My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 167 On Parents

Chapter 167 On Parents (Part [-])
Chopsticks and plates are ready.

Shu Shu signaled Xiaotang to share the meat.

Xiaotang hesitated holding the knife.

It looks like a palm, and it looks like a lot, but it is actually only half an inch thick.

Six people, how to divide?
Half of the Fujin, and the rest is a mouthful for each person?
While Xiaotang was hesitating, the girl next to Wu Fujin came, carrying a food box.

"Our Fujin sent it..."

It turned out that after Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin received the leg of lamb, Wu Fujin only tasted it, and Qi Fujin ate half of it.

The sister-in-law noticed the situation in the west chamber, several people came in and out, knowing that Shu Shu would keep the people around her, waiting to eat the leg of lamb, fearing that one of her side would not be enough, so Wu Fujin sent this one.

When the Wufujin people left, everyone opened the food box and saw an almost complete leg of lamb.

Only a piece of skin one inch square was missing from the top, and the rest remained unchanged.

Xiaotang just started to divide the meat, not to mention the first piece of spicy roasted lamb leg, but picked the best position from the cumin leg of lamb and cut off the belt meat again, and put it on the same place as the previous piece. Together, put them on a plate, and hand them to Shu Shu: ""Fu Jin eat first..."

Shu Shu picked up her own knife, cut the spicy piece in half and handed it back: "Taste all of them... If you like it, we can barbecue it by ourselves when we get to Shengjing..."

Xiaotang obeyed the order and cut up the spicy one, and split the non-spicy leg of lamb. Everyone held a plate and ate it.

Chili and cumin are a perfect match with barbecue.

The smell is amazing, not to mention the girls and Sun Jin.

Only Xiaotang is an exception.

Her tongue is too sensitive. Before, she ate with difficulty when it was slightly spicy, but she couldn't stand it when she ate it directly. She didn't even feel relieved after drinking two large cups of herbal tea...

Several masters and servants ate a leg of lamb lively.

They also shared a bowl of the yogurt they brought from the kitchen earlier.

Pure Mongolian yogurt, without any additions, is naturally fermented by weather changes.

Very sour, honey must be added.

After eating, Xiaotang said with emotion: "No wonder the Mongolians are tall and strong. They eat milk as well as meat... The food is really good... ..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "We are in Monan Mongolia this way, and it is already very good... We have cultivated some land and planted cold-resistant food... I heard that there are not even fried fruits and fried noodles in Mobei Mongolia. , that is red food and white food..."

Red food is meat, including fresh beef, mutton and jerky.

Free food is dairy products, fresh milk and dried milk tofu and milk skin.

"Dun Dun is either meat or milk? So are ordinary people?"

When Sun Jin heard Shu Shupu's red and white food, envy appeared on his face.

His hometown is in Bazhou, and he suffered nine droughts in ten years. If he hadn't been poor in his early years, he wouldn't have entered the palace and become a young eunuch.

Shu Shu nodded: "It's almost there... But life is not as easy as I imagined... The most difficult thing is the white disaster in winter... Sometimes when it snows, many sheep will freeze to death... and livestock Infectious diseases, wolves and thieves..."

Some information is known to later generations, and some is popularized by Brother Jiu along the way.

Everyone sighed again.

If you have a lot of money, those with hair don't count, that's what you're talking about.

After a few gossips, everyone began to talk about life in the capital.

"I don't know what happened to Mammy..."

Xiao Song mentioned Nanny Qi.

She didn't have a mother-in-law early, and her father didn't marry a stepmother. She was under the care of Nanny Qi when she was a child, so she was considered a half adoptive mother.

Shu Shu also thought about it, and also thought of Xiaochun.

With the manager and Li Yin around, there was nothing to worry about in the second institute.

Just ...

She glanced at Walnut.

Human habits are terrible.

After coming out for a month, she has gotten used to serving walnuts with her.

I almost forgot Xiaochun...

Fortunately, Xiaochun didn't know, or she would cry to death...

Ten years of companionship cannot be replaced by one month...

What about three or five years?

The answer is obvious.

Shu Shu lowered her head and rinsed her mouth, and also reminded herself.

No one is irreplaceable.

This is true between masters and servants, as well as between husband and wife.

All the tenderness and sweetness that you can give, others can also give.

Likewise, what he can give to you can also be given to others.

Husband and wife, it is advisable to have a small separation, not a long separation.

After a few idle words, everyone dispersed.

Sun Jin, Xiaotang, and Xiaosong went outside to settle in the tent set up by the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the accompanying palace people.

Walnut went to the water room to prepare hot water.

There are two small houses in the northeast corner of the yard, which are water houses.

There is also a small boiler here for heating hot water.

Xiaoyu opened the window to diffuse the smell in the room, and lit another plate of incense.

Shu Shu was already sitting in front of the dressing table, putting down her hair.

Her hair was thick and braided, also thick.

Sometimes on the top of the head, it hurts the scalp.

Xiao Yu has already taken a horn comb to help Shu Shushu's hair.

It takes a hundred strokes.

This is true both morning and night.

According to the saying that has been handed down, combing the hair a hundred times is to unblock the meridians, not only will the hair grow well, black and thick, but also sleep well.

once... twice...

Shu Shu was drowsy.

Not only everyone is thinking about the capital, but Shu Shu is also thinking about it.

More is to miss the leisure time of the second institute.

