Chapter 164 Preparation

Main room, west room.

Ge Getian frowned, with a trace of melancholy, watching Xiao Yu's mouth open and close, his face could not hide his shock.

Even though he had heard of this Jiufu Jin a long time ago, Tian didn't have much fear.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would be so relentless, completely disregarding the face of the third elder brother, and directly pushed back to herself.

Tian was ashamed and ashamed, her eyes were red with anger.

Is there a secret in this yard?
This time I tried this time, instead of slapping Jiu Fujin in the face, I slapped myself in the face instead!
Xiao Yu only felt refreshed.

It's the empress dowager, who needs her own Fujin to help, and the empress has to coax her, what is this thing in front of her eyes?
The coated slave, enchanting and enchanting, with a bit of pampering, blatantly ordering the prince Fujin?
Are you not afraid of losing your life? !
With a handkerchief wrapped around Tian Gege's hand, he said aggrievedly: "Is there some misunderstanding in your family's Fujin? It's not that I have no choice, so I asked Jiu Fujin..."

Looking at Tian's face with red lips and white teeth, and a face full of spring, Xiao Yu sighed in her heart, what's wrong?
Is it like this if you don't think about eating?
Even taking Joe to find his own man, what is it to find his own Fujin?
She slandered endlessly, but said respectfully on her face: "Ge Ge misunderstood, my Fujin is also thinking of Ge Ge, who knows what is wrong with this gastrointestinal disorder... In case of delay, it's not good for people who are away from home..."

Tian Gege burst into tears immediately, and sobbed: "It's mine, I don't know the dignity, I don't know what to do to trouble Jiufujin..."

Xiao Yu bowed and said: "It's fine to ask the imperial physician, or to tell the empress, but we don't need to talk about things that Fujin ordered..."

As for those who behaved irregularly, there was no need for Fujin to worry about disciplining them.

Tian Gege's tone also faded: "Don't dare to bother Jiufu Jin..."

Xiao Yu went down.

Tian Gege turned cold.

The little palace maid serving beside her comforted softly: "Ge Ge don't be angry, I heard that Jiufu Jin has always acted arrogantly, and he likes to make faces the most. No one will give face, and it may not be aimed at Ge Ge..."

"Not for me what?"

Tian Gege dissatisfied: "Send food everywhere, mine, it's the same as those two people in the east room, who is this humiliating..."

The little maid lowered her head and did not speak.

The three of them are all Gege in terms of names, or are they all princesses of the county, if they don't send the same ones, they have to be divided into two classes?
Although my monthly money and daily supplies have already been upgraded, according to Fang Fujin's example, but it is a subsidy from my elder brother, and I haven't officially asked for it yet.

"I sent cakes yesterday morning, knowing that the third master still has me here, but I only sent one piece of cake..."

When Tian Gege mentioned this, he was even more angry: "She did it on purpose! For her good cousin, she intentionally shamed me! It's still the prince Fujin, who doesn't understand the rules, and meddles in the inner house of the elder brother and brother-in-law... I don't know what happened to Dong E's family taught, one is more arrogant than the other..."

There is another reason Tian Gege didn't say.

That's why she got the news from Fujin before, knowing that Fujin found Jiu Fujin, and made Jiu Fujin stare at her fault.

Getting into this fight can be regarded as a precaution.

When Jiufujin targeted and convicted himself, he would have room to defend himself.

Thinking about it, Tian's heart was filled with soreness, and she picked up the fringed "Side Hat" beside her, and turned to the poem "Hua Tang Chun".

One pair, one generation, one pair, arguing to teach two places of ecstasy.

Lovesick, but not blind date, who spring is the sky?
Tian Gege stared straight at the words "a pair of people", tears streaming down involuntarily...

In Qifujin's house, several younger sisters-in-law were still eating.

Being taken by Qifujin, even Shu Shu ate several mouthfuls of Cuihua pickles.

The whole day is never tired of fine food and fine meat. This simple way of eating is really refreshing. It is also suitable for lamb and sauced pork with this pairing.

That's the name, very old-fashioned.

