Chapter 173 Uncle and Sister-in-Law

Shu Shu praised: "My lord is really powerful. If it were me, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it. I'm really more and more timid..."

This sentence is also true.

After seeing Mengmeng's jumping rabbit, Shu Shu felt that if the rabbit was in front of her, she might not be able to shoot it.

As for the white rabbit?

This white is a bit far-fetched.

After all, it is a hare, gray is the natural color, and white is like a live target.

If it is winter, it is also possible to harvest pure white rabbits.

There is a kind of snow rabbit whose hair changes with the seasons, white in winter and gray in other seasons.

Brother Jiu smiled and didn't tell her that the reason why everyone shot a bunch of rabbits so quickly was because the guards grabbed the grass first and drove the rabbits together.

"What is this? When Mulan is encircled, I will give you big things, such as roe deer, fox, gazelle, all of them... If you are lucky, you may even meet a tiger..."

This is the third time Brother Nine has toured Mongolia, and he already has experience.

Shu Shu was indeed attracted attention: "Tiger?!"

I don't dare to think about it!
Really shot to death with a bow and arrow? !
The fur is so thick!
Shu Shu was worried.

She supported Brother Jiu's arm, with concern: "If you really want to meet a tiger, please don't move forward..."

Even traveling with guards is not safe.

If the tiger spotted a person, would he still be able to escape? !

Brother Nine snorted softly: "Don't underestimate people, what's wrong with the tiger? When you meet it, you're willing to let it go? Khan Ama didn't kill two or three when he made a siege..."

Shu Shu knew that she was stupid.

At this time, there are already firearms.

In front of hot weapons, the threat of ferocious beasts has indeed weakened, and it is not so daunting.

"A musket shot?"

Shu Shu said: "That's also very powerful..."

Even if the target is huge, the shooting range is limited at this time. It takes concentration to aim at the king of beasts without shaking hands.

"What kind of musket? If the musket kills you, can you still get the skin?"

Brother Jiu looked at her and said, "There's still something you don't know about, of course it's a tiger gun..."

This is Shu Shu's knowledge blind spot again.

Tiger gun is not a gun?
She acted like a good student, and listened to Brother Jiu's introduction.

"Tiger Spear, seven and a half feet... with a blood tank, specially used for killing tigers and bears..."

Brother Nine said: "Khan Ama organized the Tiger Gun Battalion in the [-]rd year, with a fixed quota of [-], dedicated to hunting... In addition to tiger guns, they are also equipped with bows, arrows and muskets. You don’t have to worry if you meet a tiger, a bear, a blind man..."

Shu Shu nodded: "That's good."

It turned out to be such a tiger gun, literally, a spear for killing tigers.

But she was full of slander in her heart, no wonder the records about Kangxi and Qianlong, the grandfather and grandson of later generations, were weird.

What "hunting on Nanshan, shooting three tigers with arrows", "going up to Bayan, shooting one tiger" and so on, let later generations see it, not only doubting how serious the tiger problem is, but also doubting the grandson of this grandson. Whether the story is true or not.

According to some statistics, according to written records, the grandfather and grandson killed more than two hundred tigers.

The most intensive one was created by Kangxi.

Also on the way to the north, for several days in a row, "shoot two tigers" every day.

It turned out that he brought [-] followers to fight the tiger!

Brother Nine no longer seemed to be chattering like usual, looking at Shu Shu with doubts on his face.

Shu Shu also looked at Brother Jiu.

When she is not talking, she is quite lovely, and she looks cute and cute.

Originally, his expression was haughty and disdainful, but now he looks peaceful.

"Are you brave or timid?"

Brother Jiu murmured: "If you say you are timid, you are not afraid in front of Han Ama, and you can do it freely in front of the queen mother and empress, let alone in front of the master, who is a domineering... But if you say bold , who was afraid of this and that, scared even a jumping rabbit... Really, Master caught it for you..."

Shu Shu's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was indeed shaken.

There is still a lack of awe of imperial power.

When I saw Kangxi for the first time, I was nervous because I knew he held the power of life and death.

After seeing him for the second and third time, this fear was much reduced.

Because she understands that because of the status of Prince Fujin, as long as she abides by the rules, there will be no threat to her life.

As for the Queen Mother and Concubine Yi...

Perhaps it was the gentleness and love shown by the two at the beginning, which made Shu Shu forget that these two could absolutely suppress her.

Even elder brother Jiu can see it? !

Sure enough, people can't be complacent, otherwise they will easily get carried away.

"Then I think it's wrong for me to do this? Then what should I do in front of the elders in the future?"

Shu Shu decided to listen to the opinion of the native, Brother Nine.

Brother Nine pulled her to sit by the kang, and said, "There's nothing wrong with it. Why should a family be so afraid? It's just that sometimes you can't be too honest. It's good to be polite like before...

Khan Ama is eccentric, not only partial to the older sons of the prince, eldest, third, and fourth, but also the thirteenth and fourteenth are precious young sons...

Master knows that you are used to being an older sister, everyone looks like little six and the others, and you also treat old ten and thirteen as younger brothers...

