Chapter 177 Insurance

Shu Shu's little rabbit got the favor of Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin as soon as he showed up.

Qi Fujin hugged one of them and did not let go, stroking gently: "My God, this hair is so soft..."

Wu Fujin also showed a rare childish look, carefully touching the other's long ear.

"Let me take care of you for two days, and our master will accompany me..."

Seventh Fujin played foolishly, begging to Shu Shu pitifully.

She used a stand-in, what else could Shu Shu say?
Looking at the trembling "Seventh Brother Rabbit" in her arms, he ordered: "I asked someone to order cabbage from the dining room, and you can take it with you later, just feed it directly... No need to wash it, it will get wet after washing it." The water is not good..."

Qifujin nodded quickly and wrote it down carefully.

There was a banquet in the evening, and the sister-in-law chatted and laughed a few words before breaking up.

Different from every banquet, the previous banquets were all private banquets.

The tribe leads the banner and the prince "has the banquet", or the princess and the forehead "has the banquet".

Today's banquet is a banquet given by the emperor to the princes and Fujin of the coming dynasty, and it can be regarded as a kind of imperial court state banquet.

The banquet was co-hosted by the Fine Food Department of the Ministry of Rites, Guanglu Temple, the Imperial Dining Room and Imperial Tea Room of the House of Internal Affairs, and the Management Office in the paddock.

Shu Shu changed into Prince Fujin's auspicious clothes, wearing an auspicious crown, and a string of beeswax beads on her chest.

Even the accompanying walnuts and small pine, both dressed in green court ladies' attire and with big braids, looked more quiet and careful than usual.

When they arrived at the banquet, Shu Shu looked at the tables and tables.

Full table?

The table was for two people, and Shu Shu was right behind Qi Fujin, and the two sisters-in-law were seated together.

The table was almost full.

The bottom layer is pastry.

Four pans of puff pastry.

Four plates of four-color Indian cakes.

Six plates of big pastry.

Two bowls of small pastry.

Three plates of red and white sprinkles.

On the next level are twelve plates of dried fruit and four plates of fresh fruit.

It was different from the joking and laughing at the previous banquet.

There are officials from the Ministry of Etiquette on the side.

During the whole banquet, everyone followed the arrangement of the officials of the Ministry of Rites, just like singing a puppet show.

There is only one main course for the banquet, which is steamed leg of lamb.

One leg of lamb per table.

Although there is a silver knife next to it, how can you eat it in full view?
Shu Shu looked around, and found that no one touched the leg of lamb at all, and there were very few people who ate pastry.

After all, most of the buns are puff pastry, and it would be indecent to lose the scum of the pastry.

At most, everyone eats two dried fruits, or fresh fruits such as grapes and tangerines.

In this dull and boring atmosphere, the banquet dragged on for an hour.

It started at the beginning of Xu and ended at the beginning of Hai.

You can bring home the pastries, dried and fresh fruits on each table.

Shu Shu ordered Walnut to collect it with Qifujin's girl, and brought it back.

It wasn't until he got back to the yard that Xiao Song said, "No wonder my master insists on having Fujin drink a bowl of noodle tea before going there... There's nothing to eat here..."

Shu Shu pointed to the two food boxes that were full, and said, "You guys should leave and eat..."

The oily and sugary snacks are not used to eating as a meal, but they are also difficult to eat on weekdays.

It is the handicraft of the dim sum chef in the Imperial Dining Room.

There are also these dried fruits and fruits, not to mention that they are palace maids, even Shushu didn't provide these.

Xiaosong happily responded, but did not carry it away, but took out a plate of sazi, a plate of ox tongue cake, a plate of walnuts, and a plate of grapes: "These are Fujin's favorite food, save them for milk tea ..."

Shu Shu drank a lot of water and wasn't hungry yet, but thinking of Brother Jiu, she nodded and said, "Then keep it..."

Xiao Yu came in and helped Shu Shu change into her auspicious clothes and hair.

Sun Jin had brought the little eunuch to bring hot water, and the tubs were all ready.

Before Shu Shu could take a bath, Qi Fujin sent someone over.

It was Haitang, the dowry maid of Qifujin, with a little palace lady and a rabbit cage in her hand.

"Jiufujin, we Fujin sent our slaves to bring the rabbit back..."

Haitang replied respectfully.

Shu Shu couldn't help being curious, looked at the rabbit, and was a little worried: "Isn't Zhang Luo going to raise it for a few days in the next afternoon? Why did he change his mind again? Was he bitten by a rabbit?"

She thought of this possibility.

Because just now when the sisters-in-law came back together, they heard Qi Fujin say that they would feed the rabbits with tangerines, and within a quarter of an hour, they changed their minds.

Haitang hurriedly said: "It's not because of's because our elder brother is back, and we Fujin said that we can't take care of raising rabbits for the time being..."

Shu Shu is silent.


The poor substitute rabbit was tragically abandoned in front of the true master.

Haitang left and took a comfortable bath.

It is also fragrant on the body.

Not for what...

This is not late autumn, when the autumn wind blows people's skin dry.

It will be Haizheng, and Brother Nine will come back.

He Yuzhu and the tenth elder brother supported the ninth elder brother on the left and the right.

Brother Thirteen followed with concern.

Brother Jiu's face was flushed, his eyes were closed, and he smelled of alcohol.

Seeing this, Shu Shu was startled, looked at He Yuzhu and frowned and said, "How much did you drink?"

Brother Nine is still taking medicine to regulate the spleen and stomach and avoids alcohol.

Every time before the banquet, brother Jiu would go through the motions, and if he really couldn't push it, he would just have a drink or two.

