My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 162 Ambition

Chapter 162 Ambition
September is coming soon, the weather in the capital is still pleasant, and the grasslands will feel chill sooner or later.

In addition to jackets and vests, small woolen clothes should also be turned out for preparation.

Shu Shu was a little sad.

Mrs. Baylor can still be polite when she sees the county king, side Fujin, but Mrs. Beizi will be respectful when she sees the county king, side Fujin!
Think about the series of princes, county kings, and the children on Brother Jiu after the crown prince was abolished...

At that time, there will be a bunch of Prince Fang Fujin and County King Fang Fujin...

Shu Shu felt that Viscount Bei was too low.

I didn't think about the ritual discussion here before.

If it is according to the status of seniority, this salute is enough, after all, they are all elders.

But according to the rank of the title...

It seems that I can't bear it...

Not only is she going to present to countless side Fujins, but also her children, who will be born after elder brothers and princesses in these prince's and county prince's mansions, even the concubines of others.

The same grandson, why?
Shu Shu felt that her heart was a little messed up.

In the face of the temptation of power, it is really necessary to be calm and calm all the time.

It is not easy to be mediocre.

Brother Nine hadn't thought of seizing the heir, yet Shu Shu was going to be wild.

She asked Walnut to find out the pen and ink, and began to write her own letters to calm herself down.

The grassland scenery is vast and magnificent...

The sorrow of the daughters of the sect marrying away...

And there are great business opportunities in this frontier...

Shu Shu was a little stunned.

Brother Jiu's "filial piety" to Kangxi the day before yesterday is the first one...

There will be a second and third crop in the future...

When can I accumulate a prince hat?

Not to mention ascending to the sky in one step, directly being a prince, a county prince is fundamental.

Just as she was thinking, someone pulled the pen out of her hand.

"What crooked ways are you thinking about?"

It's brother Jiu who's back.

While playing with the writing brush, he teased, his eyes wandering over Shu Shu, his face pale.

Shu Shu didn't smile, she leaned into Brother Nine's ear, and said in a solemn and soft voice: "I'm wondering how much gold I need to change my master's hat..."

Brother Jiu stopped his movements, looked at Shu Shu and said, "Why do you mention this?"

Shu Shu didn't hide it, pointed to the direction of the upper room, and said with emotion: "If the master's title is lowered, I don't know how many side Fujin will have to salute in the future..."

Two princes are side Fujin, and the county king is one side Fujin.

In addition to the princes who will be named princes and county kings later, there are more than a dozen princes and county kings in the clan outside.

Brother Nine held Shu Shu's hand, and said in a low voice: "The idea of ​​the belt is hopeless... But one can be two, not repeated, it's a one-shot deal... Selling medicine can last for a long time... ...I guess I can save a lot of money by then..."

Shu Shu thought about it carefully, then shook his head and said: "No one is being taken advantage of. Even if the sales are good at the beginning, what about in the future? Some tribes in Mongolia are not far from the capital, and many princes and princes are working in Beijing... When the time comes to think about the price difference, this It's not easy to do business..."

Brother Jiu fell into deep thought, and finally felt helpless: "Yes, the two places have the same news, and they are not separated for a long time... On the side of Monan Mongolia, it is a one or two-year business; Mobei is far away from Beijing, and the children are in Beijing. There are also few, and it can last for two or three years..."

As he said that, he felt a bit reluctant: "This business route will be useless after two or three years? Or, let's try to sell tea at the side..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu shook her head quickly.

Since paying attention to tea, she has checked a lot of information.

It is really difficult to get involved in the business of selling tea on the sidelines.

Decades after the founding of the Qing Dynasty, the border tea market has matured.

For the sale of official tea in Mongolia, the departmental ticket system is used.

This ticket, similar to Chayin, was issued by the yamen of the Lifan Court.

The Lifan Court is divided into three seasons: spring, summer and winter, and the invoices go to three local yamen.

In the spring, it was issued to the "Suiyuan General's Mansion" in Guihua City, in the summer to the "Chahar Dutong Mansion" in Zhangjiakou, and in winter to the "Tongzhi Yamen" in Doron Nuoer.

Tea merchants collect tickets from Guihua City, Zhangjiakou, and Duolunnuoer, and then sell tea in a limited area.

This will do more harm than good by meddling casually.

If you want to do your own tea business, you can take the high-end route.

In addition to the prosperous capital and Jiangnan, if you want to expand the market, you can also try to export to the East or the West.

Shu Shu talked to Brother Nine carefully.

Brother Nine nodded, then shook his head again: "It's not that simple to confer a title. You don't bring people into the flag, you just get the people who are under the Five Banners. A high rank will easily cause dissatisfaction with the clan; bring people into the flag, and divide them up." The most important thing is to lead the three banners, Khan Ama is probably reluctant to send more people out... Fifth brother and the others are on the side of military merit, plus there are only two county kings, and the rest are Baylor, the clan is still safe... If you want to have a higher title when you are first conferred, besides silver, you have to accumulate other credits..."

Speaking of this, he felt annoyed: "It would be great if I was born two years earlier, and I can catch up with this wave... Once Galdan dies, Moxi Mongolia will be torn apart, and live in peace for a while..."

Shu Shu thought about the known history.

When will there be another storm in Moxi Mongolia?
The period from the later years of Kangxi to the early years of Yongzheng was also the most beautiful time for the "General King" of the Fourteenth Prince and the "General of the Year" of Nian Gengyao.

It has been several years since the second entrustment of the prince.

"Don't worry, take your time... Isn't it important for the master to go back? Let's think about it and see what is related to the people's livelihood..."