For an ordinary family, this is quite good, but in the royal family, even the sister-in-law should respect the little elder brother...

There was a case in the Taizu dynasty, when Taizong succeeded Fujin, he was ordered to abandon him because he violated this taboo..."

Taizong succeeded Fujin, the mother of Prince Suwu Haoge and Princess Aohan.

In terms of speaking, he is not an outsider, but also from the Wulanala family, the cousin of the great concubine Abahai.

Naturally, Shu Shu had also heard the legend of this person, and the reason for being dismissed was "insulting the elder".

That is "the elders", why did you mention uncles and sisters?

That's because Ji Fujin was sitting on the bed when he was returning to his mother's house in winter. He passed by the gate of the mansion of the elder brother Daishan and Azig without getting off the car, and directly entered the gate of King Khan's palace on the bed.

Needless to say, Daishan, uncle.

Azig is his brother-in-law, or the brother-in-law of his cousin.

Shu Shu knew about this paragraph before, and felt that this crime was a fig leaf.

The real reason for divorcing his wife should be that the Wula tribe has already destroyed the country, and the Wulanara clan lost its backing.

At the same time, the marriage between Manchu and Horqin is aggravated, and she needs to make way for Zhe Zhe, who was at the side of Fujin.

Shu Shu was somewhat puzzled: "Master thinks I've treated Elder Brother Thirteen slowly?"

That's Lord Thirteen!

I didn't wear a fan filter, but I didn't find any shortcomings in that gentle and polite boy.

Such a pleasing child, I can only be close to him.

Brother Jiu shook his head, solemnly, and said: "It's not that you treat him slowly, but that you should treat him with more respect in the future, and you can't really treat him like an ordinary uncle... just like you treat the old ten, it's fine..."

If it weren't for this guy's wandering eyeballs and lack of confidence, Shu Shu would have believed it!

To my tenth elder brother, I keep my sense of proportion while getting close...

It's because Elder Brother Shi still has a princess, not a real child, and has already understood the relationship between men and women.

Shu Shu and the tenth elder brother are the same Geng, and they need to avoid taboos in their conversations, so that they respect each other, otherwise they will become frivolous.

Thirteenth brother, thirteen years old, Dongyue's birthday, only eleven years old!

Shu Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and twisted Brother Jiu's waist: "It's true, what can't be said directly, and I have learned to beat around the bush..."

Brother Nine grabbed her hand, snorted softly, "I'm not lying, I'm reminding you sincerely... I naturally know that you are good, and I take good care of ten and thirteen, but I also have to guard against other people's eggs." Pick a bone..."

Having said that, he pointed in the direction of the upper room: "It's like the old third who has a bad mouth and is always suing..."

"Okay, okay, I'll make a note..."

Shu Shu felt a little helpless.

Still a day of doing more and more mistakes.

She was a little disappointed.

No one in this world is immune.

Everyone is a snob.

Because the eighth prince is a historical loser, Shu Shu subconsciously picks on his shortcomings, and also faintly feels contemptuous.

Conversely, knowing that the thirteenth brother is one of the final victors, he will still get close intentionally or unintentionally, hoping to form a good relationship.

Seek good fortune and avoid evil.

Bully the soft and fear the hard.


Brother Jiu saw that she was listless, but instead softened his heart, and said, "Actually, it's nothing, it's all good... It's because I want to guard against villains, and I'm too nervous..."

Shu Shu nodded: "I'm fine, I just think my master reminded me right... But I see that Thirteenth Brother has a good personality, just like Tenth Brother, he treats people with sincerity. In the future, Master can get close to Shisan Duo... The Lord is about to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs as an errand, so the emperor will be happy to see that he has a brother like this..."

Brother Nine nodded quickly: "I understand, don't worry, Master Shisan will take care of you in the future..."

Shu Shu is not an awkward character, since the ninth elder brother is not happy, she will not stubbornly insist on continuing to get close to the thirteenth elder brother.

That would be a double standard dog.

Learning to give in to each other is also the way for couples to get along well.

In addition, Shu Shu also paid attention to the phrase "prevent villains" that elder brother Jiu said.

Elder Brother Thirteen is eleven years old this year, half a child, there is no need to hide anything, but he is not always so young.

The uncle and sister-in-law are three years apart, and they look much different now. What will happen in a year or two?

Lian Jiu and Ba Fujin have never had any dealings at all, and people can make up stories with their noses and eyes. It may not be impossible for me to get closer to Thirteenth Brother, it's better to avoid suspicion.

Brother Nine is a man and Kangxi's own son. Rumors like this are disgusting at best.

Shu Shu is just a daughter-in-law. If such a scandal really happens, the favorability in front of Kangxi will be zero, and there may be a negative value.

Taiji will have a "banquet" tonight, and the opening time is set at the beginning of You.

Therefore, around the beginning of the year, the kitchen in the house sent small snacks for everyone to have a bite.

It is two plates of fried fruit, two plates of milk cakes, fried rice, yogurt, with Urimo, sugar, and the essential milk tea.

Fried rice is fried with a kind of Mongolian unique loose broomcorn.

The shape is similar to millet, bigger than millet, and about the same size as yellow rice.

