Chapter 157 Stupid

Shu Shu's several young princes, Fujin, followed by borrowing light, were all ranked as uncles and grandmothers in the clan.

There are a lot of clan nieces and grandnieces.

When Shushu and the others handed out the gift boxes they had already prepared, their sister-in-law's "recognition" was over.

It was the queen's turn.

Rewards are also prepared long ago.

Each Fumeng daughter, according to the rank of title, has its own reward.

Time passed quickly, and the banquet began when the lights were lighted. After talking and laughing, it was the second watch.

The absence of the eldest princess seemed to be ignored at all.

There was a sound of clappers outside.

The banquet is over.

The queen mother stood up, looked at the daughters of the clan, and said with red eyes: "Everyone is fine, eat well, sleep well, and live a long life! When the children and grandchildren come to Beijing to make up for errands, they will all come back Take a look at my mother's house!"

All the sect daughters knelt down.

The old princess said with tears in her eyes: "With my mother's good words, I am looking forward to that day..."

The Queen Mother nodded excitedly.

Concubine Yi was frightened, so she hurriedly supported the Queen Mother: "Your Majesty, please rest, the children are too busy to keep their eyes open..."

I really dare not call the Queen Mother too excited.

The reason why the two concubines did not attend today is because of their health.

Concubine Duan Shun couldn't sleep a few days ago, she got out of the tent, saw Night Breeze, and had a headache.

Concubine Shuhui arrived in her hometown, her mood was agitated, and she had some signs of "collapse".

The Empress Dowager didn't force her, she raised her hand to signal everyone to stand up, and went down with Concubine Yi's hand.

Zhang Pin led the two nobles and followed behind.

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin also bowed and said goodbye to the clan daughters.

Although in terms of dignity, they are respected, and they only need to nod their heads as a courtesy.

However, the Qing Dynasty was stable and prosperous, and the blood and tears of these Fumeng daughters made them admire from the bottom of their hearts.

After a few people were blessed, they followed out.

A group of people surrounded the queen mother to the living place.

Concubine Yi waved her hands to her sisters-in-law: "I'm here, so you guys can go too..."

Concubine Yi couldn't say whether she was satisfied or dissatisfied with Wu Fujin and Shu Shu's performance today.

Wu Fujin, the eldest daughter-in-law, faced the eldest princess's rudeness, she was neither humble nor overbearing, her bearing was enough, but her actions were not smart...

How can there be reason to talk to foolish people? !
Sentence by sentence, both of them have become jokes!
That is Shu Shu to save her, otherwise, who knows what ugly things the eldest princess will say later!

Shu Shu is too reckless here.

Temperament is too righteous.

Even if Wu Fujin is her own sister-in-law, this is not worthy of praise.

If the royal family wants to be safe and sound, it is the fundamental principle to be wise and safe.

But Concubine Yi also knew that she was too demanding.

She muttered twice in her heart, but there was still relief on her face.

On the way back, the sisters-in-law were silent.

Wu Fujin held Shu Shu's hand tightly.

Shu Shu noticed her trembling, and comforted her in a low voice: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, we're leaving tomorrow anyway, and we won't get along easily in the future, just treat it as irrelevant people..."

The eldest princess wanted to vent her dissatisfaction with the queen mother and the emperor, so she picked on Wu Fujin, a soft persimmon, and kept picking on Wu Fujin's background.

Wu Fujin's eyes were red: "I'm not angry... I just hate myself for not responding properly, and for making my younger siblings come forward to protect me..."

Shu Shu said: "What's the matter? Is it my turn to be made things difficult, and my sister-in-law doesn't protect me?"

Qi Fujin also persuaded from the side: "Sister-in-law Wu is already very appropriate. Since she is sincerely making things difficult, she can find mistakes no matter what... I see, there is nothing else, but I am jealous that we are dressed well, and my eyes look at the jewelry. He even talked about Fifth Sister-in-law's corolla... Really, I don't even look at my age, I'm the youngest with caliper eyes, even if the Queen Mother gave her the corolla, it wouldn't look good..."

