Chapter 163 Tired

Shu Shu let out a long breath, and reminded quietly: "In the future, I will also add the emperor... so as not to show his whereabouts anytime, it will be a mistake..."

Brother Jiu's eyes drifted, and he said firmly: "You still need to remind me, the master who said it seems to be unfilial, and Khan Ama is naturally in the master's heart, it is not obvious, the master did not say..."

Shu Shu didn't quarrel with him either.

After a short time, the eunuch next to the elder brother came to send a message: "Our master will compete with the Mongolian warriors in the banner camp in the afternoon to try archery. Appreciate the past..."

After the little eunuch delivered the message, he went next door to see the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu with reluctance: "This hot guy, Qiuhuo is very powerful, why are you tossing?"

Shu Shu whispered: "It's rare for the king of Zhijun to give an order. I'd better go over there and get a head to cheer me up... I'll just pass by like this, without changing clothes..." After saying this, he stretched out his hand and pulled off his ivory finger, He also took some purses and sachets and tied them around his waist.

Brother Jiu has been riding the car for the past two days. He is wearing regular clothes, not riding clothes. With a little work, it looks a little cumbersome, but it also looks rich and exquisite.

Brother Jiu felt uncomfortable, touched his thumb, and coughed lightly: "It's rare to be stationed early today and have half a day's leisure. Don't you want to spend time with you?"

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Yes, yes, I know that Master is the most considerate... When I get to Shengjing, Master will accompany me to go out..."

As for here, forget it.

Those who went out to cheer up brought a group of guards and guards, and the bannermen and people they met along the way kowtowed tremblingly.

Brother Nine was still dawdling, and whispered: "The boss is okay, but the third son is the most annoying. What if you insist on archery?"

Brother Jiu felt that he was either afraid of losing, or he was afraid of ending up in full view, and he hadn't won yet.

At first, he didn't feel that he had any shortcomings in this area, it was at the level of ordinary people, but after seeing Shu Shu practicing archery...

Brother Nine feels that there is no need to embarrass himself, everyone has strengths, and no one can cover everything, so there is no need to exploit weaknesses and avoid strengths.

Shu Shu said: "There is the Zhijun King, who will protect the Lord..."

Brother Nine curled his lips: "Boss will be protective, but he won't be able to teach you a lesson later..."

The tenth elder brother has already raised his voice outside: "Ninth brother, come out quickly, let's greet the eldest brother early, and save a lamb leg for the sisters-in-law as supper..."

Brother Jiu touched his sleeves, and said to Shu Shu: "Then the master is gone, you can eat a few bites for dinner, and wait for the roast leg of lamb..."

Shu Shu nodded happily.

After entering Mongolia for half a month, I ate roast lamb a few times, and I still can't forget it.

Just thinking of Brother Jiu's stomach, she couldn't help but remind her: "Master, eat a few less... If you want to eat, eat a few more roasted lamb tails..."

Brother Jiu curled his lips: "You're not afraid of getting tired of Grandpa..."

At this moment, Elder Brother Ten has already ordered Xiaotang at the top of his voice outside: "Girl Xiaotang, bring me two bags of barbecue ingredients, one with pepper..." At this point, he paused and added : "Wrap the one without pepper, brother Jiu can't eat spicy food..."

Then there was Xiaotang's answering voice, and he should go look for it.

After hearing this, Shu Shu salivated when he thought of the taste of spicy lamb leg. He held Brother Jiu's arm and said, "If you have time, please bake me a double-spicy one, and put more pepper..."

Brother Jiu looked at her with disapproval: "For supper at night, a little spicy is fine, how spicy do you want? Are you afraid of diarrhea?"

Shu Shu didn't speak, just looked at Brother Jiu eagerly.

Brother Jiu couldn't bear the sight, so he pouted and said: "Okay, okay... I understand, but it's a deal, and when the time comes, I will send it back. You have to eat a few bites, and you are not allowed to see it." Eat as much as you want, or there will be no next time..."

"Hmm, um! Listen to me!"

Shu Shu responded repeatedly, and decided to wait until Shengjing, when it was convenient to live, must have a barbecue.

Want to eat more than roast leg of lamb?

