Chapter 158 Longevity (tears running for monthly ticket)
Where Kangxi stayed.

King Darhan and his sons knelt down on the ground.

They begged Kangxi to stay another day tomorrow, and allow the princes of the left wing of the Horqin tribe to have a banquet.

Today's banquet, although in the palace, is the princess and the forehead.

Kangxi personally helped King Darhan up: "There is no need to do this..."

Just as the blood of Horqin flows through Kangxi, King Darhan also inherits the blood of Aixinjueluo.

His grandmother is the princess, the adopted daughter of Emperor Taizong, and the eldest daughter of King Yuetuo of Keqin County.

His mother is the Junjun and the great-granddaughter of Prince Zhuang Shuerhaqi.

He has three aunts, two of whom are princes and concubines, and one is the ancestor's mourning concubine.

His younger sister is Borzigit, the concubine of the Xianfu Palace in the Kangxi harem.

King Darhan showed shame on his face: "This slave is incompetent, I can't persuade the eldest princess..."

The news that the eldest princess left the meeting rudely has spread.

How can Prince Darhan and his son not be trembling?
You must know that Horqin is not just a palace.

Now there are three hereditary prince's mansions that are not degraded, and there are two on the left wing alone.

In addition to their Heshuodarhan Prince's Mansion, there is also the Heshuo Zhuoli Ketu Prince's Mansion.

From the perspective of the late Empress Dowager, the relationship between the two left-wing palaces and the imperial court was originally similar.

But these years, as the older generation withered, the caress of the new princess began to grow.

Kangxi's expression remained unchanged: "I will go to pay homage to He Shuo's son-in-law..."

He Shuo's son-in-law, Kangxi's great-uncle and grandfather, the first Darhan king, Manzhu, practiced the ceremony.

King Darhan showed gratitude on his face, and knelt down again: "I thank the emperor Long En..."

In the small courtyard where the princes stayed, silence returned.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu and couldn't move his eyes, but said in a distasteful way: "What kind of makeup is this? Arms and legs are exposed, isn't it cold?"

Shu Shu rolled his eyes at him, and tied up the outer robe to cover the short suspender skirt inside.

This robe follows the style of a yukata.

The small suspenders inside are made of translucent tulle.

On the table is the wishful cake that Shu Shu asked Xiaotang to make in advance.

Today, August [-], is Brother Jiu's sixteenth birthday.

Life should have a sense of ritual.

Shu Shu didn't prepare a simple birthday cake.

The cake base is chicken cake, which has already been on the menu of the second school. It is nothing new, and it tends to smell fishy when it is cold.

The first thing she thought of was "Dingsheng cake". She thought it had a good meaning and was easier to make. It was fermented rice cake.

When she thought of the legend about the origin of Dingsheng Cake, she gave up the idea and chose Ruyi Cake.

Ruyi cake, also known as Ruyi cold cake.

It is made of glutinous rice, sesame, and red bean paste. It is very simple and sounds auspicious.

It is specially ordered, the shape is not a roll shape, but a layer cake, made into a circle.

Brother Jiu saw the big round cake that was almost a foot long, and hesitated, "Why do you want to eat this, it's not easy to restrain?"

Shu Shu didn't answer, but pulled him to the table and sat down.

She reached out and took out a thin red candle that was as long as her thumb, stuck it on the wishful cake, lit it, and said to Brother Jiu with a smile: "It's my birthday today, let's make a wish!"

"Do you remember?"

Brother Jiu brought grievances: "I thought you forgot, and there was no movement all day..."

Shu Shu smiled at him and said, "I told you earlier, isn't there no surprise?"

Brother Jiu's eyes fell on Shu Shu, thinking about the situation just now, his mind fluttered, and he coughed lightly: "Then I am waiting for a surprise..."

Following Shu Shu's soft-spoken instructions, Brother Jiu closed his eyes, made a wish on the wishful cake, and then blew out the candle.

"What wish did Grandpa make?"

Shu Shu asked curiously.

Brother Jiu's eyes wandered: "Don't ask, it won't work if you talk about it..." As he spoke, in order to divert the conversation, he took out a knife and wanted to cut cakes to eat.

Shu Shu hurriedly took away the Ruyi Cake with the plate: "Master just said that it can't be melted, why do you want to eat it again? I should save it for tomorrow's breakfast..."

There are covers on the table.

Shu Shu picked it up and covered the wishful cake.

Brother Nine held back for a whole day, and finally started to complain: "Even if Ama Khan doesn't remember my birthday, can my mother forget it? I usually prefer Brother Fifth, so I don't say anything. I don't even care about my birthday. , Is it my own..."

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

As soon as Brother Nine finished speaking, He Yuzhu came in and said, "Master, Fujin, Aunt Xianglan just sent someone to say that your mother is coming this way..."

"Ah? It's the hour, what is the empress doing here?"

Brother Jiu was puzzled and didn't think of himself.

Shu Shu had already entered the room, quickly changed out of her bathrobe, and put on half-new homely clothes. Her hair, which was originally loose, was simply tied up. She looked neat and dignified.

It took half a cup of tea, a little eunuch carried a lamp, and Concubine Yi came slowly with pandan.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine were already waiting at the gate of the yard.

The husband and wife welcomed Concubine Yi into the East Wing.

Brother Jiu sat on the left hand of Concubine Yi.

Shu Shu served tea, and was dragged by Yi Fei to sit on her right hand side.

"Why are you here in the middle of the night? If there is an order, I will call my son over..."

