A total of more than one thousand taels of gold can be exchanged for more than ten thousand taels of silver..."

The queen mother looked at Wufujin and Qifujin with a smile: "I also listen to your sister-in-law, can this gold work like this?"

Wu Fujin said sincerely: "Being filial to the emperor's grandmother, but also accumulating virtue, killing two birds with one stone, it's perfect..."

Qifujin also nodded in agreement: "Yes, the emperor's grandmother will allow it, fulfilling the filial piety of the granddaughter-in-law..."

Seeing that they were telling the truth, the queen mother smiled even more: "Okay, okay, you are all good children, Changshengtian will remember your gift to the grassland...Grandmother is on behalf of the poor herdsmen on the grassland, thank you..."

"Bang Dang" interrupted the joy between grandparents and grandchildren.

The eldest princess had already stood up, overturned several cases, sneered at her grandparents and grandchildren, and walked away.

The room was silent.

As if the queen mother hadn't seen her, she greeted the old princess directly, showing off a bit: "How are my granddaughter-in-laws? Not only are they beautiful, but they also act like a pain. I have never seen such a filial and sensible child... ..."

The old princess has lived a long time, seen many, and has dealt with the eldest princess for decades, and has already gotten used to her mood swings. She is more calm and calm than others. Such a good granddaughter-in-law, when people see her, they wish they could grab a home..."

Following the voice, her gaze gently swept over Shu Shu's body.

The direct branch of the Princess Dong E's family is not only married to Prince Lilie, but also married to the clan of Guanglue Baylor.

The old princess looked at Shu Shu and felt close.

Before she got married, her brother was still young, but the four cousins ​​of the uncle's family had already married wives, two of them were from the Dong E family's direct lineage, so they were Shu Shu's two great aunts.

"Hahahaha! Don't give it to me, I'll make you angry!"

The Queen Mother said with a smile.

The atmosphere eased down.

Even because of the eldest princess's departure, everyone became less restrained and more at ease.

Even Concubine Yi had more smiles on her face, she took the initiative to talk to a few young sect daughters.

As one of the four concubines, she has been managing palace affairs with Concubine Hui, Concubine De, and Concubine Rong for many years, and she was also ordered to summon these clan daughters who had seen Fumeng into the palace and give them rewards.

Except for the strangers of the older generation, those of the same age or the younger generation are mostly able to strike up a conversation.

For a while, it was fun.

Someone came out quietly a long time ago, collected the mess on the ground, and even removed the position of the eldest princess.

Headed by the old princess, the eldest daughter of the Fumeng middle school made new relatives with the three Fujins in turn and gave them a meeting gift.

Mostly everyone did their best, and no one would be rude to open the gift box in public to check.

After a circle, Shushu and the others each got seven or eight boxes.

Then there was another round of family recognition, this time it was the three of them sitting high, and the clan daughters with lower seniority came to see the ceremony.

The number of people and their identities have already been suggested by Yifei, and they are well prepared.

Whoever called Emperor Taizong is at the bottom of the ranking, and the ancestors can be regarded as old men. The princes are not very old, but they are not short in seniority among the clan...

(End of this chapter)

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