Chapter 171 Congratulations

Elder Brother Ten had already said: "I and Thirteen were going out for a walk, Brother Ninth was worried, so he took Sister-in-law Nine to accompany us out... Third Brother, don't worry about it, just rest in the room, so as not to burn your hair White..."

Brother Thirteen also said: "This is not another land, this is Horqin, there is nothing to worry about..."

The third elder brother wants to say more, the tenth elder brother has already taken the ninth elder brother with one hand, and the thirteenth elder brother with the other.

Shu Shu also felt disappointed, and took He Yuzhu and Xiao Song to follow...

The mounts of several people had been brought out in advance, and they were waiting outside Taiji Mansion.

Even Xiaosong and He Yuzhu's horses were prepared.

Another guard followed.

Everyone rode away.

As Shu Shu said before, the residence of Taiji Mansion is like a village.

There are dozens of houses scattered here and there, and the vast grasslands are all around.

The Eight Banners guards who followed were still camped under the regulations of the inner three and outer five.

Zhenghongqi's camp is due west of Taiji Mansion.

In autumn, when the air is high and the air is crisp, it is neither hot nor cold, and riding on a horse is refreshing.

Shu Shu's brows are wide open. Although she has her own moral values, she will not bear the grievances of decades ago on her own.

Regardless of whether his grandfather was a real gambler or a fake gambler, it was true that Nei Duo tricked him into enrolling in the military register, and it was also true that he used gambling to embezzle his property.

As for the rise of the eighth elder brother in the future, no one can say whether the eighth prince will investigate the old affairs of the year, but it is just that "the soldiers come to block, and the water comes to cover up".

However, Shu Shu was alerted by her grandfather and Ming Shang.

That is, for young people, they lack self-control and immature minds. If they get involved in gambling, they will be ruined at least, and even die at worst.

The Eight Banners Gambling Prohibition was not only strict before, it still exists now.

When Shu Shu was reading "Great Qing Law", she paid special attention to this paragraph, but felt that there were many more items than in "Ming Law".

Ordinary people gamble.

Officials gamble, "add one class, dismiss the yoke for two months, whip one hundred, no redemption is allowed, and will never be used."

It is very simple to want to use gambling to improve the future of bad guys.

My cousin has nothing to worry about, he is already married and has no other communication.

My younger brothers are worrying.

The second child is okay, the eldest son and eldest brother are stable, and the children in the left-wing government schools are all family heirs, and the relatively outstanding children of each family are also strict in education.

Primary [-] and [-] here are Hongqi government schools, and the students are mixed, so it's more complicated.

I'll have to make Amagnado pay attention to this later.

Shu Shu thought, the group had arrived near the Zhenghongqi camp.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother have already let go and chased the rabbits on the distant hillside.

The guards were divided into two, and several of them rode their horses to keep up.

The rest of them followed Shu Shu and Brother Jiu to Zhenghongqi Camp.

This is Shu Shu's request.

Shu Shu felt that "encounter" was too nonsense, very fake.

It's better to come here directly, even if it's a bit out of line, occasionally this time, it's due to filial piety, and no one will say anything.

Qi Xi got a message from elder brother Jiu last night, knowing that his precious daughter would come, so he waited outside the camp early, looking in the direction of Taiji Mansion.

Seeing a group of people coming to the camp, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he rode out to meet them.

When he saw the familiar figure clearly, his eye circles were red.

Shu Shu sensed something was wrong, jumped off the horse and walked over.

When Qi Xi saw him, he also jumped off the horse.

Qi Xi was fine when I saw him half a month ago, but now he has lost a lot of weight, and his eye circles are also dark.

"Ama is sick? What's wrong? Why didn't you inform me?"

Shu Shu supported Qi Xi's arm and looked him up and down, with worry on his face and reproach in his tone.

Qi Xi smiled and said: "No, I'm not sick, Ahma is fine... Maybe it's because I'm not acclimatized..."

Shu Shu was annoyed: "Ama, what are you doing without telling her daughter, don't you see how thin you are?"

As for acclimatization?

Cheng Ding was on the military register, he didn't have any outstanding military exploits, but he also went on an expedition with the Eight Banners, and he came out every year as a follower, so how could he be dissatisfied?
Seeing that his daughter was annoyed, Qi Xi didn't dare to hide it anymore, and said: "Haha, Ah Ma is really fine, it's a good thing... I'm happy, I haven't had a good rest these two days..."

Speaking of this, his smile was a little stiff: "A few days ago, I received a letter from Xiaoer, saying that you are pregnant..."

Shu Shu also froze.

I really can't be happy.

She is the same age as Ama, she is forty-two this year, and will be forty-three next year.

Older women!

It's nothing in later generations, but in this era, it's just earning your life.

Jue Luo looked tall, plump and very healthy, but it was only in the past few years that he got better.

When she was young, she sought medical advice, and it took many years to give birth to her daughter. As a result, she gave birth frequently afterwards, and her body was too deficient, so it took many years of recuperation to get better.

Shu Shu pursed her lips, really not knowing what to say.

Parents have a good relationship, which is a good thing.

What to say at this time is afraid of bringing bad luck.

No wonder Qi Xi got dark circles from the boil, it would be strange if he could feel at ease.

The father and daughter looked at each other with wry smiles.

Qi Xi sighed: "Don't worry too much, your aunt is here..."

Shu Shu understands that these are all comforting words, if Ama is really not worried, it will not be like this.

Shu Shu wasn't even in the mood to hit a rabbit.

Brother Jiu followed behind Shu Shu, seeing the father and daughter ignoring him so much, he was angry and funny.

