My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 175 Knowledge

Chapter 175 Knowledge (Part [-])
The next itinerary is very tight.

On the first day of September, Shengjia was stationed in Keersu.

The tomb of Prince Darhan Batur is here.

Kangxi personally went to the tomb to pay homage, and the descendants of his relatives and grandchildren accompanied him.

On the same day, He Shuo's son-in-law came to court for the first time, the son-in-law of the eldest princess Chunxi.

The next day, before the departure of the holy driver, King Darhan and his son bid farewell and returned to the residence of the palace.

Next, they will lead the princes of this banner to the Mulan paddock to follow Kangxi Qiuxi.

On the third day of September, Shengjia was stationed in Princess Chunxi's mansion.

Princess Chunxi is the eldest princess, the adopted daughter of Kangxi, and the eldest daughter of Prince Gong Changning.

This princess, who was the same age as her elder brother, was twenty-eight years old, tall and beautiful, with the demeanor of a eldest sister.

Not only is he close to the princes, but he is also warm to Shu Shu and his three younger brothers and daughters-in-law, making people feel like a spring breeze. He is a very thoughtful person.

Princess Kangxi has been married for [-] years, so far eight years ago, she has two sons and one daughter.

They are a few lively and cute little babies, not only good-looking, but also well-bred.

Especially the youngest elder brother, who is two years old, is a fat baby with three heads and a body, and he has not lost his milk fat before he starts to learn to speak.

The queen mother was overjoyed, she caged the children by her side, and asked Shu Shu and the younger sisters-in-law to hug her more: "The eldest princess is a lucky one, and you are all touched..."

Regarding the "blessing" of the eldest princess, Shu Shu had heard the popularization of Brother Jiu before.

It turned out that ever since this princess was taken into the palace to be raised, there have been princes and princesses standing in the palace, no longer one born and one dead as before.

Brother Jiu didn't take this seriously, and said to Shu Shu: "According to this, the eldest brother was born in that year, or the same year... If there is really a 'blessing', it doesn't mean that the eldest brother is blessed..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu thought of another possibility.

The "blessing" of the eldest princess may have been deliberately introduced by Kangxi and the Empress Dowager in order to divert the attention of the elder brother.

The "blessing" of the adopted daughter princess does not affect anything, at most it is more decent to marry; the "blessing" of the eldest son of the emperor will threaten the prince.

Regardless of whether this "blessing" has moisture or not, the queen mother is absolutely convinced that she urged Shushu and the others like this.

The eldest princess is born in such a noble family, and her succession is more expensive, her marriage is one in a hundred, and she has both children within a few years of marriage, which can indeed be called a "blessing"

Wu Fujin and Shu Shu are both elder sisters, and they have younger brothers, but with just a few words, they can coax the children to get closer and talk with the two older ones.

Although Qifujin also has a younger sister, they are about the same age, and if she doesn't need to take care of her, she won't be very good at coaxing the children.

Seeing this, the Queen Mother directly put the youngest elder brother in her arms.

Qi Fujin held the child in a stiff posture, and before waiting for the little elder brother to do anything, he became nervous and dared not move.

Children are the most sensitive, seeing that Qifujin is not as gentle as the other two aunts.

The little elder brother looked up, but didn't dare to move. When he curled his mouth, tears came out.

Qifujin's tears were about to come out, and her body was hot.

Little brother peed...

After going through this experience, until he arrived at the Mulan paddock, Qi Fujin still had lingering fears in his heart.

"It's terrifying, it's terrifying..."

Qi Fujin followed Shu Shu and muttered: "My family has two of them, and they have never suffered such a piss. I really dare not think of ordinary people, how a woman takes care of a child, it is really a pile of shit, a pile of urine..."

Shu Shu didn't sound right.

Isn't Da Gege from Qiandong No. [-] raised in the main courtyard of Qifujin?
It seems that Qi Fujin hugged him not long after entering the door, and it has been more than a year.

How did you raise him without even hugging him?
Qi Fujin said by himself: "That's the granddaughter of the emperor. According to the princess's reduction, she is also matched with a nanny and a nanny... Even if I want to get closer and closer, there are still people who are afraid that I will play tricks..."

It's not easy for Shu Shu to comment on the lawsuit between wives and concubines. She only looked at Qifujin's stomach, and said, "It is said that the boy's urine is effective, and it is a sign of pregnancy... Maybe sister-in-law's double gift is worth it..."

Because the youngest son urinated on Qi Fujin all over, the eldest princess felt guilty, so she prepared a double meeting gift for Qi Fujin.

One is a mink cloak similar to that of Shu Shu and Wu Fujin.

They are all of the same style, the same satin material, but the colors are different.

Seven Fujin here, there is an extra golden ruyi.

Although the eldest sister-in-law is of the same generation, she respects her relatives, so Qi Fujin has to accept it, but she is not willing to take advantage of it for nothing.