What grilled mushrooms, grilled eggplant, grilled beans, all arranged.

Mix up a glass of soda with the fruit juice.

Brother Jiu went out.

In the yard, the tenth elder brother got the seasoning, and urged the thirteenth elder brother to the window: "Old thirteen, hurry up too, big girl, why are you dawdling?"

The thirteenth elder brother came out of the house, changed his clothes, tied his sleeves, and carried a bow on his back, with the little eunuch behind him carrying a quiver.

Seeing the ninth and tenth brothers dressed up, the thirteenth brother was surprised: "Why don't the ninth and tenth brothers change their clothes? What if there is riding and shooting? What about the bow?"

The tenth elder brother pulled the ninth elder brother to turn around and left, saying as he walked: "Hurry up and catch up... Let's be young, as long as you appear on the stage... I can't get all the rewards, so what's the matter... ..."

The thirteenth elder brother followed immediately: "Well, well, brother ten is right. Don't worry, brother ten, I will leave it to my younger brother..."

The younger brothers brought their personal eunuchs, and a bunch of people left after hula la.

The sound of complicated footsteps gradually faded away, and the courtyard returned to calm.

Shu Shu closed her little notebook.

Eighth brother, it's really not easy to get over the hurdle...

Just as the tenth elder brother clings to the ninth elder brother, the ninth elder brother also relies on the eighth elder brother in his heart.

Ten years of relationship, how can it be alienated in a few months?
Things are back to square one.

Shu Shu is not depressed, her wedding is less than three months away, so there is no rush.

There was movement at the door, it was Qifujin's nanny coming over.

"Seeing that it's time to pick up the meal, our Fujin invites Jiu Fujin to come and use it..."

Shu Shu nodded: "Mommy go back first, I'll go there right away..."

Mammy is blessed.

Shu Shu called Xiaotang, took out a small jar of mushroom sauce without pepper, and took it over.

The guest is the host.

Today's dinner was prepared by Taiji Mansion, Shu Shu didn't bother to send someone to the kitchen to point fingers, and didn't know if it would suit everyone's taste.

Grab the mushroom sauce and be prepared.

If it doesn't suit your taste, just eat a few mouthfuls of pasta with mushroom sauce.

In Qifujin's room, Wufujin was already there.

Qifu Jin greeted Shu Shu and said: "It's good that their brothers are not here, otherwise you are all in pairs, and I feel sorry for being alone..."

Shu Shu put down the mushroom sauce, and said: "Seventh Sister-in-Law can bear it any longer, maybe after ten and a half months, she will be able to get over her lovesickness..."

"Ten days and a half months is not enough, it just happened to collide with the little days..."

Qi Fujin fiddled with his fingers, made up his mind, and shook his head.

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin looked at each other helplessly.

Wu Fujin blushed with embarrassment, lowered his eyes and said in a low voice: "Siblings and sisters don't need to say this in front of others..."

Qi Fujin was puzzled and said: "What can't be said? Which couple is not like this? If you don't bother with this, can you conceive little elder brother and little Gege?"

Shu Shu said from the side: "Sister-in-law Seven, the meaning of sister-in-law five, the matter between the bed, involves the privacy of the husband and wife... You don't need to talk to others, just know it in your heart... Otherwise, what will happen to me and sister-in-law five..."

As a sister-in-law, do you hear that your uncle and aunt's sex is harmonious or not?
Or as a little aunt, listening to the battle between the uncle and the sister-in-law for a few rounds?
Qi Fujin covered her mouth and smiled: "Okay, okay, I won't talk about it in the future... Fifth sister-in-law is also, what are you doing? You can't let it go like this, be careful that you are at a disadvantage..."

As she said that, she glanced at Shu Shu: "I believe my sister-in-law is thin-skinned, but what about you? Don't pretend to be shy in front of me... Who made all the trouble the night before yesterday? Asked for water twice?"

Shu Shu's expression didn't change, she was very helpless: "Sister-in-law Seven misunderstood, she just asked for bath water twice... Didn't this mean that she lived under the tent for a few days and could only wipe her body, but the day before yesterday she wanted to take a good bubble... Don't want to do it a second time, and let our grandfather use the rest of my bath water..."

