Chapter 166 Clever
One sheep, so much meat.

It is also filial to the elders, so the big brother naturally has no objection.

The fifth elder brother smiled and said: "Brother, you need a little bit of spicy food, this one is fragrant... my brother and sister's seasoning is good... baked, I will send it to the queen mother and empress first..."

The third elder brother hurriedly laughed and said: "Fifth brother wants to go with me. I just wanted to leave it to Han Ama, so I told my elder brother to keep a leg of lamb... I will send it to Khan Ama..."

The eldest elder brother glanced at the third elder brother and said nothing.

There are not many spicy seasoning packets, so he mixed the two seasoning packets in his hand.

Sprinkle evenly on several lamb legs, and some on the position of the lamb chops.

It is estimated that after half an hour, Phnom Penh in the sky disappeared.

Night fell over the field.

The sky is full of stars.

The roasted whole lamb on the ground is almost ready one after another.

In particular, the two lambs roasted by the princes and elder brothers are bright in color and overbearing in fragrance, spreading out in all directions.

Several Mongolian warriors who are familiar with the big brother have already gathered together.

The elder brother didn't start, but drew out the dagger and split the mutton first.

There had been a little eunuch waiting beside him with a food box.

The fifth elder brother divided two lamb legs and left.

The third elder brother also shared a leg of lamb, picked up the food box and left.

The eldest brother kept the remaining leg of lamb and put it aside before calling a few Mongolian warriors over.

This is a ten-month-old ewe, which weighs only forty catties without the skin and internal organs.

After roasting, it weighs more than [-] kilograms including the bones.

Once the four legs of lamb are gone, only a dozen catties are left.

A few people took apart two pieces and ate them, and they were almost gone. It was just a taste, and everyone was not happy with the food.

On the face of the elder brother, there was also a bit of unsatisfactory expression.

Seeing the situation on the elder brother's side, Brother Jiu thought for a while, and split the double-spicy leg of lamb reserved for Shu Shu into two.

The small part was estimated to be a palm-sized piece of barbecue, and he asked He Yuzhu to deliver it to Shu Shu while it was still hot.

He personally took the remaining half of the leg of lamb with the bones, and handed it to the eldest brother: "Brother, there is a lot left, I can't finish it..."

The elder brother choked at first, then took it, and wanted to say something, but the ninth elder brother turned around and left.

Brother Ten didn't cut the leg of lamb for Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin, but put two small knives in and sent the eunuchs around to deliver the meat.

Only then did a few people hold a piece of mutton and started to eat it.

"Adding hot pepper is really fragrant, especially this double spiciness..."

Elder Brother Thirteen ate so much that his mouth was full of oil, and while inhaling the spiciness, he said, "Sister-in-law Nine is really's so delicious if it's twice as spicy, I don't know how about three times or four times..."

Elder Brother Shi felt disgusted, moved the place, and reprimanded: "You are not allowed to talk while eating, and you are not allowed to talk if you are rude. If you choke, is it just a joke?"

Brother Thirteen, be honest, shut your mouth, chew slowly,
Brother Jiu ate a piece of mutton the size of a child's fist, and felt that it was more tender and juicy than the usual barbecue.

He wanted to have another piece, but remembering Shu Shu's instructions, he didn't cut the lamb leg, but cut a piece of roasted lamb tail.

The lamb tail was charred on the outside and translucent fat inside.

Brother Jiu endured his distaste and took two bites, the taste was completely different from the fatty one he imagined.

Elder Brother Shi saw it nearby, and said, "Sister-in-law Nine gave me the food?"

Brother Nine nodded, with displeasure: "I can't eat two more bites of meat, I'm afraid I won't be able to subdue it... If I'm greedy, just eat two bites of this... Really, one bite is enough..."

Elder Brother Ten pondered and said: "Sister-in-law Nine will not let Brother Ninth eat indiscriminately... The sheep tail warms the spleen and stomach, protects the liver and kidneys, that should be the reason..."

The thirteenth elder brother was at the side, looking at the ninth elder brother enviously.

The ninth elder brother was embarrassed by the look, and he felt guilty when he heard the tenth elder brother mentioning "beneficiating the kidney". I'm full, so I won't feel uncomfortable at night..."

Elder Brother Thirteen smiled and said, "It's fine if you hold on, I'll ask Sister-in-law Jiu to eat two hawthorn balls..."

At this moment, the fifth elder brother has arrived at the place where the empress dowager is staying.

Except for the queen mother, the emperor and Taiji are both present.

The three of them are now drinking tea and gossip.

Time flies, and decades have passed in the blink of an eye.

The older generation has withered away one after another.

When recalling the empress dowager's kindness, several people's eyes were red.

The atmosphere was a little heavy and sentimental.

The arrival of the fifth elder brother seemed to break the sadness of a room, making the frozen picture come alive again.

"Grandmother, grandson brought you delicious food..."

Following the sound of the voice, the fifth elder brother strode in without any notice.

Seeing that there were other people, the fifth elder brother hurriedly bowed to say hello: "Ama Khan, uncle..."

The Empress Dowager greeted him with a loving face, and said, "Didn't you say that Brother Tong and the others went to eat roasted whole lamb? Why did you come here? Is this ready?"

The fifth elder brother shook his head: "The grandson hasn't eaten yet, let's give it to the emperor's grandmother first..."

As he spoke, he took the food box from the little eunuch and took out the leg of lamb inside.

"Brother baked it himself, roasted it very carefully... The seasoning used by the nine younger brothers and sisters smells delicious... The grandson just thought, let the emperor's grandmother taste it first..."

Fifth elder brother told the truth.

The queen mother smiled brightly: "Okay, okay, then grandma will have a good taste..."