When preparing gifts for the princess's children, Qi Fujin also prepared double gifts.

"Haha, it would be great if that's the case, and I will also receive the good fortune of the princess..."

Qifujin smiled happily, really looking forward to this.

Shu Shu glanced at Wu Fujin.

Wu Fujin listened with a smile, and also looked at Qi Fujin's stomach with a little envy.

Even a talented woman who has read a lot of poetry and books will be chaotic if she cares about it. If she listens to people talking a lot, she will inevitably be a little superstitious, and she will have a little faith in the saying that children pee.

Now that the ice has been broken between Fifth Elder Brother and Wu Fujin, they are much closer to the naked eye, and it will not be difficult for them to spread out in the future.

Hope everyone is doing well...

Shu Shu's mood also became cheerful.

Mulan Paddock is located at the junction of Mongolia and Manchuria.

Here, originally the pastures of several Mongolian tribes bordering Manchuria, were dedicated to Kangxi by several tribes.

With the arrival of the holy car, the whole paddock became lively.

Not only the officers and soldiers of the Eight Banners who were stationed there, but also the Mongolian princes from various tribes who came to court, and the warriors who accompanied them.

In addition to the three tribes of the Karaqin tribe, the Aohan tribe, and the Horqin tribe, the princes of the Wengniute tribe, the Naiman tribe, the Alu Horqin tribe, and the Guoerluo tribe came to the court. The Khalkha and Tumed tribes of Mobei Mongolia also sent envoys to the DPRK.

In the next [-] days, there will be nearly [-] officers and soldiers of the Eight Banners of Manchuria and Mongolia following Kangxi's siege.

The line is built on a sloping land, except for the officers and soldiers of the upper three banners to guard, and the lower five banners are responsible for the guards of the paddock.

The tents of the Mongolian princes are not far from the palace, and they are next to each other for about ten miles.

The adults of the Lifan Academy will arrange the division of camps in a unified manner.

The Mongolian tribes of the Inner Fan were sorted according to the size of the tribe and their closeness to the imperial court.

The envoys of the outer vassal Mongolia are on the outer level.

After many days, Shu Shu finally lived in a separate small courtyard again, before she had time to look more, she was summoned by the Queen Mother.

It turns out that there are also female relatives from various ministries who accompanied the Mongolian prince to the court this time.

Even the several Heshuo princesses whom I met before came with her husband this time.

Princess Duanjing is still gentle, but she is becoming more and more reticent in front of people, and is easily ignored by others.

Princess Duanmin didn't know if she had been persuaded by her husband and children, but she still looked arrogant, but in accordance with the rules, she was no longer as rampant as when she was in her own territory.

Princess Chunxi is graceful and majestic, not the round and thoughtful appearance before, full of royal momentum, even with Princess Duanmin, her aunt, she was not suppressed at all.

It's the love-to-hear and relative-recognition link again...

Shu Shu's several princes, Fujin, became decorations, followed by the Queen Mother, and received many greeting gifts.

When they met the junior daughters, they dispersed a little more.

Maybe it's because she's tired, or maybe she's got enough money, Shushu has calmed down a lot about all kinds of gold and gems.

He received generously, and his hands were not stingy, like a passing God of Wealth.

The same is true for Wufujin and Qifujin. After all, as the prince Fujin, they also represent the face of the elder brother and the court. If you really want to be stingy, it will make people laugh.

Besides, during this trip to Mongolia, everyone earned a lot of money.

Even if part of it is scattered, there is still the big head in my hand, and I am satisfied, and there is nothing reluctant to part with it.

After working for a long time, I exchanged pleasantries in Manchu, Mongolian, and Chinese. When I got back to my residence, Shu Shu was already talking dry. She drank two cups of tea and didn't want to move.

In fact, she still likes the house life.

She thinks it's a social horror, but she always becomes a social bull by accident.

Shu Shu herself couldn't figure out why.

Xiao Song pressed it from the beginning to the end, and she was considered alive.

There will be a banquet tonight to welcome the Mongolian princes who are coming to court. At that time, their prince Fujin will also attend in auspicious clothes to entertain Fujin and his wife who are coming to court.

"Where is the master? Haven't come back?"

Shu Shu turned over and sat up, rubbed her neck, and asked Walnut.

After setting off today, without resting on the way, we arrived at Mulan Palace before noon.

After the couple settled down in the small courtyard, Brother Jiu got the order first and went to Yuqian.

"Not yet..."

Walnut replied: "It should be soon, the clothes haven't changed yet..."

The master and the servant were talking, and Brother Jiu came back from the outside with great strides.

Seeing Shu Shu, he took a good look and said, "You don't need to change your clothes, just change your shoes, I will take you to learn more..."

Shu Shu estimated the time, and there was still more than an hour before the dinner party, which was very rich.