Seeing that Wu Fujin was restless, Shu Shu and Qi Fujin sent her back before returning to the courtyard.

The banquet ahead has not ended yet.

Sun Jin and the others had already prepared hot water.

I lived in a tent for several days in a row, and I just wiped it every day, which was very inconvenient.

Finally, I can take a quick bath.

The comfortable bathtub is self-contained.

This thing is not easy to use outside.

After she took a bath and wrung out her hair, there was a commotion in the yard.

"Brother Jiu wants to pack a big red envelope. That Ertaiji wants to hide today. If it wasn't for my younger brother's sharp eyes, you would lose one..."

Ten Prince's voice change period has come to an end, and he is not so hoarse.

"Don't worry, I can't do without you! When you get married, brother will prepare a golden belt!"

Brother Jiu's voice was full of vigor.

"Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother, what about Thirteen?"

Elder Brother Shisan's voice was urgent: "Thirteen has done his best! I have told the reaction of the Karaqin Department, and whoever made the decision has said everything carefully... Several of them will follow suit. Those with a belt buckle, and those with a bear's head or a wolf's head..."

"Don't worry, you are also indispensable. When you get married, Brother Jiu will also prepare for you!"

Brother Nine answered happily.

Brother Thirteen chased after him and said: "It will take three years, Brother Ninth, don't forget..."

Elder Brother Ten interjected, "If you have a bigger child, you want to get married? Who said that it will be three years later, and it will be six years if you don't have it all! Fifth and Seventh Brothers will get married, and it will be eighteen or nine..."

The thirteenth elder brother snorted softly: "I want to learn from the ninth brother and get married early... just three years later, exactly sixteen..."

Brother Ten rolled his eyes: "Do you think everyone is like Sister-in-law Jiu! With Fujin, there is food and drink? I don't even look at the situation with Sister-in-law Fifth and Sister-in-law Seven..."

Elder Brother Thirteen thought about it carefully, shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, even if you are like sister-in-law or sister-in-law seven, it's fine. It's more convenient to add ingredients to the imperial dining room with Fujin..."

Qi Fujin pushed open the window, and snorted softly: "Okay, let me catch it! Is it wrong to pick the fifth sister-in-law with me! I will wait and see how much better the tenth and thirteenth siblings are than us sister-in-laws!"

Elder Brother Ten hastily raised his voice and said, "Haha! Sister-in-law Seven, you have heard the wrong message! Just now, my younger brother was talking about Fifth Brother and Seventh Brother, how can I mention you... You said that neither of these two brothers is considerate and considerate. Not to mention learning more from Brother Nine..."

Brother Thirteen also echoed: "That's right, I will be like Brother Ninth from now on, not like Brother Fifth or Brother Seven..."

"What's wrong with me?"

Fifth elder brother's ignorant voice came from the entrance of the yard.

The two courtyards placed by the prince are next to each other, and the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother are talking in the yard again, but the fifth elder brother who just came back listened to him seriously.

"Yeah, let's talk about it, let's listen to it as brothers..."

It was the elder brother's voice, he seemed to be in a good mood, and he started to have fun with his younger brothers.

"Old ten, old thirteen, you shouldn't, even if your fifth brother has something wrong, it's not your turn to talk about it... Hurry up and make up for old fifth..."

It was the voice of San Age.

Shu Shu was listening in the room, and couldn't help curling her lips.

The good atmosphere made this one feel awkward.

this one...

It's not very pleasant...

The tenth elder brother said "haha" twice, walked to the gate of the courtyard, and said frankly: "Fifth brother is good in everything, treats elders with filial piety, and treats brothers with love... In terms of being considerate and considerate to Fujin, he is worse than ninth brother. Then a little bit..."

As he spoke, he compared the half-inch distance between his thumb and index finger.

