Chapter 159 Shop

The two are people next to Big Brother and Fifth Brother.

Each of them was holding a brocade box, and they were all ordered to give Brother Jiu a birthday present.

The elder brother's gift is a pair of horse whips.

Old beeswax handles, one long and one short, the short one looks more delicate.

On the fifth elder brother's side is a pair of ancient Mongolian knives, one long and one short.

Brother Jiu opened it and looked at it, and said to Shu Shu, "They are all in pairs, whose birthday is it?"

Shu Shu said with a smile: "I'm in the Lord's favor."

People were coming and going in the East Wing, and naturally both the Upper Room and the West Wing noticed the movement.

Just don't come out rashly, for fear of any inconvenience.

On Qifujin's side, his hair has loosened and he wants to rest.

A nanny came in and whispered: "Fu Jin, the old servant just listened to it in the corridor, and it seems that it is Brother Jiu's birthday..."

Qi Fujin immediately sat up, annoyed: "I forgot about this, I'm so confused."

There is a certain number of human relations in the palace.

The birthdays of the elders and the birthdays of the same generation have long been recorded in the gift books of each Fujin.

The corresponding birthday gift was also prepared early.

I'm afraid that when I go out, I will be negligent and rude.

It's just the birthday gift of the ninth elder brother, and it is two foreign books that the seventh elder brother has bought and exchanged for a long time ago.

Now Qifu Jin has a lot of contacts there, and she is mostly taken care of by Shu Shu. She feels that this gift is a bit thin, but she can't make up for it for a while.

After thinking about it, Qi Fujin didn't make things difficult for himself, and decided to wait until Shu Shu's birthday to make up for it.

So, the grandma of the Seventh Fujin took the gift box and went to the door of the East Wing: "Jiuye, Jiufujin, our Fujin sent this old slave here to give a birthday gift."

With such a small yard, the West Wing Room naturally listened to it.

There are three wing rooms, one bright and two dark.

The tenth brother lives in the north room, and the thirteenth brother lives in the south room.

These days, following behind the two elder brothers, the thirteenth elder brother also claimed to be an adult, and did not leave the mother to watch the night, and replaced the young eunuch to serve the tea.

The thirteenth elder brother came out of the south room with his clothes on, and saw the palm-sized brocade box in the tenth elder brother's hand: "The tenth elder brother prepared a birthday present?"

Brother Ten said proudly: "Of course! It was prepared as early as in the capital, what is the friendship between us brothers?"

Elder Brother Thirteen did not reply as usual, but pleaded: "Then what if I didn't prepare a birthday gift? Usually, another nun in my yard stares at these favors to give the gift. At the beginning of the month, the nanny is sick and asks for leave. I went home..."

The tenth elder brother knew that he was unreasonable for venting his anger on the thirteenth elder brother before, and there was no shortage of favorite concubines and concubines in the harem.

Without Zhang Concubine, there are others...

In addition, Brother Thirteen is not very old, and his temperament is not bad. After contact, he is not so annoying.

Elder Brother Ten did not gloat.

Now everyone has given birthday presents, but Elder Brother Thirteen has not, so I am really embarrassed.

He suggested: "Didn't you collect a bunch of things these days? Just pick a few inconspicuous ones. Who cares about this with your child?"

Brother Thirteen hesitated: "Will it be too much?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "It's okay, Brother Ninth is short of gold now..."

The thirteenth elder brother was relieved, and immediately went back to the room.

After digging out a half-sized brocade box, he didn't put gold fingers or anything in it, but carefully dug out a few stones, which couldn't be called stones, but pieces of polished material the size of pigeon eggs.

There are old beeswax, coral, agate, and turquoise, all of which look of high quality.

After a while, the brothers went to the East Wing.

Brother Jiu looked at the two of them suspiciously and said, "I must have forgotten it long ago! I only remembered it when I heard the movement, didn't I just fool around?"

Elder Brother Ten was dissatisfied: "What did Brother Ninth say? You can forget other things, but you can forget this? If you don't give a gift, how can you get it back from you?"

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "It's good that you know this! Anyway, your birthday is later, don't try to fool me!"

After all, he grabbed the gift box from Elder Brother Ten's arms, and felt something was wrong as soon as he grabbed it, lightly: "What? It doesn't have much weight..."

Brother Nine complained and opened the box.

There were only a few thin sheets of paper inside.

"The Zhuang ticket?"

Brother Jiu opened it with some excitement, but was stunned.

There are various deeds, land deeds, house deeds, and the deeds of several people.

It's the shop at the front door.

Looking at the position on the contract, it is still a prosperous shop.


Brother Jiu felt a little hot: "Is it the property left to you by the imperial concubine? Brother Jiu took it, but forget about the shop, and Niu Hulu's family will be involved later..."

The inheritance of Concubine Wen Xi was all divided from Niu Yulu's family.

Now the tenth elder brother has not been conferred a title and opened a mansion, and the people in charge of the property are all servants of Niu Gulu's family.

Brother Nine heard Brother Ten talk about it twice, so he remembered it.

Brother Ten waved his hand: "No, I sent someone out to buy it before..."

Brother Jiu knew that it was not easy to buy a new shop, so he asked suspiciously, "Isn't it a replacement?"

He sent Gui Dan to purchase property in March and April, and the shops were in short supply, and the market was priceless, not only in the inner city, but also in several prosperous places in the outer city, especially near Qianmen Street.