"Is it going out on horseback? What are you going to see?"

Shu Shu couldn't guess for a while.

Before she came to Mulan Paddock, she thought it was a hunting ground of several square kilometers.

Only when I got here did I realize that Mulan Paddock is [-] miles from east to west and [-] miles from north to south, which is extremely large.

It covers mountains, hills, grasslands, swamps and other landforms, with dense forests, interlaced rivers, and birds and animals everywhere.

According to the different terrain, the whole paddock is divided into [-] small paddocks.

Only around the paddock, eight palaces have been designated for site selection, and eight palaces will be built in succession in the future, which shows the vastness of the paddock.

Ninth elder brother put on a show, only with a smug face, and didn't answer.

After Shu Shu changed her shoes, the two came out.

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen are already waiting.

The mounts of Shu Shu and Brother Jiu are also ready.

Without guards, the destination should be nearby.

Shu Shu has a judgment.

Sure enough, everyone rode to the east, and within a quarter of an hour, they saw a group of buildings.

The yard at the front looks quite big, and there are plaques hanging on it.

It turned out to be the location of the Yamen in charge of the paddock.

Several people did not dismount, passed through the general manager's yamen, and arrived at a row house behind.

Before approaching, a strange smell came from the yard.

It smells a little bit smelly, a bit smelly, and also faintly smells like popcorn...

Shu Shu felt weird.

What is this mixed up?
The horse under him was already feeling uneasy and backed away.

Brother Nine had already dismounted from the horse, and came over to help Shu Shu down upon seeing this.

Entering the yard, I saw a cast iron cage as tall as a person and as long as a foot.

Inside, there was a big colorful tiger lying on its stomach.

Looking at the figure, it is already an adult tiger, and the cage is about to be filled.

When the big tiger saw someone coming at the door, he turned his head and looked over. It was Wang Zhi's contempt, and his tail swayed comfortably. According to visual estimation, the tail was three or four feet long.

Shu Shu felt a little soft.

This can also be regarded as absolute suppression on the bloodline.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and they had already leaned forward, circling around the cast iron cage.

The distance between the two of them was only two or three feet from the cage.

Shu Shu looked terrified.

Fortunately, the iron railings of the cast-iron cage were as thick as a child's arm, and they were quite dense. The gap in the middle was not enough for a tiger's slap or something.

The steward of the paddock knew that the princes came to see the tiger, so he brought two cages of chickens.

This is for tigers.

Brother Jiu held Shu Shu's hand, felt the wetness of her palm, and said, "Don't be afraid, you can't get out..."

Shu Shu felt that this tiger was bigger than the Siberian tiger seen in the news later on, so he hesitated and said, "Is this kind of tiger the most useful tiger gun?"

The tiger gun is seven and a half feet, about two meters five.

This tiger is so tall and strong, it is more than [-] meters long.

Another seven or eight hundred catties.

Brother Nine nodded: "Of course it's very useful, and it's not a single-handed horse. Hundreds of tiger guns are aiming at it. Let alone one tiger, even three or five are just adding heads... Everyone put in a lot of effort, just because they are afraid. I hurt my skin, otherwise it would be easier..."

Shu Shu reckoned Kangxi's stature in his heart, and he was shorter than Brother Jiu.

Even with the help of everyone, daring to face such a tiger directly is considered powerful.

Brother Jiu saw that she was silent, thought she was still afraid, and said: "Don't worry, these are tigers that have never eaten humans, and tigers that have eaten humans must not be kept... I have been locked up here for some days , I’m too lazy to move when I’m full... I’ll have to be hungry for a few days before I release it, otherwise I’m sure I’m hiding somewhere. This year I’ve prepared four tigers, this one is the King Tiger, and one cub... ..."

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Brother Thirteen looked at the chicken coop, wanting to feed the tiger by themselves, but they were afraid of scaring Shu Shu.

Shu Shu didn't want to face the blood, and didn't want to spoil the interest of the two little ones, so she said to Brother Jiu: "Isn't there still a little tiger? Lord, take me to see it?"

The ninth elder brother agreed, and then told the tenth elder brother: "Look at Shisan, don't touch the tiger's tail with your hands, and don't put your hand into the cage..."

After giving instructions, the two came out and went to the next yard.

In this yard, there is a similar cast iron cage, and the tiger inside is much smaller.

It is said to be a tiger cub, but it is not the kind of milk tiger that can be held in the arms.

It is estimated to be one meter long, and it looks about the size of a golden retriever, but the body is fatter.

The little tiger was lying on its stomach before, but when it heard the movement, it stood up, bared its teeth at the two of them, and made an attack.


Shu Shu took her joy and walked to the cage.

The little tiger was frightened, took two steps back, and "hummed" like a cat.

Compared with the Tiger King next door, this is really cute...

 Let’s update the one-chapter first, and the next one will be in the afternoon. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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