My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 170 Mystery

Chapter 170 Mystery (Part [-])
Shu Shu thinks that history is very miraculous, but never imagined that the root cause of the Eight Fortune Jin Ama being questioned and executed is actually her grandfather's house.

It really happens for a reason.

No matter what bad things you do, there will be retribution.

When Bafujin's grandfather fell into trouble and tried to seize the wealth of his in-laws, he probably didn't expect to lose his own son's life.

Yes, the two were also old relatives at the time.

Neiduo's sister-in-law is Amin's daughter, Shu Shu's great-aunt.

Shu Shu thought of the eldest wife of Guo Luoluo's family, Neiduo's eldest daughter-in-law, who was her cousin.

She can't help conspiracy theory!
Without inside ghosts, outside thieves cannot be attracted.

Could it be that he is an uncle, he is not good and dare not take action directly to embezzle his nephew's property, so he joins forces with outsiders?

Was the marriage between the two families intentional or unintentional?

The parties are all old, and no one knows what the situation is.

It's just that he didn't expect that Guo Luoluo's family's Wanguan family wealth actually had a share of his grandfather's family.

Does the eldest wife of Guo Luoluo's family know the inside story?

She is about the same age as her own, so she should not know this under normal circumstances.

What about unusual circumstances?

But even if they suspected that they went to Grandpa Shu Shu's house, they would not have thought that there was a granddaughter who married far away.

The purpose of the old lady telling herself should be to let herself spread the word.

Shu Shu thought for a while and said: "My cousin has been in Beijing for half a year, and he has never heard of any contact with me, Ernie. Do the two families not need to move around in the future?"

Mrs. Taiji nodded: "Yes, that's good. I didn't say anything to your cousin, but I just mentioned that there was a rift between Prince An's Mansion and Guo Luoluo's family in the early years, so don't have any contact... Later, when people asked about it, you just said that you have this relative, and that you are not familiar with it..."

Shu Shu nodded to show that she understood, but she couldn't help giving the old lady a thumbs up in her heart.

This is to keep her son from a big pit.

At least it won't be the "Baye Party"!

After Mrs. Taiji finished talking about the dusty past, she asked: "How is your uncle's family doing now? Can the family live well?"

Shu Shu was silent for a while, and told the truth about the situation at her uncle's side.

The ears are soft, and the eldest son is allowed to be treated slowly by the stepmother.

love drilling...


Mrs. Taiji's face darkened.

The two looked at each other, and a ridiculous thought came to them.

Grandpa Shu Shu was really Neiduo who brought people to gamble?

Or is he a gambler himself, using the name of flattering Nei Duo to cover up his loss of property?

The truth is never known.

The room was silent.

After a long while, Mrs. Taiji sneered and said, "This is really random, what does it mean?"

Shu Shu smiled wryly and said: "I have persuaded, blocked, and even tried, but it didn't work...Now I, Ernie, don't bother to talk to him, so I just want to raise my cousin well, and next year I will separate him out to support him." Open a door and pass on this bloodline..."

The old lady nodded, with a feeling of regret: "Your Enie is more transparent than me. I just meddled in the past. Even if I was my own sister, it shouldn't be like this. It hurt his face and hurt the bond of flesh and blood... "

Shu Shu had never met her grandpa, so she naturally didn't know what the old man was thinking, so she could only comfort her and said, "You are kind after all, if you hadn't stopped me all of a sudden, you would have made such a commotion that other people wouldn't dare to plan again. , I am afraid that the remaining industry will not be able to keep..."

Mrs. Taiji shook her head: "There are few people who do bad things with good intentions in this world? Anyway, it's all over, and I have nothing to feel sorry for him... I just heard that Guo Luoluo's family gave birth to a prince, Fujin, and I was worried that when the old things would be revealed, and I would be troubled again. When it comes to you, I will let you know, so you can take precautions, so as not to be unaware of the previous grievances..."

Shu Shu stood up and solemnly thanked her.

To be honest, her grandpa's gambling prodigal incident happened more than forty years ago, even if those who experienced it back then should have died almost, even if they found out about their own family, it would not be a bad idea.

Ming Shang's death is hard to say.

For Guo Luoluo's family, Ming Shang's death was definitely a turning point.

Originally, the direct branches of the family were related to Prince An's Mansion, and they were all descendants of the Taizu's blood.

However, even if the person who questioned the crime was only beheaded and the family status was not implicated, it would still silence the Guo Luoluo family.

Brother Mingshang, as the head of the noble family, didn't even join the Eight Banners as a leader. He was just a hereditary leader.

For Bafu Jin, the impact is even greater, he became a posthumous child, and his mother died of depression, the instigator is definitely a great enemy.

There are traces of things done.

Only the passage of time can completely bury and dissipate the truth.

When the eighth elder brother is in full swing, in order to cling to the eighth elder brother or the eight blessings, others will reveal these secrets and use them as capital for promotion.

Mrs. Taiji helped Shu Shu up, and said dejectedly: "I wanted to remind you, but I didn't expect that there is another possibility, maybe it will hurt you in vain..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "It's better to know the reason than to be ignorant and not know anything..."

As for the grievances between the two families, only the deceased will know who started it.

Coming out of Mrs. Taiji, Walnut and Xiaosong each carried two brocade boxes.

