My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 160 Private

Chapter 160 Private

Brother Nine shook his head: "It's a common practice in the palace. For the prince's generation, the queen mother will be rewarded for the 'Three Baptisms' and the 'Centenary Ceremony', but there will be no other birthdays. The eldest son is like this... Thinking about it, there are so many grandchildren and great-grandchildren in the palace... There are people celebrating birthdays every month, and the palace outside, who remembers this..."

Shu Shu understands that the queen mother's behavior is not because she doesn't want to think about these things, but because she doesn't want to get too close to the prince and brothers, for fear that the emperor will be unhappy.

The eldest brother and the prince's family are exceptions because of the emperor's preference.

The fifth elder brother here was raised by her herself, so there is no need to be taboo, and she can put all her love and affection on him.

For Fifth Prince, being raised by the queen mother may be the greatest luck in life.

Because among the four concubines, the sons of the other three concubines are all involved in the "Nine Dragons Conquest", and they are still the central figures.

In addition to the ultimate winner, the loser ended tragically.

Fifth elder brother, the eldest son of the beloved concubine, was preserved, half because of his character, and half because of his relationship with the queen mother.

Horqin became the backing of Fifth Prince.

Brother Jiu looked at the clothes on Shu Shu's body, they were not as good-looking as before, and said: "It's getting late, let's rest too..."

Shu Shu got up and was about to speak when an "uninvited guest" came.

Liang Jiugong is here.

Bring Kangxi's reward.

An open purse.

Brother Nine took it with both hands, and took it out to see that it was the household receipt for cash withdrawal from the household department.

There are actually five thousand taels!

Brother Nine was overjoyed at first, but then hesitated: "Liang Adidas, what did Khan Ama say? Didn't he give me the reward at the end of the year? Then use this as a birthday present?"

Thinking of this possibility, Brother Jiu felt unhappy: "Then I'm not at a loss..."

Liang Jiugong bowed and said: "Jiye don't worry, the emperor said that he knows that Jiuye's money is tight, the money will be sent to Jiuye first, and it will be fine to return it when Jiuye has more money!"

Not to mention Brother Nine, even Shu Shu was stunned.

"Ah? I have to return it. Isn't this a birthday gift from Khan Ama? Why do I have to return it?"

Brother Jiu was very surprised.

Liang Jiugong pointed to the purse in his hand: "In there is the birthday gift prepared by the emperor himself for Lord Jiu, the only one, not even the crown prince... The emperor hopes that Lord Jiu will live a long life and have a full house of descendants..."

Only then did Brother Jiu realize that there was still something in his purse, and he took out a piece of Chenxiang Shou token.

One and a half inches wide, two inches and two long, the carving is a little rough, and the polishing is not smooth.

"Why isn't it jade?"

Brother Jiu looked at it over and over again, and felt that the color of agarwood was a bit old-fashioned, and the wood was not as expensive as jade.

Liang Jiugong took a look at Brother Jiu, and felt that this master was really innocent and romantic, so what to say.

It's other princes and elder brothers who got such a birthday card carved by the emperor himself. He knelt down to thank him a long time ago. How could he pick and choose like this?
However, he had seen a lot of those who were deep in the city and those who were shallow-minded, and he didn't feel bad, so he said in a good voice: "When the emperor was picking materials, he was also hesitant... Hetian Baiyu and Qingyu were all taken out to look at, so I chose it." This... this agarwood is not afraid of bumps, it can be worn for a long time..."

Otherwise, if it is replaced with mutton fat jade, it looks good, but if it is broken, the omen is not good.

Brother Jiu held back his joy, stroked the birthday card, and said with a few twists and turns: "Tomorrow morning, my master will kowtow to Ama Khan, and I will go to Ama Khan..."

As he spoke, he took the form: "Please ask Menda to forward this form to Ama Khan. This is my filial piety to Ama Khan...Ama Khan is reluctant to give the money, and is only willing to lend money...The Lord and Ama Khan But it's different, it's generous..."

Liang Jiugong took it with both hands, and said: "I also wish Master Jiu all the best, and everything goes well..."

Brother Jiu replied with a smile: "Thank you Liang Wenda for your good words, and I also wish that Wenda will be promoted to the chief executive as soon as possible!"

Although Liang Jiugong is currently the number one among the imperial servants, he is only the deputy head of the Qianqing Palace, and above him is an old senior head of the two dynasties.

Liang Jiugong laughed from ear to ear: "The servant thanked Lord Jiu for his good words..."

Shu Shu quietly handed over the purse that Shu Shu had already prepared to Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu knew it well, only this weight was the one-jin gold wrench.

He endured the reluctance, and stuffed it into Liang Jiugong's hands: "These days, I met the Mongolian prince and made some small fortunes. Those who see it will have a share. Let Dana reward him..."

Liang Jiugong felt his hands sinking, and the smile on his face became closer: "The slave has the audacity to accept the reward from Master Jiu..."

When the emperor returned to his command, Liang Jiugong was still smiling and in a good mood.

When Kangxi saw it, he asked curiously, "Is this a generous reward? Brother Jiu is short on money, and is willing to give the reward?"

Liang Jiugong held the purse in both hands, revealing the gold ring finger inside: "My elder brother said that I made a small fortune recently, and those who see it will have a share. This is to share the profit with the slaves..."

