My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 174 Marriage

Chapter 174 Marriage
Brother Jiu put his arms around Shu Shu and didn't speak any more.

The atmosphere is just right.

The time is wrong, it's broad daylight.

And it's not convenient...

Shu Shu sighed, a little regretful.

Brother Jiu is also thinking in his heart that he has to wait for a few days...

At some point, the two of them fell into a drowsy sleep.


When Shenzheng was about to arrive, there was still no movement in the house.

Walnut came in and whispered to the two of them to get up.

Shu Shu moved his neck and sat up, feeling that he had slept well.

Maybe the two of them can go to see the stars tonight...

The grassland is full of stars, but it should be far away from the lights.

Last night Shu Shu stood in the yard and took a look, but couldn't see anything clearly.

What a pity.

Brother Nine was rubbing his arms, feeling a little numb.

Xiao Yu came in with the wash water.

The clothes that the couple will wear at night have already been prepared. Although they are all ordinary clothes, the formal banquets are different.

Apart from his regular clothes, Brother Nine didn't bring any purses of various colors, he just wore a yellow belt and a coral hat on his head.

Shu Shu also prepared new jewelry here, which is the golden crown given by Mrs. Taiji this morning.

On the golden crown is a sparrowhawk made of red coral, which looks majestic and makes the original monotonous and heavy golden crown alive.

In order to match this golden crown, Xiao Yu dug out two kinds of coral jewellery.

A string of coral bracelets.

A pair of coral persimmon earrings.

Shu Shu didn't wear any other jewelry, because this golden crown is not light, and it looks magnificent, adding other things would be too cumbersome and solemn.

When it was almost time, Shu Shu came out and saw Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin in the yard.

Everyone is dressed in the same dress, which means a family banquet.

The younger sisters-in-law all smiled knowingly.

So far, I have participated in the "banquet" five times, and I have seen everything.

When Kalaqin Duanjing Princess Mansion, everyone was still unfamiliar with this kind of banquet.

With the words of the Empress Dowager and Concubine Yi in front, none of them dared not to take them seriously, and acted cautiously.

When the Aohan Department "had the banquet" twice, the atmosphere was not right, and the banquet was boring, and a few people just filled the number and went through the motions.

Arriving at Princess Duanmin's Mansion...

Everyone did not enter the princess mansion.

The banquet at Prince Darhan's mansion was not bad, and some small disturbances have passed.

Here in Taiji Mansion, it's really like visiting relatives.

Everyone was at ease for two days, which was the first time they had a good rest during the long journey.

A group of people went to the Queen Mother.

The queen mother is talking to Mrs. Taiji.

Seeing several granddaughter-in-laws coming in, the queen mother greeted her to sit down and asked, "How have you been resting for the past two days..."

Wu Fujin nodded and said: "Okay, sleep soundly, eat well, we saw Cuihua pickles yesterday, we all loved it..."

The queen mother looked at Qifujin again.

Qifujin smiled and nodded: "All good!"

Like Wu Fujin, it is in Mongolian, but it is a bit clumsy.

In Xiaoyue's surprise attack, Shu Shu and Wu Fujin had no choice but to take Qi Fujin, so they didn't want to make her open up.

Just ask her to write down a few words according to the "homophony".

Just like this simple answer used in daily life, there are also greetings and so on.

The queen mother smiled, changed to Manchu, and said lovingly: "If you can't learn it, you don't need to learn it, and you don't need it in normal times..."

Qifujin nodded, and agreed simply: "Then my granddaughter-in-law really doesn't want to learn, she's stupid... she can only speak Mandarin, but can't recognize Chinese..."

The Queen Mother smiled and said, "Mandarin is difficult, not to mention your little girls, even the Fifth Prince cried a few times when he was in school..."

Qi Fujin said with a smile: "Go back and ask Sister-in-law Wu to be Master Wu's teacher. These days I see Sister-in-law reading Chinese documents..."

Hearing this, the Empress Dowager smiled even wider, took Wu Fujin's hand, and said: "At the time of the draft, the emperor came to me and praised you, saying that you are good at French, and that you all study at home. study……"

Wu Fujin's face turned red: "Chinese is difficult, and grandson's daughter-in-law can barely read."

The queen mother patted her hand and said: "It's not bad, very good, you will study together in the future..."

Wu Fujin nodded lightly, and said: "Well, grandson's daughter-in-law will learn from Master Wu..."

The queen mother smiled and nodded: "That should be the case..."

The queen mother looked at Shu Shu, and her eyes fell on the golden crown on her head: "My good boy, come closer and ask grandma to take a good look..."

Shu Shu got up and moved forward, Wu Fujin stepped aside from the seat beside the kang, and pushed Shu Shu to sit down.

Shu Shu directly lowered her head, took the golden crown, and put it in the Queen Mother's hand: "Given it by my aunt, granddaughter-in-law likes it very much, so I just put it on..."

The Queen Mother groped for the red sparrowhawk, looked carefully, and said to Mrs. Taiji: "I look at this old thing familiar, as if I've seen it before, but it doesn't look like the style in Beijing..."

Mrs. Taiji smiled and said: "This was given by the Empress Dowager before I left Beijing... It was the dowry of the Empress Dowager... Her old man brought it from Horqin to Shengjing, and then brought it to the capital. I brought it back to Horqin again... All these years, with her blessing, I have lived a very safe and happy life. I only hope that my grand-niece can also accept her blessings... If there is a destiny, I don't know when I will go back to Horqin..."

