Chapter 161 Grid

As he said that, Elder Brother Jiu laughed himself: "These two guys are so outspoken, I guess they forgot that there is still Seventh Sister-in-law living in the yard this time... Anyway, they shouldn't even make arrangements for the sisters-in-law, don't blame Seventh Sister-in-law hurts them... Old Shisan can't tell what Fujin is like, and old ten Fujin is a Mongolian princess. If you expect her to know about the kitchen, it's better to expect Lao Ten to grow up quickly..."

Shu Shu recalled the conversation last night, thinking of the third elder brother, and said: "The third elder brother didn't come here last night, so he didn't send cakes just now, are you okay?"

This one is a big pit.

Shu Shu thinks it's better to stay at arm's length.

Sanfujin's place is their relationship with their cousins.

For the others, following the normal exchanges of favor between half-brothers, one code will return to one code.

Brother Jiu curled his lips: "I just found out that he is just a good talker... Don't worry, he has always had a good face. Even if he left angrily last night, he will definitely send someone to deliver the "Book of Filial Piety" today..."

Before the words were finished, He Yuzhu came in to report, and the third elder brother sent someone over.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine looked at each other, and both thought it was funny.

Brother Jiu nodded and called in.

He Yuzhu went out and brought someone in.

It was the eunuch next to Third Elder Brother, holding a flat brocade box.

Sure enough, it was a birthday present.

If there is no accident, it is the "Book of Filial Piety".

Ninth elder brother endured his disgust, and asked someone to make a portion of the remaining Ruyi cake, and asked the eunuch to take it back to third elder brother.

Then, he opened the brocade box, looked at the "Book of Filial Piety" inside, and chattered to Shu Shu: "Let's learn some more in the future, don't be too honest... Especially here with the third son, the grandfather doesn't care about it, eat it." What a loss... I have to write it down, and next time I will give him these stupid things..."

The holy driver set off.

After leaving Princess Duanmin's Mansion and Darhan Prince's Mansion, continue to march in the hinterland of Horqin Grassland.

King Darhan followed with his sons.

"A hundred miles to the east is the pasture of the Empress Dowager's natal family..."

Brother Nine was impatient to see King Darhan and his son, so he stayed in the carriage without riding a horse, and followed Shu Shu to introduce this destination.

The Empress Dowager has four elder brothers in total, and King Darhan is the grandson of the fourth elder brother.

The Queen Mother and Concubine Shuhui are the granddaughters of the second brother.

This branch is also the one that has more marriages with the Aixinjueluo family.

The queen mother's three sisters, a prince Fujin, a wife of Beizi, and a wife of a clan general.

The queen mother's three younger sisters-in-law, one princess and two princesses.

Shu Shu was no longer surprised, she just asked curiously, "Why is the title of this branch so low?"

They are going to the residence of the Empress Dowager's younger brother, and this one is only the title of Taiji.

But the branch of the eldest brother of the Empress Dowager and the branch of the fourth brother are both inherited by Prince Heshuo.

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "Speaking of it, the title is not low, if it is not downgraded to Doro Belle, it means that the title belongs to the queen mother's other younger brother. It is not as early as two generations of Baylor, and the title has been passed on to the queen mother's nephews. , and now this Baylor is working in the capital... Taiji is the only one of the same generation as the Empress Dowager's natal family, so I came to this uncle..."

Since he is the queen mother's younger brother, he is not yet sixty years old.

He didn't come to court, and he didn't go out to greet him.

Is this based on seniority?

In Shu Shu's curiosity, after two days of traveling, the team arrived at Abu Dartai at noon on the third day.

The residence of Taiji Mansion.

To say that the residence of Darhan Palace and the residence of Princess Palace are like a small town, but the current residence of Taiji is like a small village.

After seeing the real person, Shu Shu also understood the reason why the other party didn't come out to greet her.

It turned out that the other party had arthralgia, the knee joints were swollen and deformed, and he was already unable to walk.

His elders are all bastards, separated out, and are not qualified to represent Taiji Mansion.

Taiji's youngest son, He Shuo's son-in-law, also works in the capital, and this time he did not return to his hometown with his retinue.

