Chapter 165 Competition

Everyone looked at the third elder brother.

The third elder brother suppressed his displeasure, smiled and nodded to everyone, rolled up his horseshoe sleeves, and picked up a hard bow from the bow stand beside him.

The Mongolian men saw that the county king looked refined and weak, so they didn't take it seriously at first.

Seeing him holding a strong bow, some people kindly stepped forward to persuade him: "My lord, this is a ten-strength bow, be careful if you hurt your arm, the lord should change it..."

Otherwise, if you try to be brave, if you get hurt, everyone will fall.

The third elder brother said with a smile: "It's okay, I will try it first."

Next, Brother San began to try to pull the string, and it didn't look easy.

The Mongolian warriors didn't know his details, so they became more worried.

Ninth Brother and Tenth Brother muttered: "Pretend, what are the ink marks..."

Elder Brother Shi laughed "hehe" and said, "If it weren't for this, how could it surprise people! The third son was a chicken thief when he was young. When we first entered the Shang's study, he always came over to coax us to play, saying that the prince does not study. It doesn't matter, but in the end he boiled the oil by himself, and his eyes almost broke out..."

"And this, why don't you remember?"

It's been ten years, Brother Jiu is a little confused and has no memory at all.

Elder Brother Ten looked at him and said in a low voice, "How old was he then? Twelve years old! Is he black-hearted...Anyway, stay away in the future, don't be fooled by him..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Of course, it's not enough to take advantage, just talk nicely, whoever is stupid will come to him..."

Elder brother Thirteen was by the side, not paying attention to the muttering between the two, and staring at the field intently.

The third elder brother really shined, three arrows in a row were full of bows, and hit the bull's-eye, which immediately aroused a burst of applause.

"The prince of the county is amazing!"

A Mongolian boy clapped his hands.

"This is what the Han people say 'you can't judge a man by his appearance'..."

The Mongolian prince next to the elder brother also sincerely praised it.

Among the princes and elder brothers on the field, the youngest is still a half-grown child, and his archery skills are already very good.

The king of the three counties looked gentle and gentle, but his arm strength was impressive, no less than that of a Mongolian warrior.

The Mongolian man is honest and straightforward, and he is not stingy with his admiration. Seeing that the third elder brother is good at shooting, several people surrounded him.

The third elder brother put the bow down, lowered his sleeves, and said modestly: "It's been a long time since I fired the bow, and it's a little hard..."

A burly Mongolian man next to him said: "I didn't expect the county prince to be so powerful, and the ten-strength bow is so easy, so the twelve-strength bow is about the same?"

The third elder brother waved his hand and said, "It's nothing..."

For the latter question, skip it.

The man was full of enthusiasm, and raised his voice: "The prince of the county, let's compare it too, and use a twelve-strength bow..."

The third elder brother didn't move, his smile was a little stiff.

Eldest brother watched from the sidelines, stepped out, took a bow from the guard next to him, and said to the man: "That day Song, it happened that my hands were itchy, and I came to compare with you, the prize is the bow in my hand." Take the bow..."

Na Risong was attracted, leaned over, looked at the gold foil on the bow, and said excitedly: "How do you compare? Is it still a barrel of arrows?"

The elder brother shook his head: "What's the point of just standing a target, it's better than a living target!"

There are some cages next to them, containing some birds, which are temporarily prepared for this competition.

The two had five standing targets and five live targets.

They are all twelve-strength bows.

When drawing the bow, due to the force, the tendons on the big elder brother's arms jumped up, showing a heroic posture.

The thirteenth elder brother looked at the tendons on the eldest elder brother's arm, and his saliva was about to flow out. He followed the ninth elder brother and said, "If only we could be tall and strong like the eldest brother, that would be great..."

Ninth Brother glanced at Thirteenth Brother's stature, shriveled, with a bit of pride: "I can almost catch up, I'm afraid you have no hope..."

Brother Thirteen was puzzled: "I'm three years younger than Brother Ninth, and I can grow up for several years, so why is there no hope?"