In the last sentence, she looked at Jin Guan and said.

The queen mother put the golden crown on Shu Shu, but her eyes couldn't help but look at Shu Shu's stomach.

Shu Shu was taken aback.

What does Mrs. Taiji mean by saying this?
Is that what it means?

Book your own daughter? !

Because it is not popular in Manchuria to marry with the fingertips, you just said it vaguely, without expressing it?

No matter how close the relationship between the Horqin tribe and the imperial court is, the marriage in this capital is still a distant marriage.

She was reluctant.

But it's too early to say this now, maybe Mrs. Taiji said this to cover up the private conversation with her.

I also have the right to pretend that I don't understand.

Today's banquet is very harmonious.

Like a real family dinner.

The queen mother was so happy that she drank half a jug of wine.

When the banquet was over, the queen mother was already drunk, and she took Mrs. Taiji's arm and called "Eh".

Shushu and the others felt uncomfortable seeing this situation.

It is not easy for married women in this world.

Be careful in your husband's house, and your mother's family has also become your mother's house...

At the age of the queen mother, I don't know if there will be a chance to come back in the future.

It might be the last time...

After returning to the yard, Shu Shu asked someone to prepare bath water.

As for the stars, I can't take care of them for the time being.

Because He Yuzhu came back to pass on the message, Brother Jiu was dragged by Big Brother to barbecue.

Several elder brothers were pulled away.

According to what Big Brother said, the sheep in Horqin are extra fat, and the leek flower sauce in Taiji Prefecture is also delicious.

Before leaving, roast the mutton well.

After Shu Shu finished washing, she took the almanac.

Tomorrow is September, and I hope to be in Shengjing before the end of September.

There is a palace in Shengjing.

As the weather cools down, in addition to wearing more clothes, heating equipment should also be prepared.

In her carry-on luggage, she brought several hand stoves.

It's just not available yet.

The luggage cart at the back has a big handy stove, which is too big.

It is best to put a small stove in the car, and it is convenient to drink hot water when resting on the road.

It can also be used on top when the weather is cold.

Shu Shu leaned on the kang and wrote down this item. When he arrives in Shengjing, he can buy more.

It wasn't until the second watch that there was no movement outside.

The elder brothers are back.

Shu Shu yawned, sat up, looked at the door, and her eyes lit up.

Brother Nine held half a lamb chop in his hand.

She hurriedly got off the kang and went up to meet her.

Brother Jiu looked at her with pride: "I just thought you didn't eat well, so I followed the boss and the others..."

Grilled charred lamb chops, carried with Malian grass.

Shu Shu hastily emptied the plate of shaguo in the house, and put the lamb chops.

They are all pure ribs, with five or six pieces.

"Grandpa is so kind..."

Shu Shu looked at the bright red peppers and smiled sincerely.

Double spicy.

This is what he told him last night that he hadn't eaten enough, and he remembered it in his heart.

She hugged Brother Jiu, her heart was bubbling.

Brother Jiu was also infected by her good mood, with a smile on his face, but he said in his mouth: "I'm so hungry, what else do I know besides eating..."

Shu Shu acquiesced, smiled and let go of Brother Jiu, washed her hands, cut a lamb chop and ate it.

It was only after eating that I realized that it was a lamb.

There is only a thin layer of meat on the lamb chops, and there are only two bites of meat on one lamb chop.

After eating half a lamb chop, Shu Shu didn't even enjoy it.

Brother Nine handed her tea: "It's enough to enjoy it, let's bake it when you want to eat it..."

Because of the mutton meal, the two talked about the shops in the capital before going to bed.

"You can open a Mongolian restaurant in the inner city. I haven't heard of any..."

Brother Jiu said: "Don't talk about the Eight Banners stationed in Beijing, just say that there are quite a few princes and princes who have filled vacancies in the capital these years. These people are all rich..."

Shu Shu also became interested: "I want to hand meat, roast whole lamb, fried rice, Urimo, etc..."

Brother Nine nodded: "That's natural, what kind of Mongolian meal is there without these things... Plus all kinds of milk food, fried fruits..."

Shu Shu recalled the yurt restaurants in the suburbs of Beijing in the later generations, and said: "Let's try it out in the city first. If there are many customers, I may not be able to use the small village in Haidian to build a yurt hotel... I have never been there before then." If you are from Mongolia, you can go to see and see..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "This is a good idea, we can keep it for ourselves, and invite the Queen Mother to come over..."

Shu Shu listened with a smile, thinking that the two of them had made this business plan all the way, and waited to return to Beijing to start implementing it.

Could it be that his own future is the richest woman in the Qing Dynasty? !
Gathering is always short, parting is inevitable.

Early the next morning, the Empress Dowager got into the carriage with red and swollen eyes.

Mrs. Taiji also took Shushu's hand, and whispered: "My child, you will be involuntary in the future when you marry into the clan... If life goes well, treat it as a joke; if you encounter difficulties, I remember that my aunt's place is a back road..."

Shu Shu nodded emphatically, and thanked Mrs. Taiji again.

The old man has lived a long time and has seen many clans rise and fall, and knows the cruelty and bloodshed of the succession of the throne.

Especially for the Zongnu, no matter how the family is, they still have to bear the responsibility of nurturing.

At that time, the Horqin Department might not be the best choice...

 The air conditioner caught a cold, and I felt drowsy. It took five and a half hours to come out with a chapter. That's it for today.Everyone should also be careful, 55, the cervical spine is also uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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