Although it is inconvenient to walk, the old man's spirit is trembling, and he also looks broad and fat.

Kangxi bent down and hugged the uncle in name,
The old man bent down slightly, and gently groped Kangxi's head: "Your Majesty, you're home now..."

Concubine Shuhui helped the queen mother to go forward, looking at the paralyzed younger brother, the sisters couldn't stop their tears.

Back when their sisters came to Beijing, they were at the tender age, and the younger brother was not as tall as a horse. Now everyone is in their twilight years, just waiting for the call of the Changshengtian.

Shu Shu and the others followed behind, and they were also moved to see the scene of the reunion of their relatives after a long absence.

She couldn't help turning her head, looking at the Eight Banners guards following behind, thinking of her own Ama.

Along the way, when they were in Harqin, the father and daughter took time to meet each other.

At other times, I haven't seen each other all the time. It's Brother Jiu, the son-in-law, who sends some food every now and then.

It is completely different from the imaginary father and daughter who meet every now and then.

As the prince Fujin, Shu Shu camped in the wild next to the imperial tent.

There are not only the prince's family members here, but also the imperial concubine not far away, and outsiders are forbidden to enter.

The guards and officials walking around also belonged to the Three Banners.

The station under the Five Banners is at the outermost edge of the entire team.

Unless summoned by Kangxi, the officers and soldiers of the Lower Five Banners did not step forward, and they traveled behind the guards of the Upper Three Banners.

Both belong to the Eight Banners, but it is obvious that Kangxi reused and trusted only the Upper Three Banners that he personally led.

On the way, I arrived at the residence of the prince and princess, and there were houses and courtyards to settle in, and it was almost the same.

Shu Shu was glad that Ama didn't let it out.

Fortunately, I did not marry an ordinary Eight Banners official family.

Otherwise, she will be released with her husband, and she won't be able to return to her mother's house once in three to five years...

I really can't think...

A group of people were welcomed in.

The person waiting at the door here is a capable woman whose age cannot be seen.

Looking at the tall and straight figure, it seems to be about forty.

But the temples are gray, and the wrinkles around the eyes all show the age.

This is a county head.

Shu Shu couldn't help but take a second look.

It looks kind of nice.

After the county magistrate heard about the ranking of the backgrounds of several Fujins, he also looked at Shu Shu several times, with a sense of intimacy in his eyes.

Shu Shu knew it well.

Most of this person is also from the line of Prince Lilie or Guanglue Baylor.

Taiji Mansion has limited regulations, so naturally it has more yards than the Princess Mansion and the Prince's Mansion.

There is only one yard where the prince's family stays.

After all, the house is not too small, and the yard is more spacious, otherwise the seven princes and elder brothers would be placed in one place, and the whole yard would be filled with only the attendants.

There are five main rooms, which are allocated to the elder brother and the third elder brother.

There are six rooms in the East Wing, all of which are three rooms with a partition. They are the fifth elder brother and his wife and the seventh Fujin couple.

There are also six rooms in the west wing, the three rooms in the north are Shu Shu, and the three rooms in the south are the ten and thirteen princes.

Shu Shu just finds it novel and interesting.

If it is an ordinary family, "the parents are here, and the family is not separated", and the daughter-in-law lives in the same house in each house, it should be similar to the current situation.

Then for the sake of three melons and two dates, sisters-in-law and so on.

Both Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin looked unhappy.

It's different from living in the palace before.

At that time, the place was very small, and there were not so many people crowded in one yard.

"It's too inconvenient to see people looking up but not looking down..."

Qifujin dragged Wufujin over to look for Shushu, looked in the direction of Shangfang, and complained in a low voice.

Wu Fujin was also troubled: "This is going to stay for two days..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't say anything.

Long before leaving Beijing, Sanfujin sent someone to invite her over, and mentioned this Tian Gege inside and outside the words, with a rather cautious look, and asked Shu Shu to help keep an eye on him to see if there was anything wrong with him outside.

Shu Shu's brain is not in the water, so naturally she won't get involved in other people's wives and concubines, even if one of them is her own cousin.

Because of the age difference between the two, they didn't grow up in the same group, so it would be a lie to say that they were close.

