Chapter 169 Revenge

Because she promised to go to Mrs. Taiji tomorrow morning, Shu Shu told Brother Jiu about their relationship.

"It's really a coincidence. I originally planned to take you to see my father-in-law after breakfast tomorrow..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

Even with Shu Shu, she felt annoyed, and was reluctant to give up this opportunity, and then said: "I'll go for a walk and come back..."

It's not relatives who have contacts. Even if they are connected by blood, they are no different from strangers.

Brother Jiu took out his pocket watch and looked at it, thought for a while, and said: "If you come back earlier, we will go to visit father-in-law, if there is a delay, forget it... In a few days, I will go to Eldest Sister's place, and I will stay for two days... ...I can spare half a day at that time..."

Shu Shu felt that it was better to rush sooner rather than later, who knew that there would be no other delays.

"I'm passing by, half an hour is enough, at most I just listen to the old man talk about ancient times, there should be no serious business..."

Shu Shu couldn't help thinking of the old county head of Harqin.

She kept the house deed, land deed, and estate deed given by the old county lord.

This is compensation to Amu.

This aunt and grandma in Taiji Mansion doesn't have any unfulfilled wishes, does she?

When you were young, you were arrogant, and you didn't like to associate with your ex-family, but when you are old, do you regret it?
Apart from this, Shu Shu couldn't guess anything else.

But even if you really regret it, it's not your turn to be the middleman in the middle.

The aunt's son is in the capital, married Da Gege from Prince Xian's mansion, and became Heshuo's son-in-law.

Mostly just rambling, asking old friends.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "When the time comes, come back and change your riding clothes first. Let's go out on horseback, take ten and thirteen, and walk around the Zhenghongqi camp. Father-in-law will know what it means... When others ask, they will Said that the Lord pulled you out..."

"Will it be too exciting to mobilize the crowd..."

Shu Shu hesitated.

She has such a personality and doesn't like to trouble others.

If only she and Brother Ninth are good, you can say what you want, and Brother Ten and Brother Thirteen will be tossed.

"Then what's the matter, watching the boss shoot a live target today, the tenth and thirteenth are all greedy... We don't take it with us, we have to go out and shoot rabbits..."

Speaking of this, Brother Jiu also became interested: "We also bring bows, remember the jumping rabbit that I mentioned before? There is that one here, and I saw someone feeding that to the eagle in the afternoon, saying that they were catching it nearby. Yes, when the time comes, we will grab this and make brushes..."

Shu Shu felt that the picture was bloody and couldn't accept it, and said, "Didn't you say you can't eat it? It's too cruel to use only the tail. Let's beat the rabbit..."

Brother Jiu gave her a dissatisfied look: "You have practiced archery for so many years, so you haven't shot a live target yet, have you? You are so soft-hearted, what else can you do? I'm afraid you won't be able to shoot a rabbit right in front of you." go hand?"

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Don't underestimate people, I followed Ama to shoot rabbits when I was ten years old...and also shot quails and turtledoves..."

At that time, I was innocent and thought it was fun, and proudly showed off my archery skills to the elders.

Right now, it's a little hard to make a move.

As the mind grows, the heart really softens.

I just feel that it is unnecessary, as if people have become falsely compassionate.

"Really? You're not fooling me, are you? Then if you can't do anything to the jumping rabbit, how can you do it to the rabbit?"

Brother Jiu expressed doubts.

Shu Shu said: "The ingredients are different... Otherwise, if this one can't bear it, and that one can't bear it, everyone can only follow the vegetarian diet..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help laughing and said: "This is the first time I've heard such a truth... After all, you are still too cowardly, and your heart is not hard enough..."

Shu Shu didn't argue with him, and urged him to change his clothes.

The whole body smells of smoke and fire, and it is very smoky if it is not cleaned up.

Hot water was ready long ago, Brother Jiu washed and wiped, and changed into clean clothes.

The young couple lay down on the kang.

Shu Shu was inconvenient, Brother Jiu didn't bother her, he put his arms around her waist, and the young couple fell into a drowsy sleep.

A good night's sleep.

Early the next morning, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu woke up early.

The breakfast was delivered from the dining room in the house, and it was a mixed breakfast.

Mongolian-style milk tea, hand-meat meat, fried noodles and fruits; full-style sticky pastry, pickled melon seeds, green flower pickles.

Brother Jiu drank two sips of milk tea, felt disgusted, and said to Shu Shu: "This is still Taiji Mansion, the tea is not good... There is no tea fragrance at all, it smells like a warehouse..."

Shu Shu also drank milk tea and felt fine.

Boil milk tea, multi-purpose brick tea.

Fine tea leaves are rarely made into brick tea.

Brick tea is mostly made from old leaves.