They were all meeting gifts from Shushu Harvest, from Mrs. Taiji, and from Taiji.

As soon as the three masters and servants came back, someone saw them, and everyone reacted differently.

Here at Wufujin, the grandma said in a low voice: "Fujin, Jiufujin seems to have gone to pay his respects to the county magistrate... If you are here, do you want to go to pay his respects too..."

Wu Fujin glanced at the nanny: "Siblings are siblings, I am me...Siblings are not quick-tempered, they always have their own reasons. Mom, don't look that way in the future. I can't tolerate this, and neither can I... ..."

The nanny said awkwardly: "The old servant has no other intentions, he is thinking of Jiufu Jin's kindness..."

Only then did Wu Fujin lower her eyes: "Then from now on, Mom, don't do things that make people misunderstand..."

Seven Fujin here, with the curtains still drawn, is falling into a sound sleep.

The girl stood at the door of the bedroom, hesitated again and again, but still didn't go in to call someone.

In the upper room, the elder brother went out early.

The two Gege hid for a while, never showing their faces.

Otherwise, they would run into each other's embarrassment with the third elder brother.

The third elder brother was worried about Tian Gege, so he stayed with him all morning with nice words, just in time to witness Shu Shu going out and coming back.

Looking at the brocade box held by the two palace servants, the third elder brother hesitated for a moment, and glanced at Tian Gege.

If Fujin followed, would he be able to please the Queen Mother?
Even being treated differently by Khan Ama and getting close to the Horqin tribe?
What a coincidence!
Following his eyes, Tian Gege also saw Shu Shu's master and servant, and snorted softly: "The most snobbish! Look at those who fawned on the Queen Mother along the way, they didn't make a profit...Everywhere they go, there are big bags and small bags." , it showed that she was the only one who suppressed Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin so much that she dared not come out..."

The third elder brother was puzzled and said: "It looks good in front of people, and he is also modest in dealing with others..."

Tian Gege said: "Master, think about Fujin...the two are cousins, and it seems that this style has been passed down in the same line... This little one seems to be still young...Even when Fujin entered the palace, he didn't curry favor with the Queen Mother go……"

Third elder brother stopped talking.

West Wing.

Brother Jiu has been bored waiting.

Looking at the brocade box behind Shu Shu, he said in shock, "So many meeting gifts?"

Shu Shu had already calmed down, and nodded with a smile: "There is Tai Ji, the barbecue ingredients that the tenth brother took out yesterday, won the old man's liking..."

After hearing this, Brother Jiu didn't speak, but called Walnut and Xiaosong to put the brocade boxes beside him.

With a bit of fun on his face, he opened the blind gift box.

Taiji gift boxes, one big and one small.

The small ones are a pair of jasper fingers.

The big ones are a pair of red coral gold knives.

Brother Nine picked up the big golden knife and smiled openly: "I didn't expect that getting married would have this benefit..."

When others give gifts, they are all one-to-one.

The birthday gift for myself is, and the meeting gift for Shu Shu is also.

Brother Nine laughed, put down the golden knife, and picked up a smaller brocade box.

Inside is a pair of coral ruyi hairpins, which look very simple.

Brother Nine said: "This looks like an old thing..."

Shu Shu picked up the last half-sized brocade box, which contained a golden crown.

Maybe it's because I saw too many gold ornaments along the way, and the Jinguan couple have calmed down.

Brother Jiu weighed the weight and said: "It's not bad..."

Shu Shu was still thinking about visiting Ama, so without delay, she changed into her riding outfit and followed Brother Jiu out.

Xiao Song followed behind, with a bow on his back, and a comfortable cloak in his hand, with a new riding whip on the cloak.

He Yuzhu is also dressed similarly.

It was one of the pair of old horsewhips with wax handles that the elder brother gave two days ago.

"Old Ten, Thirteen, come out quickly, don't delay..."

Brother Nine shouted through the window.

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen had been waiting for a long time, and they all followed when they heard the sound.

"Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother, I heard that there are wolves here, let's hunt them down?"

Brother Thirteen said excitedly.

"Where do you go to hunt wolves in broad daylight? They have to be hunted at night, and there are also badgers, hedgehogs, etc., which only come out at night..."

Brother Jiu said.

Elder Brother Shi laughed and said, "What a shameless thing to say? You still want to beat wolves. The wolves are in packs. If you see them, you have to run away quickly. If you are late, the horse will be taken away, and no one has to run away..."

Standing beside Brother Jiu, Shu Shu also smiled.

In the novels of later generations, "meeting the wolf" becomes a necessary checkpoint to promote the relationship between men and women, men and women, and women and men.

Thinking of the last "female and female", Shu Shu shuddered.

I finally understand that straight men have zero tolerance for men because she is a straight woman.

Where did Brother Jiu think that her mind was flying, and she thought she was cold, took the cloak from Xiaosong's arms, and tied it for Shu Shu.

The third elder brother heard the voices in the yard, walked to the door, and saw this situation.

With his warm face still on his face, he said: "Old Ninth Brother, don't take the tenth and thirteenth brothers around to mess around! It's better to be more disciplined when you go out..."

Brother Nine was stunned, and glanced at him, not understanding what he was trying to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail...

(End of this chapter)

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