Look at the enthusiasm, it's more after both of them became Prince Fujin.

In the early years when Shushu's Ama was only a leader or a leader, she probably couldn't get into the eyes of Sanfujin, the daughter of the government.

Taiji's banquet will be arranged tomorrow.

The team will start again in the morning of the day after tomorrow, and everyone will spend two days together in this yard.

The ones who put Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin in trouble are naturally not the eldest brother or the third elder brother.

We are the relationship between elder brother and younger sister-in-law, only those who avoid each other, even if we meet, just greet each other generously.

The princes were all accompanying the imperial court, and they mostly came back to settle down at night, so be careful, and you won't be able to touch them easily.

What made them difficult was the Gege...

"The two princesses next to King Zhijun were both asked by his sister-in-law during this year's election. They don't know much about their qualifications...Tian Gege brought by King Chengjun is an old man from the second school. He seems to be Gege who taught personnel back then. Not much worse than the third sister-in-law, and she gave birth to a second son in three months, and the child is a merit, but the little elder brother didn't stand still, or I'm afraid that he has already been sealed as a side Fujin..."

Seven Fujin was well informed and was talking to Shu Shu.

The "second office" she mentioned was the second office of Qiandong where King Chengjun of San Age resided.

The third elder brother was born in the sixteenth year of Kangxi, six years older than the ninth elder brother.

He got married in the thirty-first year of Kangxi, and San Fujin was the show girl of that year.

According to the rules, before the big wedding, the beautiful girl from the Ministry of Internal Affairs was referred to as Gege, so Tian Gege really has a lot of qualifications.

With pets, qualifications, and sons, he is properly allowed to join Fujin.

The patriarchal edict system makes people speechless.

Perhaps it was to appease the Fujins of the royal family when the country was founded. After all, everyone married as a Fujin. When the Taizong Dynasty established the rules and nominally divided the sons and daughters, naturally many people were dissatisfied.

So it came out that the side Fujin has a crown and belt, and it is listed in the imperial book. The "side out" of the children is equivalent to the birth of the descendants, and they are conferred together with the children born to the Fujin, and they are not counted as concubines.

It is still a kind of "concubine".

The emperor Shizu was able to ascend the throne because of this. His biological mother was one of the Five Palaces Fujin, and she was a legitimate son.

Later, after entering the customs, this clan system was extended.

Don't look at the current Tian family as Gege, but when you ask for the title of side Fujin, the crown system is equivalent to that of Mrs. Baylor.

Shu Shu, Prince Fujin is fine. Before her husband was conferred a title, his status was aloof. When he met Prince Fujin, he also talked about family etiquette according to his seniority.

Below Prince Fujin, Prince Fujin is the respected one.

For the county king, side Fujin, etc., it is naturally a matter of dignity.

The husbands of Wufujin and Qifujin have already been knighted, and they follow their husbands' ranks. It may be that seeing Tian's in the future is just a courtesy.

Even because of the high ranking of San Age, Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin had to salute first.

At that time, it will be my sister-in-law.

That's why the two of them are now in a dilemma, feeling that it should not be taken lightly or seriously.

If you are polite to Tian Gege, there are still two elder brother Gege...

If they were all polite, it would be a lawsuit if it was passed back to Da Fujin and San Fujin.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and suggested: "It's better as usual..."

Even if Tian Gege is a prospective side Fujin, he is not yet. The official title of "Chengjun King's Palace Lady" is too polite, and instead loses the status of Prince Fujin.

If you don't take the initiative to meet, you will deal with it according to your current status when you see it, and you don't need to treat it differently.

Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin nodded in unison: "There is no other way, but this is the only way..."

Neither of them were very interested.

It should be thinking of themselves, the family still has an eldest son.

The mother of the eldest son of the concubine is of similar background as Tian Gege.

If you are qualified, "Mother is more expensive than her child", please be named "Mrs. Baylor" for "merit in childbearing", and the crown system is equivalent to Mrs. Beizi.

At that time, the eldest son of the concubine will become the elder brother who is equivalent to the eldest son of the concubine.

Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin were no longer in the mood to joke, and each went back to pack their luggage...

(End of this chapter)

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