Shu Shu thought of a legendary figure and a ballad that was once popular all over the country.

The place where we are now is the hinterland of the Horqin Grassland, which is the "hometown of Xiaozhuang" for later generations.

Hundreds of years later, this place, along with several other alliance cities in the eastern part of Mongolia, together with the three eastern provinces, was called "Northeast".

It is in public perception that Mongolia is often overlooked.

Shu Shu finds it miraculous that the eating habits of this land have been passed down in one continuous line.

The Mongolian meals of later generations are almost the same as hand-held meat, mutton pies, yogurt and milk tea.

Shu Shu ate with great relish, and Wu Fujin, who usually doesn't like meat very much, picked up two extra chopsticks.

After the three of them finished eating, they rinsed their mouths and changed to barley tea.

Qi Fujin rubbed his stomach, and lamented: "I really don't have a long memory... I don't want to eat with my siblings anymore, and I ate an extra piece of pie today... If this continues, I will get fatter when I see our master lock up……"

Shu Shu comforted: "Don't worry, eat less after eating..."

Qi Fujin touched her belly: "It's like a bottomless pit, you eat as much as a cow, and you don't see any growth, so you ate for nothing..."

Wu Fujin was afraid that Shu Shu would be uncomfortable, and said: "She is still young, she is growing..."

Qi Fujin said with a smile: "Sister-in-law Wu doesn't need to try to cover up for her, I don't know how much she eats? When I was young, I went to my house, and she was called a good, pink and jade-carved little baby, with a sweet mouth and a way of coaxing people. Er Nie wished to tie up our sisters and exchange her for one... I, Er Nie, kept the meal, pleaded, and stayed again, before nodding... In the end, I ate three bowls of rice, how old was it at that time? Seven or eight years old, still I didn’t keep my head, I was so scared, I didn’t dare to tell my aunt to eat it... I even mentioned it to my aunt, asking if I need to ask a pediatrician, because I’m afraid it’s going to hurt my stomach..."

Shu Shu listened to the anecdotes of her own childhood, and laughed along with her: "It's been like this since I was a child, go to other people's houses for dinner, if you don't know them well, eat less in a polite manner, so as not to make people greedy for jokes; Eat at least two bowls of rice, even if it's pickled melon seeds, I think it's more fragrant than my own. I, Ernie, said that this is because of my Ama, 'the fragrance of the pot' little six is ​​the same..."

It was only then that Wu Fujin remembered that their natal families were not only in the same banner, but also lived next to each other: "It's all fate, since they were childhood partners, they married and became sisters-in-law..."

Qi Fujin nodded with a smile: "Isn't that so... Shu Shu is not very old, she was like an adult when she was a child... When I was putting on makeup, I was not happy to see me, and she knew how to let go of me behind her back, that's the same reason It’s the same thing, with a small mouth, it can make people confused... At that time, I thought it was all childish talk... But after I entered the palace, I knew the situation in the palace, and I thought it was very reasonable... I persuade myself, see If you are happy, life will go your way, so I sincerely thank her..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "I'm a theoretical school. Last year when I persuaded my sister, I was very logical. This year, I pointed out the marriage plan..." Speaking of this, she lowered her volume: "I was also dumbfounded. It took me a while to recover..."

Not only is she dumbfounded, she's almost the same as Wu Lei Bang Ding, especially when her marriage partner is Brother Nine, who has a notorious reputation in history and a tragic end, and in real life, he is the one who just ended up with a feud.

The three sisters-in-law and sisters-in-law looked at each other, showing some sympathy for each other.

Based on their family background, if they married into a well-matched family, life would be easier and more confident than they are now.

It is not easy to marry high, and it is even more difficult to marry high to the royal family.

Not to mention that the mother's family can't be a help, it has become a hindrance.

No matter what their temperament was in the past, now they are all tied up, so as not to make mistakes, implicate their natal family's reputation, and affect the future of Brother Ama.

Xiaoyu had already delivered the message and came back. Just now, she saw that the Fujins were still eating and hadn't come in. They were waiting at the door.

