Chapter 178 Asking (the first monthly ticket is asked)

Shu Shu didn't care about Princess Duanmin's likes and dislikes.

Just like what she had advised Wu Fujin before, it's just a few days of contact, and a long distance in the future, a relationship that can't be made in eight hundred years, let her go.

I am not gold, and I don't need everyone's love.

Shu Shu also looked into the distance.

Because the distance is too far to see clearly, we can only half-guess.

You can faintly hear the sound of horseshoes.

There is also the dispatch of the cavalry, which brings dust all over the sky.

Small black dots flew across the sky, like birds being startled.

A troop of cavalry appeared from the east, coming from behind the hill.

Another team crossed the swamp.

In today's siege, Kangxi is the absolute protagonist.

Starting tomorrow, there will be more than a dozen round trips, large and small.

When the itinerary is halfway through, the limited team will be reduced.

Brother Jiu has talked to Shu Shu several times, and when the time comes, he will find a small paddock and take her there too.

Shu Shu looked forward to it, looking for the trace of Zhenghongqi among the teams.

She hoped that Zhenghongqi would have a good capture.

At that time, there will be a gift of wine, although it is not a reward of real money, but it is also a time to show the ranking of the Eight Banners' fighting power.

But because it is too far away, the naked eye cannot tell.

All the people have become dots, and the colors cannot be distinguished.

Shu Shu glanced at the clairvoyant in Princess Duanmin's hand, and felt emotional.

There are always such people in the world, such as San Age and Princess Duanmin.

Injuring others is not good for oneself.

If it harms others and benefits oneself, it can still be said to be human nature. After all, no one is a saint illuminated by the light of Buddha.

But harming others and benefiting oneself is immoral and purely bad.

There was the faint sound of war drums.

Each team is doing a charge-like action...


Shengjia has already moved.

Around Kangxi, clan princes, confidant ministers, guards, etc., surrounded by layers.

The ninth elder brother, the tenth elder brother, and the thirteenth elder brother were coerced into it and could not move freely.

The area surrounded by the soldiers of the Eight Banners became smaller and smaller, from a square of tens of miles to a square of several miles.

All kinds of wild animals expelled in the middle, common wild boar, deer, gazelle, roe deer, pheasant, hare, etc., are also mixed with some uncommon wild animals.

The place next to it is okay, no one dares to fight for it here in Yuqian.

They are all waiting for Kangxi's capture.

The thirteenth elder brother has sharp eyes and has already seen the colorful figures mixed with wild animals: "Look, brother nine, brother ten, it's a tiger..."

Not only a tiger, but also the big tiger I saw yesterday.

It is not surprising that Brother Nine and Brother Ten have participated in the parade.

The tiger was prepared in advance, just for the emperor to capture it.

Otherwise, how can you get on the living room after walking around for half a day and shooting a bunch of roe deer and rabbits?
On a certain day, Mulan was in autumn, hunting rabbits, one gazelle and two?
Thousands of horses are galloping, but the tiger still looks calm.

The thirteenth elder brother said regretfully: "This is too full to eat, so I didn't run away..."

This is what children say.

Even the hungry tiger, entering the encirclement, is also a dead end.

Nine Brothers looked away from the tiger and watched among the beasts.

Just this big animal?

What about the black bear?
When you see people, you will go crazy, and your animal nature will also be aroused. If you see it, you have to be more careful.

Thirty miles away, East Road Paddock.

The scene was silent.

On the ground lay a bloody bear corpse, and another bloody corpse.

Walking on the high ground where she was, Shu Shu was still looking at the encirclement in the distance.

The surrounding is almost complete, and the rest is hunting.

The emperor shot first, the prince followed suit, and then princes and nobles shot on horseback.

I don't know if brother Jiu can shoot the fox.

Shu Shu thought about it, and realized that Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin were bored and didn't pay attention to the paddock.

Thinking of Brother Jiu's previous words, Shu Shu asked, "Aren't the fifth and seventh masters on the court?"

Wu Fujin pointed to the direction to the east: "My lord followed Zhijun Wang and brought the Mongolian prince's younger generation to the paddock over there..."

Qi Fujin also said: "Our master is following Cheng Junwang, the small paddock to the west..."

When Shu Shu heard "Cheng Jun Wang", thinking of his behavior, he was afraid that he was still habitually suppressing his younger brother.

But Seventh Brother is not a vegetarian either, so he shouldn't be spoiled.

Qifujin also thought of this, covered his mouth with a handkerchief and smiled: "If you treat our master as a soft persimmon, then Chengjun King will be disappointed..."

Shu Shu smiled, but in her heart she wondered how she should clean up the third elder brother before returning to Beijing.

Otherwise, the family will become a soft persimmon.

"What the hell is spoiled? You sent someone to ask me for face cream yesterday. I owe her what I owe her..."

When everyone mentioned the third elder brother, Qi Fujin couldn't help complaining.

Wu Fujin smiled wryly: "A few days ago, someone sent someone to borrow hair oil from me... I had a spare, so I asked someone to give it to her, and then I got spices once, tea twice, and yesterday I came to ask me about my woolen clothes ..."

Shu Shu and Qi Fujin looked at Wu Fujin disapprovingly.

This kind of person can't get used to it.

Even if she answered the first ninety-nine times, it was still a fault if she refused once.

And she even pushed her nose on her face, otherwise she wouldn't dare to look for Shu Shu's side, it's just because Wu Fujin has a good temper.

Wu Fujin spread his hands and said, "I've already refused..."

Wufujin and Qifujin didn't bring big woolen clothes either.

