Chapter 172 Scared (Third update for subscription)

In the past few decades, Shu Shu didn't think about taking back the lost property of her uncle's house.

Sai Weng lost his horse, how do you know it is not a blessing?
A person who is not from Aixinjueluo and has a rich family background, isn't this a big piece of fat?
Just to see how others eat.

Most of them are scattered, which is also a disguised form of security.

Otherwise, if a concubine's family is darker and a half-old child is directly killed, then it is not property infringement, but "inheritance"...

Shu Shu just finds it meaningless.

Over the years, she saw that the relationship between her uncle's house and her cousins ​​was normal, and she felt that those houses were of good character, not that powerful.

Otherwise, it is common for relatives to fail and divorce.

Even Er Nie also said that when she was a child, she was favored by her cousins ​​and aunts.

Who would have thought that there were hidden secrets behind this.

Qi Xi saw her daughter's depression, and explained: "I'm not a stranger in the first place, and I don't need to be angry and worry about it when I go far away in the future. Let them go. We will bring our own fortune and misfortune. Let's live a dignified life..."

Shu Shu nodded, not because she was angry or anything, but because she felt bored.

Let’s not talk about whether good people have good rewards, anyway, bad people are good.


Kneel down to thank you for not killing me? !
Since you are greedy for money, stop asking for fame and be frank.

The results of it?
The property accounts for most of it, and she also wants a good reputation for taking care of her nephews and nieces!
Uncle's current situation, are they helping behind the scenes?
The second brush of the long house's wealth?
After all, there are previous convictions.

Especially in the past few decades, the noble titles of those dukes have descended, but their descendants have prospered, which is the situation of financial distress.

Shu Shu reads a lot of books, and never shy away from guessing the evil in people's hearts.

She thought about Fu Song...

If someone dares to attack Fu Song...

She can't stand it.

Probably not...

Even if it is evil, it must be profitable.

Uncle Shu Shu still has the old house and the big Zhuangzi outside the city, which are worth plotting against. What does Fu Song have?
"You don't have to do anything, as long as you're doing well, they'll be afraid...Even if you're careful, you'll have scruples..."

Qi Xi said.

Shu Shu pursed her lips: "Anyway, Ama remembers to keep Fusong away from them, so that they don't mix together... Wait until Master Jiu opens the mansion, and see if Fusong can be replaced by a guard in the mansion or something..."

Qi Xi shook his head quickly when he heard this, and said: "That's not good, unless Brother Jiu enters the Xianglan Banner, otherwise you don't arrange errands across the flag... At that time, the leader of Brother Jiu's name will be dissatisfied, and he will be angry with Fu Song." It's not a good thing to say... I'll wait until he's grown up, then I'll find a way to find someone in the Xianglan Banner, and see if I can find another one for him...

One can't be idle, or a good child will be useless..."

The descendants of the Aixinjueluo family who have been removed from their clan are actually ordinary bannermen, and there is no law that prohibits filling in ordinary banner vacancies.

It's just that no one has tried it before.

Or they can't let go of their airs and fill in errands like ordinary bannermen.

Or down, lost the backing, unable to compete with others.

Shu Shu felt that Ama's words made sense. No matter what, she should learn basic livelihood skills and rely on her own ability to earn living expenses. Otherwise, she could only sit on the mountain and become lazy.

After the father and daughter finished talking about Fu Song, they turned back to Jue Luo Shi.

Shu Shu thought for a while and said: "Go back and ask around in Beijing to see who has a female doctor. Please prepare at home..."

Now there are female doctors, mostly looking at gynecological diseases, who were born in Xinglin family and passed on from mother-in-law to daughter-in-law.

Qi Xi nodded: "It's good to be prepared... But don't worry too much, if you really feel unwell, you won't force yourself... When she was pregnant with Xiaosan and Xiaosi, she didn't look good... At that time, the medicine I caught them all, because you Ernie understands that the one in your belly is as precious as you and Xiao Er... It was the same at the time, and it is the same now..."

Shu Shu thought about her temper, and she really felt much more at ease.

Ernie is the real sobriety in the world.

She knows what is serious.

Her five sons are still young, if there is an eventuality, her husband is in the prime of life, and he will definitely renew...

Even if they are young couples who have been in love for many years, Er Nie will not gamble on her husband's conscience and integrity.

Relatives get together, time flies by.

It didn't seem like I stayed for a while, and more than half an hour passed.

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Brother Thirteen were accompanied by guards to help them out, and within an hour, they shot a few more rabbits by themselves.

Brother Nine, here, is thinking about capturing a jumping rabbit alive to show Shu Shu.

This thing is not as common as hares, and they ran away when they saw one.

When Brother Jiu started shooting rabbits, and was lucky enough to shoot a white rabbit, he saw the shadow of the jumping rabbit again.