Brother Jiu finished complaining, stared at the teacup in a daze, and asked Shu Shu, "Tell me, if good tea comes in, how will it sell?"

"The prince of Mongolia is not short of money, so he should be able to sell well... But if I think of this, I am afraid that the previous tea merchants have thought of this... It is not that there is no good tea in Taiji Prefecture, and most of them are used to using brick tea to make milk tea..."

Shu Shu thought for a while and said.

"Good tea is divided into three, six, and nine grades..."

Brother Jiu leaned over and said in a low voice: "When you return to Beijing, you will ask your father-in-law and mother-in-law to order spring tea in Fujian... Next year our teahouse will open, and the tea house will also open, let's see if we can sell these tea leaves." Sold to tea merchants..."

Shu Shu felt that this was a bit taken for granted.

The big tea merchants are richer than their husband and wife, and they still need to buy tea from the second dealers?

But Shu Shu didn't refute, instead she replied: "Well, listen to the arrangement of the master..."

Take this step first.

It's not good to dampen his enthusiasm.

After the husband and wife had finished their breakfast, and it was estimated that Chenzheng would be a quarter of an hour away, Shu Shu dressed up and took Walnut and Xiaosong to the backyard.

The middle road of Taiji Mansion has been vacated to welcome Shengjia.

Shu Shu inquired with the old mother yesterday, and found out that Mrs. Taiji is currently living in the back yard.

After walking a few steps, we arrived at the backyard.

The old nanny was already waiting at the gate of the courtyard, and greeted Shu Shu with blessings.

In the house, apart from Mrs. Taiji, Taiji was also there, smiling and very loving, sitting on a four-wheeled cart.

After meeting the two of them and seeing the layout of the room clearly, Shu Shu was quite surprised.

Because ordinary couples are getting older, they all sleep separately.

Perhaps it was because the old couple had a good relationship, or because Taiji's legs and feet were inconvenient to take care of, the couple obviously lived together.

Hearing about the relationship between the old wife and Shu Shu, Taiji also took a little closer: "I ate the leg of lamb yesterday, and my sister kept praising... I went to my sister's place for dinner this morning, and I ate a lot of delicious food. , I heard that this kid made the menu..."

The old man smiled and couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear: "No wonder it's so lovable. It turns out that it's our own child. It's a child of our own family. It's an outstanding talent..."

Mrs. Taiji said: "Even if the master talks too much, I can only drink three glasses of wine tonight, not too much..."

Taiji showed a bit of regret on his face: "It's been half a month since I've seen the smell of alcohol... It's a rare good day..."

Mrs. Taiji said seriously: "Master forgot, what the doctor said last time... If you drink it again, you will fall asleep one day..."

Taiji laughed "haha" and said, "That can't be done, with my wife here, there is nothing to worry about..."

Mrs. Taiji scolded: "Master doesn't know how to feel sorry for me. How old am I, and I don't dare to close my eyes night after night. I'm afraid that if I don't pay attention, the master will hold his breath..."

Taiji immediately begged for mercy: "I was wrong, listen to Madam, listen to Madam..."

Mrs. Taiji urged him: "Didn't you say you want to play chess with the emperor? Master, hurry up, just leave the meeting ceremony..."

Tai Ji smiled and said to Shu Shu: "Good girl, my aunt doesn't want to be filial. I just brought pepper last night. I don't know if there is any more? If so, you want to save some for my aunt..."

Shu Shu stood up and replied: "There are still some, but not many, I will ask someone to send them over later... When I return to Beijing, if I have a lot of money, I will ask someone to send it to my son-in-law..."

The "forehead son-in-law" in Shu Shu's mouth, the son-in-law of the two, who is now working in the capital, should be called cousin or uncle, but he didn't think about Gao Pan.

Taiji smiled and nodded: "Okay, okay, that's great..."

Satisfied, the old man asked a servant who had just cut his head to push him out.

Mrs. Taiji called Shu Shu to sit down by the kang, with a loving expression on her face: "My good boy, you were startled yesterday, weren't you?"

Shu Shu said softly: "It's really unexpected, I've never heard Enie mention it at home before..."

Mrs. Taiji smiled wryly and said: "I guess your grandma never talked to you...Your mother-in-law probably doesn't even know that my aunt is here..."

Shu Shu was silent.

In fact, according to the patriarchal law, Mrs. Taiji has already adopted to Prince Zheng's mansion, so she really can't be regarded as a girl from the Luo family.

Mrs. Taiji let out a sigh of relief: "Your great-grandmother gave birth to us three brothers and sisters. Your great-grandfather didn't stop, and died before the family had an accident...

When your great-grandfather had an accident, your great-grandmother left within half a year. I was only three years old at the time...