Qifujin raised his eyebrows and said: "It's not this... But someone saw it, and it was the third watch, and the old nine came out and asked He Yuzhu to go to the water room to fetch water..."

"That's because the bath water is cold..."

Shu Shu said without changing his expression.


Seven Fujin has some faith.

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Of course..."

The night before yesterday, it was sister-in-law and brother-in-law, both living in the same yard, Shu Shu was careful not to make strange noises.

Seeing her being so generous, Qifujin felt a little embarrassed: "That's my misunderstanding..."

After a short while, the eunuch beside the three of them came back carrying food, but it was in a mighty manner, bringing many servants from Taiji Mansion with them.

It turns out that Taiji Mansion didn't have a banquet today, but they still prepared a table.

The several princes, Fujin, are here with a table carefully prepared.

In addition to the "six tops and six" specifications, two big dishes are added.

"Six tops six" are six cold dishes and six bowl dishes.

As for the dishes, it is a mixture of Mongolian meal and full meal.

Several cold dishes are heart and liver platter, mutton sausage and sheep blood sausage platter, peanuts with frosting, pickled garlic, melon seeds in sauce, and emerald flower pickles.

Several bowls of dishes are stewed whole chicken, stewed meat, stewed lamb chops, stewed roe deer meat, braised tripe shreds, and braised lamb tendons.

The two big dishes are hand-picked mutton and braised pork elbow.

In addition, there are two drinks of yogurt and almond milk, and two kinds of mutton buns and yellow rice bean buns.

Qi Fujin's eyes fell directly on Cuihua pickles, and said with a smile: "After eating mutton these days, I'm really hungry for it..."

Cuihua pickles are the most common side dishes for Banner families.

The production method is simple, and it is eaten and mixed now.

Shred cabbage heart, coriander, celery, shallot, carrot, white radish, red radish and other vegetables, add salt, soy sauce, sesame oil and mix well.

The taste is crisp and crisp, so it is named "Cui (crispy) flower pickles".

It is colorful, so it is also called "huahua pickles" and "five-flower pickles".

The sisters-in-law washed their hands.

Seventh Fujin asked Wu Fujin to take the upper seat, Shu Shu was on Wufujin's right hand side, and Seventh Fujin was accompanied by the Prime Minister.

Before moving the chopsticks, there was movement at the door.

It was Xiaoyu who came, with a worried expression on his face, and said: "Fujin, Tian Gege sent someone to say that he has some dietary problems, ask Fujin if there is no beef jerky here, if there is, ask someone to fry some, Those who like to eat cumin flavor; if not, please ask Fujin to help you think of a way..."

Shu Shu listened, her eyes dimmed.

Qi Fujin was already annoyed: "What? Who is this ordering?! It's not the county king, Fang Fujin, but his prestige is shaking!"

Wu Fujin was also unhappy, and said to Shu Shu: "Don't bother, I'll talk to Fifth Lord later, let Fifth Lord talk to King Cheng..."

Shu Shu shook his head at Wu Fujin, and said: "Don't bother Brother Wu, we live in the same courtyard for the past two days, so let our master break up with King Cheng directly..."

As she said that, she told Xiaoyu: "Go back and tell me what I said. Not thinking about diet is a big deal. Who knows if it's a symptom of some kind of illness...Ask if you need to help the imperial physician, or report it to the empress first. Just in case...there is beef jerky, but it's not good for her to eat it to avoid suspicion, so as not to make something wrong, I have to recite it..."

This involves something that Shu Shu heard from San Fujin before.

It was in March that Tian Gege himself accidentally gave birth to a little elder brother prematurely, and he died, but he insisted that there was something wrong with the diet, which made her fetus not well-fed.

I didn't dare to mention Sanfujin by name, but the meaning is similar.

It seems that the third elder brother really believed in this rhetoric, and felt that his concubine had been greatly wronged, and he "bear the burden of humiliation" to take care of the overall situation, and the more he doted on him.

Sanfujin was so depressed because of this, and was even more afraid of Tian Gege, so he followed Shu Shu and said it twice, asking her to help pay attention to the matter of the retinue, to see if he could catch something...

 There are [-] words in the third update, pinch your waist and ask for a monthly pass, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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