Seeing that the tables were cleared away, she came in and reported the situation when she saw Mrs. Tian just now.

Qi Fujin smiled and said: "This is a talented woman who is crying in the wind! Isn't she a daughter with a pen and a post? It seems that others are blind. I have seen it twice. Yes, her back is straight but straight, she is very arrogant, like no one can get her eyes, and she doesn't know what arrogance is..."

Shu Shu has never met anyone before, so it's hard to comment.

But according to Qifujin, she thought of Sanfujin.

Dong E's family is the earliest family of the nobles of the Eight Banners who were Sinicized.

Regardless of the children of the younger generation, they all want to study when they are young.

My own cousin is also a beauty who likes to read poetry and books.

She is weak in front of others, and her heart is high, and she likes to make adjustments for sorrow and sorrow.

These two wives and concubines are actually the same type of beauties.

Wu Fujin seemed to be touched, and sighed: "Sometimes reading too much may not be a good thing, it's not a good thing, it can't be said that life is more comfortable..."

Qi Fujin thought it was Tian Gege who was talking about, and nodded in agreement: "I am more excited after reading too much, but my identity is here...I can't think about it, but it makes me feel even more uncomfortable..."

Because of mentioning Princesses, Qi Fujin looked at Shu Shu: "Where are the two in your yard? Why is there no movement at all?"

It's not easy for Shu Shu to tell the truth, what kind of empress is considerate, the two of them are ordinary-looking, and Brother Jiu dislikes it.

Others are throwing chicken feathers all over the place, and you show that your life is going well, that's not winking.

She just sighed, and said: "I guess I'm afraid, what kind of reputation has my reputation been spread by those people in the House of Internal Affairs? It's like a fierce god, and my status is still on display. I don't bother to talk to them, so they just hide away." far away."

Qi Fujin frowned and said: "You also have to be careful, lest they hide traitors and make a fearful gesture on purpose to ruin your reputation... Others don't know the inside story, and they think you're trying to torture others, which scares them out of courage... We The one in the backyard used this trick to apply eye drops in front of Master Qi, and told me to clean it up before being honest..."

"I see, thank you Seventh Sister-in-law."

Shu Shu knew her kind reminder and appreciated it very much.

The sisters-in-law sighed once, drank half a cup of tea, and then dispersed.

In an open space between Taiji Mansion and Eight Banners Camp.

Surrounded by dozens of people.

There is a clear distinction between Wei and Wei, and they are divided into two groups.

Several princes and elder brothers and several guards from Shangsanqi are on the side.

On the other side are a few idle Mongolian princes, and a few grandchildren of Taiji, with a few tall and strong Mongolian warriors.

The Mongols like wrestling, horseback riding, and archery the most. Today's opponent is the prince elder brother, and the only thing left is archery.

On the field, there have been several rounds, and there have been winners and losers.

Except for a few outstanding guards, they competed with Mongolian archers for two rounds.

Among the princes, fifth elder brother and thirteenth elder brother are also gone.

There are losers and winners.

The fifth elder brother lost, he was not depressed, and his personality was honest. He and Taiji's grandsons have already joined hands and become good friends and brothers.

Brother Thirteen won, got a dagger, pinned it on his belt, suppressed his complacency, and looked humble and polite.

But a game is a game, and there is always a result.

Seeing is the last game.

The third elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother, his eyes fell on his waist, looked at the strings of purses, sachets, finger rings and so on, and finally fell on the Chen Xiangshou plaque.

Looking at the rough carving, the third elder brother was disdainful in his heart, but he said with a smile on his face: "Old Ninth, why don't you give it a try? You can win a lottery, and you will be decent in front of your younger siblings when you go back..."

The ninth elder brother was taken aback, looked at the third elder brother, and said with a half-smile: "The third elder brother is both civil and military, and I haven't made a move yet, so my younger brother won't make a fool of himself..."

The tenth elder brother laughed "haha" and said, "Come on, third brother, show off! When the time comes, take the lottery and coax the little sister-in-law..."

The third elder brother wanted to talk, but the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother worked together to push him out...

(End of this chapter)

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