Brother Jiu showed off and said: "What do you eat every day, what do you eat every day?! Sister-in-law Jiu thought of a way to nourish and nourish my grandfather. How could this head be worse? In less than two months, my grandfather will grow up." One inch... In a year and a half, let alone catch up with the boss, it is not uncommon even to surpass it..."

The thirteenth elder brother listened, with an unconvinced face, he glanced at the fifth elder brother, and then at the ninth elder brother, hesitant to speak but stopped.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "What are you looking at? Are you going to say it, or not, and don't murmur in your heart..."

Elder Brother Thirteen straightened his chest and said, "I didn't mutter in my heart, I just thought that Brother Fifth's stature is there, and Brother Ninth should not be much different in the future..."

Speaking of this, he said solemnly: "At that time, I will definitely be taller than Brother Jiu..."

Not only because of this, but mainly because Yifei is not tall, she is the shortest among several concubines and concubines.

"The dragon begets the dragon, and the phoenix begets the phoenix", this superficial cognition, Brother Thirteen still knows.

My forehead is tall, so can I be shorter?

Brother Nine stretched out his hand to touch his forehead and pressed down: "Affirm what is certain, how can you be sure?! Fifth brother is used to the queen mother. When I was young, I was picky eaters. I didn't eat this or that. He was small and fat. He is not tall..."

The fifth elder brother happened to come over. Hearing this sentence, he was unhappy, and scolded the ninth elder brother: "Whose rules are talking about elder brother behind his back? Why am I not tall? I compared it during the Chinese New Year, and I am taller than you." An inch taller..."

Ninth Brother's chin was raised: "Fifth Brother also said that it is Chinese New Year, and it seems that more than half a year has passed... Come... Come... Let's compare again!"

The fifth elder brother stood up close, looking at the shoulders of himself and the ninth elder brother. They were already about the same size, and their faces were a little dark.

The corner of Brother Nine's mouth curled up, looking at the shooting range.

The standing target has been shot.

The live target went to the fourth round.

Both were captured.

In the last round, the remaining half cages of quail and sparrows were released.

"Fluttering", flocks of birds are flying around.

There was a sparrow, which was the first to come out of the cage and flew the highest.

above the flock of birds.

Two arrows flew over at the same time and landed on the sparrow.

With a "click", the two arrows fell to the ground with the sparrow.

Two arrows, one shot through the left wing of the sparrow, and the other hit the right armpit.

Convinced that day, he compared his thumbs to the big brother: "The archery of the prince of the county is this..."

The elder brother sent the strong bow in his hand to Na Risong's arms: "Brother, you are not bad, you are worthy of this bow!"

This strong bow is the same as the thirteenth elder brother's dagger, it is a lottery that the elder brother begged from Kangxi, and it can be regarded as an imperial gift.

That day Songdai had a pleasant surprise, holding his bow and grinning from ear to ear.

The Mongolian warriors who had been watching for a long time swarmed up, surrounding Na Risong and Big Elder Brother.

The third elder brother stood outside the crowd, still smiling reservedly, but a little dull.

The thirteenth elder brother was full of admiration and danced: "The eldest brother is the most powerful!"

Brother Nine was not convinced: "Where is the age, I eat more food than others for ten years..."

Elder Brother Thirteen thought for a while and said, "Brother Ninth is right, when I am as old as Big Brother, I will definitely be able to draw a twelve-strength bow..."

Brother Jiu didn't speak, thinking of Shu Shu's five-strength bow...

He didn't want to continue this topic. He saw that the lamb had been roasted not far away, so he quickly pointed over there and said, "Let's go over and have a look. I promised your sister-in-law that I will roast a double-spicy leg of lamb for her..."

Elder Brother Ten was eager to try: "I first greeted Eldest Brother, he has asked someone to leave a sheep for us..."

As he said that, he looked at the piece of roasted lamb, and recognized a person turning over the roasted lamb in front of the fire. It was the guard next to the elder brother, so he took several elder brothers there.

There are more than a dozen fires in this area, and on each of the fires, a sheep with the skin and guts removed is roasting. It has been roasting for a while, and it is sizzling with oil.

Seeing the elder brothers coming, the guard invited Ann, made room, and grabbed a few more horses and tied them over.