Greetings once every five days is the only job that needs to be clocked in, and the rest of the time can be allocated by yourself.

It's been a whole month since I've been on the road like this, it's really enough.

Shu Shu predicted the time to return to Beijing.

The Horqin Department should be the last stop in Mongolia.

And a big princess...

Then Shengjia will go to the Mulan paddock for the so-called "autumn hunting".

The princes of the various ministries of the nearby leagues will also go to Mulan to have an audience.

And then……

This is the destination of this trip, Shengjing...

After a short while, Walnut came back, carrying the hot water bottle, with a bad face.

Shu Shu took a look: "Is it right with the one in the room above?"

Walnut nodded: "Obviously it was the servant who said hello earlier and asked someone to sit on the hot water... It turned out to be like a servant grabbing water..."

No matter how the other party behaves, Walnut will not retreat.

She has worked in the palace for four or five years, and she has long learned a truth, that is to follow the rules and make the least mistakes.

Do not preempt, nor dodge.

Shu Shu was a little impatient.

Such small actions make people uncomfortable.

Just like what Qifujin said in the afternoon, the other party made this gesture, as if deliberately trying to make her girl a villain.

If there are too many women, it will be troublesome.

In this way, one has two, I hope there will be no third time...

Shu Shu will not get used to her temper...

It's ridiculous that someone else's Gege jumped up and down before my own Gege could disturb me.

The two of them helped Shushu wash her hair, and then wiped her hair with the prepared clean towel.

It's getting colder in the morning and evening.

Does not absorb moisture, hair does not like to dry.

It was almost wiped, and there was movement in the yard.

Shu Shu looked towards the door, somewhat looking forward to Brother Jiu's return.

It turned out that the nanny next to Mrs. Taiji brought a few servants to deliver supper to Zhu Fujin.

After sending it off to Wufujin and Qifujin, it arrived at Shushu's place.

Mammy looked a little older, in her sixtieth year, Shu Shu had always come to respect the elderly, so she was a little more polite.

The old nanny gave something, looked at Shu Shu, couldn't take her eyes away.

"I seem to have met my wife when I was young..."

Mammy said with a little excitement.

Hearing the voice, Shu Shu felt something was wrong.

My own appearance and facial features, some of Ama's shadow, and more of Ernie.

Are you similar to Mrs. Taiji when you were young? !

Then isn't this the descendant of Prince Lilie's mansion?

Is it the elder of the close branch on Enie's side?

Shu Shu thought for a while about the cousins ​​of her natal family. The current princes of several families are Dukes, and the deceased elders sometimes have Viscount Bei.

Mrs. Taiji is between fifty and sixty years old, and she should be of the same generation as her grandfather.

Is it the daughter of Beizi's great uncle, grandpa's cousin?
The daughter of the clan's beizi, Fu Meng was named the county lord, and Jia En is also the county lord, so why is she the county lord?

Seeing that Shu Shu was still confused, the old nanny talked about the origin of the two families.

It's not grandpa's cousin, but the sister of the same mother!
It was only after the great-grandfather was executed that this one was taken to Prince Zheng's Mansion, and was brought up by Prince Zheng's Tai Fujin in the Prince's Mansion.

When she grows up, she caresses Meng, and asks Feng to marry her as the adopted daughter of the prince.

Shu Shu's face was still ignorant, and she only said shyly: "It turned out that I went to my aunt's house, I was rude..."

The nanny took Shu Shu's hand and said: "When the old servant came, the madam told me that if Fujin was free, I would go and have a sit down tomorrow morning..."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Sure, I'll go over and say hello to my aunt."

If only distant relatives.

With such a close relative, she is a junior, but she can't justify going to pay her respects.

After the old mother left, Shu Shu sorted out the relationship again.

Prince Zheng, Jierhalang.

Taifujin, Prince Zheng, the mother of Jierhalang, and the younger sister of Buzhantai, the last ruler of the Ula tribe.

Shu Shu's great-grandmother, Mrs. Taiji's biological mother, is the daughter of Bu Zhantai.

Why was Shu Shu's great-grandfather executed?

After Huang Taiji's death, the crowd refused to take an oath when supporting the prince to ascend the throne, and was executed by Dorgon for the crime of "disobedience".

The reason for his refusal was that he did not agree with his uncle, Jierhalang, the owner of the Xianglan Banner, to become the "assistant uncle".

Dorgon, born of Buzhantai's niece, Abahai, is Jierhalang's nephew and grandpa Shushu's cousin.

It was obviously a tragic political struggle, but after sorting out the in-law relationship, Shu Shu was speechless.

My great-grandfather obviously won the situation by lying down, but instead caused his own death, and also affected his children and grandchildren.

Sometimes, position is more important than blood.

"Where's the Baotou? Find it and prepare it..."

Shu Shu thought about saying hello tomorrow morning, and told Xiao Yu to say hello.

It was prepared by her before and intended to be dedicated to the Queen Mother.

It was still under preparation when I was in Beijing.

It was for the two previous rewards from the Queen Mother.

He thought that after leaving Beijing, he could pay respects when the weather is cool.

But when she found out that Qi Fujin was preparing needlework, Shu Shu suppressed it.

Xiao Yu went to look for it, and Shao Mo came in with a brocade box.

"Will it be thin?"

Xiao Yu hesitated.

Shu Shu said: "Okay..."

(End of this chapter)

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