It just doesn't have the stickiness of yellow rice, it is rough and loose when cooked directly, and the taste is not good.

Mongolia has come up with such a proprietary way of eating.

Stir-fried and preserved, when eating, soak in milk, yogurt or milk tea.

If you like crispy ones, soak them for a shorter time; if you want soft ones, soak them longer.

Urimo is the cream left on the yogurt, also called milk chewing.

Brother Jiu ate half a roasted rabbit and was still full, so he drank a few sips of milk tea.

Shu Shu looked at the fried rice yogurt, feeling very hungry.

I have eaten this in my previous life, and I will never forget it.

I have been in Mongolia for almost a month in my life, and I have eaten a lot of Mongolian meals along the way, and this is the first time I have seen this kind of configuration.

Is this a unique collocation of the Horqin Department?
Shu Shu adjusted it by herself.

Two spoonfuls of fried rice, half a bowl of yogurt, one spoonful of Urimo, half a spoonful of sugar.

Take a bite, it is simply invincible delicious.

The thickness of cream, the refreshingness of yogurt, the crispiness of fried rice, and the fusion of sweetness form an excellent delicacy.

Maybe it's because of her expression of enjoyment, Brother Jiu couldn't help being tempted: "It's so delicious, why don't you try it too?"

With that said, he is about to start.

Shu Shu quickly put down the bowl.

"I'll help you make it... This fried rice is considered dry food, and it's not easy to digest if it's soaked..."

As she said that, she remixed half a bowl, that is, half a spoonful of fried rice, two spoonfuls of yogurt, half a spoonful of Urimo, and a small half spoonful of white sugar.

Not much more than the bottom of the bowl.

Brother Jiu compared the half bowl of Shu Shu's and reluctantly took it.

He took a bite, nodded and said, "Put fried rice on it, it's much more delicious..."

The two ate a small bite and rinsed their mouths.

Shu Shu recalled the current weather, and said: "We need to add a cloak now... If you go to Xingwei first and then go to Shengjing according to what I said before, then the clothes we brought out are really not enough..."

When she packed their luggage, she prepared two boxes of winter clothes, but they were all small woolen clothes, which were worn in early winter.

I have overlooked a problem, that is, the early winter in the capital is not the same as the early winter outside the pass.

By October, the beginning of winter in the capital, it was already severe winter outside the pass.

There are various visitors along the way, and it is not easy to wear clothes repeatedly.

It would be a joke if it really fell to the point where there were no clothes to wear.

"Do you want to send someone back to Beijing to pick it up, or do you add it when you arrive in Shengjing?"

Shu Shu asked.

Brother Jiu said: "It's enough to add in Shengjing. It's not as prosperous as the capital, but it's an old capital with all kinds of shops... Besides, there's still grandpa's house. Let the sewing room over there help prepare These are..."

Speaking of this, he thought for a while and said: "Materials can be ready-made, but this sewing can't be finished in a day or two. You can ask someone to count it and see how much is missing... Then send someone to tell Guo Luoluo in advance Let me tell you, prepare in advance..."

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Forget it, forget it, don't use favors if you can spend money to solve it... Although it is my grandfather's house, but now my aunt is in charge of the house, it is very troublesome, there is no need to take advantage of it..."

Brother Jiu was not close to Guo Luoluo's family at all, but he had an opinion before, and when he heard what Shu Shu said, he nodded and said: "Okay, I understand... When you see your mother, ask her, look at her side Are the clothes you brought enough? If not, I will send someone back to the capital...the distance from the capital to Mulan Paddock is not too far..."

Shu Shu complied.

It was still early before the dinner party, and the two lay down to take a nap.

Brother Jiu stroked Shu Shu's belly, with a feeling of regret: "It's the master who has troubled you, otherwise, you might have a little elder brother and a little princess... and you won't fall behind your mother-in-law..."

In this case, he has said it once before.

This is the second time I was touched by news from Dong E's family today.

This is a bad omen...

Shu Shu smiled softly: "It's not like the hen lays eggs, how can it be so fast? The fifth sister-in-law and the seventh sister-in-law are all in front, and there is no movement... Don't say such things again, I don't like to hear...Little elder brother, Little Gege doesn't like it either... When it's time to come, it will come naturally..."

As she said that, she rolled into Brother Nine's arms and whispered: "Master, I got married on the [-]th and gave birth to me at the [-]th... I also have a heart hanging in my heart. , too late to get pregnant, the Lord despises me..."

Brother Jiu hugged Shu Shu in his arms, and said solemnly, "I wouldn't do that... let alone twenty-six, what's the point of thirty-six?"

"Well, grandpa is so kind!"

Shu Shu said softly.

So let go of guilt, anxiety, and other negative emotions.

Otherwise, the atmosphere is uncomfortable and unpleasant.

Everyone likes comfort.

Uncomfortable, either change or escape.

Shu Shu didn't want to hurt brother Jiu's self-confidence, making him unable to hold his head up in front of her.

In that case, he would go to other women to find the feeling of being admired and needed...

 The first big chapter will be updated first, the second and third updates will be in the afternoon, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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