It was the first time that he was so drunk as today.

Elder Brother Shi felt guilty: "Sister-in-law, I didn't stop..."

The smell on his body was stronger than Brother Jiu's, and his eyes were bloodshot, and he was struggling.

He opened his mouth, reeking of alcohol.

This is not less drinking, but the drinking capacity seems to be stronger than Brother Jiu.

Elder Brother Thirteen was by the side, afraid that Shu Shu would misunderstand Elder Ten, he explained: "Sister-in-law, Elder Brother Ten has been stopping you, and even drank a lot on behalf of Brother Ninth... It's the Taijis from Prince Darhan's Mansion playing tricks today. , urging the prince of this banner to toast the ninth brother... the prince of the other banner didn't know the reason, and was worried that he would miss the etiquette, so he followed suit, and even the envoys from Outer Mongolia were not behind... The eldest brother is not here, the fifth brother Seventh Brother and Seventh Brother all came over to help drink..." At this point, I felt depressed: "Third Brother fooled Fifth Brother away, and even dragged Seventh Brother..."

Shu Shu frowned and listened.

It is not surprising that San Age's behavior that hurts others and does not benefit oneself.

Before he said that brother Jiu was a "love kind", Shu Shu still remembered it clearly.

In just a few days, it happened again.

Not bullying enough?

Shu Shu made a note of this in his heart.

She took a closer look at Brother Thirteen: "You didn't drink too much, did you?"

Children drink, be careful to become stupid.

Brother Thirteen shook his head: "Brother Ninth didn't let me drink..."

Shu Shu nodded: "Well, listen to Brother Niu, drink it after it's grown..."

The night is already deep.

Shu Shu then ordered Xiaotang to fetch honey and pear paste, and handed them to Elder Brother Shi's eunuch: "Go back and make some water for Elder Shi to drink, and go to sleep after waking up, so as not to have a headache tomorrow..."

When the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother left, the ninth elder brother who had been placed on the kang before, probably felt uncomfortable from being bound by the clothes, stared dazedly, and was tearing at his own clothes.

Shu Shu helped him remove his coat, asked He Yuzhu and Sun Jin to help him wipe it briefly, and then put him down again.

Brother Jiu fell asleep obediently.

Shu Shu sat in front of the vanity mirror and wiped off her blush and lip oil.

This third elder brother has surpassed the eighth elder brother to become Shu Shu's most hated uncle.

Come and go, it's not over yet, right? !

If you don't try to repay one or two, there will be a third and a fourth time!
Shu Shu was puffed up, lay down next to Brother Jiu, and fell asleep with him.

In a daze, an arm reached over.

It was Brother Jiu who turned over, still muttering in a low voice.

Shu Shu couldn't hear it clearly, so she leaned over, and heard Brother Jiu petting him: "Wait, master will catch a white fox to make you a collar tomorrow..."

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing, put Brother Jiu's arm back under the quilt, and fell asleep again.

The next morning, when Shu Shu opened her eyes, she saw a person standing in front of her.

It's Brother Nine.

Wearing a golden cotton armor with a helmet on his head and a knife on his waist.

Seeing that Shu Shu woke up, Elder Brother Jiu was proud, pointed at him, and said, "Look, Master is not majestic or majestic!"

Shu Shu turned over and got off the kang, and circled around Brother Jiu twice: "I didn't think much of it when I was preparing the armor yesterday, it looks so good on Grandpa..."

The point is to stop wearing a melon cap or top hat.

He looked like a handsome young general.

Today is the day of the first walk around.

From the emperor down, all the royal families, princes, ministers of civil and military affairs, and soldiers of the Eight Banners who participated in the siege all had to wear battle clothes, and even the horses wore vests.

The Siege of Mulan is more like the Eight Banners training, or the Eight Banners parade.

On such an occasion, it is not suitable to bring a personal attendant.

Whether it is the tenth elder brother or the thirteenth elder brother, there are a few Haha beads by his side.

Only brother Jiu is alone.

Shu Shu sent him out, feeling very worried, and told him: "Master, be careful, and rest by the side when you're tired..."

Brother Nine saw her worry, and comforted her: "Don't worry, the rest of us followed Khan Ama and didn't go to the side... Unlike the boss and the third, who went to the two paddocks on the side..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu was really relieved.

Six hundred tiger guns battalion battalion guards, retinue line surrounded.

What else could be unsafe?
The whole camp fell silent.

In front of the camp, several sheds were built.

The shed in the middle was vacant, with bright yellow seats, reserved for Kangxi.

In the shed on the right, the Empress Dowager brought her concubines, prince Fujin, and princess, together with Mongolian Fujin and wives, were drinking tea and eating pastries, waiting for the victory of the first round of travel.

Sunny weather today with good visibility.

This place also occupies a convenient location, looking into the distance, you can see the approximate progress of the line by looking and guessing.

In front of the Queen Mother, there is also a clairvoyance.

The Queen Mother looked at Shu Shu and the others, fearing that they would not be able to sit still because they were too young, so she just wanted to ask someone to pass the clairvoyance to them.

Princess Duanmin had already opened her mouth and said, "Ene, let my daughter make me... I want to see where our lord's team is..."

The Queen Mother nodded.

The nurse next to Princess Duanmin took the Qianlimu and handed it to Princess Duanmin.

Princess Duanmin smiled contemptuously at Shu Shu's direction, and her eyes fell on Shu Shu, showing her disgust.

Shu Shu's expression remained unchanged, knowing that she was being blamed.

Brother Jiu caught Princess Duanmin's sons asking for "orders". The princess is holding a grudge...

(End of this chapter)

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