Your grandfather was only ten years old back then, and there was really no one to take care of him at home, so I was taken up by Tai Fujin to raise me...

But Tai Fujin never stopped me from going home, and would always send me back to see my brother for ten and a half months...

More than ten years have passed, when I was thirteen or fourteen, your grandpa got married.Your grandma is also a cousin of your old relatives. They have known each other since childhood. The husband and wife are happy and happy, and their days are getting better...

In the end, your grandpa felt as if he had a convulsion, and insisted on selling his ancestral property...

At that time, our branch, although we had no clan affiliation, had all our property...

I asked someone to inquire, and it turned out that he was brought to gamble, and most of Wan Guan's family wealth was lost...

Your grandma was still a new daughter-in-law back then, and she couldn't stop her, so she told me, thinking that I would come forward to stop her..."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Taiji smiled wryly: "At that time, I was young and irritable. I went to persuade him twice but it didn't work. The people I saw were going to be useless, so I asked someone to beat him up...

Unexpectedly, by mistake, he hurt his leg...

Only then did I realize that there was an inside story about his gambling. It turned out that Neiduo of Guo Luoluo's family promised him that he could be enlisted in the military register, and he would fight with General Wang Yuele to make meritorious service in Khalkha. ...

He also said that the emperor said that after the An Jun Wang class teacher, he will go to the clan mansion...

Back then, your grandfather wanted to establish a career, so he wanted to climb into Prince An's Mansion. In fact, most of the lost silver property was half lost and half given to Neiduo..."

Shu Shu was already dumbfounded.


The aunt, cousin, brother-in-law and in-law of Prince Anhe, and the grandfather of Bafujin.

Mrs. Taiji continued: "I hurt his leg and cut off his possibility of going to Khalkha. He hated me to the bone, and the brother and sister broke up...

Afterwards, according to my Fumeng's order, he sent over your great-grandmother's dowry, saying that it would be divided and that we would never see each other again in this lifetime...

I was also arrogant at the time, thinking that he spoke so badly that he was reluctant to give me money...

Just say, 'Nursing kindness is greater than giving birth to kindness', I have already passed on to Prince Zheng's mansion in the genealogy, and with the dowry of the royal mansion, I will not be greedy for others, and it has nothing to do with him..."

Speaking of this, the old man did not cry, but regret lingered all over his body.

Shu Shu felt embarrassed when he heard it.

How can a ten-year-old girl be comprehensive?
But from the standpoint of grandpa, after hearing what my sister said, I must have thought it was disgusting.

Both siblings are too young.

However, the gamble...

Is it a coincidence?

Shu Shu inexplicably felt a little weird, and thought of Ba Fujin's father for some reason.

He also died of gambling and was executed by the national law.

She glanced at the old lady and said nothing.

The old lady twitched her lips: "Whether he recognizes me as a sister or not, he is still my brother. I can't watch him being bullied..."

This is real? !
Comfortably surprised.

The old lady seemed to see what she was thinking, and nodded: "You guessed right, the youngest son of Nei Duo, the son-in-law of King An, was the one I arranged to take the bet...

They caused my brother to lose all his money and die in depression. How can I watch them enjoy the glory and wealth...

It's really wicked, the two families are relatives by marriage, and they are close to each other on weekdays, just for the sake of seizing property, abducted your grandfather to gamble, and even used the military book to deceive him...

I asked people to inquire clearly, that time Xianglan Banner never recruited recruits at all...

If everyone is still in a similar family background, they will be cheated if they are cheated, but at that time, the family has lost their clan affiliation and cut off the future of their children and grandchildren. Apart from the family property passed down from the ancestors, what else is there? "

Shu Shu nodded, feeling unkind.

And bold.

You must know that at that time, her grandfather and uncles all restored their clan status, and even conferred the title of Duke Beizi, so it wasn't rootless duckweed.

The immediate branch knew that the eldest family's direct branch had money, but they didn't reach out, because they knew that it was the capital for the eldest family's children and grandchildren to live and live.

It would be too much for an in-law to come forward to coax him, and what he relied on was that Prince An's Mansion was very prominent at that time.

This is what has happened for more than forty years...

Shu Shu couldn't guess the old lady's intentions, so she said bluntly: "My aunt and granddaughter said this, so that the granddaughter will pass it on to me and uncle?"

Mrs. Taiji nodded and said: "It's been a long time since your grandpa happened back then, I guess not many people remember it... But what happened to that boy Mingshang has been going on for more than ten years, it's hard to guarantee that someone will know the clues back then, it's better to be aware of it ..."

Shu Shu was also helpless.

Even if Prince An's Mansion is not as powerful as it was then, it is still the Prince's Mansion, and Uncle's House is nothing.

Putting the two together is really not the same weight.

 Another day of [-]D, ask for a monthly pass, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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