This time Brother Jiu gave up chasing, and directly untied the cloak, wrapped it in a ball in his hand, threw it out, and just buckled it squarely.

The little thing was still under the cloak, but Brother Jiu had already rolled over and got off the horse, holding the cloak and the jumping rabbit together in his hand.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother were by the side, and when they saw the movement of the ninth elder brother, they all rode over curiously.

"What did Brother Jiu catch? A bird?"

Brother Thirteen jumped off his horse and came over.

Elder Brother Jiu took a bit of pride, groping for the cloak, grabbing Tiaotu's body, revealing the little head inside: "This is a little thing for your sister-in-law Jiu, the little thing is so clever..."

Elder Brother Thirteen looked at the small gray head in the middle of the cloak and the dark bean eyes, and somehow felt familiar.

If it weren't for the long ears, it would look like a mouse.

"This...was the voles and the rabbits strung together?"

Elder Brother Thirteen asked: "It's not pretty, it looks like a big mouse, don't scare Sister-in-law Jiu..."

Brother Jiu gave him a blank look: "What a mouse, this is a jumping rabbit! Look at how handsome this little guy is, he's no cuter than that silly rabbit..."

Brother Thirteen took another look. Compared with his small head, his eyes are quite big, but are they so pretty?

Shouldn't this be a thief with eyebrows and mouse eyes?

Elder Brother Ten didn't get off the horse, and touched the few rabbits hanging on the horse: "You can't eat it, what's the use... Brother Ninth, let's go back quickly, so that Sister Nine won't have to wait in a hurry..."

The group returned to Shu Shu's place.

Several elder brothers got off their horses and invited Qi Xi to roast rabbits together.

Qi Xi hurriedly waved his hands: "The kindness of the elder brothers, I appreciate it, and there are chores in the barracks, so it's time to go back..."

He was very knowledgeable, knowing that everyone would be uncomfortable if he stayed, so he gave Shu Shu a few words and went back to Qiying.

Brother Jiu couldn't wait, took the jumping rabbit and said to Shu Shu: "Look what this is? I caught it!"

After that, he put it in Shu Shu's hand.

Shu Shu froze, and hurriedly said: "Master, don't, I'm afraid it will bite me..."

God, this looks like a rodent!
There is a high probability that they are carriers of the prairie plague!
If a case occurs in later generations, it must be transferred to the Capital Hospital for treatment.

Now if I get bitten...

Shu Shu's hairs stood up, and he took two steps back, hiding behind the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers.

Brother Jiu heard this, and wanted to laugh a few times, but seeing Shu Shu's face turned pale, he hurriedly threw the jumping rabbit on his cloak and threw it far away.

The jumping rabbit got the chance, it was really like "flying on the grass", and it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Brother Jiu then said: "Don't be afraid, let go..."

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen were also taken aback, they really didn't expect Shu Shu to react like this.

Shu Shu blushed, and said with a sneer: "It's just... I think it looks like it can bite people..."

With this episode, the atmosphere is a bit dull.

Until we got to the place where the barbecue is, by the river.

The wood was prepared before leaving the mansion, and He Yuzhu bought it from the kitchen staff of Taiji Mansion with silver.

How else could it be?
The vast grassland is not a land of mountains and forests, where firewood can be chopped.

If you don't prepare fuel yourself and want to have a picnic, you can only pick up cow dung...

The picture is too beautiful to imagine.

With the help of the guards, there is no need for Shu Shu and others to do it.

There are more than a dozen rabbits in total, and one of them is rich per capita.

Brother Ten untied a bundle from the saddle.

Like a snack bag, there are two packets of seasoning.

One pack of big ones and one pack of small ones.

Brother Ten handed the big bag to the guards, and kept the small bag for himself.

"That's all that's left for those with pepper...but it's okay, I'll make it up tomorrow..."

Elder Brother Ten raised his eyebrows, with a bit of pride: "I went to the kitchen manager this morning to search around, and the remaining peppers were rounded..." When he said this, he felt regretful: "I just went to One step too late, let the boss take half of it..."

When the rabbit was roasted, the thirteenth elder brother was bored, playing in the river.

Shu Shu looked interesting and followed suit, but she couldn't float.

"Sister-in-law, you have to bend aim..."

The thirteenth elder brother volunteered to be a teacher, taught Soda water drift, and set a demonstration by himself.

Shu Shu carefully watched Brother Thirteen's movements, tried to disassemble it, and succeeded once, and even tapped twice on the water surface.

Shu Shu jumped for joy: "Come again, this time I need to click three times..."


The thirteenth elder brother smiled and nodded, and put the two round river pebbles picked up by the river into her palm.

"Thank you Thirteenth Brother..."

Shu Shu took it, reluctant to throw it away.

Two river pebbles, one black and one white.

The black ones are like agate, and the white ones are like jade.

She was engrossed in watching it, and she also thought of the "Gobi agate" of later generations, which was produced in the west of Inner Mongolia, and there should be no one in the east.