She saw that there was another food box: "That is for your mother-in-law? Hurry up and send it, so as not to get cold..."

"Well, well, the grandson will go first..."

The fifth elder brother agreed, and took the little eunuch out.

Come and go in a hurry, just three or two sentences.

Kangxi sat on the edge of the kang, except for a word of greeting, he didn't pay attention to his eyes, his face was turning blue.

This son was raised for nothing!
I didn't think of being filial to give old Ama a leg of lamb!
Kangxi brought grievances, and complained to the queen mother: "Emperor Nie, look, the fifth child is outrageous, dear Ama is sitting here, and he didn't even say to leave a copy for me..."

The queen mother comforted: "He didn't know you were here, maybe the other elder brother had already sent the leg of lamb over..."

Kangxi was not satisfied with this explanation.

The other elder brother gave it, it was the other elder brother's gift, and it was not the filial piety of the fifth brother.

This old fifth is too clever!

Even splitting the remaining leg of lamb in two will do.

A leg of lamb weighs two or three catties, isn't Yifei half enough?

That is, the prince elder brother, with his identity here, otherwise he would be so scheming and won't please his elders, he must be a poor little boy who is not liked.

Kangxi was a loving father, and after disliking his son, he couldn't help but worry about him.

At this moment, Liang Jiugong came in: "Your Majesty, the third master is here..."

That's the difference.

The fifth elder brother can directly enter the residence of the queen mother without a notification, and the third elder brother will not dare to do so.

Kangxi glanced at the leg of lamb on the table, nodded and called in.

The third elder brother and the fifth elder brother set off about the same time, but the fifth elder brother came here directly, and the third elder brother went to the place where Kangxi stayed in the front yard to ask to see him, so he was delayed.

Seeing the third elder brother bring in the food box in person, Kangxi's face was filled with relief.

The third elder brother first greeted the queen mother and others, and then said a little shyly: "My son roasted the leg of lamb with his own hands, and I want to honor it for Khan Ama to taste..."

As he spoke, he took out the leg of lamb from the food box.

Kangxi's eyes fell on the leg of lamb. The scratches were similar to those of the previous leg of lamb, and the degree of roasting was also similar. If you don't distinguish carefully, you can't see the difference at all.

He glanced at the third elder brother with an unpredictable expression: "Baked it with my own hands? Then I have to taste it! It smells delicious too..."

The third elder brother also saw the leg of lamb on the table at this time, and hurriedly said: "It's just a lamb, my son roasted this one, and my brother roasted the other ones..."

Speaking of which, he added: "Lao Jiu and his younger siblings are also roasting a sheep, but they don't have enough money. I heard that they will leave it for a few younger brothers and sisters..."

Kangxi listened and nodded: "It's roasted deliciously, I'll try it out, you should go back and eat it soon..."

The third elder brother left happily.

Kangxi smiled helplessly at Taiji: "That one was not clever just now, but this one is too clever..."

Taiji laughed "haha" and said: "They are all good boys, the ones who are careless are simple and honest, but the ones who are caring are smart and rare...all are good, all are good..."

The queen mother never commented on the prince's brother in front of Kangxi, smelling the domineering fragrance, she couldn't wait.

"Let's try it too, it's all the filial piety of the children..."

Nanny Bai took a handkerchief with a few clean Mongolian knives wrapped inside.

The three of them, each with a knife, cut the meat and ate it.

The identities of the few people are here, and their seniority is also high, and no one is staring at their rules of "no talking when eating, no talking when sleeping", so they talked and laughed, and started eating.

Even with Kangxi, his expression was a little more relaxed than usual.

The leg of lamb was really well roasted.

Charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

Because the big brother mixed the spicy barbecue bun with the non-spicy barbecue bun, the lamb shank is spicy, but it is only slightly spicy.

For Mongolians who have never eaten pepper, it is simply amazing.

After eating half of the roasted leg of lamb, Taiji took a bit of flattery and looked at the queen mother: "Egeqi, which one is Jiufujin? This seasoning is good, it is suitable for barbecue..."

The queen mother showed off a little: "The little daughter-in-law of Brother Nine, the tallest and best-looking one in Fujin, she is well-behaved, loves to read and think about food, she is a good child who is filial and courteous... Tomorrow morning Let me come over to eat, and I will let you try new dishes, all of which are recipes that others do not know..."

"Oh, oh, I'm getting hungry again..."

Taiji muttered.

The queen mother has already mentioned the condiments: "Brother Jiu and the others just got married not long ago, and the time is tight, you should prepare more gifts for the meeting... Later I can ask her to prepare more for you..."

After saying this, the old lady still didn't forget to remind: "Don't miss the Fifth Prince, otherwise I won't follow..."

Taiji showed some dissatisfaction: "Egeqi is partial to his grandson, not to me, I am not rich these days..."

The queen mother smiled and said: "Don't cry poor, who doesn't know that your pasture is the best and the biggest, and the sheep and horses are the most..."

Taiji is the youngest son. Although he did not inherit the Dorobel Lord of this branch, he has the most inheritance and the largest grassland.

Just crying about being poor was just a joke...

In the side courtyard.

Shu Shu looked at the barbecue half the size of a palm, and couldn't laugh or cry.

Fortunately, I didn't wait for this meal. For dinner, I ate several pieces of pickled vegetables and pickles.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will be hungry.

It was this leg of lamb that became one piece...

She looked at the girls and Sun Jin who had been greeted by her, and said: "I thought it was a leg of lamb, so I asked you to come over, thinking that you would also try it... It's because I didn't explain it clearly to my master, so we will just eat it." One bite per person..."

 I recommend Miss Garland's 2020 "It's Not So Difficult to Open a Hospital in Another World".


(End of this chapter)

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