In Kangxi's mind, he remembered the scene of today's dinner, the ninth elder brother wearing a golden belt, entwining Prince Horqin one by one. He couldn't help but get a headache, and rubbed his forehead: "This old nine is really nonsense, and the court will lose face..."

Liang Jiugong didn't dare to delay, and hastily handed over the list with both hands: "The emperor is afraid that he has misunderstood Master Jiu. This servant is watching. Master Jiu is filial and cannot bear the domineering princess. It's more like venting his anger on the emperor and the empress dowager. I will use this to pay tribute to the emperor directly... To find someone during the banquet, I can also rely on Taiji from the palace..."

Kangxi took the order and looked at it several times.

The last time the ninth elder brother came to him in the Harqin Department, he certainly knew that this was an order, and he also estimated the profit from it.

That is, the amount of a single belt this time is twice as much as that of the Harqin Department, two hundred taels of gold each.

The same thing, even if it was [-]% profit before, now it is [-]% profit.

Kangxi felt a little regretful.

If I had known this before, the five thousand taels should be rewarded directly, not in the name of borrowing.

This son is barely filial.

As for the gold...

Kangxi thought of several princes Fujin.

Even several princes Fujin knew that they could not take Horqin's gold, so as not to be looked down upon. Could it be that he, an emperor, didn't know?

It can be collected and distributed to the flags to prepare for white disasters and to show the grace of God.

In the small courtyard where Shu Shu lived, calm was restored.

No one was left in the house.

Xiaoyu, Walnut, and He Yuzhu, who were on duty, were all placed in the ear room.

The layout of the East Wing is the same as that of the West Wing, and there are also two bedrooms in the north and south.

That is, there is no reason for husband and wife to separate. The bedding is placed in the north room, and the south room is used as a bathroom.

Brother Nine travels in a separate bathtub.

The bath water is prepared beforehand.

It's getting cold.

Fortunately, there was still a pot of hot water on the small stove, and it was poured into it again.

Brother Jiu took a bath and felt something was wrong, so he called out, "Help me get my clothes..."

Shu Shu walked in with a smile, holding a large bath towel in her hand.

Brother Jiu came out of the tub, wiped his body carelessly, and tied it around his waist: "Where are your clothes?"

Shu Shu took his hand: "Don't worry, I haven't seen the birthday gift of the master yet..."

Brother Jiu was surprised: "There is another thing, isn't it the same as Ruyi cake with that golden belt?"

"This is also a belt..."

Shu Shu smiled a little weirdly.

Brother Jiu didn't notice it, and said happily: "The leather one or the satin one? It just happens to start changing tomorrow..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "This is for indoors, but it's not easy to tie it out..."

"That's a sweat towel..."

Brother Jiu became more and more curious, with anticipation.

The two had already passed through the small middle hall to the north room.

There is a tent on the kang.

Next to the tent, there is a brocade box.

Brother Jiu took two quick steps, and when he opened it, he was a little confused: "What kind of belt? It's so long? It's too thin, it's not as thick as a little finger..."

As he spoke, he gestured at his waist: "How do you tie it? Several heads..."

Shu Shu smiled and stepped forward: "Grandpa, pass it to me, and I'll help you tie...


Early the next morning, elder brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu with fire in his eyes.

Shu Shu rubbed his wrist for him: "Are you annoyed? Didn't I also like it last night..."

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "You are too bad, you can't win with force..."

Shu Shu smiled flatteringly: "Isn't this a little curious, just try..."

Ninth elder brother was very angry: "What kind of idle book did you specify! When you return to Beijing, I will also go shopping for books, and then you are not allowed to play tricks, and you have to follow 'study'!"

Shu Shu's eyebrows and eyes curved: "Well, well, I'll wait for that time..."

The couple chatted a few words.

Shu Shu asked Brother Jiu to cut up the wishful cake.

According to the equal cut, cut a lot of portions, one inch thick triangular slices the size of a palm.

When he finished cutting, Shu Shu ordered He Yuzhu and Sun Jin to send them around, except for those who gave gifts yesterday, plus a queen mother.

Brother Nine hesitated and said: "Just eat in one bite, what's the matter? I didn't give it away yesterday, but I will give it away today."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "I sent it before receiving the gift yesterday, it seemed like I was urging for something, and I should send it today as a gift in return."

Brother Nine couldn't help saying: "Is this piece of cake a gift in return? It's too picky! The queen mother and empress should take a good look at your pie, and see if you will praise your generosity next time!"

Shu Shuli said bluntly: "Why not generous? This is the improved version of Ruyi Cake that I specially thought about for my grandfather's birthday... This style is the first in the world... My heart for Master is in it, and I will share it with everyone like this. Isn't that generous?"

Normal ruyi cakes are all small and exquisite, at most half the size of a palm, and they are still like the kind of towel rolls.

Such a large cake with a diameter of one foot is really the first one.

Brother Nine looked at her and joked: "Looking at you these days, you are docile and well-behaved, and you thought you learned virtuousness from Sister-in-law Fifth, but it turns out to be 'normal'!"

Shu Shu raised her eyebrows: "Then you don't want to see me anymore?"

Brother Nine muttered, "So what if you don't want to see me? Who's called the stall! Who else can spoil you like this except Master? I didn't listen to what Old Ten and Thirteen were talking about yesterday. Master put you in everything In the head, like a fairy girl, it's almost time to confess!"

(End of this chapter)

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