There is only one set in Wufujin's place, which was given by the eldest princess a few days ago, and a set for the prince Fujin, which is made of sable lining and satin material.

Naturally, it is impossible to lend this set of clothes to Tian Gege.

Not to mention that she is the county king Gege now, even the county king Fang Fujin who has been invited to be named should not say this.

Qifujin laughed with a "puchi": "Are you trying to compare yourself to us? It's so much fun. Then for more than a month, I can't get angry..."

The three of them muttered to each other, and Princess Duanmin looked very glaring, suspecting that they were speaking ill of herself.

Especially Qi Fujin's expression was not concealed, with gloating and sarcasm.

Princess Duanmin took the seat right, feeling very bad, thinking that they were mocking the emperor for treating her family poorly.

Most of the other princess mansions have two banquets.

One time was the princess and the forehead, and the other time was the elders of the husband's clan.

Only when he came to her place, the emperor didn't give him face, stayed for one night and left.

Although the emperor later went to worship the princess's grandfather, the princess still felt embarrassed, as if she had become a laughing stock.

"What are you guys talking about? You're so happy, if you say it out loud, you'll make everyone happy too..."

Princess Duanmin looked at the little sisters-in-law with a half-smile, and said.

Everyone looked at the little sisters-in-law.

Princess Chunxi smiled and said: "Are the younger brothers and sisters thinking about the hunting results of the emperor's brothers... Don't worry, don't worry, they are all taught by Khan Ama, and the results will definitely not be bad..."

Princess Duanjing also said softly: "Yes, don't worry..."

There were two princesses talking, and the atmosphere on the court calmed down again.

Princess Duanmin raised her brows and snorted coldly, "Speaking of this? Why don't I feel like..."

Wu Fujin stood up, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Of course, these are the others, and there are some whispers between our sisters-in-law, so it's not easy to tell the eldest princess..."

Seven Fujin and Shu Shu followed suit.

Princess Duanmin stared, unwilling to let go: "It must not be a polite word, otherwise why wouldn't you listen to it?"

Wu Fujin was surprised: "Where did this come from? We just said that there are white rabbits in the paddock that can be used as muffs, and we also mentioned tomorrow's barbecue..."

Qi Fujin nodded beside him and added: "Yes, yes, it's the first time we've come here, and we're not familiar with this place, so there's nothing else to say except eating and drinking..."

Princess Duanmin still didn't believe it and wanted to speak.

Shu Shu had already spoken, and looked directly at Princess Duanmin: "We talked about something else!"

Princess Duanmin's face drooped, and she looked at Shu Shu contemptuously: "It really made me guess, and I wondered what was wrong... Are you using me to grind your teeth? Otherwise, what are you looking at me with? Are you So bold, dare to act and act..."

Shu Shu frowned, with a bit of innocence, and said: "The eldest princess misunderstood, the two sister-in-laws never mentioned the eldest princess, it was my doubts, and I was talking about Jiu Ye's drunkenness last night with the two sisters-in-law... who doesn't know, Jiu Shu Grandpa has an unhealthy diet and is taking medicine to recuperate his body. Not to mention abstaining from alcohol, it's almost the same... It was like this when I had a banquet in the palace... I don't know why I offended a few Tai Ji, and I caught Master Jiu last night It's just drinking. When I came back yesterday, I didn't know about the personnel. My niece and daughter-in-law were all frightened... This ruined the medicine's properties, and it would delay the healing of the body. It's so good that people dare not think..."

Princess Duanmin said disapprovingly: "Just a few cups of wine will affect the properties of the medicine... If Lao Jiu is really a sick child, shouldn't he stay in Beijing to recuperate, and why should he come out after him? There is no such thing as looking for death, Don't try to blackmail people with this..."


The queen mother scolded: "What nonsense? This is what you should say when you are an aunt..."

Concubine Yi sat on the left hand side of the empress dowager, her gaze also sank.

This is not the first time!

Princess Duanmin felt uncomfortable, but she learned a lesson, and she didn't argue with the Queen Mother, she just said: "Ene knows me, she is the most sincere, and she has always spoken with no intentions, even if the words are rushed to this point, who would curse sincerely?" People can't do it?"

Speaking of this, she looked at Shu Shu, and reprimanded: "What a sharp mouth, you put a hat on me in a few words... Hurry up and accept the grievance, do you want me to compensate you..."

It's hard to wipe her face away, she's looking for love from Shu Shu.

Without avoiding it, Shu Shu looked at Princess Duanmin and said, "Our master said something this morning, maybe it was a matter of several Tai Ji for the gold belt... If so, there is no need to look for Jiu Ye, Jiu Ye has already arranged for the gold belt." Those are handed over to the Internal Affairs Office, if the Taijis want to get back the deposit, they can be delivered directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

Princess Duanmin was looking for an opportunity to mention this.

That's not three or five taels of gold.

Why don't you grab a gold belt of two hundred taels of gold? !

The dignified prince elder brother is poor and crazy, use this as an excuse to make money in Mongolia?
My own forehead and a few sons are worth a thousand taels of gold.

Princess Duanmin was really reluctant.

If the gold is offered to the prince, it can be exchanged for grace in the future.

What's the use of giving it to a bald elder brother who is at the bottom of the ranking?

After hearing Shu Shu's words, Princess Duanmin shook her head and said, "Didn't Lao Jiu make it out by himself? Why did he become the Ministry of Internal Affairs again? Could it be to fool people? Anyway, no matter if it's a gold belt or a silver belt, our palace doesn't make it." It's..."

(End of this chapter)

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