"Today I will be the chef!"

Elder Brother Shi rolled up his sleeves, took a handful of horses and sat on one side, and took out two packets of spices from his pocket.

The lamb has been roasted to a certain degree.

Brother Ten pointed to the two hind legs and made the distribution.

"This one is for Sister-in-law Jiu, this one is for me... Both are twice as spicy..."

As he said that, he pointed to the two front legs again: "Those two packs are filled with non-spicy ingredients, one is for Fifth Sister-in-law and Seventh Sister-in-law, and one for Fifth Brother and Ninth Brother..."

The thirteenth brother sat next to the tenth brother. Hearing this, he became anxious: "Tenth brother, tenth brother, and me..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "You just have to taste it, you won't be able to digest it if you eat too much..."

The thirteenth elder brother pursed his mouth tightly, obviously dissenting.

Fifth elder brother greeted him: "I ate too much for dinner, come over and share this with your ninth brother..."

It was said to be dinner, but there was roasted whole lamb waiting. In fact, everyone just dealt with it in the front yard of Taiji Mansion indiscriminately before the competition.

Brother Thirteen didn't move, just looked at the two hind legs: "Fifth brother, you eat yours, and younger brother also wants to eat spicy food, how about I go to deliver the leg of lamb to Jiusao, and share this with Jiusao... "

Before the words were finished, the elder brother and the third elder brother arrived.

There was a guard who was clever and came over with a Maza.

The big elder brother sat down like a golden horse.

The third elder brother glanced at Maza in disgust, and saw that the brothers were all sitting, so he followed suit.

Eldest brother moved his nose: "It smells so good! No wonder you Zhang Luo grilled it yourself. The old ten is good at grilling meat, and he is very good at it!"

Elder Brother Ten was very proud, holding the two seasoning packets in his hands, showing off a bit: "The secret barbecue ingredients provided by Sister-in-law Nine are the only ones in the world!"

Big Brother laughed and said, "Then I'll just wait and eat..."

Elder Brother Ten couldn't help being dumbfounded, and looked at a few leg of lamb: "Then brother, do you eat spicy food or not spicy food?

Eldest brother was puzzled: "How about this?"

As he spoke, he took a look, carefully smelled the source of the fragrance, and pointed to a hind leg: "I'll eat this..."

Elder Brother Ten shook his head quickly: "This is for Sister-in-Law Jiu..."

"Then that..."

The big brother pointed to the other hind leg.

Brother Thirteen hurriedly said, "This is mine and Brother Ten..."

Seeing him guarding the food, the elder brother couldn't laugh or cry: "Then the front legs can't be finished too..."

Those bastard brothers all forgot who prepared the sheep.

The thirteenth elder brother nodded hurriedly: "One is for sister-in-law fifth and sister-in-law seven, and the other is for elder brother fifth and ninth brother. They don't put spicy food... Big brother wants spicy food, you can eat lamb chops, lamb chops are also delicious... ..."

The eldest elder brother snorted softly: "Master, I'm going to eat leg of lamb tonight..." As he spoke, he called the guards who had just come over and gave a few instructions.

After a while, two guards came over carrying the grill. On the grill was a [-]-[-]% roasted lamb, which was a circle bigger than the one roasted by Brother Shi.

The people who followed behind also took a lot of wood.

It turned out that the eldest brother asked someone to keep two sheep, and he kept the ones roasted on the bonfire next to them.

Two bonfires merged into one.

Eldest Brother and Tenth Brother stretched out their hands: "Hand over the rest of the seasoning, mainly the spicy one..."

Elder Brother Ten was only willing to give more than half, and kept a small half of each item: "I have to spread the ingredients again later..."

The eldest elder brother greeted the third and fifth elder brothers: "The three of us share this one..."

The third elder brother sat down and said politely: "Then wait and try the handicraft of the eldest brother..." He hesitated for a while: "Brother, if I am rich, can I keep a leg of lamb?"

The fifth elder brother was beside him, and he also said: "Brother, I also want to keep it, and give a copy to the queen mother and empress..."

(End of this chapter)

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