Brother Jiu came over and was not very satisfied when he saw it: "Is it just a little bit different? I think it's not the same for young and old!"

Brother Thirteen stood behind Brother Ten, nodded and said: "It's just a little bit short, Brother Ninth regards Sister-in-law Nine as a fairy daughter, and puts it in his head everywhere..."

The fifth elder brother showed embarrassment on his face: "Then I can't compare with Lao Jiu..."

The third elder brother originally suspected that the ninth elder brother had other purposes to seek the help of Dong E's family. Hearing this, he said with a smile: "We all say that our Aixinjueluo family has a 'love seed', but I didn't expect this generation to fall on Lao Jiu's body." ..."

Everyone changed their faces.

It's not that there's something wrong with using the imperial concubine as a metaphor, but that the two couples didn't end well.

First the children died, and then they disappeared one by one.

That sounds unlucky!
Especially Brother Jiu's body.

The elder brother scowled with a stern face, "Did the third one drink too much? Talk nonsense!"

The fifth elder brother also frowned and looked at the third elder brother: "Third brother, did you do it on purpose? Once or twice, I really don't know, or I don't know?"

"what do you know?"

The third elder brother was also not happy: "I just said a word, and I still can't say it, let you scold me with a white face? Doesn't this mean that the old nine and the nine younger siblings have a good relationship, why is it a taboo?!"

Elder Brother Shi sneered and said, "The younger brother also wishes Third Brother to be a kind of love. He doesn't want to live a hundred years, but just wants to be like Emperor Taizong and Emperor Shizu, and be dependent on the life and death of his beloved, okay?"

Only then did the third elder brother react after he realized it, and immediately shouted grievance: "Who would have thought of this? There is no hatred or hatred, and I can deliberately curse the old nine?! You are too fond of figuring it out, and you are worse than women. Be careful!"

Elder Brother Thirteen muttered: "It's not a good word to curse Brother Ninth. If it reaches the ears of Ama and Concubine Yi, you can't think that Sister-in-law Nine is in control of Brother Nine..."

The third elder brother said: "Where is this all going? It's just a gossip, who would tell Khan Ama like that?!"

The elder brothers were quiet.

They all looked at the third elder brother in unison.

This one is a famous accuser!

The elder brother, the fifth elder brother and his age gap are close, and they suffered a lot when they were young.

Later, I realized that the third elder brother had a temper, so I automatically distanced myself.

If there is anything wrong with it, it will fall into his eyes, and it will become a talking point for him to curry favor with Khan Ama.

Even the younger brothers Nine, Ten, and Thirteen, who were naive and ignorant in their early years, have also learned the virtues of this elder brother.

Not to mention the black case, he is still confident and confident, and keeps saying that it is for your own good.

So angry!

Then in the eyes of Khan Ama, this youngest son is an honest and obedient son, while the others are mischievous, stupid and have their own shortcomings.

The third elder brother didn't have the kind of self-conscious check-in.

Instead, he felt resentful: "Okay! I usually treat my brother with all my heart and soul, but you think of me like this? I know that I am not like other brothers who can coax my brother with sweet words, but my heart is true , and I sincerely do it for you... Since you don't care about it, forget it, the master paid the wrong amount!"

After finishing speaking, the third elder brother turned around and left, the footsteps of "da da da da" were very hurried.

Elder Brother Ten disdainfully said: "Except for this sentence for your own good, there are no new words..."

Brother Nine paid attention to the economy and began to pay attention to the gains and losses of benefits. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "After thinking about it carefully, since I was a child, except for the saying 'for your own good', it seems that I haven't heard of anyone who has taken it from him. I took advantage of it..."

Fifth elder brother felt that his brain was not enough: "Then is this really stupid, or fake stupid?"

 The monthly pass won't move, I'm nervous, book friends who have a monthly pass can vote for it.Otherwise, watching the rankings keep dropping and getting restless, 555.

(End of this chapter)

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