But after listening to the content of the conversation between the two people, he also understood the reason why they were out of their minds.

He said to Shu Shu: "There are still seven or eight months, don't worry...we will be in Beijing in March or April next year...if it goes can visit your mother-in-law or something by then convenient……"

Shu Shu heard the meaning of Brother Jiu's words.

This is the plan to find an opportunity to move out after the new year.

If that's the case, let alone visiting her mother's house, even staying for a while is not out of the question.

Shu Shu nodded, Qi Xi said: "Xiao Liu is going to be an older brother, I don't know whether to add a younger brother or a younger sister, this time I will be very happy..."

Qi Xi said: "You're still a kid, if you add another girl and prepare to marry when you grow up, Ah Ma can't bear this second encounter..."

Brother Jiu was not happy listening to it, what he said was not like marrying his daughter, but rather like pushing his daughter into a fire pit.

Are you that bad?
Or is it bad in the palace?

"Father-in-law, why do you favor sons over daughters? This is out of the question! I think it's better to be a son-in-law. They say that a son-in-law is half a son, and if you have a son-in-law and a son-in-law, you have half a child. What's so good about having a son? Married The daughter-in-law forgot that there are fewer mothers, and she has gone to show her courtesy to the mother-in-law's family..."

After Brother Jiu finished speaking, the scene fell silent.

Qi Xi looked at Brother Jiu and stroked his beard, as if looking at another piece of fat.

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing and said: "When we come out of the house, I really want to see how the master shows courtesy to the mother-in-law..."

Brother Jiu snorted softly, "Is that how courteous you are? You are really filial... Who asked the mother-in-law to give birth to a good Fujin..."

Qi Xi looked at Brother Nine, feeling displeased.

Glib, can coax people? !
He looked at his own girl, saw her smile softly, but her eyes were clear, and he felt relieved.

just coax...

This painstaking rhetoric is also because of the importance...

Brother Ten and Brother Thirteen have already run several laps.

Seeing that everyone got off their horses and talked, they also rode over and came down to greet Qi Xi.

Seeing that the two treated him so close, Qi Xi thought it was the role of sending horses before, looked at the prey of the two and praised: "Master Shi is very strong, this rabbit's neck has been shot through..."

Elder Brother Ten lowered his eyes: "It's just normal..."

He is holding a common five-strength bow, but no one knows that he can also draw a ten-strength bow.

Qi Xi's eyes flickered, he didn't say anything else, and he praised Elder Thirteen again: "Master Thirteen is good at hitting the head, shooting right in the eyes and not hurting the fur, it's not easy..."

Elder Brother Thirteen smiled and lively, and said, "White rabbits are rare, this one is for Sister-in-law Nine's muff..."

Shu Shu showed surprise at the side: "Huh? I still have my share, thank you Thirteenth Brother..."

Originally, I only thought that I would eat rabbits, but I actually harvested rabbit skins.

On Shu Shu's face, the old mother's relief was revealed.

Qi Xi took a look at how his uncle and sister-in-law got along, and saw that the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers were respectful and close to Shu Shu, and felt at ease.

Thinking about it, my daughter is excellent in everything, but she can't tame her two uncles?

Elder Brother Jiu was not happy to be around, and wanted to flex his fists. He said to Shu Shu: "How can two rabbits be enough? I will talk to my father-in-law, and I will beat a few more. We will roast them later..."

Shu Shu also wanted to have a private conversation with Ama, so she nodded and said, "Well, go and come back quickly, I will wait here with Ama..."

The ninth elder brother took the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother to go.

Most of the guards went with the princes, only the two remained, and they also led the horses and stood a little further away.

Only then did Shu Shu whisper the matter of meeting Mrs. Taiji just now.

Qi Xi became serious and said: "I don't need to tell you about Ernie for the time being, lest she have something on her mind and affect her delivery..."

Shu Shu also meant the same thing.

No matter who is right or wrong in the past, they are not as important as family members.

"So far, it's enough for the two of us to know... You Ernie, I will tell her slowly after giving birth... You don't need to mention this to Master Jiu, and don't tell Fu Song, so as not to cause trouble..."

Shu Shu nodded.

If you tell Brother Jiu, it would be bad for Brother Jiu to leak his words in front of his good starling.

As for Fusong, it is not a good thing for the young mind to feel resentment and think about taking revenge and seizing property.

Shu Shu hesitated for a moment, but still expressed her doubts: "Ama, rather than saying that Guo Luoluo's family seized the property, the cousin's side is actually more suspicious..."

The family property passed down from the ancestors, even if the direct branch inherits it, and is not assigned to the concubine, can you be willing to watch outsiders embezzle it?

If it is said that Neiduo's backer, the Lord of the Zhenglan Banner, is powerful, he may be able to scare the general clan, but the Beizi Mansion at that time may not have been afraid.

After all, the owner of the Xianglan Banner is not a vegetarian, he is Prince Zheng Jierhalang, the uncles of Duke Beizi.

At that time, Prince An was only the county king, and Jierharang was the assistant king, who was under one person and above ten thousand people.

It's hard to think about it carefully. If you think about it, it's more like a house thief attracting ghosts.

Conspiracy to seize property.

Qi Xi sneered and said: "It's been like this since ancient times. Clansmen taking property are more vicious than outsiders... They take care of their faces and don't want to be villains directly, and they are greedy. It's not surprising to use some tricks in private..."

Qi Xi had heard about his father-in-law's prodigal gambling when he was a teenager, and he also knew that half of the properties he sold were in the hands of his cousin...

(End of this chapter)

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