Brother Ten said: "Don't worry, Brother Ninth, I really bought it again, at the end of March..."

At that time, Brother Nine lost the lawsuit, lost the shop, and chatted with Brother Ten twice.

Brother Ten was about to prepare a wedding gift for Brother Nine, and when he heard Brother Nine complaining about the difficulty of buying a property, he sent someone to watch the news from the Ministry of Officials to see if there were any official officials in the capital or senior officials who wanted to be released.

Most of these people have properties under their names, and they changed hands before leaving Beijing.

In the end, I stayed at this prosperous shop.

"I really bought it? Didn't the price be lowered? Turn around and find out, let Han Ama know it's not good, will it fall..."

Brother Jiu is still worried.

"Is my brother the one who took advantage of that? To save some money, why don't you recite it? I bought it at the market price, and it fell directly under Brother Jiu's name. In the future, Brother Jiu will transfer it to Sister-in-law Jiu. It will be more convenient to do things in the future..."

Elder brother said.

At the end of March, after buying it, he wanted to give it to Brother Jiu directly, but when he heard the news that Brother Jiu helped Guo Luoluo to buy the property, he held it in his hands for a while.

However, after knowing the price of his brothers' big wedding gifts, he chose to "follow the crowd" and did not get that limelight.

Otherwise, the fifth elder brother would be set on fire.

Until now, everyone knows that the ninth elder brother is short of money, and the tenth elder brother thinks that this shop will give it away.

Even if the other brothers knew about it, no one had the nerve to talk about it.

Only then did Brother Jiu smile, and showed Shu Shu with the deed: "It's a prosperous shop at the front door! It's more prosperous than Gulou Street... We can open two restaurants, one in the inner city and one in the outer city... "


Elder Brother Ten's eyes lit up: "Brother Ninth, Sister-in-law Nine, that's a good deal, I have to leave a private room for my younger brother..."

Brother Jiu flicked the deed: "I won't take your shop for nothing, I'll give you a [-]% discount!"

After finishing speaking, he realized something was wrong, and looked at Shu Shu again, feeling uneasy.

Shu Shu nodded with a smile, she had no objection.

Not to mention dry stocks, even real stocks are fine.

The left and right brothers are also inseparable, so we can't talk about whether they are involved or not.

According to the two months of getting along, Shu Shu found that the tenth elder brother was the same to the eighth elder brother, not much closer than other brothers.

The reason why he seems to be close is mostly because he and Brother Jiu are "inseparable from Meng, and Meng is not detached".

The thirteenth elder brother stared wide-eyed. He really didn't expect the tenth elder brother to be so generous.

Send a property directly!
He felt a little embarrassed, and handed over his gift box: "Ninth brother, my younger brother also wishes you all the best in the future, and a long life..."

Brother Nine took it: "It's hard for you to think of this, so brother accepts it, we have to see what it is..."

Seeing a box of pigeon eggs of various colors inside, Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "Forget it, forget it, they are all good things, Brother Xinyi got them, you can't be such a prodigal, you should keep them for yourself, or be filial to your concubine... ..."

Although they are not gold gems, anyone with a discerning eye can see that these are not cheaper than gold gems.

Especially a pair of red corals, which are red and lustrous, are the best among coral materials.

Brother Nine feels that he loves money and is righteous, and he is not willing to lie to his younger brother for good things.

Elder Brother Thirteen's expression was firm: "Your Majesty, that younger brother kept it... this is for Brother Nine, so Brother Nine will keep it so that he can put a collar on Sister-in-law Nine..."

Ninth elder brother was not happy with taking it, glanced at thirteenth elder brother, and complained to Shu Shu: "Why does it seem to be negotiated, one or two brought your share?"

Shu Shu laughed and said, "'Love the House and the Crow' is nothing more, it's because everyone loves me, so it benefits me..."

Brother Jiu felt a little uncomfortable: "What's 'love' or not 'love', it sounds weird..."

Brother Ten just wanted to make fun of it, hooked Brother Jiu's neck, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law Jiu is right, Brother Nine, we all love you, haha, it's rare..."

Brother Nine shuddered, and pulled Brother Ten: "Go and rest, and say a few more words, I'm afraid I will have nightmares at night, who cares about you..."

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen went back.

Brother Jiu looked at a few gift boxes, was satisfied, and said to Shu Shu: "It's all about Khan Ama, anyway, he doesn't want to save it! Master will go to hang around in front of him tomorrow morning, we can't give away this gold for nothing, Always get some more…”

Although Shu Shu felt that this way of asking for gifts was a bit out of style, she didn't object.

Regardless of right and wrong, the father and son of the Tian family can also be regarded as ordinary father and son, and it is good to be a little presumptuous.

A crying child has milk.

Shu Shu felt that there were Kangxi's reasons and their own reasons for the disfavor of ninth elder brother and tenth elder brother.

Kangxi has so many sons, the two of them don't always come forward, there are others in front.

Birds of a feather flock together.

The two brothers can get along because they have similar temperaments.

Those who seem to be careless, in fact, have a sensitive and delicate side, and their temperament is passive.

"What about the Queen Mother?"

Shu Shu asked.

Looking at it these days, the old lady is not only a sensible person, but also has unique life wisdom, which is worth learning.

(End of this chapter)

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