Brother Jiu came over, grabbed the stone directly from her hand, and leaned over like a float.

"Swoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

The light stone touched the water surface four or five times before falling into the river.

Next, is the second time.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

This time it was clicked six times.

"Brother Nine is amazing!"

The thirteenth elder brother was beside him, praising him wholeheartedly, with a look of admiration on his face: "I can only click four times at most, Brother Ninth teach me..."

Brother Jiu raised his chin: "If you want to find an angle, you don't have to bend down to aim... This involves mathematics and geometry... When you return to Beijing, you should study hard..."

Elder Brother Thirteen nodded honestly: "When the time comes, I will trouble Brother Ninth to draw up a book list..."

Brother Jiu patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, Brother Jiu will make a good plan..."

The rabbit meat is tender, and the wood is used, so it is roasted quickly.

It was estimated that after half an hour, it was all baked.

Roasted rabbits that are charred on the outside and tender on the inside, one for each person.

Shu Shu and the others baked it themselves, there are two non-spicy ones, one is from Brother Jiu, and the other is left by Shu Shu for Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin.

After eating delicious roasted rabbits, everyone returned to Taiji Mansion.

There will be a formal dinner tonight.

Shu Shu carried a roasted rabbit, and when she walked into Qifujin's room, she had just taken a nap.

Shu Shu couldn't laugh or cry: "Didn't you wake up late in the morning? Why did you sleep again?"

Qifujin said with a smile: "Spring is sleepy and autumn is exhausted, I always sleep when I was in Beijing..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu was a little surprised: "You can sleep so well, why haven't you lost weight?"

Qi Fujin was confused: "Is it possible to lose weight while sleeping? Is there such a good thing? I haven't heard of it. I only heard that there are people who stay up late and lose weight."

Shu Shu has no way to explain to her that fat will be initially decomposed into glycerol and fatty acids, further oxidized and decomposed into acetyl-CoA, and after participating in the internal circulation, finally generate water, carbon dioxide and energy.

So sleep can really lose weight...

As for the source of obesity of Seven Fujin...

It should be her eating habits.

She has a sweet tooth and is a sugar bodhisattva.

Shu Shu said: "A doctor said before, if you sleep well, you will lose weight, if you don't sleep well, you will gain weight easily... But the premise is that you can't overeat and eat less sugar..."

Qi Fujin listened carefully: "So that's the case, then I'd better keep my mouth shut, maybe I'll lose weight naturally..."

Walnut has already invited Wu Fujin over.

Looking at the roasted rabbit, Wu Fujin thanked with a smile, but his eyes were on Shu Shu's face several times.

Shu Shu noticed, and touched her forehead following her gaze: "Is there something dirty?"

Wu Fujin shook his head, and said, "I just think your skin is really good, white and tender..."

As she spoke, she raised the curtain of her head: "Look, I ate a few more bites of meat these days, and this..."

No wonder when the head curtain was lowered, it was a small rash the size of a grain of sorghum rice, which was very obvious.

Shu Shu felt that, apart from the diet, there was also the reason of inadequate cleaning.

As the diet is greasy, the sweat glands also secrete oil, and it is dusty all day long. If it is not cleaned well, it is easy to clog the pores.

Qifujin turned his face sideways, pointed to the wing of his nose: "I'm about to get up, I can touch it..."

It's not good to hire an imperial physician for this, so the sister-in-law and sister-in-law looked at Shu Shu eagerly, hoping that she would think of a way.

Shu Shu thought for a while and said, "I prepared Kudingcha because I was afraid that Master Jiu would get angry if he ate meat, so I asked someone to bring it to my sisters-in-law... In addition to drinking some Kudingcha to relieve the fire, I also have to keep my face in good shape." Wash it, or if this goes on, you have to get up again..."

Her facial cleansing cream is formulated by Xiaoyu.

It is better to use than ordinary soap, and it also contains pearl powder.

The quantity is limited, and everyone's skin is different.

Shu Shu said: "When washing your face, wash your forehead and nose a little more, it will feel better..."

There is also the habit in the north, to wash your face with water.

This kind of man can use it well, but women can't clean their face with daily rouge and powder.

Shu Shu added this one more: "Finally, apply a hot towel to the face, leave it on for a quarter of an hour, and then wash it off, it will be much cleaner, and it won't be easy to get pimples... This is how I grew up..."

Wufujin and Qifujin were carefully memorized.

Shu Shu just returned to the house.

Brother Jiu had already changed his clothes, only then did he remember that he hadn't shown off to Shu Shu: "Today I shot two rabbits, one of them was white..."

 It’s another [-]D day, and I’m hitting the boutique badge, and I’m almost out of data. If there are book friends who are raising, or book friends who have skipped subscriptions, please subscribe, thank you Xiaojiu!
(End of this chapter)

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