Shu Shu said: "Just make two preparations, credit must be made, and more money should be saved..."

Although this kind of credit is not comparable to military merit, it is also a political achievement that cannot be ignored if you really want to improve weapons or farm tools.

Nine elder brothers nodded, looking radiant: "Don't worry, the master will definitely earn you a county king Fujin..."

Shu Shu nodded without hesitation, and looked at Brother Jiu trustingly.

Even if Brother Nine is not strong enough alone, there is still the bonus of Fujin himself.

It's not to fight for the throne, a county king can't earn the title?

Shu Shu gained confidence, and her face became more relaxed.

On the contrary, Brother Nine was a little hesitant, hesitated again and again, and said: "Forget about making money, the old ten is not short of money; for accumulating credit, can you pull the old ten?"

Hearing this, Shu Shu opened her mouth, not knowing where to start.

Elder Brother Shi is the son of a noble concubine, who does nothing, and was first appointed as the county king.

If you do, will you be crowned prince for the first time?
Most of them are the county kings, because they want to be suppressed, leaving room for the next emperor to show mercy.

Who is the ten elder brothers who are distinguished.

According to the rules of the Taizu Dynasty or the Taizong Dynasty, if the crown prince made a mistake, or the position was unstable, Elder Brother Ten would be the next crown prince candidate.

But Kangxi acted very contradictory.

Sometimes they pay more attention to the concubine, and sometimes they leave the concubine behind.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be flattering the elder brother and create a situation where the eldest son and the first son compete.

After Brother Jiu asked, he also thought of the powerful relationship in his heart, and felt depressed: "The other brothers can all make contributions to earn titles, and the old ten will only be able to idle around in this life..."

Shu Shu was silent.

Thinking about it from another angle, Brother Ten is the way to protect himself.

If he really deserves a lot of credit, then unless he himself is in the position, or Brother Nine is in the position, anyone will be afraid of him when he takes the position.

Just like the situation of Prince Li Lie in the Taizong Dynasty.

Brother King, the head of all kings, seems to be respected, but actually walks on thin ice.

There is also Prince Suwu, the elder brother of the Shizu Dynasty, who has received a lot of grace, but that is because he has been killed by Dorgon.

The current elder brother, Prince Yu Fuquan, has been silent for ten years since the [-]th year of Kangxi.

Back then, Kangxi needed to uplift his brothers and fight against the clan princes, so he made them all princes, and divided a large number of people from the upper three banners.

When the clan meritorious kings passed away one after another, Kangxi was in power, and there was no need for the brothers to rely on each other for help, so many assistants were taken back, and the princes were left idle.

Several generations of emperors have been wooing the "brother king" on the surface, but suppressing them in reality.

The root cause is that these successors are at the front and can pose a threat to the imperial power.

In particular, Prince Lilie and Prince Suwu, both the founding kings and banner owners, had the qualifications and ability to fight for the throne, but they missed the throne by coincidence.

Shu Shu hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "Master, have you ever thought about... from the power of the dragon?"

Brother Jiu stared at Shu Shu intently, nodded slightly after a while, curled his lips and said, "Why haven't you thought about it? Who doesn't want to be a powerful assistant prince? But Khan Ama has many sons, and there is an annoying The third child is at the front, so it's never my turn to go to the crown prince's side..."

Shu Shu's eyes flickered, and he asked softly: "If you give me a chance to learn from the dragon, what will I do?"

"It must be pulling the old ten. Brothers are united, and their strength can break gold!"

Brother Jiu said without thinking.

"Why don't you pull Fifth Brother?"

Shu Shu continued to ask.

Brother Jiu glanced at her suspiciously: "You are always smart, you never thought of this? If the crown prince makes a mistake and we both fall into it, what will the empress do in the future? There must be a son who doesn't care about anything, and you can't do anything." It’s good to make a back road.”

It is rare to understand!
"Aren't you afraid of hurting Elder Brother Ten?"

Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu, observing his expression.

Brother Nine felt a little helpless, but also a little proud: "What can I do? Old Shi has always been clinging to my master, and I can't tear him apart..."

Shu Shu held Brother Nine's hand, with a solemn expression: "Master, I can't tear myself apart..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's natural, husband and wife are one, do you still want to break up with the master?"

"There is also the empress, who cannot be separated from the master. The relationship between mother and child is the deepest bond in the world... and fifth brother, the brotherhood of compatriots, you can't get rid of it if you want to get rid of it..."

Shu Shu took a very solemn tone.

Brother Jiu also stopped laughing, and looked at Shu Shu: "Why are you bringing up these invisible things? It sounds weird... Didn't we agree that we will discuss things more in the future, and I can still hide it from you. To curry favor with the prince in private?"

Shu Shu hugged Ninth Brother, and said softly: "I can accept it. In my heart, my mother, Fifth Brother, and Tenth Brother are in front of me... Others, it won't be..."

Brother Jiu misunderstood her, and hugged her back, with dissatisfaction in his tone: "This is seeing the relationship between the eldest and the third child, and thinking about it again... Really, I'm not very courageous, and I still scare myself. The kind that spoils concubines and destroys wives? Don't worry, in my heart, you are the same as your empress..."

Shu Shu covered her expression.

I didn't know how to be relieved for a while, but it was still funny.

This unfilial son!
But he didn't think of Eighth Brother? !

Is it a turnaround?

Before Shu Shu could be happy, Brother Nine had already continued to mutter: "My Lady, Fifth Brother, Eighth Brother, Old Ten, plus you, these are the only people I care about..."

 The third update is before [-]:[-] pm, ^_^, happy weekend everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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