Brother Jiu said.

Concubine Yi snorted softly: "You were born to me, I still don't know how narrow-minded you are? If I don't come, I'm afraid you'll be talking about it for half a year."

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "That's impossible, at most it will take ten and a half months. Son is not allowed to talk about it? It's nothing if others don't remember his son's birthday, even you don't remember it, it makes people feel uncomfortable..."

"My son's birthday is my mother's good day! What is there to remember? If I go back in time, I wish I never gave birth to you, so that I don't have to worry about you forever."

Concubine Yi said with disgust on her face.

Brother Nine refused to accept it: "Look at what Erniang said, the son has no advantages at all? Only my fifth brother is stupid and can't please people, so you need to worry about it... In the future, Erniang wants to enjoy her children and grandchildren. I have to rely on my son and his son Fujin..."

Concubine Yi smiled: "I never thought you could still count on it?"

Ninth elder brother was proud, and nodded vowedly: "Of course, my mother will wait for her son to be filial in the future!"

It's not early, and it's almost time for Haizheng.

Mother and son argued for a few words, Concubine Yi stopped talking, and took out a purse: "I didn't prepare anything for you for a birthday, so I will post all these private houses for you, don't keep digging and searching. Thinking about money in the sky..."

Concubine Yi said this when the news spread that Brother Nine was chasing Horqin Prince Taiji to order a gold belt.

Brother Jiu didn't take the purse, and explained to himself: "Is it because of money, son? Son is out of anger! Being disrespectful to the Empress Dowager, being rude to Emiang, this anger can't be taken in vain!"

Concubine Yi's apricot eyes twitched: "Then when you get angry, hand over the gold!"

Brother Nine frowned: "Who is it for? Er Niang has no money to use, so she came here empty-handed?"

Concubine Yi was furious, and directly opened the purse, revealing the five thousand taels of banknotes inside: "Look carefully, am I empty-handed?"

Brother Jiu couldn't figure it out: "Then what is Er Niang tossing about? Exchange one five thousand taels for my son's two or three five thousand taels?"

"Shut up your petty eyes! You are so poor, can I still cut off your flesh to support your fifth brother?"

Concubine Yi also had a serious expression on her face: "Leave it to the emperor! Besides the emperor, who else can I hand it over to?!"

Brother Nine was still reluctant: "What's the use of being so courteous? It's not about changing the title... Besides, Khan Ama is not short of money, it's still short of this..."

Concubine Yi spoke dryly, took two sips of tea, looked at Shu Shu who was sitting on her right, and took her hand: "If you are Er Niang's girl, how much worry will Er Niang have to worry about?! This is Son, born by myself, bear it no matter how impatient I am, if you are a silly uncle, you won't even bother to talk to him..."

Shu Shu couldn't say anything else, and said with a smile: "Our master is sincere, and there are things that are unexpected for a while."

Concubine Yi looked at Elder Brother Nine: "Learn from you, Fujin, if you are generous, you will look royal and noble!"

Brother Jiu was surprised and looked at Shu Shu: "What did you do again?"

Shu Shu said honestly: "It's just borrowing flowers to offer Buddha..." As he spoke, he talked about the situation at today's banquet in a few words.

Brother Jiu heard this, his face drooped, and he became irritable: "It's not over yet, is it?! Bullying people because of their seniority, and their mouths are stinky! It seems that it's cheaper for their family. Her sons should be two, one, The three gold belts are fixed..."

Concubine Yi looked at Brother Jiu, hating that iron cannot be made into steel: "It's so stupid that you can't even pretend to be like you, Fujin? Their sisters-in-law know that gold can't be collected, how can you accept it?! It seems that our court is shabby Are they all Horqin's old relatives, and I can't afford to lose that person! Do you have to make people laugh, and say that the Ninth Prince is poor and greedy?"

Brother Nine frowned: "It's a matter of fact, all Mongolian tribes are relatives by marriage? Didn't the Karaqin tribe also accept it, and no one said anything."

Concubine Yi shook her head: "It's different! This is Horqin, not only the Empress Dowager's natal family, but also the Empress Dowager's natal family!"

Ordinary people, orphans and widows have a difficult life, let alone the royal family.

The young masters of the two generations of the Qing Dynasty ascended the throne, both with the help of Horqin.

Even if Horqin didn't have real swords and guns to fight for Emperor Shizu and Jinshang, as long as he stood there, the Prince of the Eight Banners would have to think about it.

The population of the Eight Banners is small, Mongolia is an indispensable partner, and the Horqin Department cannot be ignored.

Therefore, even if the eldest princess is so disrespectful and rebellious today, even if Kangxi is full of worries, he will turn a blind eye to the queen mother, and will take into account the relationship in the early years and cannot bear to anger Prince Horqin.

"All right!"

Brother Jiu's face lost his smile, and he took out the order form: "It's cheap, I'll send it to my son tomorrow morning, and at least I can leave [-] taels of silver...for this, my son will give it to ten, The old thirteen promised two gold belts..."

Concubine Yi pushed the purse forward: "Isn't it okay for Er Niang to make up for you? Have a good day, don't make a fool of yourself... be happy, this year will be smooth..."

After that, she helped Xianglan to stand up: "Tomorrow we have to get up early, so you should rest earlier..."

Shu Shu and Brother Nine sent it out in person, and watched Yi Fei and her party leave slowly.

Just as the husband and wife were about to turn around, two eunuchs came over from the yard next to them, they were the people next to the elder brother and the fifth elder brother...

(End of this chapter)

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